the #1 thing that pisses me off is that normies and women believe incels don't try at all

54  2018-05-25 by cool144

most incels have friends. lift/play sports. have hobbies/talents. have a job or go to school. keep good hygiene. are funny interesting people. and actively try to meet women

women and above average looking men don't understand that being physically unattractive prevents incels from ever securing a relationship with a woman. most incels don't want a model 10/10. they just want a gf


Most incels also think of women as “fucking sluts” who only want to date Chad, so maybe that has something to do with it...

Yes, women are mind readers.

In late summer, circa 2003, top secret scientists implanted misogyny radars into every female human's brain, thus eliminating potential spousal abuse and violent crimes against women.

The guys on my highschool football team often referred to various girls in our school to be "sluts". Guess how many of those gentlemen regularly got laid with said "sluts"?

Aint that truth? Women only want to fuck chad , and i want to fuck stacy


Certainly im not chad

You are going to get down voted to oblivion for insulting these jokes (incels). All they do is bitch and complain about being the victim.

Indeed. Normies and femoids show their ignorance when they come here with their platitudes, not realizing that some of us are (relatively speaking) more productive than them.

They don't tell you these things because they want to help you, they tell you these things to pacify.


Exactly, imo never underestimate the self-agency of an incel or anyone who doesn't partake in relationships. They mostly get more shit done because of the extra time they have not pursuing or thinking about pursuing mates. But, because they lack the satisfaction and contentedness derived from a significant other they can be more driven to seek change in the world around them as a way to achieve satisfaction.

Its like rich think poors dont work hard enough

tbh poors work harder but most will never work smarter

A poor person still might get a lucky break: land that one job that pays enough to take advantage of good opportunities, plug away at education long enough, etc. I can't [x]-maxx my way past 5'7" and ugly.


Lol you are so wrong , you need to listen ratm

More than 2/3rds of people in any SES stay in that SES, attributable to systemic factors.

Easy example, incarceration - get caught with an ounce of marijuana that could be months of prison for a minority/poor.

Commit wire fraud, embezzle money, tax evasion as a billionaire/multi-national corporation? Just a simple fine and maybe community service, worse case scenario your fall-back guy does a few months in low-security prison akin to a hotel.

This place has become very low IQ lately.

As if any significant portion of those who are working minimum wage jobs end up in prison. Yeah, the war on drugs is silly, but commiting felonies when you know the consequences still falls under "dumb".

Also consider the possibility that most people stay in their income range because intellectual potential is genetic.

That was just ann example of systemic punishment disproportionately affecting lower SES. If a poor person gets a speeding ticket, they might struggle to make ends meet, maybe they can't afford daycare for their child and now have to take time off work and make less money, whereas the CEO in his lambo can shrug it off like nothing.

And just lol if you think intellect has anything to do with success in the West. How do you explain the economics/business bros with 3.0 GPAs who throw keggers every weekend landing positions at their dad's firm?

Looks, status, connections, luck, and then maybe intellect.

How do you explain the economics/business bros with 3.0 GPAs who throw keggers every weekend landing positions at their dad's firm? Easy, they're a strawman you made up. They're so rare as to be insignificant in a general discussion. Most people making $60k aren't these fratboys. Also lol at you thinking you have to be lambo-rich to afford a speeding ticket. Maybe the people who were cutting their budget that close should've waited until marriage to have kids. The overwhelming majority of people who do so avoid poverty.

It's like you've never set foot on a campus or read a book, keep coping. My last example, after which no use talking to someone who can't overcome their own ego and admit their biases. Several friends and I started the same pre-med program at a good school, none of us with scholarships, with similar work ethic, intellect (scores), etc.,

Difference was, my parents helped pay for school, my friends had to work concurrently on top of a rigorous program. After class while I could go back and chill before hitting the books, my friends were pulling 6 hour + shifts, coming home late at night and having to study. Guess who was able to keep up their GPA and matriculate into med school and who wasn't?

Have to wonder if you're even incel, a trucel would understand there are extrinsic factors outside one's control contributing to one's life circumstances.

Staying above the poverty line is completely within one's control, barring disabilities. I have 3 years of credits (which I'm paying off the loans for), and I have a job. Your anecdotes don't change the fact that of people who graduate high school, have kids AFTER marriage, and work full-time, 86% are not in poverty.

In other words, if you are impoverished then you are either disabled in some way or stupid with money.

What you call "smarter" translates into more evil , gangster wise

Being unattractive doesn't prevent anyone from ever securing a relationship. Walk through any populated area and you'll see ugly guys with their girlfriends. It really baffles me that you lot think this way, ugly people have relationships and they have sex regularly. Just find your level and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

I can garunteed what you think is an "ugly guy" isn't ugly. many incels hit on drug addicts, 250lb+ women, mothers with kids etc. still no luck.

If I could meet you in real life I'd personally pay you if you could get incels girl friends

I'd be very intrigued to see how 'incels' do hit on these women. If you're hitting on people out of desperation then it is palpable to women and off-putting. I'm not going to pretend there are some guys who are downright out of the race, but there are very ugly guys I see with girlfriends, who admittedly are ugly too - but they seem happy together which is the main thing.

I have actually helped a friend who, while not openly admitting to being incel, did repeat a lot of what I read on here about height, chads, 80/20 rule, hypergamy etc and he has been with a couple of women now. He's naturally a witty & funny guy, but his skin was bad, he had awful facial hair and his dress sense was lacking. He asked me for some advice on what/where to buy and he's come out with me and a few friends to bars/clubs and it's good to see him break the rut. This is all very recent, and he's 26 and was a virgin until a few months back.

I've yet to see an incel (on this board or r/incel) that was genuinely ugly and without hope, but I understand that the mindset is hard to break once you've bought into it.

I will personally pay you, if you can use the provided image of an incel and get a woman to meet up with him via tinder

You need more than one low quality image to get on tinder. I can't imagine him having a problem finding a South Asian partner, if he is realistic about what's attainable.

Ok that guy is doable.

Take off the glasses, shave the incel stache, and get some good lighting and good clothes, and you'll have at least an avg looking guy (I'd even say above average) who could get a despo girl on tinder.

he is not even ugly. he looks like your avrg south indian.

he is not even ugly

he looks like your avrg south indian.

Pick one sweetie


I don't think you know what we mean when we say ugly.

Well, according to some on here anyone below a 6/10 is an incel or a cuck who's lucked out & his girl is cheating on him.

4-6 is cuck, below 4 is over.

Idk wtf an incel is, but I like the word. Sounds demeaning.

I digress, the problem is that these 3s want to fuck/ date 8s-10s. They don’t want to stick to their level.

Ah, the usual "YOU WANT STACY" bullshit, of course. I've never hit on a woman above a 5, and I've still gotten rejected 37 fucking times.

u/GeneticCleansing, just look through this fucking normie's comment history to find more than enough material for a ban.

Idk who Stacy is.

What’s a normie?

You’re probably a 2 and you are trying to get a 5. Why not go after a 2? Why not go below that and get a 1?

You can ban me. I find this sub mad funny about how ugly virgin guys are crying that models aren’t interested in them. Accept the cards you were dealt. Some people have cancer and they aren’t bitching as much as the idiots here. Get over yourself. Maybe take a shower every now and then. Hit the gym. Get better hygiene. Be more outgoing. You can’t be a fat smelly slob that plays MTG and complain about no girl wants you. Get a life. Plenty of ugly guys got laid (your dad is an example, not a joke just straight facts). Maybe they had something more going for them than bitching and doing nothing positive about it. Grow up.

A mod of the sub being named Geneticcleansing really says a lot about the ideas of this sub.

Except you have no idea why he picked that username. So right now you're just missing the joke.

It's almost like is not funny because genetic cleansing has really happened and people have lost loved ones because of it.

And you're still just demonstrating that you'd rather judge the guy upfront instead of asking what it means (he's certainly not a nazi).

I never mentioned anything about Nazis

What other “genetic cleansing“ are you referring to then that has you getting up your own ass?

Excuse you very much! I don't need to "get up" my own ass, I've existed there comfortably since birth.

You can act smug all you want. The fact that you can't piece together the joke is even more hilarious.

that's the first time I saw an incel use the word woman/women. Because you can't claim you're trying if you can't even refer to a woman as a fellow human being IMHO.

The thing I don't hear enough about on this sub is the fact women use makeup. Katy Perry with makeup... 7/10 maybe. Without.. she literally looks like Loki had a hangover. Rihanna without makeup

She's a 3/10 yet with a makeup team they convinced the world she's a sex symbol for a couple years.

Rihanna is still attractive without makeup. It’s something to do with her forehead idk

There's no fucking way that's Katy Perry.

Maybe your TERRIFYING views on women and masculinity are at fault. Seriously, all of you need therapy so badly it is truly scary.

When a normie says you need therapy, it means that you definetly don't need therapy.

I do not think most people here are funny, interesting people in real life. I think the majority are socially stunted.

There are too many IRL examples of below average men in relationships for me to EVER believe that the majority of people here are Incel based solely on looks.

If you are legitimately fucking ugly when looksmaxed due to some facial deformity or a very, very unfortunate set of features then ok, you are gonna have a rough time. But if you are average or below and are a virgin? You ARE doing something wrong.

We are socially stunted BECAUSE we are ugly.

I would not be socially stunted if I had not spent my entire childhood and teenage years being bullied for being an ugly asian male with a recessed chin given the nickname "ratface". This stuff all correlated, you normies can't see the forest for the trees.

Maybe it's not necessarily your look mate. Maybe you are just weird around women just like I was before. Before I posted a picture of me on Reddit, I really thought I was ugly because I didn't get any attention from women. Then, I realised my game was weak and I wasn't actually incel. Sorry, for sounding cheesy, but I would suggest on improving yourself as much as possible. Best of luck mate, don't hesitate to PM if you have any questions!

It's true though. Many incels either don't try or aren't trying in the right direction.

  • Are you wearing presentable, fitting clothes?
  • Are you shaving properly? or are there stubs on your face?
  • Have you monitored the way you talked? Are you sure you don't talk too fast or in an off putting way?
  • Are you not overweight/underweight?
  • Do you know how to show interest in a non creepy way?
  • Do you know how to handle rejection gracefully?

Of course there are some incels that will never, ever get a girl even with all such things, but that is rare, like really rare.

Many things in life, other than height is fixable. Even face, you could get surgery if you're really that despo. It would cost some time and money, but if it's really the thing that's holding you back from living the life of chad, what's stopping you?

I can assure you that some of you that call yourselves incels are trapping yourselves into it and are circlejerking at this sub just because doing so is more comfortable than actually trying and getting rejected.

Saying "tfw not chad LUL" and making fun of roasties is easy. Having an objective look at the mirror and saying "these are where I fall short, and I'll fix it" is hard.

Original advice thanks man now i have a gf

Or just meet someone online - she can't see you so you can't blame it on looks. Platitude spoiler Try to start a conversation about something/anything else and even if you exchange pics, and she doesn't respond well to them, if she doesn't reject you right away and you hit it off in other areas wait it out and keep talking awhile. You might be surprised not to find yourself in the friend zone and actually have her in love with you.

just fix your bone structure bro

This isn't /r/neckbeards you stupid fuck. You're not an incel if you haven't spent years trying to improve yourself only to end up exactly where you started, with nothing.

This is my first post in this group...mostly because it's your space, and I'm not going to come in here and lecture you about anything (usually). This post itself is a symptom of a problem, though.

I have never thought, with the exception of a very few, incels here aren't trying. Many seem to place an inflated value on looks, though. Frequently, I think it's anxiety, depression, inexperience, or some combination/something similar. Then, any thing you perceive as an imperfection about yourself is going to be amplified in your mind. It's a vicious cycle that can lead to a pretty extreme reaction. Unfortunately, this reaction makes it even harder for self proclaimed incels to find someone. It can destroy confidence, which is highly important. That anger that is built up, it comes out whether you know it or not. Facial expressions, body language, many things you don't even realize you might be doing that humans pick up on subconsciously make it impossible to hide. Not in the "HE'S AN INCEL GROSS GET AWAY!!!!" way, but more the "something is off, I'm not certain what it is, so I'm going to follow my gut and avoid this" way. This is especially true if you are not some model looking dude. Good looks can overcome a lot "gut feeling". It may not seem fair...but little is.

I honestly think that most of you are decent frustrated people, that have a chance you are unable see. I want to help...I wish I could help more than words on a screen...contrary to the popular opinion about IT, I really do not like to, or want to see suffering. Then you come here, and there are the few that ARE the stereotype...those who want to keep you down with them. They fill your head with venom and hopelessness...making Pulling you down with them is easier than admitting that maybe they share the chunk of the blame for their situation. Then they tell you things like "it's over" or any other variety of similar things, and they may very well start to have you believing it...which means you may stop trying.

Though I don't believe I would be considered unattractive to most, I'm 5'7, chunky, and an introvert that can have social/anxiety issues. If I had found a group like this at the age a lot of people do, I shudder to think what it could have done to me.

I have been turned down. It stings, it's a blow to the ego an confidence...but it happens. Generally, though, I end up dating girls that I believe are much prettier than I am. I have dated girls taller than I am. I have dated girls smarter than I am. I may not be able to run out to a bar, and grab the first pretty girl I see, and take her home with me like some of the super attractive stereotypical types can, but I can allow them to get to know me a bit. It works surprisingly well, and gives you a chance to get to know them beyond a set of nice tits and ass. You can avoid a lot of crazy like that, and know before they're in your house if you think it's someone you'd like to know better, and not just fuck. It's slower, it's harder, and if you really want to call things fair or not, it's not. Over time though, I have learned to appreciate the way I have to go about it, instead of the ol' "grab & go" has saved me a lot of trouble in the long run.

I don't hate you, I don't look at you with disgust, I don't think you're stupid, incompetent, or not trying. I just see a lot of people here taking a path that is not going to do them any favors.

I wish I could help more than words on a screen...contrary to the popular opinion about IT, I really do not like to, or want to see suffering.

So why engage with IT in the first place, a sub that, at large, seems to revel in the suffering of incels?

to become blackpilled you had to have gone thru all those phases, blue pill, pua, self improvement, personality, redpill, denial, etc... and then eventually woke with the blackpill.

they think incels never did shit lol

We believe you guys try we, well me personally think you guys need to go back to basics. Imagine trying to teach someone MMA when all they see is kungfu movies and shit. You guys give it your all but the fundamentals arent there. That being said some of you may be unreachable/unteachable.

Lol, I imagine sometimes how many incels are cringe and claim to be NT in here and in real life, they’re more vocal than a songbird and people squirm whenever they open their mouth.

I wish I could help more than words on a screen...contrary to the popular opinion about IT, I really do not like to, or want to see suffering.

So why engage with IT in the first place, a sub that, at large, seems to revel in the suffering of incels?

That was just ann example of systemic punishment disproportionately affecting lower SES. If a poor person gets a speeding ticket, they might struggle to make ends meet, maybe they can't afford daycare for their child and now have to take time off work and make less money, whereas the CEO in his lambo can shrug it off like nothing.

And just lol if you think intellect has anything to do with success in the West. How do you explain the economics/business bros with 3.0 GPAs who throw keggers every weekend landing positions at their dad's firm?

Looks, status, connections, luck, and then maybe intellect.