George Orwell on incels nearly a century ago

273  2018-05-25 by minoxidilcel

It will be seen from these figures that at the charity level men outnumber women by something like ten to one. The cause is presumably that unemployment affects women less than men; also that any presentable woman can, in the last resort, attach herself to some man. The result, for a tramp, is that he is condemned to perpetual celibacy. For of course it goes without saying that if a tramp finds no women at his own level, those above - even a very little above - are as far out of reach as the moon. The reasons are not worth discussing, but there is little doubt that women never, or hardly ever, condescend to men who are much poorer than themselves.

A tramp, therefore, is a celibate from the moment when he takes to the road. He is absolutely without hope of getting a wife, a mistress, or any kind of woman except — very rarely, when he can raise a few shillings — a prostitute.

It is obvious what the results of this must be: homosexuality, for instance, and occasional rape cases. But deeper than these there is the degradation worked in a man who knows that he is not even considered fit for marriage. The sexual impulse, not to put it any higher, is a fundamental impulse, and starvation of it can be almost as demoralizing as physical hunger. The evil of poverty is not so much that it makes a man suffer as that it rots him physically and spiritually. And there can be no doubt that sexual starvation contributes to this rotting process. Cut off from the whole race of women, a tramp feels himself degraded to the rank of a cripple or a lunatic. No humiliation could do more damage to a man’s self-respect.

― George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London, 1933


On point as always. Show this to some basic Redditor who quotes 1984 as gospel.

celebrity endorsement .

Sticky the shit out of this. Forever

Normie here. 1984 is probably my favorite book and I do think Orwell is correct here. He's talking about how the evil of poverty and how it cuts one off from female companionship which contributes to the degradation of self respect, sanity, and overall wellbeing.

Sure. Agreed. Seems pretty reasonable.

So you're extrapolating this to mean that being an incel garners the same results. Again. Seems fair. You guys don't seem stable exactly.

Why wouldn't I touch this?

Looks have become more important as women's liberation has occurred. They no longer have to settle for guys they didn't desire but had a decent income. Far less so than now.

retard alert


So get a job....

(((Get lost)))

Did he ever find those "let's kill all the Jews" threads? He never responded when we called him out on it. He's just a low-KEY troll.

Just found one above you

Read what I said again. Room temperature IQ .


Top. Mind.

You're completely delusional lmao. Get help.

Says the Top Mind Incel

Seconded, absolute sticky material.

"The sexual impulse, not to put it any higher, is a fundamental impulse, and starvation of it can be almost as demoralizing as physical hunger."

lmao. one of the smartest men ever says the exact same thing that we say all the time, and we get called stupid for it. So is George Orwell stupid as well?

'George Orwell was the product of his time; despite contributing great works in some facets of sociopolitical discussion, he was also, by virtue of the period, typical in the ways of a privileged, white man benefiting from the Patriarchal structure that existed and still exists today. Such a structure deems women as property, and gives men entitlement to such property. Simply put, Orwell was a great man, but still a misogynist, and thus any input offered by him on matters such as women's bodies is immediately null and void.'

- Normie betacuck bluepill faggot

true look at how much they hate on Aristotle lol, if they could they'd wipe him from history. bunch of bolshevik hyenas

they should hate on plato who talked about the noble lie, aka feminism


good place to throw roasties off of?

Normies think 50 years of social change is enough to undue the hundreds of millions of years of biological instincts that exist within mens bodies. To even talk about these instincts is to be publicly shamed these days

Men are no longer allowed to be ourselves, to be what we've been for a hundred thousand years. We have to be what women want us to be for the past 50 years.

Normies think 50 years of social change is enough to undo the hundreds of millions of years of biological instincts that exist within men. To even talk about these instincts is to be publicly shamed for it these days

Yes. It amazes me that they fail to accept basic biology. Some cant even begin to fathom that men and women are biologically different, so their biological imperatives, and subconscious goals will be different.

get ready to see this re-tweeted all over Twitter tommorow with

"SIGH. Orwell was pro rape. more classic novels I have to throw in the garbage"

Hey, LinksLight, just a quick heads-up:
tommorow is actually spelled tomorrow. You can remember it by one m, two rs.
Have a nice day!

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Damn sir, That was coherent as fuck

Chad Orwell

"b-but you don't need sex to live! nobody's entitled to sex bro!"

we're entitled to misery whilst they suckle like greedy fat pigs. at least soldiers would have the decency to say 'yeah it does suck to be you' when they kicked a complaining prisoner of war. meanwhile all we get is fucking lies when we complain of our sufferance, we're not even afforded the dignity of honest contemplation of our complaints. just complete disregard for our existence like.. well i don't know. when i kill a worm i can feel for it if i try. they just act like we have zero existence and when we make our existence known by complaints they want to kick us back into non-existence. the only analogy for this that we have ever invented is the realm of hell.

High IQ. Bookmarking this for future reference.

Holy fuck this is insane. To be that on point is just crazy. People really were more woke back then. I'm definitely saving this

Saved this post and this comment. Hypergamy is at an all time high! But mens biological imperative which is polygamy, is crushed into the dust. Marriage was already a comprimise on the male biological imperative, but now many men cant even marry a looksmatch partner.

saved this comment.

Hey your the guy that made that other legendary post.

IT be like: wtf I hate George Orwell now

IT is fucking 1984

No humiliation from normies to compare to what we already feel. SEXUAL STARVATION IS REAL.


Goerge Orwell is very wise in this excerpt, but not quite on the money. He attributes female hypergamy and incelibacy to economical status. They are incels because they are poor. Perhaps it was acurate then but not today.

Today, the same dynamics is caused by genetic quality. I have a very decent wage , and some incels are straight up rich. Now that western countries have dramatically improved life quality for most, Women select based on your looks.

I was thinking that at first but it is likely true what he said at the time he said it but now it's true money doesn't matter much to women, they just want chad looks

From Wikipedia -

"Mabel Fierz, who later became (Orwell's) confidante, said: "He used to say the one thing he wished in this world was that he'd been attractive to women. He liked women and had many girlfriends I think in Burma. He had a girl in Southwold and another girl in London. He was rather a womaniser, yet he was afraid he wasn't attractive."

they are incel because they're poor because they're incel because they're poor because...

He already mentioned the solution right in the quote, just turn gay. Suck it up and suck it off boyos

Arthur Conan Doyle - 1912

How beautiful she was! And yet how aloof! We had been friends, quite good friends; but never could I get beyond the same comradeship which I might have established with one of my fellow-reporters upon the Gazette,—perfectly frank, perfectly kindly, and perfectly unsexual. My instincts are all against a woman being too frank and at her ease with me. It is no compliment to a man. Where the real sex feeling begins, timidity and distrust are its companions, heritage from old wicked days when love and violence went often hand in hand. The bent head, the averted eye, the faltering voice, the wincing figure—these, and not the unshrinking gaze and frank reply, are the true signals of passion. Even in my short life I had learned as much as that—or had inherited it in that race memory which we call instinct.

But hey, why would you trust a lonely basement dwelling creep who travelled the world, created Sherlock Holmes, had 5 children with 2 wives.

he thought it was money related, as if chad tramps never existed?

This guy is like the steven hawking of common sense

It's OVER for bumcels

Great quote. Orwell was a commie but he was redpilled on most social issues. I have a fantastic book of all his essays in chronological order Really worth it

He stopped being a commie after the Spanish Civil War.

George Orwell redpilled the fucking world with his books, he was 500 years forward compared to the mass.

Tramp: "a person who travels from place to place on foot in search of work or as a vagrant or beggar."

Women don't want to marry or fuck bums. News at 11.

The point is not that women don't want to date tramps. The point is that for the tramp his celibacy is just as damaging as his hunger.

The point. Your head.

It's so frustrating.

Men do, though. You neglected that detail.

Im not going to fuck some bag lady. Maybe you would.

Men are less likely to discriminate, as you demonstrated in the most charming fashion.

And the main point Orwell was making went over your head.

Sticky this post. The baby boomer generation had it so damn easy they forgot to raise men like men should be raised... now we have these next few generations of weak feminine males and it's so obnoxious.

Norman here. Yes, women would rather be with someone who isn't living on the streets. Quelle surprise.

As for that celibacy being damaging, I don't think anyone is debating that. I mean, look around, you lot are definitely damaged!

God only knows how you get internet access under whichever bridge you're living though. Because, you know, tramps, lunatics and cripples are the only people unable to get women according to this.

He said women, not men and women. You missed that, did you? Looks have become more important as society has changed. This has been quite a negative effect for unattractive men.

I said women too? Not sure what point you're trying to make...

If looks are now the important thing then why is everyone saying how true this is? Look at this thread, it's basically all incels saying how this should be stickied for being truth and now you're saying that only the bits you agree with are true and the rest is outdated. Nice cherrypicking you got going on there.

Orwell said very clearly that female vagrants and tramps did not face this issue of which he is speaking of.

What if I am a lunatic though?

women get to "wanderlust" for free their whole life paid for, while men slave away hard as fuck for $8/hour for life.

nice isnt it?

"George Orwell be sexist and misogynist, and sheeit"

this is gold. OP is a smartcel

What the fuck lol, you took this thread from me a few days ago. Why didn't I get any upboats?

i didnt see your thread, instead the same was posted on 4chan. sorry about your upvotes lol

I also posted it on 4chan ;)

thanks for providing high iq content then

Much of what George Orwell said in "1984" and also what Huxley spoke about in BNW, were predictions.... In Orwell's case his father worked for the East India Co. so George knew what was going on... BNW was written by Aldous Huxley, whose brother Julian was an open Fabian socialist working in the UN, I could even recommend some talks he has done on video if you go to youtube. BNW was written basically as a bragging manifesto, as the Huxley's were of elite bloodline (puppet elite, not necessarily top brass but higher than us regular people).

I was investigating "conspiracy theories" before I even touched the red pill knowledge about gender issues. A lot of it is based in fact. But yeah I've seen this article online as well....




He stopped being a commie after the Spanish Civil War.

I said women too? Not sure what point you're trying to make...

If looks are now the important thing then why is everyone saying how true this is? Look at this thread, it's basically all incels saying how this should be stickied for being truth and now you're saying that only the bits you agree with are true and the rest is outdated. Nice cherrypicking you got going on there.

Orwell said very clearly that female vagrants and tramps did not face this issue of which he is speaking of.


Top. Mind.