She ignored me at work. So I taught her a lesson.

326  2018-05-25 by General_Duggah


how did she ignore you?

She generally never talks to me. Even when I ask her to help me with things. Sometimes she flat out pretends to not hear me when I call her name point blank...

Good for you bro. If it were me, I wouldn't have even given her an excuse. Hell I probably wouldn't have even answered. Or I'd say "No." And ignore all the other text.(god I love saying no!)

Fuck her for treating you like that.

god I love saying no

I can understand that feeling too. It's amazing.

It's funny she had to specify who she was. Like she never even made contact with you before this request.

Good job OP. They want to have fun at your expense.

I can't think of anything more fun then going out with people to reflect and mourn the death of a really really good friend. Sounds like a blast.

I know right? When I was invited to my grandmothers funeral they put a gun to my head to make me go. Why the fuck would I go to look at a corpse of a beloved one? It's traumatic and painful. Out of respect? How retarded is that? She is dead, she doesn't acknowledge respect or anything. I saw my father and everybody crying, meanwhile I got high before the funeral and was tripping balls, didn't cry ofc.

We're you close to your grandmother? I used to feel the same way about funerals until it was a family member I was very close to.

yeah taht would suck

I honestly never really got funerals.

The person is dead. DEAD. They're not living, they don't care about anything because they're dead. Just, why do normies put on a funeral and show the deceased individual for people and all gather to mourn? I don't even really understand it. Just bury them and be done with it is my thought process with how it should go.

it sometimes ends up being a kind of party though.

If/When enough alcohol is consumed.

No one is entitled to mourning. Trust me I've mourned and it's not even that great.

i legit lold

roasties love that shit they can cry and get sympathy from normies wahhhhh my coworker died

He was asked to cover for another dude. Read the messages.

yeah tavain

why ain't he askin

probably cuz him and Michaela aren't even going to a funeral just want to spend the day fucking

He did ask, the first message she says I know you already said no to Tavian.

Funerals are WAW showpieces.

Look how much we care!

women look for next of kin chads there, it is very similar to a wedding party.

It's chest day bro.

Well done.

Living legend OP

Black pill runs through my veins nigga. I never let any egotistical cunt use me with her sweet words. AWALT.

Lol this is huge. Will be legendary

You're a LEGEND on the docks, Squiggy!

Loving that reference fam.

"Club soda? Why don't you suck a dick and get it over with"

'Fuck did I do??'

Big if true

lawl he works at Wendy's

What’s the backstory?

This girl named callie was moving away from the city so she had to quit..they all arranged a party where I WASN’T INVITED.....the other new people were.

And you didn't think that by doing something nice, she might have ignored you less afterwards?

Now she thinks you're a flat-out jerk, and so do all the others, even those who might have had no feelings one way or the other.

Enjoy your future work environment.

Yeah, I don’t beta cuck to high ego whores who talk to me only when they need me. Get the fuck outta here with this cuck shit...

Doing a favour for someone in the case of a dinner that is taking the place of a funeral is not "cuck shit". It is a simple act of kindness. It wasn't like you would even be covering for her, but for another (male) coworker.

You are an insensitive shit, and you'll probably find that more people go out of their way to avoid you in future at work. Well done. Round of applause for the guy who shot himself in the foot.

Women are not kindness machines you do kind things for and expect kind nice things to fall out afterwards. Or sex, for that matter.

Human beings are people you are pleasant to, and pleasantness comes back. Coworkers appreciate it if you do things like cover for someone for a funeral dinner. If it had been the guy who asked, would he have felt the need to "teach him a lesson"?

OP doesn't owe this person shit, I bet this is one of the first extended conversations they have had and of course it's her asking him to do something.

For someone else. And offering incentives. As a supervisor I suspect.

Red the rest of my replies about how OPs coworkers are now all really going to think he's a selfish twat.

For someone else. And offering incentives. As a supervisor I suspect.

I've never met a supervisor in my entire life that would offer 20$ to cover a shift. Also tell me this, why didn't the person who needed the day off ask OP himself I wonder?

Op says this person ignores him at work even when explicitly calling out her name and refused to train him. I'm not an Incel for clarification, but if that's the case fuck this person and her problems. If you're not going to show me basic kindness why the fuck should the onus be on me to show you kindness?

I have read through the thread and my point still stands. I agree with another commenter though when he quoted "women aren't machines you drop niceness coins in" or whatever he said. You're basically saying that, "how do you expect to get laid if you're a dick to people" even though according to Op she was the dick first. Yeah, I'd rather stand up for myself.

about how OPs coworkers are now all really going to think he's a selfish twat.

Who gives a fuck, they're probably twats themselves if they're going to ignore him during work and then ask him for favors.

From what ive seen from OP, she refused to train him and outright ignored him whenever he had questions. So from a supervisor standpoint she did not fufill her job, and shouldnt ask him to take on more work. She didn't do the basic minimum for him as a coworker and supervisor. That is why i see why he said no. The idea that he only becomes a consideration when he becomes of use to her for him to do something extra, is insulting. I would have gone about it differently, gave some excuse.

If she's that bad though, he should report her. If she's not doing her job properly and treating him unfairly, there are workers' rights. There may well be something in his employment contract or in the business codes of practice. If it's a big company, they will have an HR department he can contact about it.

which was what i would recommend.

Human beings are people you are pleasant to, and pleasantness comes back.

Exactly, and his coworkers were not pleasant to him from the moment they set eyes on him, so why should they get pleasantness back? That doesn't seem very fair, or reasonable.

Human beings are people you are pleasant to, and pleasantness comes back.

But she wasn't even pleasant to op, so why he had to be pleasant in return ?

People die all the time. Being sensitive to someone if they're not being sensitive in return accounts for nothing.

If you like ego-tripping on altruism, then good for you but this is not for everyone.

As I said- fine. He can do what he likes. If he comes back later and whines about how all his coworkers hate him though... I hope you'll all remember this post.

Seriously. I have defended so much stuff I see on here and do feel genuinely sympathetic to the majority of people here but this is one of the cases where you just have to say no fucking wonder you get ignored and people don't like you.

Watch me care.

I say as I see. I don't pull any punches. I don't soft-soap and flannel my way through explaining why I think people are being wilfully stupid, like in this case. I took the posting style of the incels as a guide.

Being nice just got me abuse. Being all polite just got jeered at. I got bored of it. I thought if people were going to be rude to me, I might as well give as good as I get.

No I agree with you. Sorry if my comment came off differently. I'm just saying this is one of the cases where it's no wonder OP is an incel.

My apologies for reading your comment the wrong way.

I think a pertinent question would be whether he was like this because he's on this sub, or whether he's incel because he's been like this all the time.

And this kind of armchair psychology bs is exactly why you get shit flung at your head.

It was just a question, not armchair psychology.

Not a loaded af question the likes of which IT would pump out. Just a question.

Suuure, totally.

It was just a question based off the previous poster's comment.

A question that neither of you are in any place to ask considering you don't know OPs circumstances outside of what this post presents.

Frankly, condescending as fuck.

I don't care. You calling me condescending is a bit pot and kettle though, isn't it?

I don't care.

You got jaded enough because of it.

You calling me condescending is a bit pot and kettle though, isn't it?

Returning the favor, in your case.

Oh, I only got to the rubbing in part when people got particularly obnoxious to me about my sexual past. Up to that point, I said I had a sexual past and left it at that. It was everyone else wanted it brought up, so I did.

You came in calling yourself an incel (which, sure, by definition checks out) despite having a sexual past while most incels here have never been hugged before, acted incredibly condescending from the start and then you got shit flung at your head.

Why am I not suprised. I wonder.

When I came here, I wasn't aware that there was a precious hold on the incel name by male virgins. I had hoped to find people I could converse with, and I guess in a way I did to a point.

I had hoped to find people I could converse with, and I guess in a way I did to a point.

You could also go to trufemcels and not make things worse with your tough love crap here.

It's not as bad as your poisonous black pill shit that is just there to keep people as subhumans, feeling unworthy of anything, keeping them depressed and down, making them even more outcasts and pariahs.

your poisonous black pill shit that is just there to keep people as subhumans, feeling unworthy of anything, keeping them depressed and down, making them even more outcasts and pariahs.

Most of which I don't even agree with so tell it to someone who cares.

You're here whining on and on, ergo you care.

Care about you spouting off about the toxicity of this place? Nope, I don't.

However, saying you were just polite and got jeered at is bullshit.

Really? Every polite suggestion is met with jeering. Then a guy posts the same thing and is treated like he's a god and saviour. Go figure.

Then how can users like Yeahso_no exist?

Maybe she just isn't condescending most of the time, nor at all, really. For some reason she barely catches flak.

But I forget, you don't care about being condescending (despite you complaining about the consequences).

You lot don't see why someone should be nice to people who are not nice to them. This thread is a good example. Why should I be all sweetness and light to be called a "fat old roastie whore" and be told to go die etc?

Can't have it both ways.

You lot don't see why someone should be nice to people who are not nice to them

The same can be applied to you. You waltzed in being condescending as fuck to everyone, why did you expect hospitality for it?

You'll notice I changed to, and became nice, learned stuff, admitted I was wrong, got the same response.

Now I don't really care for being all sweet to people who need told they are rude, obnoxious, mannerless oiks.

You'll notice I changed to, and became nice, learned stuff, admitted I was wrong, got the same response.

It's almost like people wanted you to leave after your first comments on the sub (and consistently told you so, too).

told they are rude, obnoxious, mannerless oiks.

Almost as rude and obnoxious as people like you kicking down the door of their only online space to yap at them while being condescending as fuck and smugly refusing to leave them alone instead of agitating users further.

I'll remember all that the next time I'm thinking of introducing the plight of the incel into conversation with normal friends. I'll just nod and agree when they say incels are dangerous lunatics, shall I?

People already think that either way, it's of no consequence to the people here.

And how is that relevant to the point of you getting told to fuck off because of the behavior you engaged in?

Because I came in believing the media stuff. I changed my mind. I decided to say something about it to people outside this sub. This sub consistently treats me like shit no matter how I post, so not sure why I should bother.

Why should I agree with people who are doing things contrary to human decency? Why should I pussy-foot around and not be sitting here rolling my eyes at the stupidity of youth?

This sub consistently treats me like shit no matter how I post, so not sure why I should bother.









How the fuck are you still not getting this. You're being willfully dense, aren't you?

so not sure why I should bother

You could also just leave and do whatever the fuck you want irl. But for some retarded reason, you won't.

Why should I agree with people who are doing things contrary to human decency?

When did I say anything about agreeing.

Why should I pussy-foot around and not be sitting here rolling my eyes at the stupidity of youth?

Because you could also do something productive with whatever time you apparently have left instead of acting like a petty twat.

I'm not replying after this, simply because you're boring me now because you can't come up with anything new in this. At all.

Way to go never adressing the point. Rather telling indeed.

I think a pertinent question would be whether he was like this because he's on this sub, or whether he's incel because he's been like this all the time.

There we go. After 10000 posts in this subreddit you're finally starting to make a little sense. Keep it up.

Thing is, nobody asked you to "defend" anyone here. I don't think what this guy did is bad but you do you and keep shaming people for not giving a free ride. If it was a relative, then I'd agree with you. If it was an emergency, then I'd agree with you.

Otherwise, that chick can get bent.

He'll have all the right to do it, because co-workers shouldn't be pushovers even if they're asked nicely.

Always weigh your pros and cons.

He has the right to do it and not be a complete dick about it.

He refused her the first time and she kept on pressing.

To try and help his coworker, a male.

And that is relevant how exactly?

damn you're a legend bruh.

general chest day duggah reporting for service!

Nah that's not how it works for subhuman males. Chads get more status when they do a favor. Incels become the submissive slave whore when they do a favor.

That roastie ignored him at work, pretends to be nice in text for a favor, then will ignore him some more after he does as he is told. Good on him for telling her to fuck off.

No one is entitled to anything in this world, not love, not joy, not help, not kindness. Welcome to body autonomy century.

Well, The selfish nature that is prevalent in today's society, illustrated by this particular instance is not helping anyone. Particularly not those who feel they are being ignored or passed over for attention.

Do nothing for anyone means people are unlikely to bother about you in future, and it could actually prejudice more than just the person asking the favour.

The lassie will tell the other guy he can't go because "OP is more obsessed with his gym time than letting you come to the dinner we're having instead of a funeral". Other guy is now thinking "What a fucking prick. We didn't get a funeral, and this is the next closest thing, and I don't get to go because that twat can't rearrange his gym time, that he can do at any point". Then you have all the co-workers who go to the dinner being sad that the other guy can't go because of the ignorant, selfish guy who couldn't give the gym a pass for one day.

The upshot is that OP has less people bothering to interact with him, and possibly even making it harder for him at work because of his selfish attitude, just because some lassie who didn't fawn all over him asked him to do a favour for a coworker and he decided to be a prick.

Yeah, welcome to body autonomy, when all you do is dig yourself deeper into being the weird guy at work that no one likes.

As you were told already, we are not normalfags, we are incels, subhuman males. OP doesn't get any human interaction to fucking begin with, get it?

And this retard can arrange his funeral dinner shit at the right time, not when he has to work, not OP's problem.

If you like to be a slave to people only to be in their social circle, then consider suicide.

Oh, so being subhuman gives you a pass on manners?

"This Tavian retard" as you so politely put it, is an invitee to a dinner, not the host. The time was when pretty much everyone else was available, and all it would take is the OP being a decent human being to allow the MALE coworker to go to the dinner. I am presuming the woman is a supervisor or something, as she asked about a change in hours. I'm sure the dinner wasn't arranged solely to inconvenience the OP and make him miss out on doing some pathetic attempt at making himself more attractive to the opposite sex, while simultaneously with his refusal making him a complete pariah.

Don't fucking whine when women treat you like shit if you can't even have the common decency of manners.

Hey Jesus, you are retarded and wrong again

this whore ignored OP and was rude to him to begin with, did you conveniently forget that? they don't deserve to be treated decently when they are not decent themselves, thick shit

Where was she rude? She asked again if he could cover for the other guy, offered to add to his paycheck and to take some of his closes if he would do it. She was obviously desperately trying to find cover for the other guy.

If she ignores the OP normally at work (and we only have his word for that) then she wouldn't have already asked him about covering for the other guy while he was at work anyway. She also seems like a supervisor-type (the offer of extra money in the paycheck), so asking him nicely to cover a shift would be part of her duties anyway if there were shift changes needing made at the last minute.

I didn't forget anything. I also didn't forget that OP seems to be an abrasive guy in the first place, and the smug-gittishness of this post doesn't go any way to disproving that.

The guy shot himself in the foot. Plain and simple.

Where was she rude?

I guess you didn't read the comment section where OP provides specific details on her rudeness. She was supposed to train him in OPs first day but she gave him a nasty look and said she doesn't want to train him and they must get a new trainer. They didn't even invite him to this dinner, second of all. Then ask him to cover for them for 20 dollars reward (8 hour shift). Another comment from OP "She generally never talks to me. Even when I ask her to help me with things. Sometimes she flat out pretends to not hear me when I call her name point blank..."

Yes, she is definitely a bitch and deserves to be treated like one. Check out the comments section next time before you assume something that fits your Disney Land narrative.

Oh dear. I couldn't spend time reading other comments.

Doesn't make the guy any less of a prick.

and where is your argument? or wait, there aren't any. you have been proven wrong.

No I haven't. You're just boring me now with your jumping up and down like an angry wee hamster.

It's official, you have no argument against the fact that she was shot to him so he should be shit to her as well. Period. Thanks for playing fattie

Listen, hammie, common decency is obviously dead with this guy.

He is taking example from this whore, you warpig

And no, OP definitely didn't shoot himself in the foot. He never did and never will fit in society, so if anything OP did some training of his chest instead.

And now all his coworkers are going to be seeing him as the prick who couldn't take time out of his preening schedule to do another guy a solid. Way to go.

It's not about treating HER decently, you thick shit. It's about letting a MALE coworker go to the dinner.

The coworker is probably going to be at work at 4, being really pissed off about missing the dinner and telling the others he's working with all about how the OP couldn't even take time lout from his preening to cover a shift, even when offered extra pay and someone else doing his closes for him.

I suspect the woman was trying to do the favour for the coworker by getting his shift covered last minute so he could go to the funeral dinner of a friend. OP was just being an ass to the woman because he thought it would make him all manly and shit. It doesn't make him manly. It just makes him shit.

Stop repeateding the situation you moron, we all know what happened and will happen and how they will gossip and hate collectively on OP. You are not some enlightened social genius to come down from heaven and reveal your wisdom to us. That's basic level shit.

This Tavian guy can speak for himself, if he doesn't then fuck him. SHE IS ASKING A FAVOR FROM OP, so SHE DOESN'T DESERVE ONE AND GETS REJECTED. If it was Tavian, as I said, it's a different ball park.

So he couldn't just do the favour for the coworker, take the twenty, get the closes, and feel himself smugly superior because he made the woman bribe him out of his time? No. He had to "teach her a lesson", and in doing so, taught all his coworkers what a twat he is.

Superior for being a slave down to her whim? lol, your cuck fetish is deluding you

just kek how it looks to me like you're talking to yourself but then I realize it's cuz you're talking to a cuck I must have blocked

it was a warpig tumblr whore, not a cuck

ahhhh I see

Women only treat kind, considerate, good guys like shit. They will never treat a jerk or a bad guy like shit.

Dude, stop. She's a woman, she'll defend beta cucking to the absolute end. She has to; remember, it's women's biological imperative to keep us slaving and Chad fucking. Of course she expects incels to act like Jesus and turn a cheek to people that are horrible to them.

Don't you see how they are group pressuring him to become a work slave for the entire office? If he doesn't do them this favor, they'll all hate him and avoid him like you say , so he does it.

Then some other fucker will have a birthday party or something, and OP of course will not be invited, and he'll have to do a favor again or else, everyone will start hating him. And then another one, and another.

The very fact that everyone is going to the dinner "because they were friends" except OP already seals the deal. OP is on his own, they already decided he'll have to slave away for everyone else, or else they'll gang up on him.

If you're gonna be on your own, might as well keep your head up. Fuck that roastie.

It's a dinner in place of a funeral. It's an isolated event. A birthday? Fine, refuse all you fucking want, because that shit comes round every year.

OP should try making friends in his workplace. Except he can't now, because everyone will be thinking he is a massive prick.

She's not anyone - she's the asshole that treats OP like shit at work.

Has he complained about how she treats him to someone higher up, like a manager perhaps?

Is he sure he won't get in trouble for that? Because usually when you're that guy at work, you don't get to complain about being treated like shit and if you do, that's just going to make everything worse.

Chad doesn't do a favor, he obviously gets invited and when he is not invited to group gatherings, he still has plans and a social life.

Chad would only reply "nah bro i'm sweet" or if a girl asks he would reply "no i'm busy" and no one would press and demand further explanation.

He'll just be the goodboy that everyone ignores than the jerk everyone ignores. Nothing will change for him. Except now he doesn't have to do something he doesn't want to.

Now he's the jerk that no one will ever do anything for. Way to go! He didn't say everyone ignored him, just this chick, and he'll probably find he's more isolated now. Things will change, because this will spread- this guy couldn't even take a day off gym to cover for another GUY at work because he's too busy doing chest exercises. Well, isn't he just peachy?

no one will ever do anything for. Way to go!

That was already the case according to OP, hence he refused.

according to OP,

Yeah, only got his word for that.

At a guess, the woman is a supervisor trying to organise a roster change at the last minute.

Better than whataboutism.

Plus, she engaged in that behavior first, as far as we know. If it's so important, why couldn't the dude just ask OP himself.

I presume the dude sighed, accepted that he would have to work instead of attending the dinner and the woman was texting OP as a last minute thing because she didn't want the other guy missing the dinner.

That's how it reads to me.

That's would be on him then tbh. Plus the entire thing is just a massive appeal to emotion after, as far as we know, giving him the same treatment you're giving OP shit for.

You never know- they may have a rule about no shift changes unless it's through a supervisor. In which case, the other guy can do nothing anyway.

The OP got offered extra wages and his closes done for him. It's not like it was going to be done for no return.

The OP got offered extra wages

Yeah. 20 bucks for an 8 hour shift.

Still doesn't change the fact that the dude could've brought it up with OP first to confirm whether he could take the shift as a favor, then the supervisor. Instead, the girl that gave OP, to our knowledge, every reason to be a dick in turn asked instead.

Tavian didactualglly ask him, if you read the first message she says I know you already said no to Tavian. That actually makes it worse though, she knew h didn't want to but figured since she was a girl asking he would buckle and say yes to impress her.

how fucking soy do you have to be to start thinking up elaborate multi-stage "what if" possibilities to whiteknight for a female you don't even remotely know

I'm white-knighting no one. I'm calling this guy an ass.

tavarian was too busy layin wood

He did. Read it again.

basically this

Your mistake is in thinking that road the would treat him fairly. She had already asked, he had already said no. By pressing the issue after seemingly accepting the first refusal, she is already proving that she doesn't respect OP's time.

She asked, he said no. She explained why she was asking. He was too busy with "chest day". That shit will stick.

Another male coworker will miss out on the dinner because this prick is not willing to give up "chest day". That shows he doesn't respect the woman, his coworker, the others going to the dinner, the other people he works with, or anyone but himself. It's a few hours of gym time, that could be done at any point, balanced against the one time everyone could go to the dinner.

He's just being a prick for the sake of it, shown by the smug git tone of the post. It's not about respect. It's about "I taught her a lesson", which is just a load of crap.

As if there won't be other opportunities for them to get together for dinner. OP wasn't gonna get anything out of this. He already said he was being ignored before this exchange.

The dinner is the same day. The woman explained it was the only time they'd been able to get everyone else together. OP was going to get a 20 and shift closes out of it. We only have his word he was being ignored, and you'll probably find that if he works in a shop or something, the supervisor may well have already been busy when he wanted her attention, which he reads as her ignoring him. There's two sides to every story and you're taking OPs version as the whole thing.

We only have his word he was being ignored

We only have her word that this dinner is a rare opportunity. We only have her word that OP would actually get shift closes and not flaky excuses.

She could be talking shit, for all we know.

To be fair I wouldn't respect the cunt either for the way she acted in text. Hell, I might even make it a point to go to the restaurant before my workout at the gym. Esp. At 4pm and order something cheap just to piss off the whore.

And that shows more about your personality than it does about anything else.

Do that, and you're seriously looking at uncooperative coworkers from that point on.

Do you people never think about consequences to actions, or do you just do whatever passes through your empty heads then complain about the repercussions later?

Lol personality meme. Fucking cunt nigger

Piss of, racist fuck.

Only a nigger gets pissed about "racism"

You're the one using racist terms. I'm probably whiter than you.

Now shoo.

The upvotes have spoken for me. I'll have to serve you take out only if you continue to harass the patrons

Oh get off it. Like upvotes here mean anything.

I get 1 husband point for every upvote so you bet your ass they mean something. When I get 100 husband points my wife will let me jerk off Tyrone, and if I'm a good boy she will even let me swallow.

Well, bully for you.

Funny how you arguing but they don't respect him enough to invite him two a work dinner.

Almost like he might be new and didn't really know the person the dinner is being held for...

Just saying if I got that text that no one else could cover the shift because they were all invited, I'd be sure as hell jot covering it.

My motto for work is, I'll never ask you for anything I can handle it myself, so don't expect me to do anything I don't want to for you. I don't like owing people, and I don't like having to expect people will honor owing me.

No one else who is off. How many people are working? How many are off? It's not like he's going to be the only guy there.

He'll probably be like one of 3-4 people Wendy's usually has a small staff on, at least around me. And if he doesn't know anybody there and they anolready treat him like shit, he has no obligation to help. Sure it may make them nicer but I'm willing to bet it won't, they will say thanks once (Tavian would at least, I bet that Micheala would go back to ignoring him honestly) and then it'd be the same as before.

Or maybe she's the supervisor?

Well then she should understand as a supervisor that a person's time is their own, and they can't be expected to drop their plans just because some else's considers theirs more important. Our time is valuable to us regardless of what we do with it. I don't offer help to people who I don't feel like would offer it to me.

I'd be willing to bet that if the situation was reversed, she wouldn't take his shift, hell I'd be willing to bet the shift she did agree to take would never actually happen.

She's not entitled to his free time.

Did you ever ask yourself why all the other co-workers were "close" to the co-worker that died while OP was not even asked if he wanted to join that dinner, himself?

Either the whole team ostracized him, before. Or they overexaggerate how close everyone was to that girl who died. Everyone but op who was not even asked if he'd like to mourn her, too.

Or he was new and didn't really know her?


How old are you? Generally speaking, if you come into a new workplace and someone hates you from the start, no amount of favors is going to make them stop. Being an ugly unmasculine guy in a female-dominated field of work, I sure as hell have had my share of haters and this has always held true.

She doesn't understand this, because she's a femoid. Life on tutorial mode, that's all she knows.

I'm not convinced what should have he done here, but what's sure is that all the scenario I think off he would never have to accepts. The problem comes from the fact that she doesn't know why he wouldn't accept.

When's that terminal illness going to start kicking in so I don't have to read your shitty ass posts anymore?

Block me. It'll be the same outcome.

Thats not nice.

TotalBiscuit already passed away. He was the face and health of soyboys on twitch.

I don't who that is or what you're on about

If you want people to do favours for you you have to actually be nice to them first.

You don't get to ignore people and fuck people around and then ask for favours from them, sorry that's not how the world works.

I've done the whole "being nice to people hoping they'll be nicer to you" thing in the past and it 100% doesn't work, people just see it as weakness and think they can get favours even when they treat you badly, it'll actually make your life worse for you if you give in to people like this.

I'm sure had she been a nice decent person then OP would have had no problem helping her, but since she chose to be exclusionary she's now suffering the consequences, even though she likely won't realise it.

yep, if I learned anything in this life then that being accommodating to people who use you is the worst possible thing that you can do. They will just take you for granted and think that you apparently are fine with being used and exploited because hey, you dont complain. These people dont have any guiding morality in their lives, they just use people and only stop if you stop them. It's not even necessarily that they are totally bad rotten people, they just dont have any absolute values in their life and using you is oh so convenient and beneficial to them.

OP should have asked for 100 bucks upfront actually, that would have been even more alpha and it would make it crystal clear that he's not being a bitch, he is willing to deal and if her super duper sad funeral is sooo important then let them all contribute 10-15 bucks to get to the 100.

OP did himself a favor, why would he want to be friends with people who don't respect his time and think he's a cunt for saying no?

she might have ignored you less afterwards

You know why people here are applauding him for doing this? Because they have been similar situations before where you keep being nice to rude people while they don't change their behaviour, because that's what society tells us to. If he had accepted her request and she still ignored him in the future and he complained about this on the internet, you guys would be the first to show up reeeing about how he is a nice guyTM and he is not entitled to her time just because he was nice.

So the guy didn't get to go to the dinner, tough luck, maybe try being nicer to the ugly people. A girl who is rude to someone just because of his looks, is usually not the kind of person who will change her opinion when he does something nice for her. That's how things work in the real world. I don't understand why this bothers you so much.

If the guy is being discriminated against and ignored by the woman, he can take it higher and complain. Especially if she is a supervisor not fulfilling her job role.

Doesn't look like she is his supervisor. Lol, what would he complain about, that she is ignoring him because he is ugly? That will go over well and make people respect him. Look the calculus is simple here, if someone is not nice to you because of your looks, don't be nice to them, because chances are they won't start being nice just because you were.

He says she refused to train him, ignores him etc. If he had kept a log of all the incidents to show HR he would have a case against her.

My point is you can't force people through authority to be nice to you. He will be seen as even more pathetic for doing that.

You can however get her to actually do what she is being paid to do.

I have been the nice guy. These whores only want to interact with you when they need.

It's OK to say no politely

He said it politely many times. And the foid was the one who got upset at the end. They can't seem to take no for an answer. She's not entitled to a yes from everyone for everything.

He didn't say it politely. He could have said he was sorry, but he had long standing plans with friends that he's not able to change at the last minute.

He said sorry at the end. You are clinically retarded.

At the end. Not during the rest.

Yeah, if only he did something for her then maybe she'd treat him like a human being.

You didn't degrade yourself as a fucking doormat in the pathetic hope that this bitch might stop treating you like dirt and begin treating you with the common decency that every person deserves?


I think I've answered all your points already if you read my responses.

This is how to do it.

Proud of you. She wouldn't give you the time of day if she didn't need something from you.

She literally doesn’t LMAO. She refused to train me when I first started. She gave me that nasty look and told my manager to call another dude...

What a bitch, totally right thing to do, but u are gonna get fucked at work in the future

Subhumans can NEVER win. It's all about learning to enjoy the hell people will cast upon you and make it even worse for them whenever you can.

Makes sense.

This is why I advocate that incels learn about ascetic traditions and meditate. Life is suffering, but there can still be some enjoyment for us. It won't be the same kind of enjoyment that the normies get to have, but it will be enjoyment nonetheless.

And then when they call you a jackass for flinging shit at them, they act like they never did any wrong to us.


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

Yeah that is also true



Just from the way she writes I know she is trash. English is not my native language and still I bother to write properly.

Lmao. Toasty as fuck

She's not entitled to your time or work

She thought she could buy me with 20 bucks at first. JFL. Its was an eight hour shift dumb cunt

What the FUCK? So were you supposed to work as some sort of slave for the cuck you were covering then?

The sense of entitlement was at the same level as her ego. It was time to crush it both.

Just to clarify, was this an extra $20 on top of 8 hours of wages or just $20 full stop (and the wages go to the cuck coworker)? (sorry if this seems like a dumb question, I've never done any shift work)

I mean, presumably he would be getting paid at the job by punching in, right? The $20 would be an extra $2.50 per hour for an 8 hour shift. Not worth it because working fast food is the worst fucking job in the entire world.

You should have said that the best way to honour your dead colleague would be to work an extra long shift. And as you weren't very close, you could take that time off.

Based af


I'm so proud of you, for real. This man is truly blessed by our lord Saint blackops2cel, peace be upon him.

"Its Chest day."

Wise words from a decent man.

And tomorrow's rest day. Tough luck lol.

I'm using this and will say it to any roastie asking me for something

A hero once said

Never compromise. Not even in the face of flapmageddon.

BTW they didn’t even invite me for this fucking dinner. Like she had the audacity to ask me to cover for this other cucks shift so he could go to the “work party”

Oh jesus christ how can you not be invited to a work party they must really dislike you

Im new :(

Dude same I never got invited, hell I didn't even hear about most of the stuff, It's only Chad that doesn't give a shit and shares with me what everybody doesn't want me to know.

Chads seem to have more empathy towards us. Same for me, chads always gave me the tips on things I was excluded from.

BTW they didn’t even invite me for this fucking dinner. Like she had the audacity to ask me to cover for this other cucks shift so he could go to the “work party”

Keep in mind that men, with their rational reasoning, can truly empathize. This is why I only talk to men.

same man never invited fuck me

We're probably not getting an accurate description of the situation if you're really spinning a funeral dinner as a "work party".

It's obvious that "Callie" was also an employee, so yes it is in many ways a work dinner.

lmao people not taking op defense are fucking bullies man

hey forgeignincel are you the origonal foreignincel from incels?

yeh why

Just wondering, lots of your buds are on though im sure you know

yes but knajid and company are people i dont want to hang out with,ogcels are not on tho

lol okay that changes it a bit, but it seems like this was for a funeral function-type thing?


You did the right thing man, really good. Don't give a fuck about this stupid foids

I know everyone here is trying to act edgy and like you're a "based" hardass but Im sorry I have to call this out. You're a dick. You're one of the people on here where it's no surprise you have never had a GF. Someone died and a really good friend of hers wanted to mourn and needed someone to cover their shift. And just because a woman you don't like was the one telling you to come in you refuse? Really mature. I'm sure she will definitely talk to you now. You could have at least come up with a better excuse that didn't make you look like an asshole. If the circumstances were different and Tavian just wanted a night out then okay you're right to refuse them. But this is just a shitty thing to do and shows you're a terrible human being.

Someone died and a really good friend of hers wanted to mourn and needed someone to cover their shift.

People die all the time. Why he has to do it, if (if we to believe OP) she never even tried to connect with him? For the goodness of the heart? Trust and respect has to be earned, doing something "out of goodness of someone's heart" if people are not friends is just asking for being viewed as a doormat.

Shame someone else.

This isn't about this woman texting him or even the person who died really. This is about the other person who wants to go mourn their friends death and needs someone to cover their shift. It's completely selfish and a dickmove to them. I don't care how much he hates this woman or whatever. It's a dick move towards the other person that needs their shift covered.

This isn't about this woman texting him or even the person who died really. This is about the other person who wants to go mourn their friends death and needs someone to cover their shift.

This is not an immediate emergency, you can ask the employer to have a day off.

Funerals or similar arrangements usually get set within a week of the person dying. At this point the schedule for next week is usually already made. I used to work at this same exact place and had to get people to cover my shift once or twice to go to a funeral. Even then the managers would get annoyed if you asked for a day off and it wasnt two weeks in advance. So maybe this guy knew but who knows. At the very least OP could have given an excuse that doesn't make him look like a douchebag.

He is not a douchebag. He stood up for himself. Maybe someone else than the bitch should've messaged him instead.

Even then the managers would get annoyed if you asked for a day off and it wasnt two weeks in advance.

Sucks to be you. He's not obliged to cover for someone who barely interacts with him.

She hasn't even tried to compliment him to goad him into agreeing. It was always about someone in the messages. Why should he care?

You're a dick.

He valued his own time more than someone elses, wow what a dick. "oh hey she offered 20 btw" lmao.

Someone died and a really good friend of hers wanted to mourn and needed someone to cover their shift.

He does not need to drop anything for someone else.

You could have at least come up with a better excuse that didn't make you look like an asshole.

He doesn't need any excuse, she's not entitled to it. Neither are you.

the circumstances were different and Tavian just wanted a night out then okay you're right to refuse them.

You are right to refuse anything someone else wants to use you for, what the fuck is this cuck shit you are saying? Pathetic.

OP can do what he wants. He didn't have to cover. It's his choice and he shouldn't have been forced to. However all of his co-workers will remmeber this and he would be better not to come to this subreddit anymore. If he's going to continue to bitch about being single and incel he needs to take a look at himself and maybe realize why people don't like him. Most of the guys on here are incel due to their looks, height, race, unattractive bodies. Most of them seem like good people with fun and great personalities that just got the shit end of the stick. Yet people still avoid them. Really think about this. I know you want to side with OP because he owned his bitch coworker. But really. If OP is going to do something like this and straight up tell all his co-workers pretty much he doesn't give a shit and chest day is more important, he should not be taken seriously when he whines about why people don't like him. He did it to himself. Supporting OP is an insult to most people on this subreddit.

You're incel because you're not a doormat.

Seems legit.

More proof that these "normal" peoples relationships are all based on orbiting lmao

So, let me get this straight, these people wanted to go to an unofficial party(?) ( no funeral) and because they found someone who isn't invited (OP) they decided "oh let's just guilt trip him into covering for us" and for some reason u think OP is bad?

You are literally unironically proving the point of incels, no one cares what they feel and that incels should drop everything they do for someone else because for whatever reason.

You're not entitled to other people's time. Shut your faggot mouth and go whine elsewhere you entitled cunt.

Honestly I don't even care that he didn't cover. It's fine. No one is entitled to anyone's time that is correct. It's just the exchange he had with this woman. If OP is going to continue to post on this subreddit about how no one likes him and it's unfair he's incel than that's just an insult to most people on this subreddit. He really does not have a good personality.

post on this subreddit about how no one likes him

women don't like incels because we're ugly, not because of personality. this girl at work was already ignoring him and treating him like shit from the second she saw him just because of his looks.

fuck off with your retarded cuck logic

Yeah if we are to believe OP here, and for the sake argument let's say we do, she wouldn't even train him the moment she saw him. This girl is a grade a bitch.

Now I wouldn't usually side with the incel argument, but this dude was well within his rights to treat her like shit. That being said he did just make sure that every coworker who originally avoided him due to his ugliness will now be actively mean to him. He seems to think that's worth it, so whayever.

I'm sure she will definitely talk to you now.

Why are you implying that it's his duty to win her approval? If she doesn't like him and doesn't want to treat him with basic decency, that's her right, she can do that. But expecting him to then defer to her and do her favors is just silly.

But this is just a shitty thing to do

She actively works to create a hostile work environment for him. He refused to waste his time to let her go to a party. However you look at it, he's the shitty one in this picture - he's just looking out for himself.

It wasn't so she could go to the party. She was just the messenger here. It was so one of his co-workers could go to the dinner for his deceased close friend. And I don't care if OP didn't want to cover. That's fine. But just the way he went about it. He shouldn't expect any of his co-workers to like him at all. This woman does seem like a bitch and if she was asking him to cover for her then okay he would have been totally right. But this was not about her.

But just the way he went about it.

I would've done it the same way if I were in his shoes. Sure, it appears petty because he's avoiding confronting her with the real reason he's saying no, but at the same time in a similar situation I would be concerned that revealing the actual reason would get me in trouble with management (especially since I've been through this exact situation once already).

But this was not about her.

OP is implying that it is and we don't really have any reason to assume he's lying.

OP thinks the situation was about her because she messaged him. Because she is the manager. However it's really about this other guy Tavian. And OP either didn't realize this and was just so blinded by his hatred for this woman. Or he did realize and he has zero respect or decency towards this it her dude.

it's really about this other guy Tavian

Yeah, sure, it's all about Tavian and her getting all worked up and angry about it is just her bipolar randomly flaring up.

Read the texts again, he said no to Tavian already it's in her first message she mentions it.

You’re naive if you think it’s because she’s the manager. She saw that when the dude asked OP he said no so she decided she’s try to ask instead. She was trying to use her girl card to convince him. Thinking op would drop everything because a girl asked him. Good on OP for sticking to his guns.

Where is she using the "teehee I'm a girl card". You don't want to accept reality so you keep creating excuses why she asked OP. The mundane and simple truth is she is the manager and managers ask employees if they can come in at certain times to cover shifts.

It comes in when she acknowledged that OP was already asked by the other her guy. At that point it doesn’t matter is she’s the manager, he already gave his answer. And I m own that managers sometimes call employees in, but given the fact that she had to start the conversation by clarifying who she was, indicates that it hasn’t happened before and probably isn’t all that common where he works. Or at least not with him specifically. Also notice the language “I think it would be nice”. Every guy knows what that means, that’s what girls say when they want you to do something for them as a favor, not a subordinate. I’m assuming you’re a roastie so there’s a disconnect, but we incels see what’s she’s doing clear as day. She’s playing the girl card. So fuck off.

Haha I'm not a roastie. I'm someone in a similar situation as you guys and I have actually defended alot of stuff and agree with alot of what is said here. This post by OP is exactly what's wrong with this subreddit though. OP is a shitty person. He could have refused by saying to her that he already had plans and he can't cancel them. Instead he shows her and every one of his co-workers how selfish and rude of a person he is. Most people here are not like OP. They're incel for reasons they can't help. I know "just get a personality bro" is a stupid meme by IT users but in this case I really wonder if OP would still be Incel if he had a better personality. Most incels already have fine personalitys but it's stuff they can't help that leaves them in such a position. This is why this post pissed me off so much because there's a reason why people don't like OP, and it isn't just his looks. Seriously go through my post history. I parrot a lot of the stuff you guys say because I agree with you on some. I'm even the top comment on the IT Sub of the day thread. I just think this post is an insult to most users here that would probably never do what OP did and are fine people themselves.

Hey, Chaomayhem, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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I’m not reading all that because you post on IT. You’re not like us, you’re a cuck who tries to play both sides for brownie points. I’m not reading any more of your cuck drivel, fuck off.

I definitely like this place better than IT. I browse IT mainly to see what they're saying about this place. And if I feel like I have something to say I'll comment occasionally. The people there are definitely a lot worse than anything you can find here.

She didn't talk to him anyway!

Very well said. Compassion and empathy for other human beings keeps us human.

have sex with incels then


Lol crickets

Have sex with incels. It's a compassionate act.

Yeah guys, come on! If somebody who ignored and made fun of you for a year asks you to do something just do it!

lol I love how you people defend assholes as long as they're women

U a bitch

No one is entitled to his time.


You did not read. The girl who desperately tried to convince him to take a shift was not even asking for herself but for another co-worker named Tavian (who she most likely is attracted to).

So the least this Tavian guy could have done is ask OP directly instead of sending his girl to do it over text. And we all know why he sent the girl to do it, too. The power of a woman etc.

So the least this Tavian guy could have done is ask OP directly instead of sending his girl to do it over text.

She sounds like the manager. The manager almost always asks employees to cover if need be. That's the way it always worked at my store. The reason she texted him is because she's the manager.

Where i live the manager tells you when you work, he/she doesn't beg and offer $20 bribes.


You should have been more honest and told her exactly why you weren't doing this shift for her so that she knew where she fucked up.

You should have told her that the reason you don't want to cover her shift is because she never respected you at work and ignored you, and that she is not entitled to your time.

Now she is going to ruin your reputation more than it already is ruined.

I'm torn. This was my first thought as well - OP didn't teach her any lesson, he just acted like an asshole even though he was completely in the right. But on the other hand, if he's that low on the totem pole, confronting someone like that outright might get him in trouble.

No it would not. He's under no obligation to do another person's shift.

It should not but the reality is that it often does.

OP was offered a measily $20 to cover an 8 hour shift. Why the fuck should he agree to that?

20 on top of the pay he'd get for covering it. source- have worked in a job where shifts get covered for others, lol

I mean I assume he was getting 8 hours of pay too.

Yeah, at the end of the day its not worth it. You do still have to see this person when you go to work as well as other people she talks to.

She's not entitled to a more thorough explanation.

Yeah, there's no reason to give any more info than a simple "I am not available" especially in a place where people already don't like you enough to leave you out. That's asking for the crew to stop ignoring you and to actively push you out. Now if you want to get fired or don't care then balls out. Personally I just would have deleted her texts and say I never got them, but I am not good with confrontation.

are you high? you think most femoids have the emotional maturity to accept guilt in any situation? pro-tip to all you reading: you should NEVER do this. it will only result on her doubling down on you, and because you're an ugly little troll and she literally can do no wrong™, you WILL lose in the end.

in my humble, ugly opinion OP handled this perfectly.

The best would have been if he never responded at all and then said he had connection problems with his phone after the fact.

true, but op’s method is more satisfying

No, he should straight out say that he doesn’t wanna cover for her.

Trust, its really satisfying when you type one word after she spends hours typing a paragraph. Next level alpha not care attitude brahs

I'd say don't respond since its more annoying and nerve inducing to get no response to a text asking for someone to cover. Even better if you only respond right before/after the shift starts so they have a harder time getting someone else to do it.

Thots not worth wasting my time on. Ez one worders hit the hardest on their long ass paragraphs. Idgaf what she does. She or neither of her beta cuck orbiters can touch me. I probably warm up all their weights combined on the bench.

Actually mirin hard srs.

A true warrior, much respect.

Ez one worders hit the hardest on their long ass paragraphs.

This is very true and women know it too.thats why they use stuff like "idk", "lol", "ohkkkk" and similar low effort responses in chats to show their disinterest.


I hate the snarky unpleasant way women communicate with men who don't meet their looks requirements. Female colleagues and clients are obliged to pretend to respect me but I know exactly how they would treat me of we met in any other situation.

this man is a god

My man, I hasten to disagree with your entire belief system, but let me say I respect the fuck out of your conviction to it. Badass.

you really are a general

I think im in love.

you are my role modele

Reminder to keep going because you are the Good Guy in this situation.


as reasonable as it sounds, no you cant do that as a low value man - it'll only be used as ammo against you in the future. she already irrationally dislikes him for being ugly, if she knew for certain he was doing something to spite her that would only vindicate her perception of him further and incite her to malice rather than merely passively express disgust.

its better if he just denies her under the pretense that he's busy or has prior plans, that way he still maintains the dignity from not bending his knee to a foid while still maintaining plausible deniability that he isnt acting out of place.

Agreed. He’s leaning into her opinion of him to achieve righteous indignation and a sense of solace from workplace bullying. But now it will get worse. She won’t even pretend to be nice anymore. And all the weights and black pills won’t mute that discomfort. New job it is. And he’ll blame her when it happens. (This coming from someone who handled exclusion similarly and paid the price for years).

That's not how it works. If you make it personal they will stoop to a lower level to get back at you, and he made it like half personal in this case by specifying he wouldn't do it because of the gym. You don't impress or prove points by explaining yourself to people... you impress them by being in your own zone. If you were just like 'I'm sorry to hear that but my plans are filled' or 'I'm busy' not only do you establish yourself but they don't get the option of being a bitch about it. What is she going to tell the management when she gossips/bitches about you? Well, in this case she's going to make them think you 'ruined' their shitty funeral gathering because you were doing a gym workout.

You should have told her that the reason you don't want to cover her shift is because she never respected you at work and ignored you

Are you fucking retarded?

she would laugh at his subhuman face trying to get some dignity

Who fucking cares?

na that's being a bitch. He handled it fine

OP,keep gymcelling brah

Zyzz would be proud op Btfo that ganga

Roasties just don't know how to handle people standing up to them, they live their whole lives with a flock of betas doing their bidding so when someone they see as a beta suddenly doesn't do what they want it blows their mind.

She'll be thinking about this for longer than OP and it's going to become a Me Against the World scenario in her head - she's probably already telling herself that she did nothing to deserve this because was always friendly towards OP. Sure, there were those times she'd take sneakshots of him and share them with the informal employee groupchat. They would all laugh and try to guess which female employee he was probably stalking. But she felt really bad about that, so she's a good person and just let those guys encourage her to do something silly.


Good job on holding frame, literally wants you to drop everything and do something for someone else lmao, what a retard.

Only contacts you when they need you, treats you like dirt otherwise. Fuck off.

you should've never replied

if he didn't reply how would she know it's chest day

Michaela isn't entitled to OP's time and OP isn't entitled to her attention.

Shit I thought I was in /r/niceguys

Surely you mean /r/niceguys

Nobody is entitled to his time.

No one here claims to be nice... We're quite open about how much we hate holes.

Now fuck off, you roastie whore.

Wow such a brave action from a grown up person. In case your mother dies, hope she won't be the one to ask to cover your shift.

How about being a nice person and helping out other colleagues by not being a douche?

plus maybe people would like you more if you showed them that you care about them and want to help.

also if you wanted to be invited to this party, your colleagues would much more likely invite you in the future when remembering what you did for them.

No they will just assume you can cover for we've is working next time.

At what fucking world do you live in, dude? LMAO

instead of whining in self-pity, how does it sound to take a deep look at yourself and figure out what's wrong if people are ignoring you and try TO FIX YOURSELF instead of blaming it on others. one step would be to have some human decency to help out (obv. you don't have to but you come off really stupid sounding when you complain about being lonely).

i met the same behaviour as OP in my old job. Why? Because I was meek. Once I started standing up for myself they started treating me as an equal. Or as equally as women are capable of treating a man that is 1 inch shorter than the average woman.

1.0 inch = 2.5 centimetres

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lol. that's like asking the person who is already walked on to bend over and get walked all over some more. come on. "but but if you do extra nice stuff for them maybe then they will stop using you!" yeah, great idea. don't be spineless.

your colleagues would much more likely invite you in the future

You're beyond fucking bluepilled lmao, that's the same mentality that made me get taken advantage on by many people for a pretty long time.

Ex: bought my "friend" snacks during lunch because he didn't have the money one day, I thought he liked it and I thought we became friends. We did become friends but he was passive aggressive and bullied me out of giving him snacks every day.

I was a cuck back then and now I'm abrasive. No one, especially on here, is going to take your trash advice that will only make us more vulnerable, bud.

People being dead isnt an emergency, they are already dead

Yet he seems to be the only person not invited to the dinner, noice how she said everyone else can't cover it because they are coming? Why would he help people that clearly dont even like him?

How about the other colleagues be nice people and act like douches to the OP? He only giveth what he receiveth.

His colleagues are not entitled to his time.


"It's chest day" 😂😂😂

Well done, OP. That entitled cunt wanted to guilt trip you into taking someone else's shift.

Military grade life fuel.

Good job. Legendary Maccas bro 😉

OP, you're the man

Well damn man. You're on the chopping block now. I hope you are eligible for unemployment,getting a better job, or plan on roping soon, because now everyone is going to be gunning for you at that job now. Any little mistake is more / less bye-bye.

First, they tell you to hit the gym and when you do they tell you not to. Women and logic, like oil and water.

Oh boy. First I wanted to comment something funny, but you made me think.

If you're nice and still don't have romantic relationships, you prove our point. If you're an ass and still don't have romantic relationships, you prove all those shitheads right who come here and say "this is why you're incel".

Are you the cuck who says sorry after somebody spits in your face? IT is that way boy.

No. Was Tavain also an ass to you? Did they invite everyone to this dinner but you?

OP wasn't being an ass though lol. He didn't want to work an 8 hour shift that he wasn't scheduled for so his other coworkers could go to a get-together without him. He was well within his rights to refuse.

You know, usually I'm not on the incel side here, but i'll say good on you for this one. The pompous way she said no one else could be asked since they were all invited and expected you to be cool with being overlooked and then being asked to help out with making it a good time is an absolute bitch move.

I don't subscribe to the blackpill philosophy, but good on you for at least having an backbone when you need it.

You know, usually I'm not on the incel side here

then fuck off, we don't want to hear from you cuck

Did you even read the rest of my comment?

no, and I don't intend to after that part. Fuck off cuck

You know what's amazing though? Having sex with a women who wants you, it really is the most incredibly satsfying and fullfilling moment. You know what I'm talking about right? Oh silly me, of couse you don't!

hahahah norm cuck is butthurt as hell, too much soy

You are the one cursing and refusing to even read my comments. Who is more butt hurt? I'm having a laugh over here because of you. Keep it up.

hahahahahahaha, I bet those hands are shaking. There is literally nothing more pathetic than this

Why would my hands be shaking? Honestly curious, does this happen to you when you are mad?

Oh you mean because I'm holding my sides from laughing at you so hard? Yes I suppose then they are.

shaking from not enough soy

Oh sorry, just arrived, I've ascertained the gist of most terminology still still a bit iffy on what you all mean by soy. Is it like the equivalent of someone being salty?

if you don't get enough soy each day you get the shakes, a withdrawl symptom

Yeah but that is a meaningless comet if I don't know what soy is. It's not even an insult at this point.

how do you not know what soy is when you consume it every day

Clearly I must call it something different.

Soyboy, how many people fucked your woman? Also; why do you enjoy sucking cock so much?

You see the thing is, a woman's vagina is her business. She can let anybody she wants in. You just have to be able place trust in a girl that she only wants you. If you can't do that you'll never be able to sustain a relationship.

>a woman's vagina is her business

No, it's her father's business.

No. No it isn't.

Yes it is, thot.

Well I am a guy.

That is even worse.

I know, I know, I am just such a soy boy living that dang cuck life aren't I?

You'd be correct.

Can you do me a favor, I've gotten all the terminology except soy, coil you spell it out for me?

No and fuck off, faggot.

Oh come on now your sexist and homophobic, is there any group you do like?


mde , kia.

Straight whites



Could you explain what soy means now?

Lurk moar newfag.

I've been looking through it all, but there is never any context for the soy jokes to figure it out

Then leave.

If you want me gone then here I shall stay. You just got this sub a new subscriber.

That's right, get that last word in you dirty slut.

I'm a slutty guy? So you mean a guy.

We like men

I guess I haven't spent enough time here to get that reference?

Gtfo normcuck

Nah I found this place and you guys are a fucking riot. Most of you I actually feel bad for life dealt you a bad hand and here is a place you can vent and find some comfort ...then there is the mysogonistic, entitled minority who use this place as an echo chamber for their sick views. They are the hilarious reason I stay. So pray tell, which are you?

You aren't entitled to an answer. GTFO, you aren't even helping or being polite. Just a dick head.

/u/Board_Gaming ban this guy for virgin shaming and harassment.

Go for it, I've had a good run.


Wow that was the most concise simple way you could have answered. I'm impressed.

good personality here

Do you know a troll comment when you see one?

I responded agreeing with OP and this dude flipped out at me.

op stating facts, you resorting to insults and having a meltdown

What do you mean, read my first comment, I complemented OP on his decision.

we don't need compliments from cucks

So you want us to be mean to you? I can do that too as proven.


So you complain that people treat you like subhuman, but then complain when people compliment you? What do you enjoy?

Wow, you have a problem with one guy so you rub it into the faces of an entire community of lonely depressed men that they will never have sex. Normalshits are pure scum.

When someone starts it, I finish it.

Nice justification for breaking the rules.

Lay off.

You're not a strong reader, huh?

Fuck off :D

as a cuck, I am offended. I will have wifey’s 2nd boyfriend Jamal hear from this and he will beat you up, just you see!

You know, usually I'm not on the incel side here, but i'll say good on you for this one. The pompous way she said no one else could be asked since they were all invited and expected you to be cool with being overlooked and then being asked to help out with making it a good time is an absolute bitch move.

Yeah, female guilt trip 101. This is how men and boys were convinced to volunteer to die in WW1 & 2.

Um bit of a leap but ok. I'm gonna have to say patriotism was a contributing factor there.

Private Ernest Atkins who was on leave from the Western Front. He was riding a tram when he was presented with a white feather by a girl sitting behind him. He smacked her across the face with his pay book saying: "Certainly I'll take your feather back to the boys at Passchendaele. I'm in civvies because people think my uniform might be lousy, but if I had it on I wouldn't be half as lousy as you

Ernest Atkins GOAT

Huh TIL, pretty deplorable tactic.

That's gotta be the most alpha shit I've seen in this sub lol

Life fuel.

I bet my neet bux money that your status rose up in her eyes and she takes you for more of a male now than she did before.

How did this "teach her a lesson"?

It has no real effect on her.

a no from a human being for a stacy is as good as a lesson these days

That makes zero sense.

Nice life fuel. Bonus points for Gymcelling.

KEK General_Duggah is ScorchedEarthcelling. You've got bigger balls than me.

I hope this hits the front page so people who arn't in this psychopathic circle jerk group can tell you how much of a foolish selfish cowardly person you are.

So he has to do something because this woman asked? How is it selfish to say no?

The messenger doesn't matter. Even if this woman is mean Tavian still wants to mourn his friend. Why punish him to get back at her? Now everyone in the office knows of OP as that guy who was so petty he thought his gym time was worth the same as someone's death

none of that is on OP. He has nothing to do with it, you can't expect someone to put their life on hold for you, no matter what it is. It's entitled to think he has to or else he is an asshole.

You go out of your way to do things for others, especially if they're in pain, because it's the nice thing to do. Of course OP shouldn't let people use him, but that's not the same as refusing to be nice for no reason. That's what makes OP the asshole

He doesn't need a reason, no means no. He didn't disrespect anyone, he just turned them down.

Then why doesn’t the woman fill in for tavain?

I think she too is going to the dinner from how she talked. Seems from what she said everybody is but him. I can see why he wouldn't want to help them.

Thanks for the kind words to incels btw

This situation isn't gendered

But according to you it is

Where did I gender the situation?

Explanation already given above

Again, I'm not saying OP needs to do this because he's a man, I'm saying he needs to do this because it's the nice thing to do

Then what about the girl? Why didn’t you criticise her for doing the exact same thing?

As I said. The fact that this chick may or may not have been an ass doesn't change the overall picture. There's still someone who's unrelated to her that would like to go mourn their friend's fucking death, and can't because of OP

If the only defenses you have are strawmen and whataboutism...

I love how you continue running around in circles just trying to avoid pinning blame on the woman. One day I hope you find out that whiteknghting women anonymously online isn’t going to get you laid, loser. Pathetic creep.

And likewise one day you'll learn blaming everyone for your problems except for yourself and hating women won't get you laid either. We'll be alone together

Read OP's comments above. This woman pretended not to hear him even when he called her name at point blank. She is not entitled to his chest time

If you read it closely, she is not even asking him to take her shift but she is asking for a Chad called Travis. If that guy wants to go, why can't he ask OP, himself? I am sure if that guy "Travis" would have asked OP directly, he would have said yes.

Is that an autocorrect? It clearly says Tavian?

The only reason she contacted him was because he already said no to Tavian directly.

this isn't entitled to the front page

If he did help her, you'd be the first to post it in r/niceguys r/sad or whatever the fuck you use to bully lonely people

Lol she treats him like shit but he's required to do stuff for her?

Oh wait that's how most redditors' relationships are.


this is why people hate incels and cant take them(us) seriously anymore. Op is such a guckikg clown I would feel so ashamed

C u c k




oh fuck off

oh cuck off

Fuck those people then, no need to bow down to people who think you're an asshole just for saying no.

You're kidding, right? I'm not incel, I'm female, and fuck that chick. You ignore someone and you treat them badly then expect that person to do shit for you? Respect is EARNED mofo not given for no reason.

"Just take an eight hour shift bro."


I had a shit day and this made it all better

Just do something nice bro!

fuck you michaela.

Chest day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"I need to stay fit and healthy, I don't want to suddenly drop dead like Callie did".

Top legend op

So she is begging you to take Chad's (Travis) shift?

Why can't Travis ask you, himself?

Chadvis can't be bothered so he sends his hoe.

it says tavain . . . fuck any numale named that

Chad was busy banging Wendy

If she is so concerned about this guy being able to go to the dinner, why doesn’t she take his fucking shift.

Oh right, because she doesn’t want to.

nice. 1.) no need to explain youself. 2.) don't say sorry.

why would he say sorry?!? to me it seems like stacy was bullying him into taking his shift. trying to make him feel guilty and it worked. if it was a chad and he said no she would have sucked his dick instead of going to the dinner. The $20 and a favor would have been nice but you probably wont ever get to the favor


That chest day line.. LEGENDARY.

You work at Wendys?

Wagecucking is better than having no income tbh ngl fam.

The fuck is with her grammar? No wonder she works at Wendy’s.

Uh, no offense, op.

imagine working at a roastie named place just kek


That was beautiful

It seems like you annoyed her, but didn't really teach her anything

So prod. Roastie BTFO'd !

Just fucking lol at the seething idiots who think he did anything wrong. His coworkers aren't entitled to his time, especially if they treat him like a leper.

Life fuel

Normalfags only acknowledge your existence whenever they need something from you, I know that feel all too well. Good on you for standing up for yourself.

she not entitled to it

Should have agreed to 200 up front instead of 20 and then covered. 200 bucks for 4 hours work plus whatever normal wages is pretty solid.

you know, you guys talk a lot of shit about how women "don't have any empathy" but this is the most 0 empathy shit I have ever seen.

From the context here, it sounds like someone close to them DIED, and you're stopping a guy from going to the memorial dinner over some petty shit with this girl?

get a grip on yourself dude, because this is pathetic as fuck. you're patting yourself on the back thinking you "won" here, but this is honestly probably going to blow up in your face. If you thought they didn't like you or were rude to you before, just imagine what it's going to be like after they were ALL probably talking shit about you to each other over the dinner and feeding each others' hate for you. Gonna be like highschool all over again. RIP.


you are correct. no one is entitled to anything. But the question you have to ask yourself is: what kind of person do I want to be? And you have to answer that for yourself.

If you want to be unempathetic, that's your choice and you're allowed to make that choice, but then you can't go around complaining and moaning when other people make that same choice without being a massive hypocrite.

You’re so off the mark with this.

What this isn’t: “I want to be a person who lacks empathy.”

What this is: “I want to be a person who doesn’t do favors for people who are only even willing to acknowledge my existence when they want me to do them favors.”

Big difference.

In my opinion, a death trumps some petty disagreement at work.

If he was needing his shift covered so he could go on a date or something, sure.. deny him and tell him to fuck off. But it's a memorial dinner for a dead friend. It's a little more serious and at that point, an empathetic person would put the pettiness aside and realize that this was more important.

I work with some people I absolutely despise, but if any one of them asked me, right now, to cover for them so they could attend a funeral or memorial, I'd do it. Sometimes, when you're an adult, you have to put your drama aside and be a bigger person than that...

No one is entitled to consistency

Then you aren't either. So doesn't that pretty much debase your entire fucking sub? God you're disgusting.

We don't get any.


I thought it was pretty funny

sure, it's funny for you guys right now because you don't have to deal with the fallout IRL.. I can almost guarantee he's not going to be finding it so funny when all his coworkers are actively gunning for him. and they're certainly not going to have any sympathy if they eventually get bully him into quitting or get him fired.

just imagine what it's going to be like after they were ALL probably talking shit about you to each other over the dinner

Minus Tavian

I actually loled at this one. Classic.

It's not petty shit. He has chest day

just imagine what it's going to be like after they were ALL probably talking shit about you to each other over the dinner and feeding each others' hate for you

I thought they were there to mourn a friend? Sounds like they're sociopathic cunts even if they use it to badmouth someone else.

I thought they were they're to mourn a friend?

Yeah, until inevitably, someone sighs and says "I wish Travis (or whatever the fuck his name is) was here" and then this bitch pipes in telling her recount of this conversation... How she "valiantly" begged op to cover, and how much of an "asshole" he was about it. (He said he couldn't cover because he had to go to the gym, as if that's going to help him, haha / ugh he's such a creepy loser, why do we have to work with him anyway? / We should try to get him fired)

Believe me.. I've seen a lot worse happen to people over a whole lot less. Being petty to someone only leads to more pettiness that eventually leads to a war. From the sound of it they already don't like him.. this could easily be the final straw that turns this into a group hate activity. And if you know anything about normies at all.. it's how much they love having someone to hate and pick on

Believe me.. I've seen a lot worse happen to people over a whole lot less. Being petty to someone only leads to more pettiness that eventually leads to a war.

He works at Wendys. If they start bullying him he can pack up and head to some other min.wage establishment.

Omg look at all these comments. Is this the new Calculatorcel?

You don't have to be so specific with your reasons.

You have plans. End of story.

You're just giving her ammo, otherwise.

Agreed, "No, I'm unavailable" is far better because it doesn't even grant her the privilege of knowing details of your life outside of work to try and bargain with.

Yeah, I'd have done the same. Say that I have plans, but not elaborate on it because I don't owe anyone explanations for what I do in my own time. Also, if the people being turned down were capable of self-reflection, they'd think about their previous behaviour towards me and whether that may have affected my refusal to accommodate them. With what OP said, the woman will just easily think that he is being a jerk by going to the gym and denying someone the opportunity to mourn.

I truly fucking hate when people try to guilt you in to doing something THEY want you to do by co-opting someone else's grief, or whatever. It's the same as getting offended on someone else's behalf. My sister pulls this all the time, despite being an incredibly selfish, narcissistic person. I bet Tavain doesn't even give a shit.

You should have said you'd do it if she gave you a blowjob.

The would have gotten him fired.

Why? It's okay to offer bribes, but it's not okay to offer sexual favours?

This is the sub that says you'll get arrested for just talking to a Stacys right? You really don't think he would get in trouble for something like that?

Yeah, but it depends what country he's in. In the UK, if he stood up for himself, there'd be no valid grounds to fire him.

I really doubt that. I feel like most corporate chain have a zero tolerance sexual harassment policy.

Worker's rights are a thing. Communication outside of work has fuck all to do with your job. And, like I said, she offered to bribe him first.

Think again pal. People get fired for BS reasons all the time in the UK. Believe me, if the manager(s) want you gone, you're gone. You must be VERY sheltered/naive/stupid if you seriously think telling a female co-worker "give me a blowjob and I'll do it" wouldn't get you fired.

People who don't stand up for themselves.

As it fucking should.

Yeah of course.

Wew didn't expect that sanity.

Idk maybe I just assumed that it being the right decision wouldn't needed to be said. I was wrong of course based on his response.

Roasties MUST get roasted. There is no other solution...well, there is, actually...but it's quite final..

Username checks out

“Yo” “Its chest day”

Jesus Christ, I’m fucking dead

Else how they gonna learn?

What a bunch of emotional blackmail bullshit, glad you stayed strong.

I can learn from you. Thank you posting this anon.

I'm not a native american speaker, so can you explain what is " chest day " ?


Wonderful, but never say 'sorry'

That took a lot of guts to say no to her man. I bet she thought you were a sure thing.

You are God tier at DGAF in my eyes brother.

So someone died and instead of covering a shift you decided to be an unempathetic asshole about it. You could have banked some good will. Made $20. Been thought of as a good guy who helps out.

I'm sure everyone will like and respect you so much more now that you've shown what a piece of shit you are.

Just remember this the next time you complain about how you're treated. You are 100% the reason for it.

Oh boy a whole 20 bucks!

As well as behaving with a modicum of respect towards your fellow humans. But if it doesn't immediately get you sex, why bother! Just be the shittiest person you can be unless there's some benefit in it for you!

But seriously a whole twenty bucks. That would barely cover two hours of wages in my last job.

He was going to get paid for the shift AND an extra $20. And he'd have been banking goodwill that he could cash in if he needed a favor later.

But keep being an asshole.

What favour would he cash in?

Have you ever had a job before?

Have you ever needed for someone to cover a shift? Or needed to come in late to get an appointment? Or needed any accommodation at all?

If you're a team player who helps out when they can, others are more likely to help you when you need it.

If instead, you're a bitter asshole who tells everyone to go fuck themselves you're not going to get any help when you need it.

This is basic social interaction 101 stuff. Even Gorillas understand this concept.

My previous comments I did. Hell I started a new job two weeks ago. Yes to that first one but thats because the people I worked with didn't see me as a secodary tool.

Not necessarily to both of those.

Yeah it is basic social interaction 101 stuff.

gorillas are black pilled, they fight and the strongest survive and get all the roastie apes. I don't see any numale cuck gorillas that say the female gorillas like their personality. the one that learned sign language was named coco not cucko

If you're a team player who helps out when they can, others are more likely to help you when you need it.

No they're not, there's a whole sub full of people making fun of lonely men who think helping others makes them entitled to their kindness in return.

Probably because, in classic incel fashion, he treated everyone like they hated him from day one and never developed a single positive relationship.

And yet they’re still upset they couldn’t extract utility out of this guy that they think hates them so badly

So her ignoeing him until she needed something was her version of a modicrum of respect? Respect isn't given it is earned. She didn't earn his respect.

thought of as a good guy who helps out

This isn't what happens at all, it just shows that you're the guy to go to when they need a shift covered, but nobody will ever cover one of yours in return. He was going to get walked all over.


If you save from drowning in a river the only thing they'll remember is to hit you up when they're drowning in the ocean.

chest day sorry

If they liked and respected him, why didn't they invite him to the party?

I'm not going to reread it, but my impression was that he didn't know the person or wasn't close to them.

The woman just said it was for people who were 'kinda closer'. What probably happened was they ostracized the ugly guy and now they want to take advantage of that as the reason for not inviting him.

What probably happened, based on the OP's attitude is he was a bitter bag of dicks who assumed everyone was judging him at all times and made no effort to get to know anyone.

That's a pretty standard incel tune. Claim everyone hates you, withdraw further, treat others like shit, then act surprised when no one likes you and claim it's all because of your looks.

Right, there is no way they are both at fault. It must always been the incel's fault. Normal people never have drama.

Maybe they are both at fault. All I know is:

One is a coworker making a very reasonable request.

The other identifies as incel and all the baggage that comes with. And in the chat comes off as a total asshole.

So I feel justified in my assumptions. Wouldn't be the first time an incel posted about their socially retarded, pathetic, or vindictive behavior only to be praised by the people of this subreddit.

You sound like a person who just comes to incel subreddits in order to despise them. It's your life but maybe you should go to subreddits that make you happy instead of here.

He is, actually. He comes here many times, and almost every time he gets outraged.

TFW you can't fucking say no

Just be a pushover bitch bro. dude fuck your self respect, don't you want people to like you??? Who cares if they only treat you with a semblance of decency when they're tryin to get something from you? That was clearly your chance to join the in crowd with all your cool and chill worker buddies and you blew it! Just lmao @u

Shrug. Obviously every work place is different and you shouldn't let yourself be shit on.

But if someone says, "Can you take a shift for me, I have a funeral to go to" then I'm going to do it out of basic decency, even if I don't like the person. If they don't reciprocate in the future then I won't help them again.

After reading the text a second time.. OP you are a dickhead and it's no surprise you work fast food and 'lift'. You will remain an incel for life.

I root for a lot of the incels in here.. I do feel really bad for ugly and short males because it's brutal.. but the fact you even care what a low social status girl who works at fucking Wendy's thinks or how she treats you.. is pretty pathetic. She works at fucking Wendy's dude. She's not a Stacy.

When I walk through Chicago and a crackhead woman says something rude to someone... they don't give a fuck cus she's a crackhead.

When I walk through Chicago and a crackhead woman says something rude to someone... they don't give a fuck cus she's a crackhead.

When a person from Chicago critiques and gives advice to someone, they don't care, because he's from Chicago, Illinois, they don't matter, they can't do better than to live in one of the most corrupt/violent/failed cities in the country, in the most bankrupt state in the Union.

Yes.. I'm sure every single male and female in Chicago is a bad person simply because they were born here. That's logical. I live in the suburbs anyhow.

I'm sure every single male and female in Chicago is a bad person simply because they were born here. That's logical. I live in the suburbs anyhow.

No, not because you were born there, because you can't or won't leave, when the mass exodus from the entire state has already begun, which means you have more on the line and no excuses for not seeing and acting than any Wendy's worker. No points on "living in the suburbs" a city in a state that has tens of billions of unpaid bills and has billions in late fees on those billions, not even talking long term debt here, but third world type situation where people and corporations aren't getting paid by their own government for months for services/goods rendered.

She works at fucking Wendy's dude

Yeah and so does he. Your crackhead analogy would only work if OP and the lady criticizing him were both crackheads.

The part you (and many others) didn't seem to get is: It seems like a co-worker died but for some reason they made a list of who was "close" to her and who wasn't. And OP was not on that list.

That alone is infuriating. If you go that route of "they wanted to gather to mourn" then OP should have been given the choice to come, as well. Who are they to decide who was close enough to mourn their co-worker and who wasn't? The only person who really knew is dead, right?

What an entitled bitch geez

I'm so sick of these normies thinking they are entitled!!!!! You hear that inceltears !!?? You aren't entitled to ANYTHING!!!!

fuck that cunt and good for you OP

Damn no wonder you have no friends at work lol

He has no friends at work because his co-workers are psychics who knew he wasn't going to do them a favour because of the way this woman treated him?

Because he has shit social skills, obviously

St Blackops2cel (pbuh) is smiling at you brother.

Just lol, you mogged yourself

Pussy pass denied

Literally an attempted pussy pass

OP doesn’t seem to have a problem with the Tavian guy that’s trying to get his shift covered, yet Tavian sends this bitch to do his wet work

You’re a terrible person.

How do you end up being this socially outcast from your work mates? Don't give me the "Im ugly" spiel. Tell me the truth.

Quit pretending you are so retarded you don't have a four year olds grasp on social interactions. You're better than that buddy

No buddy. Being ugly does not make you an automatic social pariah in an adult work place.

Fuck dude, I hate to be this guy but you might actually have autism. I wish I had it full blown like you do so I could just blunder through every social occasion completely unaware of any present subtext

Considering im infinitely more social than you could ever be that insult is water off a ducks back to me.

Internet doesn't count hunny

How do you end up being this socially outcast from your work mates?

Maybe his work mates are a bunch of cunts who don't invite other co-workers to memorial dinners, yet still have the audacity to act entitled to that co-workers free time.

Yeah my point exactly. Are they a bunch of cunts or is he a bit of a cunt? At any work place i've been in regardless of looks everyone gets an invite out to things. The only times we genuinely have not invited someone out is if they are a complete dick. OP is not telling us the whole story.

Uh you're kind of in the wrong here. The very least you could have done was tell her why not. This is clearly an important and sentimental event for the people involved

sex is important and sentimental. but she's not entitled to it so oh well

This was amazing

can absolutely guarantee you'd never have gotten that $20, or had her cover a shift for you in return

Yep and she wouldn't offer an excuse like OP did, wouldn't say sorry, either. She'd just say "no i'm busy" and ignore all further texts.



Reminds me of the time a female "friend" of mine asked me to pick up her and her friend. Super flirty and talked about chilling with me. Drove to my place and literally 5 minutes later they want to go home again. I told them to fucking walk and drove past them 10 minutes later honking.

Lmao OP is a legend. No one is entitled to your time off.


wow you really showed her /s

General Duggah for the presidency

Government endorsed mail in brides, death by stoning (no trials) for degenerates. Full on Sharia Law to replace the constitution.

/s for you degenerate retards from IT who dont get jokes.

Entitlement gross

I’m proud Why put into a system you’ll get nothing out of Now just refuse to pay taxes and you’ll be good When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty

Jesus you're a cunt. Someone died (seemingly from the texts), show some fucking humanity above petty grievances.

Fuck off, shitlord.

I can relate to this so much. Good for you. They treat you like garbage and still expect you to do them favours. And then they shame you when you say no.

Petty lol

This is the best shit ever. I logged on just to commend you, especially as a non tall, gymcel ethnicel. I wish I could be like this.

You work at fucking Wendy's? No wonder you're on this sub.

poor ppl suck


Hahaha what a bitch. I hate her.


I'm a bit triggered that you said sorry

Good shit though. Why does this hole even have your number though?

should of asked for a BJ man

Hey, jewishsupremacist88, just a quick heads-up:
should of is actually spelled should have. You can remember it by should have sounds like should of, but it just isn't right.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

"It's chest day," is our new gymcell rallying cry.

Is Tavian a cunt to you too? It's a lose-lose situation. You should've lied about this. You will be considered a cunt. Were you close to the person who died? The fact that everyone was invited and you weren't is very sad.

I agree with your reasoning but it was poor executed.


Not wanting to work the shift is one thing, dude. The fact that anyone praises you for this is pitiful. Someone died. Lucky for you, karma is non-existent or you’d have a cosmic bill racked up. But if there is, or at the very least, something ethereal, have fun burning. Moron.

Funny but too obvious. It makes you look petty and low t. Maybe you want that for some roundabout reason, you could just say “I’m at the gym”.


A whore gets btfo and over 500 comments causing a mass triggering for the normies. This is such sweet life fuel.

That is awesome.

But now she is gonna do everything she can to get you fired brah. Watch your ass.


You seem like such an asshole wow

Im new :(

My apologies for reading your comment the wrong way.

I think a pertinent question would be whether he was like this because he's on this sub, or whether he's incel because he's been like this all the time.

Dude same I never got invited, hell I didn't even hear about most of the stuff, It's only Chad that doesn't give a shit and shares with me what everybody doesn't want me to know.

It should not but the reality is that it often does.

For someone else. And offering incentives. As a supervisor I suspect.

Red the rest of my replies about how OPs coworkers are now all really going to think he's a selfish twat.

Yeah that is also true

it's really about this other guy Tavian

Yeah, sure, it's all about Tavian and her getting all worked up and angry about it is just her bipolar randomly flaring up.

I don't care.

You got jaded enough because of it.

You calling me condescending is a bit pot and kettle though, isn't it?

Returning the favor, in your case.

Oh, I only got to the rubbing in part when people got particularly obnoxious to me about my sexual past. Up to that point, I said I had a sexual past and left it at that. It was everyone else wanted it brought up, so I did.

Or maybe she's the supervisor?

You lot don't see why someone should be nice to people who are not nice to them. This thread is a good example. Why should I be all sweetness and light to be called a "fat old roastie whore" and be told to go die etc?

Can't have it both ways.

true, but op’s method is more satisfying

No, he should straight out say that he doesn’t wanna cover for her.

So you want us to be mean to you? I can do that too as proven.

a no from a human being for a stacy is as good as a lesson these days


Private Ernest Atkins who was on leave from the Western Front. He was riding a tram when he was presented with a white feather by a girl sitting behind him. He smacked her across the face with his pay book saying: "Certainly I'll take your feather back to the boys at Passchendaele. I'm in civvies because people think my uniform might be lousy, but if I had it on I wouldn't be half as lousy as you

Ernest Atkins GOAT

Huh TIL, pretty deplorable tactic.

I actually loled at this one. Classic.

Read the texts again, he said no to Tavian already it's in her first message she mentions it.

same man never invited fuck me

Well I am a guy.

I thought they were they're to mourn a friend?

Yeah, until inevitably, someone sighs and says "I wish Travis (or whatever the fuck his name is) was here" and then this bitch pipes in telling her recount of this conversation... How she "valiantly" begged op to cover, and how much of an "asshole" he was about it. (He said he couldn't cover because he had to go to the gym, as if that's going to help him, haha / ugh he's such a creepy loser, why do we have to work with him anyway? / We should try to get him fired)

Believe me.. I've seen a lot worse happen to people over a whole lot less. Being petty to someone only leads to more pettiness that eventually leads to a war. From the sound of it they already don't like him.. this could easily be the final straw that turns this into a group hate activity. And if you know anything about normies at all.. it's how much they love having someone to hate and pick on


We don't get any.

You’re naive if you think it’s because she’s the manager. She saw that when the dude asked OP he said no so she decided she’s try to ask instead. She was trying to use her girl card to convince him. Thinking op would drop everything because a girl asked him. Good on OP for sticking to his guns.

Hey, Chaomayhem, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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I’m not reading all that because you post on IT. You’re not like us, you’re a cuck who tries to play both sides for brownie points. I’m not reading any more of your cuck drivel, fuck off.