Shaun can't you see my job is continuing the human race, it's kinda important, do you want us to die out? Now quick you're gonna be late for your 10 hour shift babe

63  2018-05-25 by AprilYi20


Human Race Jfl

Go back to sea ya whale

Fat cunt

She's got more sexual market value than this whole sub combined.

It's cope. If you wouldn't fuck her (guaranteed that you won't impregnate her or be accused of rape) you're volcel.

I'd fuck her for sure. I ain't no volcel.


I'd fuck her, but I wouldn't act like it's normal, I'm not some beta-cuck normie.

Cute face.

Morbidly obese body

Doesn't matter to me.

True incel, i would probably bang her coz she's got good face, but i wouldnt bang sub3 fems. Call me volcel, but i rather jerk off

She's a 1.

Lmao what a copper, bc shes fat she's a 3 otherwise def above average

A woman's attractiveness is defined by her body. So, apart from the thing which defines her attractiveness, she's above average?

Your standards are ridiculous. A truecel would fuck any woman who wanted to fuck him.

My standards are not fat and under 35.

meh volcel


I understand the white nationalists now

White genocide = white women getting so fat that their own belly fat crushes the baby and kills it. Consequently preventing white couples from having children. SFcels on suicide watch.


>do you want us to die out?

Yes. /r/antinatalism

Yes. Robots are replacing us anyway.

Lol Normies having 6 kids not realising they'll be no jobs in 10 years

Normies having 6 kids not realising they'll be no jobs in 10 years

No jobs, ultimately no modern society, as the state falls and the grid goes down, children will be assets again, your own little corporation to produce/gather resources and/or military squadron to defend/take resources.

own little corporation to produce/gather resources and/or military squadron to defend/take resources.

Cope, dependants living off you until you die

Would still fuck. I'm no volcel.

This is the right attitude to have.

I’m showing my age, but when I was in high school ICP was actually relevant, and they talked about fucking fat women all the time because who gives a shit? It’s like, if the entire idea behind “fucking hoes” is getting off for your own pleasure, then why not fuck fat women? It really resonated with me and my 15 year old friends.

Lol at people saying they'd fuck her. Rather be single for life than smash this


Volcel not incel gtfo

What’s worse? Career-focused bitchy sex and the city single gals or lazy stay at home moms?

Love the new format!

10? lol make it 12

chads don't have problem fucking fatties, cause in the end of the day the'y re still chads and nobody judges chad about his preferences

"Basusero genético" -Incels

12 hour shift