Inceltears is a joke
96 2018-05-25 by palette25
I understand you guys. I'm not an incel myself but I have female friends who would mock "ugly" guys for hitting on them. They would call them creepy while they let Chad throat fuck them to oblivion. The truth is girls are just toxic creatures.
Reading inceltears makes me sad at how many bluepilled cucks there are in this world. That page is probably made up of the same girl bullies so they can laugh at you guys irl and online.
So I fully support you guys. There's a reason you guys turned out this way. But I hope you guys will be more aware of how toxic women can be and go your own way.
1 yuyuyuyuu 2018-05-25
inceltears is losing against us HARD.
1 the_left_is_stupid 2018-05-25
Absolutely. It seems that wider Reddit really knows how much of a joke that sub really is.
1 reanimatedjimjones 2018-05-25
yeah I initially was with IT but after seeing them completely deny basic truths (like physical attractiveness determining a significant portion of your life) and being very surface level with their analysis about sexual dynamics between the sexes, I'm more with you guys now
Except when y'all genuinely think violence and shit is funny but we can chalk most of that up to venting
1 Dart0is 2018-05-25
Same story here, Im not Incel but Im incelfriendly; I started on IT where I get a good cliché of the incel sub culture, then I realized their jokes & memes was lame af first, & for people wanting to fight "oppression against a minority (woman)", their lack of empathy & understoodness really chocked me. At some point I couldnt consider myself as "a good guy" & supporting them in their individuals quest to bully random people. I will not share, but I got some argui on IT with people claiming "I tryed to helped them, but they dont want, they are trash...... I tryed to told them "yeah you know, being pedantic, assuming they NEED the help You gonna provide is maybe not the best way to change the mind of someone"... then they called me incel too, so I was, you know what, despite my love for pussys, fuk those insecure wannabe Lancelot, & lets join the brotherhood.
1 thatzombieoverthere 2018-05-25
1 reanimatedjimjones 2018-05-25
shut up bitch haha
1 thatzombieoverthere 2018-05-25
I guess I was right.
1 reanimatedjimjones 2018-05-25
No tard
1 thatzombieoverthere 2018-05-25
You got me.
1 gwvent 2018-05-25
Losing what? They're pathetic for making fun of losers and you guys are pathetic because of who you are.
Nobody is a winner here except for the normal people living their lives.
1 palette25 2018-05-25
That's just what you tell yourself to stop you from quitting your 9 to 5 grind. Unless you're a billionaire or Chad you will never be truly happy.
Even love is just temporary happiness but even this cannot be attained by incels because of women's high standards.
They were given this platform to vent so let them be. All that toxic page is doing is bringing them down further. It needs to be taken down.
1 gwvent 2018-05-25
Happiness is temporary by nature. I'm fine with being content. I don't want to quit my 9-5 because it's an easy job, gives me plenty of disposable income, and has great benefits. So what if it's boring? I can have fun outside of work.
Women don't have high standards, that's just what you tell yourself to avoid taking responsibility. This isn't a platform to vent, it's a perpetual bullshit machine.
1 palette25 2018-05-25
Yes, you do you but you have to admit there are some truths to their words. I mean can you imagine being rejected all the time, called a creep, and laughed at?
Because I see these things happen first hand. While when a more attractive guy does the same approach, girls will beg for his cc.
1 gwvent 2018-05-25
I don't have to imagine, that was my high school experience. Eventually, I grew up, focused on making myself happier, and my life got better.
Yes, attractive people have it easier. It's not fair but that's life. Focus on the things you can control and don't worry about the rest.
You can make all the excuses for the behavior on this sub you want but ultimately, your problems are your own to deal with and blaming others will get you nowhere.
1 palette25 2018-05-25
Yes you're absolutely right. This post is mainly to advise incels to focus on something else besides girls.
I mean we are pretty lucky to be living in todays age with free hd porn. Just save money and jack off boys.
1 ap018734 2018-05-25
Yeah your life is so good you're on here talking to incels. Fucking idiot piss off
1 gwvent 2018-05-25
Ah, there are those sweet incel tears I was looking for.
1 retarded_dumbshit 2018-05-25
Boohoo, 4 years of being the outcast. Surely that means you know how we feel right?
1 gwvent 2018-05-25
1 yofiggle 2018-05-25
I'm not tryna say incels don't have a especially hard time BUT even if you smell bad and look like golem it's possible to love yourself and be happy. That's really the exception though. Very few people in modern society are more than just a little bit happy and most people are content with being miserable. I just think as long as you hate yourself you'll never be truly happy that applies to chads and incels alike.
1 FourIsANumber 2018-05-25
I love myself, and I'm happy.
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-25
This is true actually. But the odd thing is that you appear to put yourself above us? I mean the fact that your here is proof of the contrary.
1 gwvent 2018-05-25
Oh no, I'm part of the losers making fun of you.
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-25
It's like the poor whites and the blacks all over again but this time we have no masters.
1 Nobito67 2018-05-25
And normal people spend the entirety of their days by bullying random people on the Internet and being the ducked lapdogs of vengeful and evil females? Sure.
1 StBlackOps2Cel 2018-05-25
I want to throat fuck every one of IT
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-05-25
Id copypasta this but im on mobile
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
How toxic do woman have to be for me to type this? I went my own way, I pity the fools I left behind.
1 Hot_Incele_Rae 2018-05-25
I like Inceltears, they bring us good new members. And plus they're a good aspiration of what not to be in life.
1 beatitbaby1996 2018-05-25
Really? Really? This sub is full of hate and bullies so let's not be self righteous.
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
I love hate, and I would never be a bully, so I guess you are accurate, But I will never be self-righteous, I'm just righteous, without a partner to catfight you.
1 Hot_Incele_Rae 2018-05-25
> so let's not be self righteous.
Pretty sure you're projecting. The sentence before gave it away. Even if those things are true, you think Inceltears don't hate and bully others? You can only lie to yourself for so long.
1 beatitbaby1996 2018-05-25
I reread what I wrote and nowhere did I say inceltears doesn't hate not at all you both hate on a daily basis. You do have that in common.
1 Hot_Incele_Rae 2018-05-25
And you love it. That's why you can't stop reading it. Don't worry I will give you some privacy, just clean up when you're done.
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
What, the Goddam fuck are you saying. Jesus, it's like a code trying to read what you are saying. ENGlish please!
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
I definitely don't want you thinking of me jacking off.
1 beatitbaby1996 2018-05-25
Yeah, you know what I'm saying my dear, stop you look sad trying to seem clever.
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
I'm still a bit drunk from last night. I have been clever on occasion, just saying.
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
How, exactly does an Incel bully anyone? By being the biggest loser?
1 bopoll 2018-05-25
By not allowing others to bully them, apparently
1 AggressionSsb 2018-05-25
The entire point of an incel is that they are the bullied ones. Words do not bully this is not the uk am i rite.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-25
The Normans are getting blackpilled.
1 literallyarealperson 2018-05-25
Men are slowly waking up.
1 ForceFetusKing 2018-05-25
Less and less people are "joining the fight"
1 BetaChad69 2018-05-25
Inceltears are 50%+ male. Ultimate losers.
1 haymansafc 2018-05-25
I appreciate your honesty. The sorts of comments you see over on that sub is exactly the problems we face both in person and online - and yet we're deemed to be the problem...
They don't and won't understand that their negative comments and actions against those 'left behind' in the race for romance are actually the root cause of a major part of the problem. Ironic, really.
As I've said before and will continue to say, it's a societal problem. Not the individual problem of those 'left behind'. We're merely used as scapegoats. Time and time again.
1 palette25 2018-05-25
Yeah people act like it's the person's personality that's the problem.
Do they really think incels will talk like how they type on the internet? These are deeply rooted inner thoughts.
In the end, like everyone we want affection. If someone gets rejected by everyone, despite their personality being great, of course it's going to give a person a negative outlook.
1 haymansafc 2018-05-25
Indeed. I'm much more open here online than I am in person. Face to face, I'll show a faux-smile and act much more reserved then how I feel 'inside'. I almost always have done. It takes a lot for me to open right up to someone in person...
As I've said in previous posts - I feel romance has become a form of freemasonry. Only those who have had it before and managed to have a 'first time' at what society deems to be the 'correct' time - are allowed to subsequently have more. Those left behind? They stay behind regardless of what they do. Try - they're doing too much. Don't try - they're blamed for making no effort. We can't do right for doing wrong - and we're simply scapegoated for a societal problem that those 'left behind' in romance have to face on a daily basis.
That's what the real problem is...
1 TakethedoubleL 2018-05-25
judging by your comment history you’re hella incel
1 palette25 2018-05-25
By pretending to be an incel I understood more about them. But honestly I don't mind being an incel since I prefer being left alone.
1 thehardertruth2000 2018-05-25
Judging by your comment history you are a full blown loser. Over 30,000 internet points. How about you tell me your paypal and I send you $50 so you can leave your deadbeat apartment or parents basement for a day or two?
1 palette25 2018-05-25
1 TakethedoubleL 2018-05-25
Lmao both subs are jokes but okey. Just keep talking about women hunny
1 thehardertruth2000 2018-05-25
Since I know these things matter to you, 'mlady man'.. take my upvote! I know you need it to get through your tough Ben and Jerry's day.
1 TakethedoubleL 2018-05-25
tf is a soyboy
1 RAZENKN 2018-05-25
“... they let chad Chad throat fuck them into oblivion.”
1 thehardertruth2000 2018-05-25
It's pretty well known that IT is the literal bottom of society, socially. It's like at any school, the kids near the absolute bottom will laugh and pick on the handicap kids or the foreign loser or obese guy in a never ending attempt to raise their status. I almost fell into that category until I started playing sports and actually applied myself to school and wrestling. Never was super popular but never really got teased at all. I despised the whack social ladder and was friends with popular jocks but also 'losers'. Now that I'm older I realize most of the kids doing teasing and bullying were all at the direct bottom of the social ladder there, just like IT is at the social bottom of reddit. 'Haha let's tease people who didn't get a choice over how they look, and when they try to defend themselves let's say they are bad apples in addition to being ugly. I'll feel superior now! I'm finally in control of something!' - IT
1 Hal_Inceldenza 2018-05-25
High IQ comment.
1 supakomanija 2018-05-25
Are u some sort of mgtow recruiter?
1 [deleted] 2018-05-25
1 Mr-5-5 2018-05-25
But they still downvote our posts.