ER was a hero, prove me wrong

282  2018-05-25 by 32ozbottle

Without Ernest Rutherford's scientific contributions, particle physics wouldn't be where it is today


He would have dismissed you as a beta particle

alpha particle

4u in mass

beta particle

barely 0.001u in mass

mogged pretty hard.

Proof that it's over even at the atomic level

Atleast Ur not a gamma with zero rest mass

shout out to the chemistry cel

Top tier shitpost

Dont use ER’s name in vain

Under his leadership the neutron was discovered by James Chadwick

and in the same year the first experiment to split the nucleus in a fully controlled manner was performed by students working under his direction, John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton.

Very high tier troll.


Great man, he ironically called his most famous experiment the Gold Foid experiment to remind us not to put the pussy on a pedestal

tfw IT clicks the thread to find some content and gets triggered FeelsGoodMan

Hey everybody, no joke, I asked an older lady psychic medium friend of mine on the internet if she could sense ER's spirit. She said -

"He still feels like the world owes him something. He feeds off of the admiration of his admirers and the "movement" he helped perpetuate. There's nothing to fear but I would still steer clear of that spirit. He's not in a good place. Darkness is the absence of light which is the best way of explaining his position right now."

Fucking love these

I want to beat a woman

to the door so I can hold it open for her

damn u just made IT cucks delete their screenshots

Lol. When I read "ER" I though you meant "Eliot Roger".

You're so silly tehehe.

If the first thing "ER" reminds you of is "Eliot Roger" I worry for you. Seek help.

He definitely needs help, hes a watchpeopledie poster


Oh really? Hehhehehe

Would have never thought of him

no way bro

ER was also a hero tho.

High IQ bait tbh

I'm in the right place.

My mod senses were about to smash that remove button lol

I was about to say "an* hero", nice bait!

A.H. was a true hero as well, a great patriot that tried to rid Europe of the Communist scum.

He truly was a supreme gentleman.

Ha. I genuinely chuckled at this, have an upvote.

LOL this is too good.