The blackpill is EXTREMELY unnatural and unhealthy for the brain
122 2018-05-25 by superman1145
It destroys copes that are necessary for the survival of sub8 men, had we been deluded of life's hidden secrets we would definitely be mentally healthy bluepilled numales that are relatively happy.
As sad as it is to admit, I would rather be a numale IT poster literal cuckhold than be who I am, my life is extremely depressing and my brain doesn't even know how to cope with it because of what the blackpill has taught me.
1 lifeisbullshit95 2018-05-25
I can't focus on things anymore and i can't focus on my job anymore.. is strange how brain reaction to the truth..
I want to make a religious reference:
If you eat from the tree of knowledge.. ITS OVER
1 mylittlehandgun 2018-05-25
I'm so blackpilled that I just fathom the meaningless of life anymore. IAM a religious person but even that is not helping me anymore in dealing with the blackpill.
Great verse.
1 pandathrowaway 2018-05-25
You need to speak to a professional. You have been indoctrinated.
1 vironian_ 2018-05-25
tips fedora
1 vooffle 2018-05-25
On your religious reference, I think the mentlity that leads to your conclusion is your problem, if you ever identify one. Knowledge, and not being oblivious in general is where possibilities show themselves to you. Men do little of note while happy: we built civilizations because we woke up every morning unsatisfied with our lives and the world around us.
You know that life is not a disney fairytale, and a partner will not stumble upon you by chance. Make what you will with it.
1 Faresdeathxx 2018-05-25
If you're a good looking guy knowledge would be something good and it won't make you miserable. However, if you are an incel looking genetic trash guy having knowledge of that or not is pretty the same thing because you'll be treated like the subhuman that you are.
1 suicidal-pothead 2018-05-25
I'd rather be here than be a cuck or an orbiter. Fuck that.
1 wont_tell_i_refuse_ 2018-05-25
This. The black pill is healthier for an inquiring incel's mind than chalking women's nature up to something else. If you didn't have the black pill women would make no sense. The inconsistencies and unanswered questions would bother you... you'd die never acknowledging the truth.
Can't cough it up anyway.
1 mrThesselrot 2018-05-25
1 Jaywix 2018-05-25
The sub has tought me to accept my status as a subhuman and change my whole life around. I used to go out to parties but now what's the point I'm scared to leave my apt cuz of how I get treated by Chad and Stacy just gonna keep my head down keep working and try to learn computer programming hopefully to make enough money so I don't have to leave and go outside again
1 jim_james_comey 2018-05-25
This is what makes you an incel.
1 Jaywix 2018-05-25
Pretty sure my fucked up mouth is what makes me an incel but wtf would you know about tha
1 yofiggle 2018-05-25
Chad and Stacy are bitches for not understanding the dignity you possess as an UGLY GOD. They'll spend all their time flirting and fucking while you master the art of computer programming. Then you can just program a robot woman if your still desperate.
1 Jaywix 2018-05-25
LOOOOVE this! #incelpride #incelpower
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-25
The black pill is just a new, unaltered view of the world, and we all need to learn how to handle it, as we do any new information. Some handle it better than others, or quicker. But the black pill is not unhealthy; only your reactions to it can be unhealthy.
1 mrThesselrot 2018-05-25
exactly bruh. Fuck that shit.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-25
Most of us (who won't rope) will be betabuxx cucks or escortcel. I know what i want to be.
1 iamhopeless256 2018-05-25
After being blackpilled I became suicidal and angry. But at least I'm not deluding myself
1 wont_tell_i_refuse_ 2018-05-25
It seems to come in stages but never quite settle on "Acceptance", at least for most.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-25
After becoming atheist i still had period of time that i was afraid cursing God and having guilt for doing things such as skipping sunday service etc. I was deppressed, angry, but know it's better. It think it will be the same with a blackpill. I hope.
1 Wyer 2018-05-25
There is nothing wrong with deluding yourself.
1 its_a_fishing_show 2018-05-25
It's actually the product of the destroyed brain.
The Pill incubates through social misfortune and bursts from the host, destroying the precious last brain-meats of empathy and reason
1 Hideouslyric 2018-05-25
If everyone were black pilled it would be the women who were sexually starved. Only Chad would go after the ladies and he'd have his pick of the litter. So no sub8 girls would get laid.
1 Fudde 2018-05-25
Without the blackpill, you'd just be more depressed with life in the long run. It'd be a slow burn, as you'd just encounter disappointment over disappointment. Difference is, you'd probably be blaming yourself, since society conditions men to always "take responsibility (blame yourself for everything)" no matter what happened or how you ended up in a shit situation, so you'd just feel even worse about yourself. Why does everybody treat you badly? Because you're a piece of shit. Trust me I've been there.
1 Zippy1avion 2018-05-25
Man, I still blame myself for everything. "Why did I bother to get my hopes up? Now look, I'm way worse off than I was before! It wasn't worth it!"
Difference is back then, it was a slow burn, you're right, but a slow burn never shocked anyone. It was consistent and predictable depression, not sudden pitfalls of disappointment, self-loathing, and anger after another failed "Maybe this'll be different" moment.
1 Zyros_ 2018-05-25
1 Drakonlord 2018-05-25
I agree with you. Ignorance is bliss. Before the black pill I could ride a week high from a conversation or setting up a date. Hard to know that women are having 1-2 partners every month or are in committed relationships and whatever interaction you held as valuable means nothing to them.
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
Just imagine new pussy every month. Think of what that kind of life is like. Now, go rope.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-25
For being so enlightened incels don't actually seem to know anything about what is happening in the real world.
Which is why you are universally considered to be delusional outside of your little echo chamber.
1 crispickle 2018-05-25
Women slutting around with 2 men a month is considered ridicolous to you?
Lmfao normans and their denial is pure comedy. Calling us delusional is a defence mechanism so you don't have to accept the bitter truth that would cause your just world bubble to crumble under it's own hypocrisy.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-25
Yes, because that really doesn't happen very often. Average lifetime partner count for men and women is 7. One or two a month would mean every single woman would top the average in less than a year. If incels were correct then we'd expect to see 7 partners for men on average and 150+ for women, which is absolutely not what any research by any organization, no matter how biased, has ever shown.
1 geneticSubhumanTrash 2018-05-25
That's self-reported count, you mongoloid.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-25
How do you propose we study this? Just make up numbers off the top of head based on how we feel, like incels do? So high iq!
I guess in incel science we just assume with zero evidence that women are lying in all their self reporting, while men are always telling the truth. Seems totally sound!
1 geneticSubhumanTrash 2018-05-25
Just go away, you turboautist. You are contributing nothing of value except shit and because this is the virtual kind, you can't even extract methane out of it.
PROPTIP: all people lie in self-reporting. When it comes to count of partners, women deflate their count and men inflate their count.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-25
Stop lying please. We see your Twitter posts, you guys get millions of dudes messaging you every month.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-25
You see Twitter posts from a small number of women who want to brag about who they're fucking. That's very, very, very few women.
You obviously don't understand how to evaluate evidence properly if you think that a very small number of tweets indicates a society wide trend that all women succumb to.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-25
Look at the amount of retweets they get, the amount of attention, etc.
Want an example, that tweet from a lady saying white dudes shouldn't be near her vagina.
A day fucking later she was like, I only fuck white guys. All with tens of thousands of retweets.
Women only want white men, it's very clear.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-25
Wow. You actually think retweets mean something. You need to get out more. So what if some dumb people retweet each other's dumb shit on a shitty social media platform? You're going to assume that all women exactly mirror the worst sentiments you can find online?
By your logic, I can judge all incels based on the worst thing I can find one saying online. So you are all pedophile rapists who support mass murder and slavery. Congrats.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-25
Yup, I used to feel the same way. I don't think true love is possible anymore
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
I am here, because I, have an unused dick. I never wanted kids, I just wanted to get crazy with my lady, smoke some shit, and be in love. You. Don't like that... Don't tell us to leave.
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-25
It is amazing when you close all doors and lock yourself into a prison of your own making you feel bad.
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
What about when girls lock your doors? How is our prison our own making? They just have to listen, and fuck us accordingly. I don't feel bad, At least I'm a man, Girls, can come around anytime, They, just don't.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-25
You don't seem to understand how any of this works.
1 undeadcel 2018-05-25
better tell that femoids who get into abusive relationships
1 Amesa 2018-05-25
Science is like throwing flour on the invisible hand that has guided society/biology for as long as it's been around. We were never individually meant to know this much, but it's a necessary evil of the information age. In our absurbist quest of inquiry, we're gonna stumble on a lot of shit we probably didn't want to know.
Ignorance is bliss, but you can't regain lost innocence either. The bullshit part of it all is you can't recognize that until it's already done.
Maybe an odd addition(downvote me if you will), but psychedelics have been my go-to to try to process these unfathomable emotions I sometimes have about the enormity of it all. The good trips bring about a new vigor that makes me just not give a shit that things don't make sense, and the bad ones I learn about my thought processes behind the feelings I've been having which is cathartic in its own way.
You already know too much, might as well keep going.
1 eyewant 2018-05-25
High IQ comment
1 richardbankz 2018-05-25
You just need to develop complex, intricate copes and distract your brain from the blackpill. Functioning in society is 100 times harder I give you that, since hardly anything motivates you anymore.
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
Been homeless for 6 years, 5 months. The Black Pill helps, and it does not. I drink now, that's what it is to be alone for 20 years and give up. I drink, so I can never be a Chad, ever.
An addict, with nothing to live for, Lives, by the Black Pill.
1 jesuz 2018-05-25
1 gufestus2 2018-05-25
This is actually very true. The more "woke" you are the more depressed you become knowing how fucked up everything is. Society tries to subdue you with propaganda to keep you bluepilled enough to keep it going.
1 AspieCel47 2018-05-25
Blue Pill = happy cuck. Don't forget.
1 Board_Gaming 2018-05-25
Except that the "blackpill" is just propaganda too.
1 gufestus2 2018-05-25
It's not because no mainstream media is pushing the blackpill. I didn't find incels due to propaganda but rather dye to how I've been treated in my life.
1 changeIsTheWay 2018-05-25
1 ZeroHootGang 2018-05-25
"The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates, 399 B.C "Everything is cope!" 2018
1 zZacharyChad 2018-05-25
I'm trying to limit my time here tbh, and desire to leave this place all together. I'm sick of going over the same things over and over again, I mean I've been on these forums for over a year, that's pathetic. Now it's not as if this place totally changed what I believed in, but having links to studies solidifies these truths further and justifies my world view. Also things are taken to an extreme level here, but it's not at a level that I've never experienced before, it's just that it's constantly on my mind due to repeated exposure. I'm not even a truecel, WTF am I doing with my life lol.
1 Veiran 2018-05-25
Or, how about this: You will most likely not feel better from doing the things society tells you will make you feel better (e.g., dating, casual sex, relationships). What do you do with such a nugget of knowledge? You do what you need to do (job, school, etc.) and outside of that you do what you want to do. I'd recommend staying away from drugs and the like, but this can include video games, reading, TV, anime, exercise, enjoying nature.
Don't let your life revolve around envy for the lifestyles of Chads and Stacys. So long as you don't physically harm others, live your life the way you want to.
1 sizuha 2018-05-25
Wrong, there were volcels who found girlfriends and confirmed it cured their misery.
1 Veiran 2018-05-25
Good for them. Notice I don't use a term indicating absolutely the this will be the case ("You will most likely not..."). Obviously, not everybody is the same. Even still, the point is that getting a relationship shouldn't be the sole goal nor should it be so important that a lack of it causes one to become suicidal.
1 raspectwahmen 2018-05-25
Being in a romantic relationship is literally the only purpose of life. Everything that we do, be it acquiring jobs to house and feed ourselves, is at base done to help attract a mate.
1 Veiran 2018-05-25
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. It's literally the only purpose in life? Getting a job isn't for the satisfaction or for the fun? Jesus, dude...
1 raspectwahmen 2018-05-25
Sorry that not everyone is a privileged or smart enough fuck to work their way out of poverty and have 'fun' at their grueling 9-5 job. Fuck you. I bet you're some white college educated whore too, whining about white male oppression or some other bullshit.
1 Veiran 2018-05-25
I was using 'fun' as an example of why to get a particular job, not as the only one. Obviously it's not that way for every job, but jobs aren't there solely to allow for you to have relationships, sex, etc either.
1 HalalHaramKabab 2018-05-25
Blackpill is to help you on your way to rope. Bluepill is for cope and is just a steppingstone for rope. Praise BlackOps2cel.
1 13139 2018-05-25
That's because you are still harboring delusions about being a person or that you actually matter, or that your feelings matter.
1 superman1145 2018-05-25
Low I,Q comment
1 13139 2018-05-25
In case you don't know, our experiences, that is, 'human consciousness' has been established to be something like a diary entry.
It's not making the decisions, it doesn't have any 'will' and thinking it's somehow special or matters is just a nice illusion.
1 PsycheSalad 2018-05-25
Are you referring to the latency in our conscious awareness of the thoughts that we have?
1 13139 2018-05-25
That's one thing, sure.
But overall, there is little evidence for consciousness itself being actually good for something.
Most evidence point to it being a sort of 'summary' of underlying processes. Not the boss, not making any decisions, just nothing down what went down and being deluded it's actually in charge.
1 internethjaelten 2018-05-25
I need a terminology for all things said here like blackpill, numale, orbiter etc.
Lurk more cunt
1 internethjaelten 2018-05-25
Yes, I lurk. Im not really 'one of you' but I understand alot of what you're saying and its correct, women are pure shit.
1 CommonMisspellingBot 2018-05-25
Hey, internethjaelten, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
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1 internethjaelten 2018-05-25
This is the first time ever someone corrected me on this.
1 RegisteredLolicon 2018-05-25
bad bot
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1 apoptosiscel 2018-05-25
Blackpill = a metaphor for the truths about women and lookism. Hence "swallowing the blackpill"
numale = an effeminate or mentally cucked male
orbiter = a male who tries to stay around a certain woman by forming a friendship or being in overlapping social circles with her in the hopes that he will eventually be rewarded with sex
1 JaundiceCat 2018-05-25
Once you understand reality you become its master. Go, young bird, fly! Search for the truth until you're exhausted and then search for more. What you do with that truth is up to you but it is very powerful.
1 trevmon2 2018-05-25
just not possible to live life as a numale cuck when even landwhales don't want you, I mean you can't be a cuck if you don't have a girl in the first place that will fuck tyrone while you watch
1 RPGcel 2018-05-25
I've been depressed after taking the atomic blackpill, but I'm happy I'm blackpilled. Would rather be blackpilled than to be a betabuxxing, orbiter numale.
1 superman1145 2018-05-25
Let's be honest here, no you wouldn't.
1 Gooi-a-weg 2018-05-25
You can always feel better by knowing you are right, they are sheep and you know better, you get it. Pride is a powerful cope
1 superman1145 2018-05-25
1 Gooi-a-weg 2018-05-25
Yeah that's what i said. It's cope. It all is
1 superman1145 2018-05-25
Low I,Q comment
1 Veiran 2018-05-25
Good for them. Notice I don't use a term indicating absolutely the this will be the case ("You will most likely not..."). Obviously, not everybody is the same. Even still, the point is that getting a relationship shouldn't be the sole goal nor should it be so important that a lack of it causes one to become suicidal.
1 Jaywix 2018-05-25
Pretty sure my fucked up mouth is what makes me an incel but wtf would you know about tha
1 superman1145 2018-05-25