Chad Incelknight vs Virgin Inceltears Member

81  2018-05-25 by keyandfeels



I don‘t know whats worse, writing haha 10 times in all capitals or copy-pasting the laughing emoji.


jesus christ LMAO

Cucktears is beyond fucking pathetic

Yes IncelTears just keep telling yourself that the fabric of society is not ripping apart.

hahahaha fuck I'm dead. If this was guy was black during the US civil war he would be fighting for the confederates

I bet he'll end up posting here in a year or two.

The hive mind will ostracize him like they do to any decent human being.

The amount of pure distilled cope in that single paragraph is enough to feed a nation of African children for a year.



/r/IncelTears is full of incels coping with one of the worst copes. They think they're better than us because they respect women and if they're nice then eventually they'll end up in a happy relationship. They reinforce this holier than thou mindset by posting to IT to make fun of us.

I will copy and paste another comment I wrote on IncelTears on stuff like this:

A lot of posters in places like IT are coping normies and incels in denial. I found out about /r/incels originally from this guy who kept sharing stuff from inceltears off reddit in an another online community. At first I had a similar response as him and I just said stuff like lol yeah they're fucked up. After a few minutes of looking through /r/incels though I thought "holy fuck...this is my life."

A month or 2 later, the guy that was sharing those posts had swallowed the blackpill. He never acknowledged that he had started out as an IT type of person. I don't really think he realized it himself since for most people it's not something that happens all of a sudden. Blackpills can take time. I stopped talking to him a long time ago because of other reasons so I don't know what his thoughts are now. When people swallow the blackpill, most of them don't go back.

At one point, the normies and incels in denial on IT will have to face reality. Do you remember IT the day /r/incels was banned? It was full of posts like "sometimes I feel like I relate to incels, but I don't hate women or blame them for it" and "I am a virgin but not a toxic incel, how do I change and avoid that".

The fact is, IT is filled with normies and incels in denial who are in self-denial. Making fun of incels is their way of feeling better about themselves and putting themselves above us. Some of them will eventually swallow the blackpill. It's hard to deny reality forever.

Normies there with gfs/wives, and that's probably not too many, do the same thing, make fun of others to make themselves feel superior.

The femoids there are a different story. They like to continuously make fun of some of the most miserable people on Earth to satisfy their sadistic pleasures. They don't need to make themselves feel superior to us. Our problems don't even apply to them. They can't relate to us yet they feel the need to continously look at us and go "oh my god! they're so horrible!" when no one is forcing them.

All we can do is cope and keep dropping blackpills.

Okay, this ones not cope. You fucking destroyed him with his own words holy shit.

lmfao, sticky this for the love of god.

"looked after" Women are literally children?


I bet he'll end up posting here in a year or two.