beta orbiters on suicide watch

1089  2018-05-24 by azucel


If a girl talks to you about her boyfriend problems you’re a fuckup. I know because I’ve been there.

That's what being """friends""" with a female gets you. It's either them talking about their problems with some other guy or they made a retarded decision (consciously no less) and want you to tell them they aren't wrong

Exactly. I still remember this one girl asked me if she was wrong about something in high school when I was bluepilled as hell and I kinda gave a half-assed answer that she was neither wrong or right and she stopped talking to me after that I always beat myself up over it but now I’m so glad I did

I had this girl friend and honestly, the black-pill just made me brutally honest with her. I simply told her that he probably has hotter girls to go for when she asked me why he was acting the way he was acting with her.

Nice move

You go boyo!

legit. The biggest problem is supporting the fantasy that chad will confine his dick just for you, to you.

Nice, you pulled her down on her level.

Exactly, even though I didn’t mention it, she always made rude remarks about my appearance but we kind of just did it jokingly to each other all the time. I can tell though she was visibly distressed when I would.

Lol, girl swallows brutal reality pill once and she cuts you off, meanwhile you have to take your daily black pill.

Dude, in highschool I was friends with a girl who straight up told me to stop trying to be so positive and give advice when she tells me about her problems and that she just wants me to agree with her.

Damn , she just str8 up wants u to be her emotional tampon. brutal

When people have problems, they more often want consideration, not advice. See: r/braincels

LOL. I was literally going to say, like this sub?

Incels are here because bluepill normie advice is nothing but copes. No one here needs low-IQ "advice" designed to keep the normie from having to admit life is not fair.

I mean, I agree. My point wasn't that advice is (universally) good, but rather that it's generally unhelpful when you face an irresolvable problem. In such a situation, advice doesn't help you, but commiseration does.

What about all the times people are friends with females where this exact situation is not what happened? Lol.

all the times Yeah, all the 1/200 times that happens totally disproves OP.

You normies need to learn the difference between universal and general truths.

P.S., a girl who's your friend because you're forced to be around each other e.g. at work does not count.

So, you mean, you’re surprised that the concept of being friends with a girl’re friends?

Being friends is not a one way street. If you decide to have a platonic friendship with a female you should know that she would never ever listen to your problems or take time off her schedule to help you in any way.

As a man with plutonium female friends, gotta say you are wrong on that bucko. Have vented to more than one female friend and they were totally fine with it because they wanted to help me feel better

just get plutonium friends bro

I'd edit iit, but that auto correct is fucken gold. It shall stay as is.

It's not a question of if. I do. They have.

It's a question of who. My comment only applies to ugly males.

I haven't been a friendzone for a few years, what's the current rate of how much free drinks/food/gifts they're charging?

LOL I have plenty of chick friends and I'm definitely not on the lead when it comes to who's done who favors. We buy each other drinks and birthday presents and I can still find time to date and sleep with other girls. Because we have a genuine platonic relationship. And double lol at you not having been in the friendzone for a few years...yeah, whinging on the internet is significantly more rewarding.

she wants you, you must have a good face, chad has female orbiters

Lol I have plenty of relationships like that is what I'm saying. There's some sexual tension here and there with some but there's two in particular who are family to me. One's married, one's got a kid with another dude. We've all gotten drunk alone in each other's rooms, we've gone to concerts and passed out in the same bed... We've had ample chances to fuck and it just ain't like that. Some people enjoy each other's company.

Does your brain shut down when I tell you that they usually pay for me?

no, but my cuck antennae extends and starts emitting a high pitch whine that curdles all soy milk in the area.

I have plenty of female friends who I’ve bounced my problems off of. It’s definitwly been a two way street.

Suuuuuure thing buddy.

The only shit being friend with a girl provide you is endless hours of listening to her self inflicted first world problems. Being viewed as an asexual being by your girl friend turns you into her emotional tampon, nothing more. Rest of the time you don't even exist.

you complain that she has first world problems while also whining about being friends with a girl. how pathetic.


our problem is far worse than third world chad's

of course third world incels have the worst lives in the world, I have empathy for them, ricecels, currycels, africanhellholecels

Even back when I first heard the word """friend""" from a female, I knew instinctively it was a bad thing.

That was hilarious. Is there a way to like posts?

Are you new here?


You click on the little arrows to the left of the comment to upvote/downvote. Some subs don't allow downvotes.

Assuming you aren't trolling me.

I'm not. I'm just kind of an idiot.

Oh, but yeah. You should still be suspicious of everyone though.

That's alright. When I first joined I used to downvote my own comments because I didn't understand why I got an upvote on myself, and why it didn't start at zero. I still don't understand it.

Maybe in some instances. I noticed it often in grade school, but less as you get more mature adult friends. Honestly most of the comments here sound like high school logic.

And if a guy's response is "I'd never do any of that to you", then he's clearly not interested in just being friends either.

That basically means she doesn't see you as a sexual object.

Why the hell would you want your friend to see you as a sexual object?

If she's a female i'd love to be sexually objectified

It means that you are attractive in some way

Because having sexual desires is a part of being a normal functioning human.

Are you guys thick or just trolling on purpose? Also if you guys are so keen on fucking your friends, then you've got wishful thinking. Friendzoning is as old as human history, it's the worst way to get a sexual partner.

The issue isn’t about fucking your female friends. It’s about female friends viewing someone as less than a complete person.

Then those women are not your friends, simple as that. Plenty of female friends I don’t find attractive, but I never feel like they’re ugly or that they’re incomplete.

That’s most guys experience. Friendship isn’t a one way street. Ok, fine. You’re friend with a girl and you don’t consider her an incomplete person. You recognize her sexuality as part of her existence. Wonderful. Do all of your female friends feel that way about you? Read the comments ffs.

The comments are brain dead. I don't actively think about that friend's sexuality, why would I think about my friend's sexuality? Unless we specifically talk about sex, then it's not something on either of our minds. This sub exists in a alternate reality, I swear.

Hence why every single man with female friends is a fucking fool

Yup. Back in high school I spent about 3 years orbiting a girl who never got approached by guys. I was the only guy that showed her attention. But I still wasn't good enough for her haha

I know the feeling.

If a woman is talking about her bf problems, she wants to vent. She doesn't care about you're advice to go for "nice guys like me". She doesn't want your opinions. She just wants someone to listen. You're a fuckup because you don't know how to keep your mouth shut and nod your head.

Why the fuck would I waste my time listening to her whining?

For normal people, that's what friends do. They're there for each other. But, since you're all shitty people that only care about yourself and getting your lil weenis wet, I can't imagine you'd care about her problems. That's time better spent on vidiya and anime.

For normal people, that's what friends do. They're there for each other.

Hahahahaha found the guy with no friends.

That's what girls do for each other, at least. Maybe guys and girls should never be friends then if guys aren't cool with sharing problems, which would be cool with me.

FHOs and men can never be true friends.

Show your big booty

Dude, we both know you have no friends. Not every girl wants to have sex with you, stop thinking of them as only sex objects ya cuck.

No girl wants to have sex with me. Did you finally figure out where you are? LOL

Try getting off reddit, you post here way too much, also if you lower your standards and try stop being so toxic, even if you have to fake it, you can get your dick wet.

fucking lol at normies thinking incels have standards. Okay bro, gonna go try to fuck a severely mentally disabled slut. You like that power dynamic?

You realize theres sorta ugly non mentally disabled women that will fuck you right? If I had to bet what quality turns women off the most, I'd bet its your victim complex.

Ohhh boy, here we go! Normies coming in telling an incel that ugly women don't fuck Chads and Chadlites on the regular.

'Bro you keep actin like a victim bro, of course females don't wanna fuck you bro.'

jfl if you aren't victimcomplexmaxxing in 2018

Normies coming in telling an incel that ugly women don't fuck Chads and Chadlites on the regular.

Wait, so you only want to fuck virgins? Do you understand how unrealistic that is?

nigga what the fuck are you talking about? Who in the fuck said anything about virgins.

All right, I'm gonna give you the basic rundown because I'm assuming if you aren't trolling, you're just failing to understand:

No woman wants to fuck us. A true incel would happily have sex with any woman who showed interest. Believe me, if some 250lb acne ridden woman with bad teeth walked up to me and was down to fuck, I would totally fucking do it. If she wanted a relationship, that's a huge fucking plus. You think I'm out here chasing 12 year old girls? You think I'm fucking stupid enough to consider anyone who isn't under a 5/10 in my league?

No woman wants to fuck an incel because we are ugly. Ugly women don't need to fuck ugly men, because normal looking men and even a few Chads will be willing to fuck ugly women regularly. Ugly men don't get to fucking choose who they want to fuck, unlike ugly women. Women almost exclusively date and fuck up. It's simple fucking biology and nature.

Did you get that through your thick fucking skull you troll?

Whinge whinge fuckin whinge.

I'm not a troll, i'm just trying to understand you people. Do you honestly think all ugly fat people dont fuck? Whats your problem, specifically?

Fuck you and fuck off. Can't believe I wasted my time typing all that shit for fucking 'whinge whinge whinge.'

I fucking hate normies so much.

I'd bet money that your personality, anger and self loathing trump your physical short comings.

Like I said, I was just trying to understand the users here, but whatever man, good luck and all the best.



I think you have it backwards chief. I actually have and know how to treat friends.

Being friends with a female means that you are there for her and she uses you as an emotional cumdumpster and only talks to you if she wants to vent.

Actually “normal” females do that. Men generally give advice while women give “emotional support” to their friends. Advice is more helpful in my opinion.

Username checks out?

Not necessarily.

Not if you're just friends with her? I've no problem with girls coming to me with their guy problems if I'm not interested in her.

This is almost universally true.

A girl who is remotely interested in you, or sees you as a viable mate, will avoid mentioning her boyfriend at every opportunity.

100% degeneracy

I mean that’s what friends do on occasion. I have guy friends talk to me about their relationship problems too.

It only can be a problem if you’re attracted to that friend, but still not necessarily.

I have a friend that I talk to about her man problems, i also fucked her while she was on a break with her boyfriend and will again when they break up. Explain?

82k likes? goddamn it been over

Chad or death in 2018

It's literally just hahahahha

Look at all the roasties tagging their slur girlfriends

Pass me the rope, its fucking over

You can have my rope, after you unwrap it from around my cold, dead neck.

Don't we need you for the race war

War is cope.

It is. But cope>rope

Beta cycle orbiters are worse than whore roasties.

just lol

The blackpill isn't new, it's just that most people aren't negatively affected by it because they meet the looks threshold.

it's the extreme contempt for ugly men that gets me, the way we are used as emotional tampons, the way they don't give any goddamn shit about how we feel about anything. yeah, sure, just tell your "ugly guy" how your shitty bf who gets to fuck you because of his superior genetics alone is all shitty and awful, no problem, he is just a poor ugly dude he is probably happy i talk to him at all.

the fact that they are conscious of exploiting subhumanity and know it fucks me up. how can they be so evil?

Just do your own thing dude. If someone is fucking some other dude and taking your kindness for granted, they don’t deserve you. You could rock your own life with your own perfect partner without her.

most men are blackpilled. just this recent generation of kids was blue pilled by feminism and liberal ideals

Yeah, but it seems to me that many start to become blackpilled again, at least if you lookt at some normie instagram memes. Of coursed disguised as meme and funny joke

I’m sorry but no 95% of people I knew personally from all stages of my life are in LTRs at this point, I’m 30.

Being in an LTR and being blackpilled is not mutual exclusive. I'm 30 as well and 90% of my friends are blackpilled like me. Their venting just stays in the locker room or in the bar but their mindset doesn't change.

Betas need to wake up to how much they’re getting used

I'm glad I was blackpilled at a young age to never have female friends.

women these days are only useful in the bedroom

Yeah no shit, particularly because having female friends wouldn't make it more likely that you would be able to socialize and communicate with females. Thank goodness.

of course we don’t want to socialize with foids, that’s the fucking point.

If you want nothing to do with the foids...stop talking about the foids

Yeah no shit, particularly because having female friends wouldn't make it more likely that you would be able to ~~socialize and communicate with females~~ __be used as a disposable emotional tampon__. Thank goodness.


That's what MALE friends for dumbass.

Females are not capable of friendship in the first place. You can be her friend but she won't t ever be your friend and couldn't care less about your dating life or your state of loneliness.

I disagree. I have had plenty of female friends throughout various stages in my life. Is it possible that you are the one who is incapable of friendship with woman instead?

All it does it makes you even more of a pathetic beta bitch you ignorant fuck. You think the studs women fucks listen to her endlesr bitching and is a gentleman who drive them to the house where they gonna get fucked afterward while she tell him what a nice guy he is? Don't make me laugh.

Female friends only ever want to hook you up with their unatractive friends.

They don't even do that

I mean, they have to me... but really I suppose I'm not taking into consideration what ya'll go through. I've never heard of an girl trying to hook up even her fattest friend with an incel type.

Arthur Conan Doyle - 1912

How beautiful she was! And yet how aloof! We had been friends, quite good friends; but never could I get beyond the same comradeship which I might have established with one of my fellow-reporters upon the Gazette,—perfectly frank, perfectly kindly, and perfectly unsexual. My instincts are all against a woman being too frank and at her ease with me. It is no compliment to a man. Where the real sex feeling begins, timidity and distrust are its companions, heritage from old wicked days when love and violence went often hand in hand. The bent head, the averted eye, the faltering voice, the wincing figure—these, and not the unshrinking gaze and frank reply, are the true signals of passion. Even in my short life I had learned as much as that—or had inherited it in that race memory which we call instinct.

But hey, why would you trust a lonely basement dwelling creep who travelled the world, created Sherlock Holmes, had 5 children with 2 wives.

Me too. Women are scum, if you’re not attractive, the only use you are for them is resources and raising children

‘Things you say when you can’t get women’

If you don't make friends with women, you won't know how to talk to women. Being truly blackpilled is being blackpilled and being able to socialize with women at the same time.

I agree with this. I had my phase of true betaness but I after I got on my self improvement journey and stop giving a fuck bitches stopped whining on me about their relationships and gave me validation instead. It's truly enlightening.

women are only useful in the bedroom

Hahaha I've been there one time in my life,I was so damn stupid and probably blue pilled. Never again, if that bitch finds you ugly and disgusting she ain't no friend. You are just something to talk too.

You're acting like no woman in the world has ever legitimately befriended an ugly person.

Not seeing you as a sex partner doesn't mean they don't value you as a person; they just don't find you sexually attractive.

Then they have no respect for you! They see you as a ugly male , they will ditch you in a heart beat for their crush coming by also and treat you like a cuck. Don't come around here spouting your stupid shit about they don't have to be attracted to you. That's like if a guy told a girl yeah you are ugly and id never do nothing with you but we can talk,about football and all the girls I want to fuck. Fuck off go find a fag to talk to about dick and drama.

Well they don't value you because despite being ugly, you're also not interesting or pleasant to be around, for what I imagine is more reasons than I can count.

And yeah, I have tons of female friends, most of which I have little to no desire to fuck, most of which are middle of the road in terms of looks, but I enjoy their company and am happy to have platonic interactions with them as human beings. The fact that your entire view on human relationships is bent out of whack is why this idea seems impossible to you.

Get help, please, for your sake.


My wife will be so heartbroken to hear that she has been married to and fucking a homosexual for the past decade.

U got jokes

I also got platonic female friends and a healthy sex life, if you want to know how to get those, feel free to ask.

It literally means she views you as inferior. She believes you are unworthy of being with her because you are genetically inferior to her, stop with the worthless platitudes.

You're looney-toons. Not wanting to fuck you doesn't mean they believe you to be genetically inferior to them, it means they don't want to fuck you.

If in your mind not wanting to fuck someone of the opposite sex means you think they are genetically inferior and therefore cannot even be legitimate friends, then it's no wonder that women find you repulsive.

The worst part about this is that they always get away with this. Not to mention, it's become completely normalized in the eyes of the public.

Yes, but if she labels you as her "ugly guy friend" then you probably aren't that great of friends to begin with lol.

This account is called “hoenest” what do you expect it’s satire

shut the fuck up

the way she says in the replies that he can't be that kind of guy anymore because he's not ugly.

kek IT for denying the Blackpill.

Hoenest isn't an account that parodies how "hoes" think, it's an account that supports the "hoe"/basic bitch life.

No, it's a proud slut who thinks slut-shaming is wrong.

Women think it's funny cus it's true shit bag


I only once fell for that shit with some cutey trans FtM who was complaining about other lesbians and thought I'd Slytherin her Harry Potter

On and on about how she wants to kill herself and women are shit (oh but when I say women are shit...) And yep. Awalt confirmed as despite knowing this her hypergamy was still greater than her desire for companionship and authenticity

So I just picked up and left. Next time she said she was gonna kill herself I was like good, do it. Last thing i need is another pain in the ass in my life

We deserve better than this. We work, we pay taxes, we ain't going this shit for free

I only once fell for that shit with some cutey trans FtM

So you're into dudes?

But where there are many Grindr users there are many gay chads. You’ll get frozen out all the same the way straight incels do anywhere


They are both about equally gay.

No that's not how it works. One was born a female, and that's the only thing that matters, so liking the person with the vagina can't be gay right?

Transphobic lol. Maybe you should stop enabling mental illness? The reality is that both ftm and mtf become freak of natures the moment they start taking hormones.

It doesn't matter how much you deny reality, everyone sees them as what they really are: victims of self-mutilation.


He's right. You can't force others to play along with your mental illness.


I know right? I want everyone to treat me like Spiderman, call me Spiderman, and to honestly believe that I am the real Spiderman. If only there were government laws to __force__ them to believe I'm Spiderman! Amirite?!

Honestly I don't care. If calling you spider-man makes you feel like you can be yourself and belong in society, then i have no problem doing it. It doesn't inconvenience me AT ALL. Get over yourself and treat people with respect, maybe then you can live a happier life.

If you have to look at Buck Angel and call him a she, you are the one who is mentally ill.

Buck doesn't have male chromosomes, but he is certainly a man.

If Star Trek were real, you'd call Mr Data an It, because a robot thinking he is a man is just malfunctioning.

I know this is difficult for you, since you clearly failed third grade science class, but hopefully this helpful educational video clears things up for you!

OMG so clever. You've totally pwned me.

You're gay bro. Better to just come out of the closet. You will feel better.

Didn't know there was such a thing as a gay incel.

Trans FtM, since the ability to change sexes doesn't exist, he'd be a Incel who liked a woman with a mental illness and perhaps a surgically and chemically mutilated body, but still a female.

Technically that's true, but he's still probably mostly gay. Hell, I'm not even attracted to women with short hair, because they look like little boys to me.

A man who is attracted to masculine women is probably at least bisexual.

Ok cool story Dick Tracy.

Never read that book. It's about a whale right?

Trans ftm would mean its a biological female with a mental disorder.


She wouldn't sleep with you so you told her to kill herself and you wonder why...

And I'd do it again. I've slept with more cunts that you can count faggot. You go listen to her problems for free than if you're such a nice guy™

Lol you seem very happy. Glad you've found the right path.

IT: this must be satire. People aren't shallow!

bein ugly is a curse women only want to use you

The amount of product on her face probably cost more than my total food intake for today, and I eat roughly 4000 calories daily.

Remember that.


6 8. 4000 calories a day put me at about 200 lbs up from 160 but I have capped out on weight at that intake as ive been 200 for about 3 months.

WHEN I do go back to the gym im going to have to supplement roughly 5000 total a day at 300g protein.



My current estimates put me at about 600 USD a month on nutrition alone.

But currently I am a bit flabby. Im basically a pot belly lanklet. My last foray into gymcelling I lost 10 pounds in 8 days, taking me from 162 to 154. I looked like I had just escaped a prison camp.

Do some research before you start consuming 300g of protein per day. Chances are that you don’t need near that amount and will be wasting your time and money trying to reach that goal. If possible, talk to a registered dietician and try to work out a more science-based meal plan.

It was recommended along with the extremely high calorie diet while doing 6 a week full workouts.

You miss the part where I said im 6 8 and 200 lbs?

Lol ok

Except all research suggests an upper bound protein intake of ~1g/lb of lean body mass for optimal muscle building. You don't need 300g.

so it should be 200 g for him since he is 200 lbs?

No. Even less than that because it's 1g/lean body mass. So his total mass minus body fat.

over for nba shooting guardcels

10 pounds in 8 days?

That has to be a miscalculation from you pissing beforehand or something. There’s just no way.

6ft 8 and incel? It’s over

7feet+ in 2018

Food is cheap af tbf mate.

Normies, stay here and face the music.

if a girl starts talking to you about her boyfriend just leave the room

I love how blunt they’ve become now. They don’t hide their contempt for inferior men. No need to, because gynocentrism and hypergamy is the new norm.

That's where they'll fall. They will spread the blackpill for us. And the betas will turn. When that happens...we strike some more of their schools.


I dumped all of my female friends years ago. I stopped calling, stopped texting, stopped following on Instagram, unfriended them from facebook... I ghosted like 6 people. These where girls I talked to often and hung out with occasionally. Not a single one bothered to continue a friendship. No calls, no texts, no messages. Such is the nature of female “friends.”

No calls, no texts, no messages

Your utility had run its course.

Or was simply easily replaceable. Just a few weeks prior I had hung out with one of these women.

Or he always had to initiate anything.

Sad but true. I had a "close" friend for about ten years who ghosted me when her best female friend moved back into town and she started dating a Chad

You deleted them simultaneously off all social media, and we're then suprised they didn't try and contact you? You know they can see that you unfriendly them right?

What dumbshit is that facebook isn't the center of the world if a FRIEND suddenly went radio silence i'd call him to figure out whats going fucking lol you delusional fuck you can't accept the truth this is no friendship this is using men as disposable resources get fucking lost you cuck.

I love the rage here! This is the early to mid 2000's internet I've been missing.

Exactly this, but less angrily.

FB doesn’t send a notification when you unfriend someone. And an actual friend would reach out.

I mean I have personal anecdotal to say that's not true, I've had plenty of girl friends who would text me first, ask how I'm doing, listen to me when i asked, because I did the same for them but didn't expect it to get me in their pants.

Maybe it's because you are still virgins, that you feel like you just need to complete the race, so rather than looking for a girl you actually like any finish line will do, so you see every girl as just someone to satisfy your sexual urges. But once you've had sex and your over the whole idea it's easy to see girls are people too, they have their own ideals, quirks, likes/dislikes, passions and you can be a part of their life without being a romantic part.

You don’t get it because your a virgin

I’m in my mid 30’s. I lost my virginity at 19. I’ve dated and fucked more than the average guy, but not an impressive amount. Im married.

Any other analysis based on bullshit assumptions?

I mean I do have a few, but you can just make up more bullshit facts to prove me wrong so what's the point?



What's wrong with being gay? I'm not but why do you see it as an insult?

If you have to ask, you’ll never understand.

Clearly not. So you are a big and a sexist. How suprising.

Yet happily married, well adjusted, professionally successful, in fantastic shape (for my age), and previously successful with women.

Meanwhile the anti-fascist Starbucks barista will preach about how wonderful polyamory is while picking Cheeto crumbs from his soyboy beard.

So who’s more successful at life?

What's wrong with being gay?

Bro you get fucked in the ass by other men.....

If that's what they like who are you to judge?

Never did anything that drastic, but can confirm, female friends never try to reach out if a friendship is fizzling. I've had dudes I'm friends with text me out of the blue after months of not speaking. The only women who've ever done that are ones I've been romanticaly involved with.

The only women who've ever done that are ones I've been romanticaly involved with.


Ah, but you guys are so much fun.

Because females already have female friends. Close ones, back up ones. You come after them. You're just someone to talk at when their genuine friends are busy, or they've had a fight. Females socialise 24/7.

I mean, I do this to everyone. I am very introverted and if someone isn't initiating contact with me, they just...fall out of my life. I feel sad about it. I miss some people I used to call friends - some I still call friend in my mind, despite everything. But I never learned how to be the person to reach out and it makes me uncomfortable to try. I want to keep the people currently in my life there, but...sometimes people get tired of it like you did. I don't blame you, really. But it's not always malicious from the other side.

If she's not interested, she's not interested. She is under no obligation to fuck you.

There's "not interested", and then there's leading guys on that she has no respect for.

How is she leading the guy in the post on?

Talking to him, obviously.

Are you mocking these people, or do you actually believe that?


Ok, good.

stop bullying

What does this has anything to do with the post you low iq dumbshit?

she is obligated to not make fun of the guy on the internet tho

It’s anonymous. Don’t act like this is the only time someone has posted about someone else online. She didn’t say who he was; if she had, then there would be a problem.


Maybe give a legitimate response instead of just laughing at me?

social media was a blessing all along. I kept thinking it is cancer, but it brought out the true nature of the foid in the open. Our generation is collateral damage but eventually all of this info will help. I hope.

I'd be okay with this if it said something like "when you talk to your shy, socially awkward, boring, entitled, humorless, witless friend' because then we can say it's just his personality

But the fact that its the ugly friend, that it's so blatantly lookist, gives me the impression that it's over and we can't win

This is what you get if you make the choice to be some foid’s emotional tampon.

Victim Blaming

I'm the "ugly guy friend" for this girl I know who's slept with 20 guys since I've met her.

I always make sure to never mention things that might imply me wanting anything got to do with her romantically.

I'm the "ugly guy friend" for this girl I know who's slept with 20 guys since I've met her.

Maybe /r/cuckold is a better sub for you.

She ain't hot, it's not like I want her


How many times have you held her purse? Answer honestly.

Once but I offered

Might as well get a psych degree and start charging by the hour.

The funnest thing in the world is always taking the guy's side when a girl complains about boy problems.

Don't be friends with women. MGTOW at least gets that one right

JFL if you have girls as friends

he's a nice guy not her friend. Like u said a beta orbiter. He wants u fuck her and he thinks she's gonna do it because he's nice, but like she said he's ugly and that's never gonna happen

This is the moment when that guy will never be "nice" to women anymore. I remember that moment


i like this girl

I only keep them as acquaintances, not close friends. I only desire to date wymyn, it's very rare to find one that I can relate to and whom I find interesting as a person. Some are fun, interesting, and knowledgeable, but I feel that's it rare in comparison in what I find in men.

It’s super crazy how somebody can take their subjective worldview and just apply it to the human race as a whole. 😂 Damn this community is toxic.


I had a bunch of female friends but I blocked them all once I took the black pill

they don't care, got new orbiters within seconds

If a guy says that in that situation they are a huge dumbass. You just sit there and say that sucks. You also know you aren't there to get with your friend. You are there because she is your friend and that is neat. She also has friends who are girls and some may line up well with you. Hope I clarified the best play given the situation.

Well you’re her friend. She just she’s you as that, nothing more. Of course she won’t want you that way. She’s talking about her guy problems with you because you’re a guy as well.

That's what being """friends""" with a female gets you. It's either them talking about their problems with some other guy or they made a retarded decision (consciously no less) and want you to tell them they aren't wrong

it's the extreme contempt for ugly men that gets me, the way we are used as emotional tampons, the way they don't give any goddamn shit about how we feel about anything. yeah, sure, just tell your "ugly guy" how your shitty bf who gets to fuck you because of his superior genetics alone is all shitty and awful, no problem, he is just a poor ugly dude he is probably happy i talk to him at all.

the fact that they are conscious of exploiting subhumanity and know it fucks me up. how can they be so evil?

most men are blackpilled. just this recent generation of kids was blue pilled by feminism and liberal ideals

That basically means she doesn't see you as a sexual object.

Nice move

You go boyo!

If you want nothing to do with the foids...stop talking about the foids

Yup. Back in high school I spent about 3 years orbiting a girl who never got approached by guys. I was the only guy that showed her attention. But I still wasn't good enough for her haha

Lol ok

If a woman is talking about her bf problems, she wants to vent. She doesn't care about you're advice to go for "nice guys like me". She doesn't want your opinions. She just wants someone to listen. You're a fuckup because you don't know how to keep your mouth shut and nod your head.

legit. The biggest problem is supporting the fantasy that chad will confine his dick just for you, to you.

Damn , she just str8 up wants u to be her emotional tampon. brutal

Victim Blaming

U got jokes

Not necessarily.

Not if you're just friends with her? I've no problem with girls coming to me with their guy problems if I'm not interested in her.

Except all research suggests an upper bound protein intake of ~1g/lb of lean body mass for optimal muscle building. You don't need 300g.

This is almost universally true.

A girl who is remotely interested in you, or sees you as a viable mate, will avoid mentioning her boyfriend at every opportunity.

Nice, you pulled her down on her level.


I mean that’s what friends do on occasion. I have guy friends talk to me about their relationship problems too.

It only can be a problem if you’re attracted to that friend, but still not necessarily.

I disagree. I have had plenty of female friends throughout various stages in my life. Is it possible that you are the one who is incapable of friendship with woman instead?

When people have problems, they more often want consideration, not advice. See: r/braincels

Transphobic lol. Maybe you should stop enabling mental illness? The reality is that both ftm and mtf become freak of natures the moment they start taking hormones.

It doesn't matter how much you deny reality, everyone sees them as what they really are: victims of self-mutilation.

over for nba shooting guardcels

I'd edit iit, but that auto correct is fucken gold. It shall stay as is.

Technically that's true, but he's still probably mostly gay. Hell, I'm not even attracted to women with short hair, because they look like little boys to me.

A man who is attracted to masculine women is probably at least bisexual.

And I'd do it again. I've slept with more cunts that you can count faggot. You go listen to her problems for free than if you're such a nice guy™

If that's what they like who are you to judge?

I have a friend that I talk to about her man problems, i also fucked her while she was on a break with her boyfriend and will again when they break up. Explain?