When pointing out Juggernaught Theory

110  2018-05-24 by 488Koala


I got banned from there too, welcome to the club brother lel

A lot of us looks like it. That sub is to cucked/feminized and is deppressive as hell.

Yeah I got banned too because they're sensitive bitches

Whats the juggernaught theory?

Any woman can get laid.

Cucked sub anyways , forever alone is filled with indenials who think its abput their β€œconfidence”

I go on FA because I like to laugh at female "FA"s after checking their post histories.

Just hold some plates and spin frame bro

Google it?

men are more likely to go for girls with flaws.

butterface females have more offers at the end of the day than an 8/10 female.

probably one of the most brutal blackpills

And the 8/10's won't settle for amything less than model looks or 100k a year minimum...

And then those guys still fuck the butterfaces on the side.

Really starting to see why you guys are depressed.

Flawed women have an attainability bonus that make her extra attractive to many mem

I got banned for calling out a fakecel femoid who was complain about "decent" guys not being attracted to her

"Decent guys"

Its chad or nothing

"lonely" women will never realize that it's their own fault for their loneliness. They're retarded and always wanna go after chad instead of going with their looksmatch.

Same thimg bro

I got banned from there for talking about catfishing

When I browsed r foreveralone a while ago, that subreddit just made me depressed, because all the posts were just blaming themselves and how they can't get any girls.. Now, when I browse here, I feel so much happier. Find myself laughing a lot at the memes here.

Yeah it's way more accepting than people give it credit for. Other than it arguably praising suicide I'd say it's a positive force. Maybe it has something to do with personality types, maybe some people need to lie to themselves to feel better or need warm support from others, but this place errs on things being worse than they are, but is more accurate, and that's at least honest.

Nobody's saying "you'll find someone eventually with a positive attitude" or "the last x dates were just unlucky", they're saying "your situation's messed up and you'd need drastic changes if you want it to get better".

Maybe it's the difference between saying what someone needs to hear to feel betters saying what you think is the problem even when they're hurting.

I don't really browse r foreveralone though so I'm probably wrong.

High IQ post.

I don't really browse r foreveralone though so I'm probably wrong.

dont browse that shit. it just makes you think the reason you can't get women is because of your "personality", when it fact it could be your face or lack of attractivness. numales on that sub get deluded thinking they can't get attractive women because the numales aren't nice enough to women

Forever alone is cucked. There was a foid literally saying that she was forever alone because a tall handsome guy she had a crush on was dating someone else.

man, you cant make this shit up! they all like chads

While most of us would be overjoyed if qt3.14 looks in our general direction

High IQ post.



It was a really weird thing to say

Yup, this subreddit is high testosterone and high iq.

Virgin foreveralone Vs Chad Incel

Obviously forever alone deserves it and wants it. They need to take the fucking cyanide already and leave the dialogue to brocels

haha rip dude. Most forever alone guys know that females have it easier but dare to say it out loud and you're a misogynist.

That sub is horribly cucked, I'm surprised I haven't been banned yet for my (comparatively) innocuous comments.

what is the juggernaught theory?


Yeah, those assholes banned me too just because I said FA consist mainly of men.

I'm also banned LMAO.
