The most common criticism of incels is that incels are entitled. Incels are entitled but not in the way the critics think.

48  2018-05-24 by 010scguy

In the critics mind, he/she thinks that incels are entitled to sex. The truth is that incels feel entitled to a healthy life. Incels lack intimacy in probably all facets of their life, this causes deterioration of the brain, social skills and self-esteem. Incels want to feel healthy and confident again so it seems that sex is the solution because it is the ultimate indicator of health and confidence. It is however a shortcut, an incel cannot cut corners and go from no social value straight to sex. There are baby steps that must be taken. The conversation needs to be shifted away from sex into something more attainable. No one here has model tier looks so incels need to start acting like it and have realistic expectations. Critics need to realize that incels are hurting and lashing out due to lack of intimacy, not sex. There needs to be more empathy from both sides.


It doesn't help that incels spread hate.

Women are people too, they have faults and flaws...pointing that out is fine, but...claiming that women are flawed justifies pedophilia, violation of women's rights, rape, violence...

You can have all the rational criticism in the world as your premise, but if your conclusion is irrational you have destroyed your own argument.

Incels feel entitled to being viewed as desirable to their looksmatches or below. That's the most low-expectation entitlement I've ever heard of.

No, in fact that is not the conclusion of most incel arguments.

Most incels make much darker claims about what they the incels deserve and what women deserve.

What you have written was the main complaint of incels they would get much more traction.

Most? Hot take there. If you asked most people here whether women being less lookist, they'd be okay with that.

What 'most' nigga? 'Most' truecels would fuck a 200lb woman if she loved them. There ain't no fucking choice in this shit. You think incels can even afford to have standards?

'Most'. Man you normies bruh

If what you have written was the main complaint of incels they would get much more traction.

If what YOU are saying is true, where are all those incels? Why did the 3 incels that reply to you all disagree with your assertions on incels? I await for your reply.

I also got a reply that said

Women are people too

Stopped reading here

This is a common attitude around here...there are plenty of examples to illustrate my point.

This place is tolerant of extreme views.

You know, you're right pardner! These incels really are beyond help. With this melting pot of extremist views, the best thing to do is to find a better place to better discuss the incel menace. Here's a great place for you, buddy, where you can watchdog all the rapist virgins that live on this sub. It's called r/IncelTears! Enjoy your new home! Yee haw!

Thanks bruh

  • tips fedora *

you could have made yourself look a lot better by not exclusively replying to low IQ bait.

But how am I supposed to know the difference?

I don't know. You see people on left wing subs call for the upper class to be guillotined or sent to labour camps. Half are extremists and half are trolls.

And again, engaging more seriously with genuine arguments would get you more respect.

I did try to engage.

I think there is room for valid criticism of women.

I just notice that a lot of incels do take it too far imo.

Not on this thread, you didn't.

So I am wrong.

Incels don't have an image problem and icneldom is not associated with extremist views?

Why don't you ask Late Stage Capitalism about communism, or The Donald, or any number of subs? Or course there is an image problem. Of course there are extremists. This is Reddit. But you are claiming them to be the majority.

Well my mistake.

But you're just going to ignore the ones that are opposite of your point?

but...claiming that women are flawed justifies pedophilia, violation of women's rights, rape, violence...

...Okay, you're just reaching here. It sounds like to me you just pay attention to the edgier posts and overreact to only them.

I suppose we should heed your advice and become more authoritarian then?

This sub clearly isn't for you. Like someone else said, go to IncelTears.

That was not my advice.

My advice was to stop being so bitter and hostile.

ONE person replied like that. They have 0 upvotes. Compare that to all of us saying otherwise and our upvotes.

Does this look likes majority to you?

Waiting for him to answer this lmao

Ok, what is the conclusion of most incel arguments? Make a claim.

Your inability to tell the difference between dark humor and actual opinion is very obvious.

I am not the only one that has difficulty in telling the difference.

Perhaps it is not wise to have a dark sense of humor when people are willing to act on it.

I am not the only one

No fucking shit, there is an entire subreddit dedicated to taking everything posted here literally and sperging about it.

Dark humor is born from emotional pain. It isn't a choice.

Society's outcasts may occasionally act out.

Ok, but it seems to me if you wanted to be taken seriously as though your criticisms are valid, then you would be more serious about the subject and not constantly posting "darK jokes" that make it easy for people to get confused.

Also it is a choice whether or not remain bitter and hostile.

I know this for a fact because I used to be that way myself but decided that having the blame game as my only cope was not helping.

So I stopped blaming women and myself.

There are a number of subreddits that deal with many of the criticisms mentioned here in a serious manner. This is the "other" place.

Telling people how they should feel is a nice hypocrisy.

I didn't tell anybody how they should feel.

But it is just a fact that people actually do have control over how they externalize their feelings and what are attitudes that they project towards others.

You don't have to be a hostile bitter person towards others if you don't want to and you don't have to feel hostile and bitter if you don't want to. I know for a fact it is possible to get over that shit if you stop playing the blame game as your only cope.

You are making a big leap assuming that the way someone posts sarcastically on reddit is how they interact with people in real life.

The only leap I made was to say that people can control their attitude towards others. Even online.

That was literally all I said.

Why did you still not answer the other comments lmao

You are telling people how they should feel. If someone feels bitter and/or hostile because they are learning some very harsh truths about life, are they not allowed to interact with others? They should somehow conform to your timeline of cope? There are plenty of jokes on this sub about "rope". There is some tough realities behind those jokes but most people could care less tbh.

No, I am not telling anybody how they should feel.

It is a tough reality that life is not fair and nature can be cruel.

But it is also true that you don't have to be bitter and hostile about that if you don't want to, I know this for a fact because I choose to stop feeling that way myself.

I never said that if you want to be bitter and hostile about that it should not be allowed to be that way.

If that is how you want to cope go for it. But that is your choice. I don't have to feel that way if I don't want to.

Women are people too

Stopped reading here

Case in point

This is an ironic strawman fallacy.

claiming that women are flawed

Are you implying women are not flawed? Superhuman and perfect? But men and incels are flawed?

justifies pedophilia, violation of women's rights, rape, violence

Except NONE of this sub does that. Promoting pedophilia, rape, violence, etc. is against the sub community rules.

Feeling entitled to things is the most retarded thing I ever he leads. You only get one fucking life of course you want it to be good and have the good things life offers. Saying you feel entitled just means sorry about your luck ugly now shut up.

They twist what we really want into something slightly different that has a negative connotation to further their agenda. Obviously we incels think that we should be living good lives, we pay taxes, we dont go around murdering people, we are normal citizens. Getting sex seems like a basic biological function and if it isnt then society shouldn't have TOLD US THAT. I have no complaints about the basic facts of nature, they do. They are the ones that are lying about things. If I'm too ugly to get a good looking woman then fine, but dont bullshit me in my face about how everyone is beautiful. If that were true then I could get prime Heidi Klum. Bastard liars.

I do agree.but also everyone of them are hypocrites. They'd be depressed and bitching too faced with the same issues. I know women cannot handle it when they aren't wanted. I've seen them get really sad over it. All you got to do is look in depression groups you see guys and women both complaining about lonelyness. And if that person is attractive then all kinds of people will be there to comfort. If the person is ugly,nobody will comment. People are so closed minded they can't put themselves in anybody's shoes also. When they are over there on inceltears and start realizing they relate to incels they make a post over there saying I'm afraid I'm one of them what do I do. And shit like that.

The funny thing is that these same r/inceltears cunts telling us we aren't entitled to a relationship are unironically pink haired obese marxist-leninist communists who believe they are entitled to free shit from the government with our tax dollars.

Yeah I'm sure they think they deserve a lot of things

We’re not entitled to a healthy life.

While it’s fundamentally true that Incels would likely benefit more from intimacy than just getting laid, there is a disconnect between these things for most Incels.

It’s not that Incels are entitled to just ANY sex. They could get laid if they really wanted too. There are some hideous 4’11” men out there that are getting laid. They are entitled to the sex they’ve determined they deserve. They often believe that because they don’t murder people, that extremely attractive women should shower them with affection.

Their entitlement isn’t just in sex. It’s in sex with partners out of their league. They are jealous of the fat girls that fuck chads on Tinder and are upset that the roles are not reversed. The whole “roastie” idea is just a defensive mechanism, they shit on what they can’t have and pretend like they don’t want it.

Tinder/Bumble/OKCupid are fueling the Incels with the purely aesthetic date matching and they are convinced they will “never” meet anyone, despite the fact that most of them are under 25 and haven’t even tried to live life yet.

high iq post man x)

The media, feminists and the blogsphere are twisting the truth to suit their narrative.

As a girl, I can get behind this. I still do believe that no one has the right to bully or mock you or make you feel bad due to your looks it's stupid and that's why I don't go on IT. I feel like you guys need something. Love is very important sexual or not and especially in today's society where sex is seen as a less taboo subject it's easy to get depressed over relationships. I've seen all of you talk about depression and suicide and I've been there myself and I no that if someone told me to "just get over it" I probably wouldn't be alive today. Now not to say I'm with all of you. As a girl I am insulted when you say mean things about girls just like as incels you get insulted when people talk shit about incels but I feel like no matter who are mental health is important and people telling you to kill yourselves isn't going to make anyone better. I'm willing to show some compassion if you are. So you can like message me or something. Im not usually on Reddit tho.

I also got a reply that said

Women are people too

Stopped reading here

This is a common attitude around here...there are plenty of examples to illustrate my point.

This place is tolerant of extreme views.