Brutal blackpill: Females would rather date a tall guy for being tall than a short guy that is a doctor and a millionaire.

33  2018-05-24 by anonymousvirgin88


can you imagine the uproar if we did this about a woman weight ?

There's be no uproar. Fat women will get someone to fuck them no matter what.

Women are the sociopathic, materialistic sex, motivated to value men primarily through how we can make themselves look, what we can do for them.

Men are the romantic sex, driven by hormones to be able to romanticize even the mundane.

Very true. Women are evil and cruel. It's only because they lack physical strength that they haven't exterminated low value males.

Your move, IT.

But i know that one guy

But this video is just a few women....

No need to say anything else. Femoids hate short men.

Femoids hate short men.

Somefemoids women hate aren’t attracted to short men. Fixed that for you.

Does this sample size of four women prove everything? Or do you accept it as fact because it fits the narrative?

I agree that in general women prefer tall men. Not all women, but most. But what’s your point? Men have qualities that we generally prefer in women, too.

I genuinely don’t understand the point you all are trying to make, and if someone could attempt to inform me without flaming me I would appreciate it.


I don’t get it. Is this a concession that you’re incapable of supporting your point of view?

Lurk more.

Taking that as a yes. Hopefully someone else will come along who can make your argument for you.


Ugh. I wish pretentiousness was against the rules.

It's the best they can do.

And apparently the best you all can do is ignoring other perspectives and refusing debate.

Incels don't owe you debates bro. Why don't you try getting some hobbies if you want incels to debate you? Get a shower and a haircut, then you'll be having debates with incels left and right. My buddy's friend is a 5'2" Indian janitor and he defends m'ladies on braincels all the time bro

I've debated lots of people here. Most of us have. The reality is that in our current time modern women are incredibly and increasingly shallow, especially with regards to factors outside of a man's control such as height. Evidence of this is literally growing, evidence to the contrary is literally exceptional and of diminishing quality and quantity. There are no arguments that effectively dismiss modern women's utter dismissal and even mistreatment of short men or otherwise genetically unfashionable males.

A civil reply! Thank you.

Do you genuinely believe that women are substantially more shallow than men? Because as a man, I can say that I’m pretty shallow. I not only prefer women within a certain height range, I will only date women who are fit, and I’m shallow about facial imperfections (big noses, eyes too close together, etc.). In my mind, being shallow is a human quality that you all are only applying to one gender.

I not only prefer women within a certain height range, I will only date women who are fit, and I’m shallow about facial imperfections (big noses, eyes too close together, etc.).

Prefer. That's the word I feel you should medititate on. I also have preferences as well: I prefer non fat women (I have no issue with thick, but I dislike obviously fat women), I like and prefer short girls, I also prefer women that have small feminine noses. In all of these examples, despite my preferences, despite my ideals, I would be and have been willing to compromise on all of them at one point or another. If a woman is a good person, down to earth and we have chemistry, I can and have been able to focus on the aspects of her that I did find attractive because I know that nobody is perfect, we all have flaws. My preferences are just that: preferences.

What many many women do today....they don't have preferences, they have requirements. I've seen guys, at least a hundred times, get rejected simply for not meeting an ideal women have in their minds; overwhelmingly most young women today have rigid standards that they are absolutely unwilling to compromise on. There are MANY women that will not, under any circumstances, date a bald guy, or a guy without a college degree, or a brown skinned man for example. Same goes with height and I'd argue that women discriminate using height to a degree that is both more common and intense than any other factor, and I'd argue that this is obvious.

Yes it's true that there are shallow men and women, but like it or not, due to the nature of supply and demand that the social alterations caused by social media, many women today can afford to be much more shallow than in the past. Women today are much more shallow than men on average, and height is the most premier way they express this due to how our culture values or associates bone mass with manhood.

Men tend to have preferences

Women tend to have requirements

Please understand this.

I really think your perspective is simply biased, because you’re encountering the preferences of women as an obstacle, whereas the preferences of other men have no bearing on you.

I have outright rejected women for being too tall, or having eyebrows I didn’t like, or whatever small detail I found to be off-putting. Men have requirements just like women do, and everyone should feel free to be as picky in finding a mate as they want to be.

I know a lot of the men on this subreddit probably have serious physical flaws that keep people from being attracted to them, but I think it’s safe to say that these guys aren’t pursuing women with similar looks. They’re most likely shooting outside of their league and then getting angry when they get rejected.

I appreciate your perspective, all I personally ask is that you seriously take a hard look st how many women express hypergamy today, and if you want compare it to men. I'm not asking you to hate women, just take a serious objective look at how many women are actually treating men and take your own biases out of the equation. That's all I can say to you. For now, I'm happy to agree to disagree.

We don't need to explain the fact of female requirements for the 10,000th time to someone like you. Lurk more faggot.

Solid argument. Instantly devolving to anger and insults when I’ve been civil. You’re really helping your position 👍🏻

lmao this faggot doesn't even know what "lurk more" means XD

Femoids lie and say height doesn't matter, that's the problem.

Fact: women do hate ugly men, because not only they won’t have sex with them, they actively prevent other women from dating said ugly men.

Fact: women have requirements of the other sex, men only have preferences. The very small portion of the genetic elite men do have requirements, but most of it is just “don’t be fat” which is not a genetic condition, but a character flaw.

Fact: women have very uniform preferences. No study has shown a cronbach alpha of below 0.8 when talking about women’s preferred date. They have one specific type of man in mind when thinking about having sex.

Studies have been done, if you deny height plays an enormous role in women's dating choices you're in denial.

Yes, looks matter a lot, to both men and women. That’s the part you guys aren’t acknowledging.

And there are ugly women out there, but I guarantee that you all don’t even glance at them twice.

I don't because i have a beautiful girlfriend, but if you think ugly women have even a remotely difficult time finding a sexual partner you are in denial. You know how men are. Look at this sub, how fucking desperate they are. They'd do anything if only they got the chance. In all honesty dating is a breeze for women, and again i don't blame them it makes sense evolutionary.

I agree that in general women prefer tall men. Not all women, but most

That's literally all you have to say. Women hate men they aren't sexually attracted to, and virtually all cunts fetishize height. Even if that isn't the case, what difference does it make? A cunt that isn't putting out is worthless, and no man would want to waste his time around her.

Fuck off. Women do hate short men, they never shut the fuck up about it on normalfag sites like facebook, twitter, or whatever.

Women hate men they aren't sexually attracted to

This is so ridiculous! Where do you get this idea?? Why would they hate men they aren’t attracted to?

A cunt that isn't putting out is worthless

But apparently you hate women you aren’t attracted to/having sex with? That’s hypocritical as fuck my dude.

And this experiment was conducted in the early 1990s. Just imagine what the results would be like today.

The short guy would be labeled a misogynist.

The short guy would probably be taken out back and shot for his crime of existing while short in the presence of a female.

Betabux on suicide watch

If it makes you feel better I'm 6'4" and letting it go to waste.

Nice humble brag, fag.

Why brag about things I have nothing to do with. I mean you probably think if you where tall your life would be a millionaire rockstar. Height is only 1 of many factors required to live a good life as a man.

I estimate only 2-5% of men are actually living a fulfilled life where they have money, height, looks, health all lining up for them.

Stu is a volcel if he was a billionaire he’d be fine.

And apparently the best you all can do is ignoring other perspectives and refusing debate.