Anybody else get annoyed when redditors respond to suicidal ideation by pretending to give a shit about that person's life?

101  2018-05-24 by keyandfeels



They love to virtue signal when someone finally breaks and decides they want out of this life.

Nailed it. Just another way to white knight and hope that somebody sees it or they're just masturbating their own self image. I mean, I'm a "normie" who just started lurking here because I think you guys are funny overall and I wanted to learn more about inceldom instead of just accepting what the media is saying. In all honesty I'm not going to lose sleep if one of you ends it, the same goes for anyone else I don't know. I think it sucks that life can he that shitty for some people but if you came to that decision and went through you probably were escaping an unbearable amount of pain and misery.

Yep. Everytime I see someone saying "DON'T DO IT" I roll my eyes. Not that I want them to go through with it, but honestly, there's no value in saying some generic on liner that literally everyone says.

Oh man I want to kill myself! Oh welp, looks like normie redditor #673 told me to not do it, so I guess I won't. I'm cured of my depression and loneliness yay!

So you telling him to actually do through with it is better? How can you justify that?


Because they suck that's why

Who is they? Your fellow thread member? So you're mean to outsiders and each other? Interesting..

Lol when outsiders tell us to kill ourselves we are


Reading sure is hard, especially the part where he says he doesn't want them to do it.

Your reading comprehension is terrible.

Nigga where do you see me saying that


“ don’t worry. You have a lot to live for “

“ think about your family “

“ this is a permanent solution to a temporary problem”

"you are loved"

LMFAO by who

By the rope who has been calling your name for ages

The rope can hug you like no woman ever would.

“ this is a permanent solution to a temporary problem”

i dont get this one. why wouldn't you want a permanent solution

If someone genuinely wants to take their own life that is their decision alone to make, I don't care many virtue signalling clowns want to screech otherwise. They aren't fooling anyone here by pretending to care about the problems here, and they never even actually bother to see why they were driven to such a state in the first place.

yup yet if they say they anything about having agency in dating they get absolutely shat on

Same people then turn around and tell someone to kill themselves over a disagreement.

It just hurts their fragile sensibilities that the world isn't a perfect place where as long as you're kind and nice everything works out.

It's more insidious than that. They don't want you to kill yourself because that make for 1 less person at the bottom of the food chain. Enough people do it, or some de facto form of it like become a hermit, and it brings them that little bit closer to being at the bottom of the food chain themselves.

I say you have to fight the system, that "good looks" are way more deeply rooted in class (whether you make money by working, or by taking the work of others) and how poor you are then genetics.

Take height for instance, women say they are drawn to taller bigger men because evolution says bigger stronger men are able to protect them.

The opposite is true, evolution is why there are so many short men. Shorter, smaller men = less food. And less food makes you more fit in an non industrial society.

You can't eliminate the pecking order by breeding fewer weak chickens. The pecking order exists because chickens make pecking orders, and somebody has to be at the bottom.

People are much the same. Humans are both cooperative and competitive. Kids in high school have their basic needs taken care of, so why can't they all be happy? Same reason. Does the competition end once people graduate high school or college? No.

Some people whose lives are good like to tell themselves the competition doesn't have to happen, and nobody has to be at the bottom. But the people at the bottom don't have those illusions.

Ugly people aren't going away, because the people at the bottom will always be considered ugly.

I still think all you in your early twenties should try to hold out for things to get better, because there's a good chance they will, like they did for me. The odds improve. But of course there are no guarantees.


empathize with him and understand why he's trying to leave a life filled with suffering.

normies can't do that because most of them are incels in denial. The moment they start empathising with us is the moment they take the black pill and seeing things for the way they are. It shatters their world view And now they don't want to face the possibility that what they were fed throughout their lives are nothing but lies and meaningless platitudes. Ignorance is bliss. After all, don't we all wish we lived in a bluepilled reality?

It's not so much pretending to care as being a decent human being. I always see the other miserables cheering him on telling him to 'do it'. The fuck? If you believe so much in suicide, you do it. Just because it's over for YOU, doesn't mean it is for him.

So you're just as insincere as the very people op calls out against. Ain't it great?

So me giving someone a little positivity makes my insincere? Please elaborate, my man.

Because as you've just said you don't care. You're following a checklist like a robot. So even if you do somehow save that persons life you won't remember it by tomorrow. People who think they be heroes are just fooling themselves.

So you're saying that if I do anything but root for someone to murder themselves, I'm a robot, or I'm wrong. That the only logical option is to let him do it? You see how others can do no right by you, right? I say 'do it' (wouldn't) I'm a bully of incels. I say 'dont do it', I'm a robot and don't care. Do you even wanna be happy? Or are you content being a crab in a bucket?

I'll be honest I'd rather you have the stones to admit you don't care and don't actually want to do anything at all. This whole "because it's the right thing to do" nonsense is insincere. I'd rather have inaction than insincerity that's all.

Wow. So if you see a baby getting ready to stick a fork in a socket? Or a person who can't swim going to jump in the deep end of a pool, just watch em? THATS having stones to you? Jeez, kid.

That's a different kettle of fish and you know it.

what a god awful analogy, is that really your thought process?

Is telling people to to kill themselves when you're not willing to do so yours?

I'm not sure why your fixated on the encouragement aspect. I've lurked and participated on this sub and the old one before it got banned for years and I've only ever seen "Rest in Peace, I hope you find happiness in the next life, If there's truly nothing else for you to live for I pray for a painless swift end" Stuff in that strain. We don't bust out the popcorn and get a party hats out every time someone posts about finally ending it all. We come from a place of understanding and spouting the stale regurgitated platitudes from a stranger who we essentially have no background knowledge of doesn't make you any better than people who do nothing or people who say rest in peace. I wish I could get a gun in my country so I could kill myself but your entire conversational method is built on assumptions, creating your own narrative so your comment makes sense, and condescension.

Not so much encouragement as discouragement of self harm. But you're full of crap with that RIP joke you told. I saw a post TODAY where someone said he wanted to end it. All people did was encourage it saying 'do it' 'life isn't worth living anyway'. So you can write a paragraph about whatever rhetoric you'd like, but I'm not stupid enough to take your word for any truth because you clearly would like to see the world burn. But it doesn't need your help...look around. Like I said; if I make a negative comment, I'm a bully. If I make a positive comment, I should shut up because positivity isn't real or I'm a robot lol some people can't be reached and that's fine with me. But I would like to think that there is a few people who got sucked into this abyss and actually want out. That just doesn't happen to be you, which is cool.


Yup, just ignore the 'throw yourself into traffic' comments because it doesn't help your self interested point. Nice. Ok so tell them to LDAR. Essentially to give up is MUCH better, my bad.

but you should also stop replying to anyone who says ldar by telling them to kill themselves thats a bit hypocritcal.

You don't tell someone to do something that you aren't willing to do yourself. That was my point. This thread upvotes some crazy shit, so these upvotea are of no importance to me. Idc if YOU liked what I said. I was talking to OP, not you.

You're right, nobody is guaranteed success. Nothing is guaranteed. But you think on the basis that your life is guaranteed to be miserable the entire time, THATS hypocritical as well, then. So for you to shit on me for being POSITIVE. FFS, that's low.

I understand you want to try to help but you are kind of just wasting your time and effort. I don't think anyone would reconsider as a direct result of anything you type even slightly.

Whether or not someone decides to stop self pitying has no bearing on me or my intent. Im still gonna try. When I'm low, my friend raise me up. It helps to have someone say something good to you. No, we aren't friends, per se, but he has none. And I don't see you trying to help the guy out..but you try to villify me for what? Putting my hand into the hole and trying to pull someone out. That's absurd. I don't understand how one can catch so much flak for trying to instill a tiny bit of positive thinking in a person. I can't MAKE anyone do anything, but for you to berate be for that is low. The fact that you immediately think I'm saying anything for self validation shows that you aren't even interested in any kind of positive thinking. And that's ok you, not me.

If you have such a bleak outlook and suicide is in fact the answer, then why are you still here? There must be a reason...are you a coward or are you a liar? Maybe a hypocrite? All of the above?

This is pretty ignorant to say to anyone. Everything in the human brain tells you to try to survive so of course you can call it cowardice. The ones who override this natural programming sure as hell can't be fucked to make a reddit thread. Also I would say giving up and living is better than ending it all wouldn't you? I ignore the throw yourself into traffic comment because i know you aren't blind and we both obviously saw it. Like a said a 1 upvote comment on a free forum is not substantial enough in my opinion to hold the view points you hold. 3-5 out of 34 comments in a thread were as you describe, yet you are doom saying as if every member of the sub is on the edge of their seats telling him to drink bleach. I'm not vilifying or attacking you at all. The points you try to make are inconsistent and coming onto this subreddit to preach positive energy and all that shit is delusion. Either work on your delivery or you will be met with hostility and you shouldn't even be surprised. No one has any reason to believe you are sincere because you have no stake in anything that happens to a stranger on the internet saying they may or may not kill themselves. It will always come off as insincere with it being very difficult to prove otherwise.

But you think on the basis that your life is guaranteed to be miserable the entire time, THATS hypocritical as well, then. So for you to shit on me for being POSITIVE. FFS, that's low.

That's terribly black and white thinking. Me disagreeing with a platitude you send out with no true context of the recipient is not the same as me thinking anyone is guaranteed to be stuck miserable. Not even those on this sub who love being miserable and who want to self pity. More assumptions make it really hard to even make out what viewpoint you are trying to explain. I honestly don't know how you're feeling so attacked. I thought i've been pretty civil. There are members here who respond to anything they don't agree with this "fuck you cuck" and "go die roastie" but i digress I think we should just agree to disagree because this conversation is not really that constructive. You points are either poorly laid out or you are ping ponging between what would make you "morally right" so I believe i'm disconnected or misunderstanding you. It's been a pleasure, I learned a lot about positivity thanks.


If you have such a bleak outlook and suicide is in fact the answer, then why are you still here? There must be a reason...are you a coward or are you a liar? Maybe a hypocrite? All of the above?

Keep in mind I never said anything bad about you or incels, yet I'm STILL met with aggressive dissention. OVER MAKING A POSITIVE COMMENT. Why do you feel the need to attack the ones who aren't your enemies, thus turning them into enemies that you complain about having so many of. You have to see the pattern, bud. Not everyone you come in contact with wants to see you in the dirt. Maybe open up a little to that idea...could help a bit.

Doing the right thing doesn't always have to be in your best interest. It's called having integrity. Try it.

Why? What does someone like me have to gain from that?

I dunno, maybe a little self respect. If doing the right thing has to benefit you in order for you to do it, you're just like the people you love to hate.

I'm just an ugly mirror that's all I am and I won't deny it.

I'm sure someone disagrees with ya.. but if that's all you see yourself as, you'll never be anything else. But to each his own, bro. Do you.

I'm sure that person says that. Means nothing at all in the end. Another platitude. We are not bros so don't call me that.

Lol alright whatever, dude. Wallow in sorrow. Since it's gotten you so far already..

They are in a prison of their own making and then they bitch that they are in a prison.

Well, no shit. You put yourself into one.

Right now there is a person in the exact same situation making different choices and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that other person is having a bit more fun.

They want to safe option of having someone else to blame. I mean it is a lot easier to blame all women than say that I'm a horrible person and a lot of my problems are caused by me.

You are swimming upstream.

Keep in mind that when you bitch about not being cared about and then act like a dick to people who take the time to engage you in a positive manner, you aren't helping yourself. So that woe is me schtick you put on is a facade because you like to be miserable. You don't even know how not to be. Or what it's like to not self pity. It's like cutting yourself and complaining that you bleed..

I thought you were done?

I am now, and though I think you're a POS. I still hope you end up happy. Have a good day.

What an odd sentence.

Being cucked. They think it makes them virtuous, but any of those actions are literally to make themselves feel like they are a "good person".

You're worse than people who write "thoughts and prayers" after a tragedy.

What do you want them to say? "I totally understand why youre efeeling that way, and I empathize with you?"

What's annoying is that people try to treat the symptoms and not the issue. If a bunch of people were killling themselves bevause they were ugly, and someone posted "I'm going to kill myself because I'm ugly", and they know it's a big problem, then they still flock to that one person to say "we're here for you", "PM anytime", etc.

Logically they should get together and spread the message that people shouldn't feel ugly, that it's okay to be ugly, or how to look better. They ignore a problem until someone they see threatens to do something bad, and then act like it's an isolated incident.

And of course they should still help the person, but the rest still stands.

Suicide is the empowerment for incels

I've been on both receiving ends,for one if they really was set on killing themselves they wouldn't announce it. 2 people are just being caring because they value human life,and showing a little empathy. Of course what they say isn't going to help though.

people don't want others to commit so try to help? what's so wrong about that

Theres nothing wrong with that, But do they really care if they do or not? Or just to make themselves feel good? I've had more than a few people try talk to me when they see my name, and it's always the same thing I hear, I care blah blah you are important and you matter. When they don't even know if that's true... And it's not. Most people just spout generic sayings in hopes they can actually get somewhere so they can validate how good of a person they are. Not trying to be mean, that just seems obvious to me.


in that situation, i don't care about me, all my energy goes into helping the other person.

but really, what else can they say to you? think what you would say to someone who is suicidal on the internet and do it yourself and help others in that way?

if you feel what others is doing is useless, be the change you want to see

If, I could have killed myself, it would be long ago. I'm a pussy. I hate living, I hate my life, and I don't wanna hate women - I needed them! I am 47, so I guess I'd be dead by now if I could do that, because I HATE my life! Suicide, is probably what, most babes want for us.

So, I say, STICK IT TO 'EM. Fuck bitches pretending to be girls. The women we want, Want us dead, so STICK IT TO 'EM. Live instead, get rich if you can, they love rich guys.

cope, they settle for rich guys then fuck chad on the side

This right here is pretty good. Fuck em, don't give them what they want. I'm a pussy too, and I don't want to disappoint my dad anymore. Suicide is the only escape.

If you think that reaching out to someone is offensive then you are one with the problem.

Your the problem. Not them. Go fuck yourself.

I hope you find happiness even though you seem to be in a rough place right now.

Rot away the rest of your life in front of computer screen. Have this be the only interaction you have. That is what you earned.

IF you feel that the problem is the people reaching out to others in a time of need, then that is what you deserve. You will get the life you earn and no more.

I wish you a long and lonely life because that seems to be the life you want to earn. What you call virtue signaling is people caring about other people. And you seem to be unable to process that idea that people might be concerned about other people. And that caring about others might lead to people reaching out.

It isn't your looks as to why you are alone. It is something else.

I've gone through similar periods in my life where I felt the need to hurt others in order to feel better about myself. It gave me a sense of control and even joy when I felt the most insecure, lost, and angry.

But I honestly want to tell you, being rude to me will not erase any of your sadness. In fact, it will only grow because lashing out will be the only outlet for your frustration. This negativity will hurt only you, not me or anybody else you feel angry at.

I don't say this because I hate you. I say this because I know how you are feeling. And no matter what you say, I will always wish the best for you and hope that you will lift yourself out of the negative hole you have dug for yourself.

I hope you live a life full of love, laughter, and happiness. Best of luck, stranger.

Where was this comment originally posted?

I already have a life full of love happiness and laughter. You can keep your advice.

You think it is fine to attack those who are trying to help suicidal people.

So don't play the high road. And don't ask for personal connection because it seems that you can handle it.

You seem full of anger for one so fulfilled.

I do not blame you for your words because at one point in my life I spent my time looking for people whose opinions I disagreed with and belittled them in order to feel better about myself. I filled myself with negativity because it was a convenient way to preserve my fragile ego and feel powerful when I was weakest. But I realized at one point that being cruel to others did not benefit me. My negativity just caused me to feel worse and worse, not better.

If you feel that comments like that are acceptable, I won't fault you. Not everybody chooses to look within themselves and address the true reasons behind their actions.

But if you do choose to let go of your hatred and replace it with love and compassion just know that you will feel far better than you ever did being nasty to strangers online.

Either way, I harbor no hate for you. Whichever path you take and whatever you say to me I will still hope that you live a life of love, laughter, and happiness.

I am fulfilled. I can walk from this sub any time I want to. I don't know if you can.

And yes, I'm a troll. For calling you out. You got me here. I know. I'm such a bad person for saying that people responding to suicidal people most often actually care about that person.

Have a long an lonely life. That seems to be your path. Enjoy that road.

You're a horrible person.

If you continue on this path you will end up with the fate that you wish upon me.

If I chose to be on your path I would be exactly in your shoes. Saying you words. And having the same hateful and lonely life.

I chose a different life for myself and it made all the difference. But that's just me. Keep on doing what you are doing. I guess in some way it is working for you.

Right now there is a person exactly in your shoes and they are having sex and they are in fulfilling relationships. And you are on the internet complaining about women and then wondering why you are alone.

And I'm sure, a year from now when you are still exactly where you always are you are going to blame someone else other than yourself even though you spent a lot of your time talking to lonely guy bitching about women and wondering how that didn't turn into a relationship.

You guys are in a prison. Of your own making. Other people who made other choices, aren't in that prison. But continue to blame women. That is the easy way out.

My friend, if I may be so bold. It appears to me that the hateful and lonely one is you.

What ever make you feel better.

Enjoy your life.

Having talked to you my life has only gotten richer. God bless.

God I love these responses. Normies literally have no answer

If you think a depressed person venting on the internet is offensive then you are the one with the problem. You are the problem. Not them. Go fuck yourself.

Vent away.

But don't ever attack anyone else for reaching out to another person.

No they are the fucking problem

I see it as no different than someone building schools and wells in Africa just so they can get more donations for their cult of Jesus. If anyone but the missionary colonizer benefits from that, it’s by pure chance and not for any good deed from the provider

If someone reaching out to you is a problem then that's on you.

You can't have it both ways.

You can't say that you deserve human contact and then complain and bitch when humans trying to connect.

Pick one of those complaints. You can't have both.

Yeah you can, Africa can and should be helped but they should not be colonized for it

If anyone, ever, comes here to try to help any of you, the responce tends to be a comment telling that person to go fuck themselves, followed by upvotes on that comment.

And then you wonder why you all are so lonely.

What they offer isn’t help, just what they think is help

If any incel walked up to a crying lady friend and said “Let me eat your pussy it’ll help” everyone here would agree the dude was wrong

You know that your two examples really don't have anything to do with each other.

You know that right.

the incel in my example cares as much about the woman as the average non-incel that comes in here cares about incels and the average European colonist cares as much about Africa as the average healthy person cares about suicidal people


Wow, look how virtuous you are! But could you virtue signal a little harder? There's just a touch of ambiguity in your signal about just how virtuous you really are.

Live a long a lonely life pal. And blame others along the way for your own problems.

Good luck.

Come on man you used that insult with me, like the exact same way. If you're going to be a bitter, angry man at least be an original, bitter, angry man.

And no looking up shit online.

Why would I be angry about you. You are nothing to me. I have to care about something to get angry about it. Take care.

Wow. You so got me. Put one in your win column.

I'm going to do other things now. Enjoy yourself.

Uh... you okay dude?

But aren't you going to virtue signal just a little bit more for us?

I'm actually going to go out and do other things.

Enjoy it here.

Careful, he might pull out ol' reliable and tell you to live a long and lonely life again.

Nope. He pulled out the one other line he has instead.

You're so full of shit, people like you are why I tried killing myself, you're evil.

Tell the next one that says that there is only one thing she can do to save you. Call her on it.

I'm one of the types of people that has a genuine concern for suicide prevention. It's one of the reasons that I think all online forums ought to be well moderated because it happens frequently in any online community. If I see a post like that, I'll try to make it my personal policy to leave it to the moderators or professionals to handle the matter. But at the risk of virtue signaling (honestly I don't know what that means), I want to make it known that I really do hold life as a precious gift that any of us can appreciate or at least learn to appreciate and we can all be a part of something that is bigger than just ourselves no matter our predicament. Please do attempt to refrain from condoning acts of suicide and let us all try to be as supportive as we can because we are all on the same team whether we agree on matters in life or not.

Your entire post was about yourself. Start by learning the meaning of caring because you dont do it.

Nobody can care with words, but only with our actions, so truly caring about people on an online forum isn't exactly possible for me. I was trying to share my opinion on the matter, so of course I was sharing my thoughts in a space that was asking me a question like "what are your thoughts?" So sue me.

Every incel who has the desire to kill them selves should be encouraged to do so

If an incel says he wants to kill himself then it should be legal to murder that incel- he has surrendered his right to live and his existence is a drain on society, best to end its life before it can harm or affect people of value

Instead of discussion about sex robots I think we really just need to start allowing effective men to kill the ineffective- their are legal precedents for this in India and China where people are detained and organs harvest by the state- this is probably the next logical step for men like Incels who will not work

Not so much encouragement as discouragement of self harm. But you're full of crap with that RIP joke you told. I saw a post TODAY where someone said he wanted to end it. All people did was encourage it saying 'do it' 'life isn't worth living anyway'. So you can write a paragraph about whatever rhetoric you'd like, but I'm not stupid enough to take your word for any truth because you clearly would like to see the world burn. But it doesn't need your help...look around. Like I said; if I make a negative comment, I'm a bully. If I make a positive comment, I should shut up because positivity isn't real or I'm a robot lol some people can't be reached and that's fine with me. But I would like to think that there is a few people who got sucked into this abyss and actually want out. That just doesn't happen to be you, which is cool.

Keep in mind I never said anything bad about you or incels, yet I'm STILL met with aggressive dissention. OVER MAKING A POSITIVE COMMENT. Why do you feel the need to attack the ones who aren't your enemies, thus turning them into enemies that you complain about having so many of. You have to see the pattern, bud. Not everyone you come in contact with wants to see you in the dirt. Maybe open up a little to that idea...could help a bit.

Who is they? Your fellow thread member? So you're mean to outsiders and each other? Interesting..

Reading sure is hard, especially the part where he says he doesn't want them to do it.
