Inceltears in a nutshell:

56  2018-05-24 by keyandfeels

Polygamy: What's your problem with it? It's nontraditional but as long as people are happy it's perfectly fine.

Promiscuity: Women can do whatever the fuck they want to do with their bodies and no man should tell them otherwise

Cuckolding: Well acktually, being a cuckold requires incredible trust and bravery. I guess you incels are just too insecure to be a cuck like me!

Cheating: Cheaters can have good personalities too.

Rape fantasies: Don't kinkshame.



So IT users are homophobes themselves. Their hypocrisy shows from comparing virgins to homosexuals.

It's so funny when they're trying to make fun of incels by calling us gay. They have to make it sound like they're actually supportive of homosexuals while at the same time making fun of us. Quite a sight to see.

The hypocrisy of white progressives

It's ironic. They praise polygamy and slit culture yet they are all sluts that are depressed from lack of emotion and being filth, or cucks and failed Normies who are depressed because they know they aren't attractive. The projection is insane

high iq comment.

The only ones who are depressed because they know they aren’t attractive are incels. It’s ironic because you’re projecting right back at IT users in the only way you can - with misogyny. There is no such thing as slut culture, people only tell themselves that because it’s an easier pill to swallow than tackling the real issue.

They can't decide whether rape fantasies are an acceptable personal kink irredeemable evil from the deepest depths of hell. I guess it depends on how ugly you are.

Their sub should be called tardtears

May I suggest an addition?

Donating money to thots on the internet: his money, his rules!

They don't dislike you because you're virgins. They dislike you because of your attitude.

If they hated just the attitudes they'd go after r/theredpill

No, because it's not even the treating-women-like-objects attitude, it's the hateful, malicious, and shaming attitude.

A perfect example was the post from yesterday doxxing a woman who starred in a porn video as if that meant she deserved to have her life ruined. That's completely fucked and any decent human would condemn posts like that. Yet when I checked, it had a solid upvote ratio and not a single comment pointed out that it was wrong to doxx and ruin people's lives. Speaks volumes about the average member of this community.


Do people on it actually have girlfriends who fuck other people and they pretend to be ok with it or is this just a cuck meme

Their sub is designed to convince themselves of their own lies, because they don't want their normie lives to be disturbed by deeper though. Incels are merely a scapegoat for normies to proclaim their own self-righteousness. Sad reality is that this only reinforces the blackpill. Because incels are on the bottom of the social structure, they become such easy targets for normies to mock and belittle without feeling guilty.