Looksmaxing in 2018

401  2018-05-24 by SuicidalCel


2 hours without approval? Come on mods.

Be patient you faggot

sorry bby, I love you. Just wanted to share my memes with everyone.

You good fam

Why do you have life outside of moderating /r/braincels you fakecel

I've been outted shit

Hypergamy 101

This really isn't a "mod" comment.

I wish you weren’t really a “mod”

You right my bad

Seems perfectly fine to me

Bitch fuck off, you're a shit mod.

You really need to learn when to shut the fuck up.


Did bikecuck actually make this or is it an edit?

It's an edit I did.

Damn good edit.

tinypic link

Come on dude. It's 2018.

I didn't want to make an imgur acc

fair enough.

You don't have to make an account to upload images


U do on mobile smh

Not really dumbass. Just Google "Imgur upload" and upload images directly from your gallery. No account bs

I know, I've tried. It doesn't work on my Samsung. It only gives me the option to use my camera app or Google photos.

Request desktop site

There, I just un-fucked every site on mobile for you

No you dense motherfucker I am on the desktop site, which only lets me use my camera and such as mentioned above. Going to the mobile version of the upload page just tells you to fuck off and install the app, which requires you to have an account.

If you can't figure out how to upload without an account on the desktop site it's possible that you are just very stupid. My apologies for the misunderstanding.

Use kek.gg

Imma upload my shit to photobucket and imageshack from now on lel

tinypic = massive ads load, image itself never loads

This is why I am here.

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha really good one

she should be floating higher

Big if true.

Absolutely true.

This is why it's hilarious when women try to give men dating advice. They literally cannot imagine the loneliness of being a man and how difficult it is to find someone

Women have periods and go through child birth. It's alright guys

Yeah, plus sperm is cheap and eggs are expensive. Cuz of evolution, women arent gonna casual sex as much as guys do, or at least want to as much, as guys do.

That's nature though. More girls than guys means the population will be large which means it's not sustainable

I don't understand why you mention population, sry. What I mean is that women have it easier in dating, cuz eggs are expensive.

Eggs are "scarce" but women are worthless. Men made everything around you and everything you own/use.

You and your kind are simply parasites. Enjoy the ride while it lasts tho.

Where the fuck did I ever say women are worthless? Where the fuck did I say the rest of what you accuse me for numale? I don't agree with many things on this sub, but I do acknowledge biology. Women biologically invest more energy into offerspring than men do. They bear the fucking baby, you dumbass. A guy can just walk out on her. Pump and dump. Ergo, women have evolved to be more picky, which I dont blame them for. Fuck the wrong guy, a thousand years ago, (where there was no birth control btw) and she would end up dead. Guy is gone, and she is stuck pregnant, alone, and more vulnerable to the elements.

One guy with 10 girls can make 10 or more babies. 10 guys with one girl cannot in the same length of time. Do you get what I'm saying

I see what youre saying imo it's irrelevant in dating.

I didn't realize so many men had egg on the brain.

Subconscious brain to be exact. Women have higher standard because their bodies only allow them to have on baby at a time, and this leaves her vulnerable. Otoh the biological imperative of men is to have sex with as many women as possible, because that spreads their genes, with no cost to them, unlike the women who got pregnant, in a land and time without birthcontrol.

All this meansis that women have higher standards because womb, and men have lower standards because theyre not going to have to bear the baby.

So men have more sexual partners on average than women then?

There's arguments for the opposite. And just because men want to spread their seed like Geng Khan, doesnt mean they can.

That's their choice tho. Just get a hysterectomy brah

But if women stopped having babies all together, wouldn't it be the downfall of society?

I never said they should all stop. I just said it's their choice so they shouldn't complain.

Okay then, you could always cut off your balls and inject hormones to lower your libido. Horniness is a choice, my dude. ;)

Nah, I'd rather rape to sate my urges. Plus 97% of rapists never see a day in jail. So it's pretty safe too!


Look, dude. Between this and that PM you sent me, it's pretty clear you're trying to put me in a bad headspace because you can't deal with your own. It's sad. Putting others through pain and trauma is not going to make whatever you're suffering through easier. Get help.


You deserved every second of it. I wish I was him. I hope the best in life for him as a free man and I would buy him a beer if I ever met him. Fucking worthless cunt

I don't know why you wish to be an incestuous pedo who lives with his mom and suffers from bipolar disorder, but if that's higher than where you're at, I'm not sure if being a worthless cunt is the worst thing.

Knowing I violated you would be worth it.

Right. Because you feel worthless so you want to make others feel worthless. That's not threatening to me.

Im not trying to be threatening, and no, I just love when cunts get put in their place.

Whatever "place" I'm in seems better than the one you're in. I have lots of love in my life, and I don't have to wish bad things on others to make myself feel good.

I really appreciate your detached responses. And I'm glad, for your sake, that you are able to avoid taking the worst comments personally (i truly believe those to be based solely on the bad place that the commenter is in). Thanks for trying to talk logically in incel-land. I believe that responses like yours do good, especially as a counterpoint to the unhealthy responses from some of the unhealthier incels.

Thanks for the support :) I know it's rare on this subreddit, but the opinions of rapey strangers really aren't the ones I take to heart.

literally every inequality btw men and women that women like will be justified by childbirth I swear

XD no no no

: | yes yes yes

Take a wild guess but are you perchance female? JFL

Wow, ur a genius.

Ty sweety

"Natural beauty' is not born; it comes from the cosmetics department" - Al Bundy, taken from The Dating Dictionary by Doc Love



in the pic the female needs to automatically be like 500x higher than the looksmaxed beta.