194  2018-05-24 by Graptap


He also got older and taller and used to be a landwhale

i wish i could weigh that much. It is always better to be fat than skinny. At least being fat gives you strength.

You SpEd boi?

I might be

Sitting power isnt a strength

He's not even skinny in that last photo. Looks like he's skinny fat but at least in a healthy range now. From the absolute zero chest definition especially on the lower part you can tell that he probably lost weight through diet and doing stuff like jogging/benchpress. A lot of people (myself included) fail to hit the chest properly with bench press and end up hitting the delts and straining the shoulder muscles which is what it looks like happened here. He should have mastered the basics, gotten to the point where he can do 5 sets of 50 pushups or so. If you find someone who can do 5 sets of 50 pushups with legitimate form, I'll show you a guy with a good physique.

What's your analysis on this gymbro?

Is that you?

It's from here

Eh. I mean it's great he's muscular and lean but his body looks weird most likely because he did the gymbro thing instead of working on himself as a whole. He looks like his core is pretty weak despite having 'abs'.. or he just has terrible genetics.

Please post a pic of you so we can all have a laugh.

this is so photoshopped.

I know, I just want to see the physique of a guy who thinks doing 50 pushups is a feat of strength.

5x50 pushups isn't impressive lol, there are asian twinks doing thousands and still looking like shit

Why do I have the feeling you can't even do 15 with controlled form?

I can do way more than that but you are free to believe what you wish lol

You’ve successfully written the dumbest comment I’ve read all day


I mean a fat person will beat a skinny person in a fight, so I don't really know why people think I'm wrong. Weight is a massive advantage and indicates strength.

Naw, only muscular weight is an advantage. Fat weight is just sad weight.

Those estrogen-soaked nipples in the first pic ain't kicking nobody's butt.

How many fights do you even see people get into?

How frequently do you get into fights, and what percentage of your win/loss ratio do you attribute to your weight?

I've actually never fought anyone in my life.

We can tell

Is it something to be proud of, fighting people? I don't particularly like violence, and it's not like I could win a fight anyway.

I do watch MMA matches and I know from what I've seen, the bigger the guy, the more likely he is to win, no matter how out of shape he is. An overweight person is going to beat an underweight person's ass 9/10. I don't understand how this somehow makes me an idiot.

Fighting is not something to be proud of necessarily, although being a successful martial artist is. I was just trying to point out you are suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect

Ugh, more pretentious fallacy bullshit. Look, pardner, I don't know shit about fighting and I don't care too much about it. All I do know is that a guy who is overweight is going to be able to take and inflict a lot more damage than some underweight anorexic faggot. The end.

inb4 you post another fallacy that a retard like myself is apparently suffering from.

How many fights do you even see people get into?

And why is that ever an important rubric?

What do we do if we have already completed puberty and didn't end up anything like the last picture?

Maybe he worked out as well?

Maybe? I'd say 80% becoming an adult, 15% stopped eating as much, and 5% physical activity. Like, he maybe went out for the wrestling team in high school or something. He looks like a wrestler.

I feel like that alone would dictate more than 5% physical activity.

I meant that it's likely he probably would have ended up looking close to that without having done anything special in terms of working out. The final product, yeah, he probably moved around a bit, but it's mostly "grow a few inches, and not be fat."

Go to the gym 7 days a week for a couple years. It works.

Unless you have incurable acne. Or some other disorder. It's infuriating to see waves of comments like "just work out and eat well lol, it worked for me", or "change your pillow sheets every night and wash your face", as if I only have disgusting acne because I'm unhygienic. I was on a pescatarian diet for months, took 3 separate 6-month rounds of accutane, and ran 2+ miles nearly every day for years. No one cares about a fit 25 year old whose entire body is covered in acne. I've given up on my health since then and my acne has remained more or less the same, only difference is I'm fatter now. Some people are just fucked and no amount of work can help them.

Try Accutane.

lol you didn’t even read his comment before spouting generic bullshit

Have you tried hardcore juicing? At least a liter a day, even 2. Your skin will be smoother than a baby's bottom. Try for a week or two, what have you got to lose? Take progress pictures and then sell the pictures to Accutane. After you receive the money, tell everyone their product actually sucks and it was juicing. After they try to sue you, just leave the country. This is a brilliant plan, GL buddy, I'll cya in Madrid!


I thought you were talking about taking steroids when you said juicing, a liter a day became much more funny than it was intended to be :')

Have you tried makeup? Like a combination of foundation and concealer, at the very least? I don’t know much about it, but I know that’s what women with heavy acne do and it works great for them.

You need to fast and keep your insulin low.

Of fuck off. You don't need to go to the gym "7 days a week"

Lift heavy 3 days a week. Cardio on Saturday. And STICK TO THAT SHIT

The best workout routine is the one you stick to. To some people, going to the gym every day is easier to stick to than going every other day.

He literally worked out, its not a "just wait for it lol". It takes effort to go from a fatty to the last picture.

from incel to chad

Dude looks like a fucking ogre

still mogs me

He looks really good. Better than 90% of guys on the street.

He does if you cover up his eyes. But his eyes are bad enough to completely ruin his look. He could get laid tho if he can start nose breathing

Nope. He looks good period. Not being absolutely without flaws/10 out of 10 does not make someone ugly. Line this guy up shirtless in a room with 100 random men and he's much better than 90 of them. His face is very nice as well.

I don't seen good looking tbh I don't think he's top ten percent. Maybe in height yeah but facial? Nah. Go ahead and run him on tinder see what this dull face gets you.

I don't seen good looking tbh

That's nice. You're wrong.

le 2/10 would not bang is so absurdly common here that I almost think it's satire.

Lmao he's 6-7/10

you don’t have to use tinder when you look like this ;)

He's not bad looking, but I do agree his eyes are holding him back. He's a high tier normie, with different eyes he'd be chad.

he's not your type?

That's no Chad lol

From fatcel to incel to chad.


His nipples are uneven, nipplecel


fuck it, you win some you lose some

Jesus work on that chest

from volcel to incel

from volcel to respectable

If he became an incel he was never a volcel. He was an incel the whole time.

Good for him

I wish I was tall so any effort I put towards my body would be worthwhile and now a complete waste of fucking time.



I agree. Feels so pointless putting effort into this small boned adolescent body of mine. ForeverABoy.

I don't even have a small frame. It still seems pointless, since it won't help me attract cunts.

Stumbled upon this thread, I don’t sub here. But my man: it’s your piss poor attitude about women that’s not getting you laid. Not your height. I’m 5’6, and used to look mediocre. But then I actually gave a shit about what I ate and went to the gym and have absolutely no problem getting women

I can converse just fine with them, yet none have ever indicated they were interested - at all. It gets to the point where I don't bother trying, since it's pointless.


it’s your piss poor attitude about women that’s not getting you laid.

used to look mediocre. But then I actually gave a shit about what I ate and went to the gym and have absolutely no problem getting women

What? Are you saying you had a poor attitude towards women when you looked mediocre?

it’s your piss poor attitude about women that’s not getting you laid.

used to look mediocre. But then I actually gave a shit about what I ate and went to the gym and have absolutely no problem getting women


Are you saying you didn’t do good with women when you looked mediocre because you had a poor attitude towards women? So going to the gym and watching what you ate made you respect women more? Why would going to gym and watching what you eat make you do better with women when attitude is clearly more important than looks?

Well. It’s many reasons why he’s not getting laid. For starters, he refers to woman as cunts nonironiclly. I spoke of my experience. But because I never did this, I didn’t say what I needed to do to change it. He can look perfect but with that shitty attitude, he’ll never get anyone because regardless of what this sub tries to convince themselves of, women don’t like it when guys are absolute shitsticks.

Additionally, even without the working out and the decent body, I still got woman. It was harder but I still managed. Now that I’m in shape, it’s not even a challenge.

It's good that you have a positive mindset about the world, but do you really think a misogynistic sociopath 6'5 male model would be a virgin? That being said that is obviously an outlier, so I do agree that being a misogynist and having a bad attitude is definitely not that way to go if you want to attract women. I just think looks is significantly more important than attitude/personality. A 7/10 with a 4/10 personality will have more success than a 4/10 with a 7/10 personality in my opinion.

Appreciate the civil discussion.

That’s why I suggested he changes his looks. I went from “difficult to get women but still manageable” to “easy to get women”. To put it in prospective, I used 4 dating apps simultaneously to maybe get with someone once every 4 or so months. Now I can have a date lined up weekly if I’m not busy and that’s just swiping right on tinder while shitting

Attitude and looks go together. If someone was outrageously attractive, he could probably get women easily. But if someone was charismatic, charming, funny, and a great wholesome personality, he’ll also get women pretty easily (not exactly on dating apps, but definitely in real life).

So if OP changes a combination of both his shitty attitude and an okay body, this will help his chances immensely

Nah man, gains look better on us shorter dudes. 14" biceps look huge on us, and small on someone taller. Look at Kevin Hart's body. He got a whole fitness series on YouTube and dude is yummay. Hader did an episode with him and made him look bad, naw mean? All tall and scrawny-- enjoy them rollercoaster rides u human giraffe i'ma chill wit my 5' hunny on the merry-go-round, doing sex stuff. One day I'll have my 5' hunny. Hopefully a pretty girl with low self-esteem who's slightly overweight and into anime. And wears glasses! who then suddenly becomes perfect when she takes her glasses off. K basically ProZD's wife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WEBgaEETOQ

If ProZD can do it, who, though I love him, looks like a bloated baby caterpillar that's about to burst white fluid, than surely I can find my white girl who likes anime. There's tons of places to find them too! ComicCon! Comic Book stores! Barnes & Noble! New Age fairs! Online! YuGiOh tournaments! I've been teaching myself social skills through Audible books. I even made eye contact with an old lady on the bus last week. Alpha AF! Yeah, I'm making progress. Cya later virgins

If prozd didn't have his deep Maxine voice, he could have been incel, who knows.

So you're basically all talk, yet have nothing to show for it. There's no point in wasting your time getting fit, when it won't help you get a fucking cunt. Otherwise you're opening yourself up to unwanted attention and criticism.

Also, Kevin Hart is a faggot, and people like him are part of the reason short men never get respect. Whenever someone thinks of a short man they think of someone like him.

Yeah, muscles would never be as attractive on me as they would Chad so what’s even the point? Let me just sulk instead of putting effort into something. Btw it’s not my lazy, condescending attitude.


lol. Im jacked but ugly as shit

There's no gym for your face boyo.

Try makeup. In the mainstream, it’s mostly marketed to women, but it works wonders on any face.

make up can't give you a strong jawline

whats a volcel


wait, what happened to his face? What the fuck? Is this the post which will BTFO r/braincels? How did he grow a jaw line damn

Hidden under fat

Facial features change too. It's a comfortable lie to think our face is predefined and that there is nothing to do about it, but truth is that lifting and eating right changes your face.

lol @ believing this, only the fat changed

He also likely hit a sweet spot, age-wise. He looks about 15 in the 1st pic, and about 19 in the 3rd.

99% of incels are not fat lmao. this is a huge cope that only applies to volcels

He would look totally normal if he just closed his mouth and took a picture from a good angle, just like everyone else does in social media. Most people aren't carved out of marble.

This is a good example of what can be achieved.

A lot of incel pics posted on this sub are no worse than the guy on the first picture, and they claim that no change will make them desirable, which is bullshit. Dude on the last picture is no Chad, but he gets laid.

Volcel to low tier normie to high tier normie

Exactly. Any man can put in enough effort to earn a great body (which this guy doesn't even have), and that alone will get you laid many times over.

without a Chad personality he CANNOT have sex neither

Bad example. It's over for him no matter if he is skinny or fat

Guys, something that should be talked about regarding fatcels/volcels is that it's not just losing the weight that brings you out of inceldom. A lot of skinny guys look fucking terrible because they're insanely unhealthy, but they're not fat yet. The guy in the after photo isn't just "not a fat guy", he's a fit guy who's active, with clear skin, nice hair, and a lot of muscle mass. Anybody can make significant improvements to their health and appearance. I'm not going to argue that everybody here is a volcel, but you'd be surprised by how many of you could genuinely and drastically improve your appearance. Your face does change from serious exercise (and yes, I've seen the photos of some really ugly people who remained ugly even after getting ripped or whatever, and that sucks) and improving your health will really help you overall.

He still isn't attractive

Damn, i’m not gonna lie to you stinky dinky, that one hurt a lot. thanks for the honesty tho

You're not unattractive they're just being dick man just forget them

It’s not true, you are physically attractive. Also your drive to succeed and accomplish your goals is attractive

That's rude

If you're 15, have good skin and have 50lbs to lose, yeah.

If you're 32, have destroyed skin and 100lbs to lose, not so much.

I agree with your theory. but maybe for young bros you can bump the number up to like 80lbs max and still be able to recover 100%. 50 isnt much at all bro.

Thats also called puberty, theres a several year difference there.

1st picture is my type just without the acne

Honest question guys, are you guys saying that's it's always been this way (blackpill) or that's it's gotten this bad recently? Because what I'm having a hard time with is I've had the opposite experience. I've always been fatter than this guy was at his worst, I'm 5'10 and I'm average at best in the face and I had plenty of success before me and my wife got together 9 years ago. All of the women I've hooked up with were "out of my league" looks wise too. So am I just an anomaly, is it where I live, is it because it was over 9 years ago or are you guys maybe exaggerating? Just honestly asking.

What's your personality like? How do you dress? Are you from New Zealand? I wish I was, them girls are just giving it away! *BIG ANIME EYES* *SWOON* Describe these sexual encounters. Did they involve Bill Cosby water or were they mutually consensual? Teach me senpai, teach me.

I have an outgoing personality. I do get nervous around girls I like but I hide it well and I can make them laugh. That helps. Almost all of the girls I've been with have been girls I've known for awhile. Only 2 were one-offs that I didn't know well and as far as I know they didn't regret it because in both cases I probably could've pulled it off again. The others I had sex with more than once. My first blow job was from a girl that was 16 when I was 14 and she initiated everything and alcohol was involved but she gave me a love note the next day. I lost my virginity at 17 to a girl I had been friends with since the 1st grade. We lost out virginity together, she still looks good so she was a rare good looking prude. She felt comfortable with me and I think that's why she chose me. I had always liked her more than a friend and her brother was my best friend. She was basically family. We stayed together for 2 years until she dumped me at 19. Then I had a low self esteem 1 and half year dark period where nothing happened. Worst period in my life and I've been through some shit. Because of this dark time I can understand how you guys feel a bit. I ended up snapping out of it though and started getting out with my friends more which led to getting laid again. At 24 I met my wife and we've been together ever since. I live in a kind of small town (pop. 50,000), basically a shithole logging town in southern Oregon. Maybe it's the town because I'm not the only average type guy that gets action. I dress like everyone else around here, jeans, boots, t-shirts and sweaters.

My first blow job was from a girl that was 16 when I was 14 and she initiated everything and alcohol was involved but she gave me a love note the next day.

What's the size (length and girth) of your penis?

I'm basically average. 6.5 length and 6 girth. I dont know what the average is for girth but the average length is like 5.5-6 or something.

You're above average in both length and girth. Maybe that's why you were successful with women at such a young age. Probably they could tell by certain physical signs that you were well-endowed, so you're not as unattractive as you think you are. Where are you from?

I don't think I'm super unattractive but I'm definitely not a Chad or even a Chadlite. I'm pretty average. I live in a small town in Oregon. I think luck plays a huge roll too. A funny fact about my first blow job is it only happened because my mom shamed me in front of my friends for not leaving the house. I had friends that were older than me (which partly explains why I was hanging around older chicks) and they were trying to get me to go to a girls birthday party and I had been playing Final Fantasy 7 for like 2 weeks straight. I kept blowing off my friends because I just wanted to stay home and play that game. One day my mom heard 2 of my older friends trying to talk me into going to the party and she came down the stairs and said "you need to take a break from that damn game and go do something. Who knows, maybe you'll even get laid". She said the last part as a joke but it actually did shame me so I decided to go and it led to my first BJ. I told my mom a few years later and she was mortified.

How you know New Zealand like that? Polynesian Togan women are so pretty. Idc if they ''big boned''. I'm ugly ogrecel. I'd move there and wife up big frame 6 foot Togan woman. Have some big sons and train them in strongman or football.

everyone but me gotta learn this is a meme

way to go dude!!!

The most dramatic change is from pic 2 to pic 3.

He looks ok. Could be better though. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I think he should get rid of the hair.

Something I like to ask myself is "how much better can my life get if I actually tried to make it better?"

Or rather a better way to phrase it "how much better can my life get if I take responsibility for as many as my personal problems as I can tolerate?"

Well. It’s many reasons why he’s not getting laid. For starters, he refers to woman as cunts nonironiclly. I spoke of my experience. But because I never did this, I didn’t say what I needed to do to change it

Additionally, even without the working out and the decent body, I still got woman. It was harder but I still managed.

Yup, you cannot say it's over until you're of a healthy weight and still perceived as subhuman by women.

It's over for us.

I mean a fat person will beat a skinny person in a fight, so I don't really know why people think I'm wrong. Weight is a massive advantage and indicates strength.


I agree. Feels so pointless putting effort into this small boned adolescent body of mine. ForeverABoy.

Nah man, gains look better on us shorter dudes. 14" biceps look huge on us, and small on someone taller. Look at Kevin Hart's body. He got a whole fitness series on YouTube and dude is yummay. Hader did an episode with him and made him look bad, naw mean? All tall and scrawny-- enjoy them rollercoaster rides u human giraffe i'ma chill wit my 5' hunny on the merry-go-round, doing sex stuff. One day I'll have my 5' hunny. Hopefully a pretty girl with low self-esteem who's slightly overweight and into anime. And wears glasses! who then suddenly becomes perfect when she takes her glasses off. K basically ProZD's wife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WEBgaEETOQ

If ProZD can do it, who, though I love him, looks like a bloated baby caterpillar that's about to burst white fluid, than surely I can find my white girl who likes anime. There's tons of places to find them too! ComicCon! Comic Book stores! Barnes & Noble! New Age fairs! Online! YuGiOh tournaments! I've been teaching myself social skills through Audible books. I even made eye contact with an old lady on the bus last week. Alpha AF! Yeah, I'm making progress. Cya later virgins