The absolute state of degeneracy in the west

31  2018-05-24 by CHAD_THUNDERCUCK


Relationships are complicated and don’t always work and the fault for that often lies on both sides. Single moms work hard and should be celebrated.

Are single mother's necessarily wholly responsible for/in the wrong for being in their position? Definitely not.

Are high single motherhood rates something we should be striving for in our society? FARR from it, unless you think lower human capital in educational development , high crime rates, and a giant government nanny state, all things on average correlated with high single motherhood rate, are great things, then it should not be something we seek after in our society. Obviously there are circumstances that would be completely unavoidable, but what we have right now is far from frictional effects.

Don't forget that women may lose their husbands to death which causes them to be single moms. Or the husband cheats on her and leaves.

Or the husband cheats on her and leaves.

because she chose chad

Because the husband choose Stacy.

if only she could read his personality charts like she could all the uggos that she rejected

You don't need to be "Chad" to cheat on your wife. Men can have affairs without being Chads, you see this a lot in offices the younger women go for older guys.

Can’t believe I’m upvoting her. What happens when the educated lame gets shot by some neo-nazi cop? The woman he jumped the fence for has to raise the biracial kid in amerikkka by herself.

lose their husband to death

This, I guess you could call "frictional" single mother-hood, is very little of the total sum

We should celebrate single thot'mom who spawned a dumb child from tyrone and is desperately trying to find a betabux...

She should be jailed and cured for mental illness on a normal society..

Can we get /pol/ in here to shoop la 56% face on this thing?

Whats la 56%?

Google "le 56% face" it is this goblin looking caricature of what the average American is supposed to look like since America is only 56% white.

You guys ever play where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Only in this white womans case, Carmen sandiego is her chin.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA they even made the kid black omfg.

Can't tell if SJW or covert shitlord.

Anyone who uses the word "shitlord" unironically is a faggot

Get out


At least I'm not a hapa

I don't know why you're talking to me like I did something to your life. You already know you're scum. But for some reason, since you need one more person to say it. Fine. Hang yourself. Easy.


Meh, I smash white girls but I always wrap it up. Condoms are your friends boyos

JUST FUCKING LAWL mate. Ofcourse the kid is half black. Le 56% intensifies.

Ya celebrate all the leaches being funded by my very own taxpayer dollars. Whoopty

if only she could read his personality charts like she could all the uggos that she rejected