If you've never had women go out of their way to pursue you, its over.

74  2018-05-24 by braveoperavivaldi


This proves so many of r/IncelTears claims wrong

I immediately rushed over to his table because typically, if I saw a guy I was attracted to I could give better service because I genuinely wanted to interact with him.

She sensed his personality from across the room you retard. His good personality is what attracted her to him, if ya'll incels understood this concept maybe ya'll could get laid ya'll. Fix your personalities!

diz iz y u r inshell xd

Not her usual type, but his bearing, demeanor,and self assuredness got her going. Isn't that what people mean when they say personality?

If you have to approach, you already lost.

How can you ever trust someone who would do something like that? She's shown herself to be an immoral, self-serving cunt with no respect for the man (her bf) or the woman at her table. All it takes is one other customer to give her vagina feels and she'll be giving him her number again.

Just think about what utter cunt would say this: "it was honestly a very rude and shitty thing to do, but I'd do it over again in a second".

So they acknowledge it was cunty, they know it makes them a cunt, and yet they don't care that it makes them a cunt to the point that they'd do the cuntish thing again without a seconds thought.

Voids were a mistake.

Voids were a mistake.

For real

Personality matters more than character. People will likely go for someone who is "fun" rather than someone who has morals because that's boring. It's like Trump vs Jeb Bush type of situation.

Jeb Bush




Trump is widely resented and he lost the popular vote.

Trump is widely resented and he lost the popular vote.

Not when you remove the usual fraud by the Democratic party; votes from dead people, votes from illegals, multiple votes from same person, felons, ballot tampering, etc.

Personality matters more than character. People will likely go for someone who is "fun" rather than someone who has morals because that's boring.

This is true and what does subreddit doesn't understand about personality. Personality has nothing to do with your character or the quality of your intentions and how they impact the people around you. Like I commented earlier here, donating all your income to starving kids in yemen has nothing to do with personality, nor does volunteering in a soup kitchen, nor does helping grandma's cross the street. It completely has to do with your social aura, and skills at coming off as fun, particularly in immediate casual conversations with new people. It has no correlation whatsoever of the quality of your character, in either direction.

It's like Trump vs Jeb Bush type of situation.

This is a rather odd application of this sentiment.

You make good points, but you also can’t forget all the people who actually say incels are single because they are bad people.

All the people who pretend like there is even a moderate correlation between moral character and your attractiveness to women is really damaging. It goes against the experience of literally every person who has attended high school in the world. L

they cant help but follow the tingles

You are trying to understand women's ways, and that is why you fail.

They're both pieces of shit.

Shark mentality. Alpha perspective of a hot 8+ Stacy birdbrained Normie.

This is their world.

The idea that women never approach or initiate when they like a man is a huge meme. They make sure to let Chads know that they like them. If it doesn't feel like you have to beat away women with a stick then you're not physically attractive. Period.

Actually the approach all the men that they acknowledge as human beings. All 5% of them.

You can be pretty good looking and women will still not approach you but will make it easy for you if u approach them. The guy in the story must be a legit chad or gigachad.

Maybe good looking from an "above average" standpoint but an ok cupid experiment shows that you can be statically above average but still be considered ugly in the eyes of women


So yeah you do have to be a legit Chad but women are only attracted to Chad.

5,000 upvotes, too.

Reddit soy love to fantasize that this one day might happen to them.

I think just the type of person who follows celebs and worships them on social media tend to be fucking idiots. I love the guy who played Hannibal on the TV series. Do I follow his every action and word and retweet it, no. I'd rather go to the gym, focus on a hobby, maybe talk trash about idiots on reddit. Definitely not blindly follow someone just because they have status.

That’s so wrong ..

This is how desperate women are for chad, the lengths these women will go to.

I feel bad for the girl that got cucked. Imagine going out with your dream girl only to have your waiter slam dunk her right in front of you

Imagining being such an awful date lacking any kind of spine to let a server steal your date from you without speaking up.

He'd be doing me a favor, exposing her early as an unfaithful monkeybrancher before getting too invested.

Gotcha. You being unwilling to put in effort reflects poorly on the woman and the man who did put in effort. I understand now.

Lmao if I offered to take a woman out on a date, and on said date she starts flirting with other guys, she's a ho. She's an adult that can make her own decisions, I'm not some controlling asshole, if she wants to fuck the waiter then good riddance, I'm not gonna fight for someone that doesnt value me in the first place.

I'm not some controlling asshole

unironically posts here, the literal epitome of wanting to control women's sexual behavior

I've never advocated for such lol.

You don't have to directly say it. The fact that you unironically post here supports the ideals presented here.

Okay, all Muslims are terrorists then

That's quite the logical jump you've made there.

Wow, his personality was so awesome she spotted it from across the room.

Fuck this woman and fuck the asshole who chose her. I hope both of their exes live longer, happier lives.

posts like these makes me hear the rope calling me louder and louder

I used to fantasize that some server or barista would be into me and slip me her number. I should have known better.

Ever notice women are always talking about vague indescribable quality a man has? I hear this 24/7, "He's just gota that special something" "He makes me feel a certain way"... never defined it's just something ambiguous feeling that they don't seem to understand themselves.

Same with guys that repulse them.

That's true, he just rubs me the wrong way. Gives me the creepy vibe. A series of undefined feelings "certain somethings".

something ambiguous feeling that they don't seem to understand themselves.

Of course they don't. Females are too dumb to realize they're physically attracted to a guy. Thus, anything that's associated with him is gonna be 'special'.

typically if I saw a guy I was attracted to I could give better service because I genuinely wanted to interact with him

Holy shit this is massive sui fuel