“Walking’s not even that great bro!”

607  2018-05-24 by RippedRichReturned


It really isn’t like fuck man if I had an excuse to sit down all the time I would fucking take it


maybe if that guy changed his attitude and didn't have such a toxic mindset he'd be walking too

He's like three showers away from running again.

Nah he showers enough. I think it has something to do with his haircut

maybe he needs to dress better for that

He can't shower, it make his wheels rust.

He might have a condition that prevents him from walking.

I doubt that all of you have a condition that prevents you from getting girls.

We do its called the ugly.

Some of you do, but not all of you

We all do. Every last one of us.

I saw some good looking guys here too

Truecels don't post their pics.

i love how one day we're all too mentally disabled to get girls and the next day there's nothing wrong with us according to normies

This is what happens if you stop showering your legs.

Oh shit that's why i have no legs anymore, I was bathing with my head and upper body underwater but not my legs

pretty sure thats called drowning yourself, so same

you also need to brush your toes with a toothbrush or you don't respec wamens.

If you're reading this post on a PC or a handheld device in a home with clean water within a country that has a functional police force then you're wealthier and more secure than 99% of humans who have ever lived. I feel really sorry for anyone who can't take a look at the broader picture and realize that there's more to life than walking.

lmao almost got jebaited


Well there are those that cope with losing their mobility, not only cope, they live a successful life. Then there are those that are depressed about it and it's all they ever think about, they only think in limitations.

But no yeh the lesson here is giving up is the answer...

Women can literally smell his being cripple from a mile away. It. Is. Over.

is it really you brother?

It is, brother. Good to see you here.

Holy fucking shit dude it's you. Good to have ya back and here.

(Ya probably don't remember me when I was /u/JonSnowDunno on incels)

Wasn't it you who posted the atomic blackpill IIRC

Wtf is this dude complaining about? According to normies, all you need to be happy is food, water and shelter. He has all 3. Being disabled isn't going to kill you, stop being such a whiner.

It's like he has to complain about every single thing.

Your problem is not your damaged spinal chord. Your problem is your toxic inner ear.

I see guys with damaged spines with incredible walks every day. A great inner ear can compensate for a damaged spine.

Kek. Best comment by far.

"There are kids dying in Africa because of hunger and all you can think about is walking? Fucking Nazis"

More incredible strawmen from the geniuses at r/Braincels

This isn't a strawman you brainlet, but an analogy. Since you really believe it's one, it shouldn't be hard to give us what you consider to be the actual argument.

Go on.

IT being IT: the post


low iq cuck learned a new word

It's more of a false equivalence than a strawman tbh

Are you equating losing your mobility with not having sex? Thats pretty fucked up even for this sub. Not having sex doesn't limit how you live the rest of your life.

I imagine this is one of those edgy incel memes but even for an incel meme, this is insensitive to people with actually disabilities.

It’s cringey as fuck. Waaaaaahhh females won’t give us le sex it’s basically like getting our legs chopped off!! Idiots. I can’t wait until they end up getting a prostitute one day and realize that is what they’ve been whining about their whole lives. What a reality check.


A prostitute won't give you affection or validation, you normies are fucking brainlets if you think all incels want is to get their dick wet.

Using the word "normie" and "brainlet" unironically is why you're still a virgin.

Oh that's it! Women can see our post history through our eyeballs the moment they glance at us and that's why they make disgusted faces!

Women are just people, like you and me, and they're very easy to please. You fucking idiots sit around on Reddit all day and talk about women like they're property and you wonder why everyone hates you. Take a look in the mirror, then take responsibility for your shitty personality. And maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who grows out of it before it's too late.

Women are just people, like you and me


and they're very easy to please.

Yes, if you're attractive, since that's the only thing you need to please them.

You fucking idiots sit around on Reddit all day and talk about women like they're property and you wonder why everyone hates you.

No, we fucking idiots sit around on reddit all day and talk about how ugly we are.

Take a look in the mirror

Yeah I'm ugly

then take responsibility for your shitty personality

Oh like Jeremy Meeks had to? Women don't care about personality lmaoooo they never have

And maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who grows out of it before it's too late.

Nigga I'm 33, there's no more growing for me.

Then you are lost....

Address specific points bucko, otherwise your opinion is worthless.

"bucko" hahahaha well there is your problem.

What's his problem?

Lol welcome to the block my guy

It's been over

Big facts

>Women are just people, like you and me

What does that mean? Women are just like men?

Newsflash: They aren't. They're not even remotely similar. They may as well be a different species.

>and they're very easy to please.


Have you met a woman before? You'll find they're quite reasonable. I'm an ugly cunt and they still treat me like a human. Must be your personality.

they're quite reasonable

I have a friend whose girlfriend called him up because she had just HAD A DREAM in which he was being abusive towards her, and she started crying because he wouldn't apologize to her for what he did to her IN HER DREAM.

I can guarantee you there has never been a MAN who did that in the history of the world.

And there are millions of stories with stuff that is utterly absurd like this. Women are irrational nutcases.

Women being polite to you in public doesn't mean they're reasonable.

No, men just commit war crimes and invent bio weapons. People suck, man, that's not something that's ever going away. Not all men are sexist pigs, not all women are crazy cheaters. It's very easy to find a girl who isn't fucking crazy.

>It's very easy to find a girl who isn't fucking crazy.

No, it's impossible. You can find a woman who isn't dangerously crazy, but they all have something seriously wrong with them. That's just how women are built.

Keep telling yourself that. Enjoy your basement dwelling.

Plenty of guys who have been in numerous relationships agree with me.

Plenty of people agree that the earth is flat and that vaccines cause autism. Doesn't make it true.

Not a compatible comparison. These are people who actually interacted with women and made the determination that they are crazy.

You clearly don't see how flawed your logic is. Can't blame, you're probably like 13. Peace out, wish you the best, truly. I hope you can climb out of this dark hole you're in.

How is my logic flawed?

In actuality, yours is the logic that is flawed.

Also, you're off on my age by literally 20 years.

Your logic is flawed because you're making a generalization that literally half of the human race (more or less) is insane, based on anecdotes. A 33 year old should probably understand that, but the system has clearly failed you. I bet you don't even know where the clitoris is.

Based on TONS of anecdotes.

When you pull 14,747 consecutive green frogs out of a pond, you're going to conclude, "I think every damn frog in this pond is green." And if you pull a red frog out on number 14,748, it's perfectly understandable if you question what it is you're really seeing. Maybe the frog is covered in some kind of red slime. It has to be an illusion.

It's called "inductive reasoning."

Also, a simple Google search will show you where the clitoris is. Why are you so stupid?

How many anecdotes? Because their are a lot of women on earth.....

Also, wow you had to Google where the clitoris is, whose the stupid one?

How many anecdotes? Because their are a lot of women on earth.....

Do you understand how sampling works?

Also, wow you had to Google where the clitoris is, whose the stupid one?

Ironically, you just showed how stupid you were with that comment.

An anecdote from your friends isn't the same thing as a fuckin sample you dunce. There is a reason that anecdotes aren't considered good research. You would have to have tens of thousands of stories to reach an educated conclusion about every woman on Earth. And the fact is, billions of men interact with women every second of every day, and they seem to do just fine. Even the ugly ones.

Your lack of an understanding of how anything works is baffling for a 33 year old man. I pity you, man. You're very clearly a bigot who has no interest on treating people like people. I'm going to stop responding now, but even if I'm going to concede this argument to you, you'll still go on, hating yourself and everyone around you, wondering were it all went wrong. You'll probably die alone and decompose before anyone finds you, and to top it off, you'll be on the wrong side of history to boot, unless of course you decide to change. Not holding my breath though, as the only thing incels seem to be good at is self destruction. Now leave me alone so I can sleep for Christssake. 😚

Hundreds of anecdotes are a large sample size, you fucking imbecile.

There are millions of men who agree with me. Fucking MILLIONS. Numerous countries have laws based on what men have come to realize about female nature. Those laws were progressive. The west is trying to go back to the days before we realized how women actually are.

I'm not going to be on the wrong side of history with the current trend. Within the last few years, the number of men between the ages of 22-35 who have not had sex has skyrocketed to 14% (from 7% just a few years ago). That trend can't continue without severe consequences.

You use the word, "unironically," and somehow you managed to get laid, apparently.

Must be doing something right.

No, it’s like our dicks have been chopped off.


The absolute iq of this poster... It doesn't limit how you live your life?? Having sex is part of life, just like walking. Not being able to walk won't kill you either.

"Not having sex doesn't limit how you live the rest of your life."

That's a pretty bold statement. It can have a massive impact on your psyche, peer group, how others perceive or regard you, physical health, and more.

I didn't say it couldn't affect you. It doesn't limit the rest of your life. You wont have to use a wheelchair the rest of your life, you wont need physical assistance from others for basic tasks. If you think sex limits you, you are delusional.

While I agree with most of the things you mentioned that would affect your life. There is no risk to your physical health for not having sex. You might feel more stressed and it might depress you but thats it.

TIL mental health isn't important.

So depression and stress are no big deal, right?

Maybe he just hasn't tried to walk hard enough.


If you think you want to fuck as much as someone who can't walk wants to walk move your asses and do something.
You think you can't do it cause of genetics and that personality doesn't matter?
Fine, then get rich. After all you think all women are shallow don't you?
Get yourself a gold digger or two. Or even a dozen.
You don't even have to get lucky or work hard, there are many ways to do that, you can cheat, steal, get into politics.
Bloody hell, go rob a bank, I'm fucking sure any paralized person would risk it if it'd mean to be able to walk again.
If you're not willing to try to do that don't you compare yourself to an handicapped person again.

"Just become rich bro, it's easy!"

Way easier than walking again.
If you compare problems you should compare solutions too.

You're a moron


Lol it's funny to think people like you have the right to vote. People are dumb. It's over.

You sure have a knack to recognize irritation and scorn.
Your name is "retarded" but it really takes some kind of mental deficiency to translate what I've written into "LOL SILLY INCELS".
What are you one of those people that only lives online and that takes anything literally if it doesn't read an /s at the end of the phrase?
If you pretend to be in a situation as severe as someone who has lost his ability to move his own body just because you can't get laid then that would mean that you're willing to go to any kind of extreme measure to get out of this horrible situation ain't you?
If you're not then shut the hell up with this kind of self loathing.
Or go to someone that just got paralyzed and tell him/her: "I know what you feel, cause I don't get laid" and wait to be punched in the crotch.

It's called an analogy. I suggest you look up that word. I personally have not read a single incel here claiming that being an incel is worse than being in a wheelchair, but you know, it very well might be. Being an incel is about being rejected by society. You know how humans are social animals, how we want to spend time with each other, how good it feels to cuddle somebody who likes you back, etc? Forget about ALL of that. All of it. You are a shell of a person because you have been rejected by everybody.

If somebody told me that I had to choose between either being unable to walk or living this life it would be a hard choice.

Can't wait for you to reply on how easy it is to not be rejected and that if people don't like me it's probably because they can psychically sense that I post here.

First thing first. Thank you for enlightening me by teaching me what an anology is, because I have never been to middle school, and because everybody who disagrees with you must be an ignorant of course, it's just not possible to disagree with you unless who does it is dumber than you.
You may also notice that this is a false analogy because even if it wasn't disrespectful to compare the 2 situations (there's no need for an incel to claim that it is worse, claiming that it is as bad is enough to be offensive) it is obvious that one is irreversible while the other has a solution.
It's called prostitution by the way, it's not exactly breaking news.
Also I don't get this "being rejected by everyone" thing, I can accept that some people are too ugly for someone to want to fuck them, but why would that mean that friends and society reject them too?

it is obvious that one is irreversible while the other has a solution. It's called prostitution by the way, it's not exactly breaking news.

Wow. I didn't know paying a prostitute will get society to accept me. What a dumb argument.

Also I don't get this "being rejected by everyone" thing, I can accept that some people are too ugly for someone to want to fuck them, but why would that mean that friends and society reject them too?

I didn't claim to be rejected by ugliness.

Why do you reply with this shit? The way I see it, one of two things is going on; you either lack the ability of empathize with people and thus you don't know that if you're rejected by society going to a prostitute will change NOTHING (if this is the case I seriously believe you may have some sort of mental disability), or you very well know that being rejected by everybody would be absolutely awful and you are being dense on purpose because the narrative is that you HAVE to disagree with incels no matter what we say.

I'm sorry but this is not /depression, this is /braincel: all of the post here are about "if you're not 7 ft/a megachad/ a supermodel then it's over" and about "look at me I'm unlovable" or "those idiots that just tell us it's about personality or showers don't live in the real world" , and this post was clearly an attempt to make an analogy between having a physic disability and being unable to get laid.
And again what are the reasons you don't get laid according to this sub? Not being attractive.
It's never "I have a shitty personality so they don't want me" it's always "those whores will fuck anyone as long as he is physical attractive and I never will be".
So if you see a picture like this in this kind of sub this is the meaning it takes.
You're trying to transform this stupid meme about not getting laid into my attack against poor souls rejected by society.
First, if you go by the name incel, you are the one putting the sex (or lack of thereof) up front as the main reason of your sorrow.
Well if this lack of sex is as terrible as it is to lose your legs (again the main reason of my rant is how disrespectful this analogy was, I don't care about insulting anyone) then go solve it.
The world is full of professional sex workers.
But if you want to shift the subject to how society rejects you and you say that it doesn't even relate to physical features, and that the simple act of physical sex doesn't even matter that much, then you're totally ignoring the premises of an argument based on classic incel arguments on a incel sub.
In this case I can only tell you to get help, and maybe to avoid places like this one that only reinforce your belief that you cannot get out of this awful situation in which you think you can't actually create a bond (even a sexless one) with anyone.
This is not about being born in a special unlucky category called Incels, this is depression.
Second, I'm not here because I have to disagree with anyone, I follow this sub, as I follow "opposite" subs (like I follow both far right and far left subs) sometimes there are fun self ironic threads, sometimes fun threads about superficial unrequested advices you receive, sometimes disgusting ones about the way some would mistreat women (I avoid them completely because they're disgusting) and sometimes just stupid ones like this one.
Well this time I wanted to point out how stupid this particular analogy was.

Excuse me, are you saying that because we are in /r/braincels and I consider myself an incel, I shouldn't express the feelings associated with rejection?

I'm only a couple of sentences into your post and I can tell you that you are not a very bright individual. You bought all of it. All of the lies, all of the generalisations, all of the BS that is spewed every time incels are brought up in reddit or really anywhere online.

Right from the get go you seem to deny that I am capable of experiencing feelings of depression because "this is /braincel". You go on to claim that this subreddit is a place in which only 3 types of content are produced, and since what I shared doesn't fit your extremely simple narrative then it doesn't belong here. What? If I, an incel, just shared that, then it means that it belongs here. You trying to deny what I shared just because it's not the type of dumb content you'd expect shows what a simple-minded narrow point of view you have of us and how stubborn you are about this. God knows what other uninformed opinions you have on other subjects and how loud you are when expressing them.

And again what are the reasons you don't get laid according to this sub? Not being attractive. It's never "I have a shitty personality so they don't want me" it's always "those whores will fuck anyone as long as he is physical attractive and I never will be".

My main issue is that I have extreme social anxiety and thus I am awful in social interactions, you overly-opinionated simpleton. I'm gonna stop right there because chances are that nothing that you just shared has even a modicum of real thought put into it, it's all simple platitudes you came up with after blindly believing everything people told you about incels. cheers.

ok FYI I read the rest of your post just to see if there was anything worth addressing and, while many of the things you said about incels are wrong, it's really not worth mine or anyone else's time explaining this to you here. I do want to point this out though:

This is not about being born in a special unlucky category called Incels, this is depression.

How do I explain this to somebody like you, somebody who believes all the BS that you've been fed?

Incels can be depressed. Not only that, I'm quite confident in saying that at least of 90% of people that call themselves incels are depressed and are aware of it. It's funny seeing somebody as uninformed and opinionated as you coming here and saying this as if it's some crazy reveal.

I see now that the viewpoint you have of us is the one that's being pushed in the media, that we are some sort of cult like entity, which is why you said feelings of depression don't belong here (because you think the "incel cult" only allows the spewing of dumb shit). You should honestly be ashamed of being so gullible. Read this, and read this very carefully for it will give you a much more accurate assesment of the type of person you'll find here rather than anything anybody else will tell you elsewhere in reddit: Incels are nothing but a bunch of depressed lonely self-aware virgins.

Ok you have two problems:
One: you read what you want to read and translate it in anything that fits your narrative (one of oppression in this case).
Two: you are so eager to call someone that disagrees with you some variation of "stupid" (it's like the 10th time in 3 message man I got it), ok maybe I am, or maybe this is the easiest way to dismiss everything I say without questioning yourself.
So maybe a recap is needed.
What have I said?
An outraged message about how you shouldn't compare yourself to handicapped people.
What the analogy was about?
"What you can't do it's not that great anyway. Don't worry."
And what is that incels can't do? Getting laid.
And why? Because of looks.
Every message has a codification, and the time and place (and the subject) you choose when you convey that message are part of the meaning as the words themselves.
Incels subs themself are those that created the stereotype that this meme has to be read through.
The meaning of this meme was without a doubt "being too ugly to fuck is as bad and as irreversible as being a cripple" and I found this stupid and offensive.
Now does it mean that everyone that doesn't fuck is too ugly? No, of course not, but the joke was without a doubt about being too ugly to fuck.
So my message was "you, as a person who wants to fuck and can't, think you're in a situation as bad as someone who can't walk? Well you can pay your way out of it while he/she can only dream about it, so cut the self loathing crap." Then you came along and you started arguing about being rejected by society and stuff (and I'm sorry you feel this way really, you may not believe it, but I am) that had nothing to do with the original message and hence with my answer.
When I said "it's /braincels not /depression" was to point out the stuff I've just said about the meaning of the meme.
The meme was not about "being depressed and a pariah is as bad as being a cripple" it just wasn't.
That had nothing to do with you and how you feel, but this is how you tried to steer the conversation from the beginning.
Of course an Incel can be depressed, at the very least if not depressed I expect him to be very sad (not all sadness and resentment is depression though), my point about "it's depression, get help and get out of here" it was not supposed to be read as "some crazy reveal", but as "if the first thing you do is shifting the subject to rejection and feeling like shit it is likely that in your case being an incel is caused by being depressed and not the other way around, so lingering here it is worse for you than it is for others, as you may have a way out of your situation".
But I admit that I expressed myself poorly here.
Also, and this is a strictly technical Incel question, if, like I've seen here on a picture of a fat guy getting fit, if a fatcel is a volcel, wouldn't a depresscel be a volcel too?
I agree that getting out of depression, or to manage to live with it, is way harder than getting fit (though many times one thing is related to another), but the logic should be same, shouldn't it?
Finally I'll tell you that where I live I've never seen anything about Incels on the media so nobody could feed me any BS, my only contact with the Incel community is reddit, but again it seems to me that you are impatient to see the world as something ready to oppress you.

while the other has a solution.


Finding it difficult dosn't mean that society is rejecting you.
Maybe you haven't been lucky with people but really you can relate to anyone regardless of differences, as long as you give a fuck about them.
Also guys don't talk so much about their laids, I mean maybe at 17, but then they grow up, it's not something you use to bond over.

Dude, what happened to your site? It stopped working all of a sudden.

Just watch movies with prosthetics bro.

lmao topkek

He just needs to play the new Soyfield V game and he'll be back on his feet in no time.

Why's he feel so entitled to walk. He just needs to accept other people can walk and he cant.pansy

Stop oppressing women by making everything about your paraplegia.

What even is this? What’s the point of this post? How does it help anyone?

You must be new here.

Nah I've been here a minute but I couldn't understand what posts like this had to do with incels. They're just mad and they're making posts to trigger normies. Like, what a waste of time, idk what these people want with their lives D:

If normies didn't give us shitty advice, we wouldn't have to make this kind of posts. They're the ones wasting their time (and ours) with advice that just doesn't work, instead of actually trying to find a solution to the problem.

If normies didn't give us shitty advice

Yeah, I get that. Not everyone has been in the incel position and they don't understand where you guys are coming from. Fuck those people.

we wouldn't havce to make these posts

You don't have to make them at all.

They're the ones wasting their time (and ours) with advice that just doesn't work, instead of actually trying to find a solution to the problem.

Is this a solution to your problem? How does this post help you specifically?

I mean, normies aren't incels. They have friends and are getting laid or are fine with just not having sex. You're the ones who are disregarding their advice as "useless" and calling it "cope" and yet can't get friends and/or laid and just stay in your unhappy bubble of self loathing. Doesn't that make you think?

I mean, normies aren't incels.

Exactly, they don't know how life is when you're ugly.

Quick question. When was the last time you saw a 9/10 chick going out with a 3/10 dude that wasn't really rich? I'm willing to bet you'll say a long time ago. Wanna know why? Because 3/10 people go out with other 3/10 people. If you're ugly you're never gonna get anyone if you keep trying to hit on 8/10 girls. Life's not fair and the truth is, you might have to settle for less that you'd like but it's still better that complaining about being a virgin on an online forum that got banned for wanting to brutally murder other people who got more lucky in life than them.

I think you must be new here. Incels would gladly settle with their looksmatch or lower. The problem is even ugly femoids go for Chads.

Did you ever consider the fact that maybe they're not setting for you because instead of being a decent human being that's fun to be around you're calling them "femoids" and acting like their attention is something you deserve? Women are human just as much as you are and they've got brains of their own and trust me, they can tell that the only reason you are talking to them is because you want to have a gf/get laid instead of to develop a friendship that might later turn into a relationship

I don't actually call female humanoid organisms "femoids" IRL. (inb4 "women can detect you shitpost on an anonymous online imageboard full of lonely virgins tehehe").

I'm not acting like I'm entitled to anything. Nobody is entitled to anything.

I mean, why else would I talk to foids? Why would I want to be friends with someone only to be used as a disposable ATM?

That’s just not true dude.

Why are you so eager to post your uninformed opinion? Are you aware of how annoying it is for you to start talking about certain things when you don't know anything on the topic?

The topic of what, women? Pretty sure I'm more informed in the subject than you all.

Incels, genius.

To bait empathetic normies into replying so they can play edgelord and feel superior for a fraction of a moment before sliding back into their socially awkward, sexless lives.

So these posts (like the one about seeing a woman getting beaten) don't have anything to do with incels, it's just these idiots being mad at normies? Neat

This isn't a help sub icebrain.

"Walking uphill is the worst! Your knees will hurt, you will be tired and sweaty..."

Serious, non sarcastic question: Why not just pay for it?


I think the majority of incels are starved of human affection and are therefore looking for an intimate relationship more than they're looking for casual sex.

Not from a woman's perspective. The typical Tinder THOT thinks FaceCels like me have raging boners that can never go down and we need sex 24/7. In real life, I have difficulty maintaining an erection with a condom and honestly would rather do cuddles / kisses / handjobs with a reliable partner.

Of course I can never get that far when 99% of women left swipe and the other 1% lose interest after the first / second message. When I cold approach women working at cafes / restaurants then all that ends up happening is I get banned from the venue.


I'm curious to hear their perspective

If I follow the analogy "walking" is fucking not "intimate relationship"

RRI you're back!

:) I have missed this place greatly, brother.

What happened to incel.co

I don't know, I've been away for a few months, need to go and uncover all my throwaway emails I used for the site.

Wow what an entitled subreddit full of slackjawed pussies.


Howdy pardner

He's not entitled to be able to walk.

So... Virginity is a handicap?

You are talking to society's rejects. If you don't think that's a real issue feel free to stop posting here.

So virginity is as bad as not being able to walk anymore?

Do you know what an analogy is? This analogy is effective; you don't need to be able to walk in order to love, do you? Still, not being able to walk is incredibly stressful and what not.

Something’s terribly wrong with this analogy. The paralyzed guy could walk. He knows how it was to use his legs. He actually knows what he is going to miss out whereas incels have never experienced sex. They don’t know if it’s good or bad and how it feels like. They cannot miss something if they have never done it in their lives.

It's really fucking tiring dealing with people like you and your inane arguments.

Look who’s talking

You dumbass, your actual LITERAL argument is that since we've never had sex or been in a relationship we don't know "if it’s good or bad" and thus it's not that bad.

That's not worthy of a response. Do you consider yourself a logical and or intelligent person? If so, re read what you fucking wrote and tell me it's not retarded.

Talking to people like you is a waste of time. Intellectually dishonest garbage.

Ever had a biology class? Why indeed would people feel sad about not having normal social experiences?

Let me rewrap your argument: why even be upset at slavery? If you were born a slave you don't know what freedom feels like. Slaves are probably blissful tbh, not having to worry about what to do in their free time.

So virgins are on the same level as slaves now. Not having sex is as bad as unlawful torment lasting 400+ years. Good to know that unfucked people draw this kind of conclusions.

It's an analogy. Go Google that word right now.

You can't be reasoned with. I'm pretty sure you understood my point, yet you chose to make a stupid reply because you don't know how to address what I was talking about, which means that no matter what I say you'll keep trying to make it sound as bad as possible and will keep ignoring my real points.

This one time I heard a quote that said something kinda like "if you actually care about the truth and intellectual honesty, you'll interpret your opponent's argument in the best light possible and will even put yourself in their shoes and try coming up with other arguments that defend their position". You are doing the exact opposite of that. Shame on you. To think that your opinion is worth as much as anybody else's is sickening. People like you are why we can't have nice things.

Or you can admit that the analogy is flawed and come up with a better one. As long it doesn’t compare your life with slavery or being handicapped b

The analogy is not supposed to show how being an incel is as bad as being a slave. When presented with an analogy by your intellectual opponent, context is important. The analogous factors that are being compared should be obvious in the context of the discussion. I even took the liberty to spell out what I was referring to with the analogy, which was you mentioning that never being in relationships means that we don't know what we're missing out. My slavery analogy is 100% valid here. Even though I spelt this out you just HAD to reply with something stupid, didn't you?

Why am I still talking to a dishonest person such as yourself?

your slavery analogy is absolutely not valid here nor appropriate. Since you like googling so much that you constantly recommend it to me, how about you look up slavery? A dude who can‘t walk anymore doesn’t represent incelhood. People who were stripped of every single human right in order to be used as workforce anf their descendants don’t represent your „torment“. It’s a bad analogy but nevertheless here you are, fighting about it as if it’s actually important for the people here. Every fucking time you come up with something which doesn’t apply to the context, then go on asking yourself „why am I still talking to you“ and keep commenting utter bullshit.

What do you think analogies are? Do you think that whenever an analogy is said, the issues being compared are 100% the same in all aspects?

You keep saying that my analogy is incorrect because slavery sux when I never made the argument that incels are just like slaves.

Analogy: "a correspondence or partial similarity." "a thing that is comparable to something else in significant respects." "However, analogy compares two completely different things and look for similarities between two things or concepts and it only focuses on that angle."

I suggest you don't get into arguments in which one of the central points of the discussion is a word which you don't know the meaning of.

Keep doubling down.

Except that your analogy isn’t valid because the similarity you’re referring to are made out of different circumstances or context if you like to call it like that. You cherry pick on history because it would back up your story so well. But it doesn’t because they cannot be compared.

But it doesn’t because they cannot be compared.

absolutely not true. You said we don't know what we are missing out on because we've never had relationships. I replied that this is similar to saying that people born into slavery don't know what they're missing out on because they've never had freedom. This is such a simple concept and a textbook example of an analogy. EVEN if it weren't an analogy (which it is), it's a valid comparison and you know it. It is instinctual to want freedom and relationships.

You have okra levels of low IQ

Oh look, our agricultural expert here wants to say something too

You have the IQ of a vegetable commonly used as a staple of Indian and west-Indian cuisine

You're a moron

I’m so hurt right now. Oh no wait, I‘m not.

Evidently you are Hahahahahahahahaha



Imagine comparing being a virgin to losing all function in your legs for the rest of your life. Do you guys seriously think these two things are remotely similar?! Your virginity doesnt constantly limit you from every day activities it doesn't make you totally dependent on another person to go about your life. You can lose your virginity at any point, but your legs dont magically start functioning again. Holy fuck y'all are disgusting sometimes.

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I would trade leg functionality for companionship any day.

Luckily if you get your shit together you don't have to choose, and as a person with working legs, you're lucky enough not to have to have either problems. Inceldom is a choice; don't get the nomenclature twisted, you can get laid if you could listen to even half-decent advice and get yourself out of the self-pity circle-jerk.

You're right I just need to will myself into fixing my mental illness, thanks Norman!

You minimize a truecel's plight. You realize that if this wheelchair guy has a girl then he's probably healthier and happier than a truecel, right?

it must be fun to live a life of zero accountability, where cucked men kneel and bow to you no matter what you do and are too stupid to realise theyre getting manipulated. but yeah there's the internet now, not gonna happen much more

He probably is going to get put into the wheelchairzone every time

Are people telling you guys that sex isn’t great? Sex is fucking awesome.

It's great, but I've had more fun watching the superbowl while eating junk-food and drinking beer with my friends and family than most nights fucking my wife.

Do you and your wife have a bad relationship?

No our relationship is awesome, it's just that sex, as fun as it is, is just a physical act that extends from things that I get without even doing it.

If my penis fell off tomorrow, I wouldn't suddenly lose my will to live, and I wouldn't suddenly stop living and appreciating my wife, and she wouldn't do the same.

That doesn’t make sex any less awesome though

No more awesome than again, spending time buzzed with friends eating junk food and socializing. Something that incels, barring the social ineptitude thing, can and probably have already experienced.

You're comparing a life long disability to you not getting laid. You're an absolute moron

I comparing one life in which an individual desires to perform an action he sees others performing daily, but which he is unable to perform to due involuntary genetic/physical qualities of his body, to another life in which an individual desires to perform an action he sees others performing daily, but which he is unable to perform to due involuntary genetic/physical qualities of his body.

Don't see the problem

Do you have a working penis? If so then it’s not a good comparison to someone without working legs.

Because all a man requires to actually get laid (as in, also getting to that point in the first place) is a functioning penis.


You're a moron

Walking really aint all the great. I got a cramp in my league from work like a day a go and shit still hurts

Ethnikcel & disabledcel.. it's over

At least you guys don't fall for that shit. Sex is on another level compared to almost anything else you can experience in life. There's a reason every culture is obsessed with it. There's a reason men and women have battled to the death over a dick or vag. There's a reason men and women will put up with all manner of abuse, dishonesty and betrayal. It's because we are biologically rewarded by certain things and sex is at the top of that. Don't completely give up the fight guys, it's worth it. It's worth it to get a hooker if you have to. It's not the same as having sex with someone you really know and like and feel comfortable with and knows what you like and let's you do it but it's on par with a one night stand. I'm not trying to act superior or anything, I'm not better than any of you, I'm just more lucky. And I am definitely not a Chad.

Okay, cool, but sex/a girlfriend is not nearly as necessary for typical life as walking is.

being paralyzed


being too inept to get laid

Same thing. A+ comparison.

Glad you agree

Sure, but probably not with you.

That isn't how analogies work.

If you're insinuating that this is just an analogy then it's a poor one; one is an uncontrollable result of life and virtually cannot be changed no matter what you do, the other is inceldom. Inceldom is not a medical diagnosis, it's an identity adopted by people who are virgins and who have all but entirely given up on even trying to get laid, so they complain. If even half the incels actually made even the slightest effort to emulate normal healthy interaction with women, they would immediately find themselves getting laid.

Inceldom is an oxymoron; you are voluntarily choosing to maintain a lifestyle and philosophy which actively hinders your ability to have sex.

Look, I'm starting to come around to incels. I guess the problem I have is that some of you don't try, or haven't tried. Hence, you're really volcels.

There's a post of a fat guy who transformed himself into a normie-looking motherfucker. Maybe he still doesn't get laid, but I've got a lot of respect for that guy.

The guy in the wheelchair can't change his predicament. Some of you can't either. It sucks. I was best friends with a kid growing up who became crippled from the waist down when we were kids. I grew up being able to run around, and he didn't. I know exactly what I had, and it didn't make me feel good to think he was missing out. I would have given anything to see him be able to walk. I ain't giving any of you shit, but I'd still love to see you all get laid.

Except it definitely does feel that good.

pretty sure thats called drowning yourself, so same

It's an analogy. Go Google that word right now.

You can't be reasoned with. I'm pretty sure you understood my point, yet you chose to make a stupid reply because you don't know how to address what I was talking about, which means that no matter what I say you'll keep trying to make it sound as bad as possible and will keep ignoring my real points.

This one time I heard a quote that said something kinda like "if you actually care about the truth and intellectual honesty, you'll interpret your opponent's argument in the best light possible and will even put yourself in their shoes and try coming up with other arguments that defend their position". You are doing the exact opposite of that. Shame on you. To think that your opinion is worth as much as anybody else's is sickening. People like you are why we can't have nice things.

You have okra levels of low IQ

No our relationship is awesome, it's just that sex, as fun as it is, is just a physical act that extends from things that I get without even doing it.

If my penis fell off tomorrow, I wouldn't suddenly lose my will to live, and I wouldn't suddenly stop living and appreciating my wife, and she wouldn't do the same.

You're a moron

you also need to brush your toes with a toothbrush or you don't respec wamens.