I used to feel bad for ugly girls

119  2018-05-24 by Neandercel

Being a naturally empathetic person, I always felt bad for what I thought ugly girls had to go through. I thought they'd be chronically alone just for their looks and how unfair that was to them.

Then recently I realized that even ugly girls actually get laid, and quite regularly too. From dating statistics online, I wouldn't doubt that ugly girls get laid more than even average guys.


I felt bad until I realized most of them have boyfriends/fuckbuddies that are way out of their league and mog me to oblivion.

Seen it so many time lol

The guy's just with her cuz he can basically get sex on tap. He's looking for any opportunity to find someone better looking.

Meanwhile she thinks that after enough time eventually he'll settle for her; which happens rarely, but enough they don't give up hope.

I'm just spitballing here, but maybe this is why roasties don't understand why guys don't like to be "settled" for, since that was always their best case scenario.

It's like reverse beta orbiter. Whereas she is an alpha orbiter.

The bad thing about this is that women believe men think like them and only fuck people they want a relationship with.

So because the 4/10 roastie got pumped and dumped by an 8/10 Chad she actually believes she worthy of getting a man of his caliber in a long term relationship and believes men at her looks level are beneath her. The term for this is alpha widow.

I remembered browsing the foreveralonewomen subreddit before it became private.

..God that day made me angry.


I heard you see this a lot in university.

I can't think of a single girl that has trouble getting laid or even dating. Being fit and well groomed is enough for any girl to have high sexual market value. That whole "get a haircut" and "go to the gym" advice is just projection from femoids, because femoids actually just need to get a haircut/good skin care and be fit to be pretty enough for dating.


I can't think of a single girl that has trouble getting laid or even dating. Being fit and well groomed is enough for any girl to have high sexual market value. That whole "get a haircut" and "go to the gym" advice is just projection from femoids, because femoids actually just need to get a haircut/good skin care and be fit to be pretty enough for dating.

I met a girl who was in a fire accident and her skin was all burnt, she had a hot looking avg height guy

Women are almost never not attractive enough for dating. Even very out of shape, unattractive women will still be able to date unless they have psychiatric issues.

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRFOTqTicvY

Holy shit that video is pure ragefuel. She is ugly and acts so masculine and disgusting I had trouble going through that whole video.

Example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRFOTqTicvY

42k likes with a bunch of comments telling her how beautiful she is.

Imagine if it was an ugly balding indian manlet reading that poem, he'd be called a mysoginist creep and get kicked out of the venue. Society is completely fucked, it's over.

As long as a woman isn't so physically or emotionally handicapped that she can't consent to sex, there really is no difficulty in getting it.

Ugly girls get more attention than Chad in online dsting

I guess maybe more attention from people looking for a pump and dump because they figure it will be easy.

Boohoo. Compare that to 0 matches at all.

Not feeling bad for them or anything just pointing it out. Furthermore, much like attractive women with really attractive men, these ugly girls who "arent looking for sex" will totally break that rule for any guy out of their league.

I mean, in college that was pretty much how it went when we would go to house parties. You start at the top and work your way down until a girl was dtf. It was pretty much a guarantee when you would hit on a girl that wasnt on your level in looks.

Those are the rules, women date up the ladder and men date down.

That's because there's an asymmetry in how beneficial it is to get laid for each gender. Men always profit, women always lose. The ugly women have to accept even bigger losses since no one loves them.

It's well documented that men are more attentive, caring, nice partners to their partners when she's pretty. Essentially ugly women just get used and treated like shit. It's worse than not having a partner imo.

How is that even comparable? If ugly women don't want to get "used" (even though most of them have long-term relationships) they can just not participate.

It's like saying eating cafeteria mashed potatoes is worse than just starving. It really isn't. The lack of human affection and validation is much more soul-crushing. Want to know why? Because ugly women still choose to not be alone.

The starving vs mash potatoes is a terrible comparison. A more apt comparison would be getting punched in the face vs not being punched in the face. Not having anything done to you is much better in that case.

Lack of human touch literally rots the psyche. Starving is probably the most apt comparison you can have.

I noticed you still avoided the choice aspect in your punch metaphor. The woman can just CHOOSE to not participate in getting pumped and dumped. No one is forcing them to. It can't be that hard to just close your legs.

Also I'm not sure what world you live in that ugly girls get pumped and dumped more than attractive ones.

No, reread my comment, I edited it.


Not relevant in a pump and dump scenario babe.

To your edit:

You still have the audacity to compare willingly getting pumped and dumped to a lifetime without intimate touch and validation? For one you CHOOSE to get pumped and dumped, you can just not participate and feel the apparent paradise of Inceldom.

You're also trying to say that I am not oppressed? I grew up in government housing with days that I did not get to eat. You wouldn't last a day as a black man. Go back to your life as a privileged white woman.

One last thing, nothing I said was hateful to women in anywhere. You just projected what you wanted onto it. If a dude was complaining about getting ghosted by girls after fucking them, I'd tell him to suck it up and stop complaining about non-issues too.

There's nothing audacious about posting on reddit, but sure. I'd say the same aloud: being used for 2 years by an incel-type of guy who is a complete asshole, makes no effort, treats you like shit, makes your life hell, eats up your youth and torpedoes your chances of meeting someone good IS MUCH WORSE than being alone.

The fact that women don't want to sleep with you IS NOT OPPRESSION.

Literally what? When did I say or imply that. Unless you're equating me talking about the crushingness of loneliness with oppression. Do you people just talk past me, and argue with what you want me to say?

We're on an incel subreddit. Obviously we're discussing your inability to get sex, not the fact that you live in government housing. When I said you're not oppressed, I meant in terms of sex and relationships. Then you reply about being oppressed because you're poor, but obviously you must know that's not what we were discussing here?

Don't try to dance around you. You only said oppressed, you did nothing to imply it had to do with sexuality. You were gunning for your image of some entitled, privileged white boy thinking he was facing arbitrary oppression. Otherwise why introduce the topic? I did not say I was oppressed because I lacked sex.

you did nothing to imply it had to do with sexuality

What I did was be on r/braincels and say "you all".

Good for you if you don't say you're oppressed because you lack sex, but your presence on r/braincels suggests otherwise. It's the entire mission of the sub.

Nope. Feeling sad about loneliness is not complaining about oppression. Stop thought-policing.

I mean don't flatter yourself mate. I never mistook you for someone privileged. The only thing you have going for you is being born male.

> The only thing you have going for you is being born male.

Like that's a good thing in a gynocentric world. lmfao

why do you hate us so much? you can't you women see eye to eye with us?

Cause I dated you and you are still complaining that women won't date you.

you dated me? wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

no. am being serious. why do you us?

I dated guys like you. Or worse than you. The effect is the same. There are many more me's and many more you's.

Everything you're saying is true. The prettiest girl I know got taken on a mutli-thousand dollar Disney themed first date by some nerd recently. But said nerd would never put on a good show for even a marriage proposal for a femcel. Look at all the elaborate wedding proposal videos on YouTube. It's pure Stacies. At the same time we have the advantage of a clear vantage point about how the world really is because we know that those things that feel like genuine affection to Stacy are just a trick to keep her from other wursties.

keep coping with your dumb "femcel" bs. how about you guys get original?

well, you didn't date me personally. be my gf please.

Put yourself in my shoes. I dated omega men, the lowliest men who had nothing going for them, and they didn't have to make any effort at all. I gave them everything, did everything they asked, helped them in many ways, and I never asked for anything in return, and I never got anything in return because they treated me poorly. I was trapped in exactly the sort of mindset you try to cultivate in women: "i have to accept the most omega men for who they are and love they unconditionally, wanting them to have any qualities or to do any things with me would be being too demanding or too judgmental and therefore evil". My life got destroyed by dating these omega men. They literally didn't have to have any quality nor to do anything and they got all the sex.

Then I arrive on the internet to try to find some distraction from my destroyed life, and what I find is those very omega men complaining that women aren't doing enough for them, that women are demanding too much out of a boyfriend. It's fucking ridiculous and profoundly insulting.

yeah, right. you go after retard get retarded results. at least you have a choice. i fucking don't. put yourself in an ugly incel's shoes.

If I come, will you smile?

If I leave, will you cry?

In my shoes, walk a mile.

Who is vile, you or I?

"i never got anything in return". When I tried to give you something in return you didn't accept it just so you can keep being a martyr.

The events:

  • I help you find a date with a woman in your city by operating an online dating profile for you. I did this for free expecting nothing in return.
  • You win a $10 bet with another girl and you decide to give me the money. Only you ask me to collect the money from the girl directly myself.
  • I refuse the money because it's not mine. Then you start accusing me of refusing to take the $10 from that girl so I "can keep being a martyr".

I said money's not an issue and I would've given you more because you're unemployed and depressed. Point is, you don't accept people trying to do nice things for you, and then complain that no one does. When I asked you if you were okay, you instead sent links to studies about a topic you supposedly didn't wanna talk about, then tried to get mad at me over a fine print. If you're willing to end friendships and hold grudges over minor miscommunication, I shudder to think how your relationships REALLY transpired, because we didn't get the guys' sides of the story. Maybe it's time for you to grow up.

We weren't friends, we were part of the same Discord server, and anyone can testify that we didn't get along. You don't have to shudder about anything.

Thanks for admitting you never thought of me as a friend and were fake nice to me.

Anyone can testify that I was never nice to you. I only helped you to find a date with a woman in your city because my friend asked me to help you and she thought of you as deserving. You and I have only disagreed. Anyone can testify about that.

Is that why you told me "Why do you hate me? I've been nothing but nice to you" before?

I didn't say that.

Why do you keep targeting and attacking braincels? They never did anything bad to you. You did it to yourself.

Did you vote?

I voted for Change.

are you being serious?

Well we grew up being told to be nice to men, show deference to men, and most importantly give men sex because they are owed sex.

Wat. the media is flooded every single day with 'men are shit, toxic, rapists, creeps', every show and movie bringing some anti-male agenda. Women are not taught to be nice but to be ruthless and take everything they can.

A more apt comparison would be getting punched in the face vs not being punched in the face.

Only if women are stupid enough to not say "no" to getting punched in the face. You do realize that fucking a woman without her consent is rape and even just being accused of rape can get a man thrown in prison, where he will probably be actually raped.

Just because you're that dumb doesn't mean all women are.

The lack of human affection and validation is much more soul-crushing.

and their you have it. They do it for the validation and connection. I would considerate like a drug addiction, they get the validation while its happening but afterwards they know the reality, they were just pumped and dumped because they were an easy vulnerable target. It's a cycle. It's the same reason when I was in college "I have a girlfriend" was better than any possible pick up line. It was like an instant panty dropper if a girl thought you were willing to cheat on your girlfriend for them.

Cafeteria mashed potatoes = fapping in your parents basement

You think men always benefit and women always lose when it comes to sex? Take this outlook to IncelTears, they'll have fun with it.

They think ugly women are lucky because they can find someone. They completely don't understand the fact that they get used and mistreated and that it's much worse than being single

Yeah because they date men several points above them in looks. If they dated at their level or below this shit wouldn't happen. The average normie beta soyboy male-feminist liberal would treat you like a queen and worship the ground you walk on if you gave him a chance but you went, you'll go for the 6'3 misogynistic Trump supporting Chad.

No. What I described happened to me and I dated several points below my looks, wealth, intelligence, success, social status.

Incels or near-incels are the worst abusers.


There is no way a manlet numale male feminist redditor who spends his time screaming about toxic masculinity is going to abuse a woman.

"You're living on easy mode because you get to be forced to be alone, an option available to me that I chose to reject because I would rather be abused than be lonely"

Do you even use your brain when you type these things up?

Maybe you get pumped and dumped because men can sense that you have no ability to pair bond, maybe you should stop slutting it around. Or don't. Maybe a cock in your slit would make you feel validated and empowered.

I only had sex once in a relationship though and I only did it because I had no choice (ie. my omega boyfriends wanted it and i wss raised to see sex as something men are owed for their pleasure, and where i live it's unheard of to have a boyfriend and not sleep with him) and because I thought we would be together forever. I paired bond alright. 2+ years and I loved them more every day. But whatever.


If this is real woman and not some dumb troll that keeps moving her goal posts to fit her "im worse than incels agenda" The biggest hole in you arguament is that you foids choose to get treated like trash you could easily deny sex but you just take it cuz thats what you want you a cock inside you your so trashy you will take it from anyone than complain when guys treat you like shit, heres the difference love Incels dont have the luxury of choosing to have sex you ugly women do

I knew an ugly girl who wouldn't even date guys 2 points above her rating score. She's actually a lesbian now and I can't help to think that a large part of her transition was the fallout for not being able to secure a Chad of her own.

Lesbianism exists because women don't want to date a non-Chad but also don't want to be alone. I've never seen an attractive lesbian irl so that's my theory, they are just coping.

99% of lesbians would drop their meme sexuality instantly if someone like Nick Bateman came up to them and started hitting on them.

the want chad too

I'm pretty sure there's actually a 'fetish' for fat ugly girls because less guys have fucked them.. and they would 'appreciate' a good fuck more than a regular girl. I fucked some 4/10 mexican girl thinking the fantasy true and it just wasn't.. not only was she dry (bad health), but she was annoying and selfish (who would've thought a fat chick would be selfish in bed ;( )

Rule of the juggernaut

Took me awhile to realize this too. Ugly girls have dudes hounding for their attention. Juggernaut rule.

Disagree. Their lives will be very bleak once they hit 30. These are the type of girls where "the wall" will ring true. Especially if these girls don't develop useful employment skills in their 20s

how are people having these 'sudden realisations', whats wrong with peoples vision

lifetime of brainwashing and trying to rationalize inside a broken dysfunctional mental model before realizing its all lies.

Don't make fun of people for being ugly, they can't control that. Make fun of them for being fat. That's something they can control.

I never felt bad for them. They can hookup with chads and get a boyfriend easy. Even chadlites can't get laid as much as them

Another thing is if a girl is ugly she isnā€™t doomed for the rest of her life. She can use makeup and make herself look much prettier than she usually is, but if a guy is ugly then heā€™s fucked for life unless he wants to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for cosmetic surgery which, is out of reason for most of us.

I do not feel bad for ugly girls most of the time tbh. Thereā€™s 2 types of ugly girls. Thereā€™s like the butt ugly girl who no guy fucks with, but for some reason she only likes guys who look like Shawn mendes. And then thereā€™s the inflated ego ugly girl, I actually talked to one of these and the only reason I didnā€™t lay into her when she kept saying she was a ā€œbaddieā€ was because I was 15 and she was 13, the roast wouldā€™ve been too spicy. It kind of reminds me of that moment from family guy when peter calls meg a practice girl, because thatā€™s exactly how inflated ego ugly girls are created. Some 7/10 dude fucks her to practice his stroke game and now she thinks sheā€™s the shit

Don't try to dance around you. You only said oppressed, you did nothing to imply it had to do with sexuality. You were gunning for your image of some entitled, privileged white boy thinking he was facing arbitrary oppression. Otherwise why introduce the topic? I did not say I was oppressed because I lacked sex.

why do you hate us so much? you can't you women see eye to eye with us?

I dated guys like you. Or worse than you. The effect is the same. There are many more me's and many more you's.