Behold the western woman!!!!

182  2018-05-24 by ThisIzWhyYourAInzel



Stop shaming women's sexuality and objectifying and hypersexualizing women, bigot. Women have full bodily autonomy, yanno?

What, like she’s not doing this on her own accord to impress those guys?

She's ah fuqqin' queen! Yards gurl 👧 u can do it!

Respect women please.


So empowered 😍

fucking animals, not even fit to lick the dirt from the floor

You go gurlllll!Let the misogynist haters hate.

The fuck was dat

Basically a female that had a horrible childhood due to daddy being absent and mommy being just a woman.

No i mean what the actual fuck is happening on the pic

Oh, she swallowed booze through her pussy and then is pushing it out.

Fuck, she has no self respect

I’m honestly not sure who is worse. Her or the people who PAID HER TO DO IT

Both are terrible

The answer is her.

That’s not her pussy dude

we wouldn't know

You can’t get that kind of distance from a pussy ;)

hes right, i am a (not so) hot femalé myself so i should know ;)

Chugged it in her ass then spun around like a sprinkler what is there not to get

Female empowerment.

display of what the modern western society has become

Women empowerment and feminism at its finest.

disgusting subhuman beast. giving women rights was a mistake.

I’ve seen a video of a chines woman opening bear bottles with her pussy so it’s not far off their either

But.... she got paid for that, right? Like... a group of dudes made the decision to put forth their hard earned money and give it to her for her to perform this act. This was something that was requested. I fail to see how she's the only person responsible.

She’s spraying beer from her asshole.

And those dudes are loving it, apparently!

Yeah, that parts understandable. I would never do it, and I find it sickening, but I can understand it.

Some people like putting others down, it’s not too unhealthy. As long as you’re not seriously hurting someone, emotionally lashing out can be a productive way to express your emotions, from time to time.

No one healthy would subject themselves to such humiliation. She has no self respect, and is honestly so disgusting. Not the visuals of the act, but the sheer fucking brutality/self harm mindset that she has.

If a guy was doing it I’d say the same thing.

I know a lot more girls who would do this than guys though. Not that it doesn’t happen on both sides.

Money is responsible for the Supreme Court to state that money is equal to free speech and corporations are people. It’s also responsible for this gif. If the price is high enough there will always be someone willing man, woman, or government.

Yes. More likely to be a woman though.

I don’t mind independence for women honestly, an independent woman is better than a dependant one.

If you’ve ever met a truly dependent woman not a fake ass “yaaas independent queen” bitch then you know what I’m talking about. A woman with as much self respect as your average hard working man, one who understand the value of people’s time, emotions, efforts, and money. One who actually has goals and works towards them instead of leeching off a man.

Being dependent and getting everything you want by opening your legs just spoils you. You’re like an infant, your brain doesn’t have time to develop properly. Which is what’s happened to most of these women, and spoiled men who live in their parents basement till 30.

It’s the same thing.

I’ll agree with you that it’s more likely to be a woman because they are more vulnerable and less likely to receive equal pay as men.

It’s only fair that most women receive less than equal pay on average when most women work less high paying jobs than men, and like you said they are more vulnerable.

It’s just a fact of life that women are more emotional and less available. Periods and pregnancies. One spikes their hormone levels for a week out of every month, the other for 9 months straight.

It’s only fair.

If women studied and worked more STEM jobs they would make the same as a man does, and if she doesn’t she can sue and will win for discrimination. At the end of the day though, she might get less than equal pay if she misses work for a pregnancy/post-pregnancy, but likely not because there are maternity leave payouts.

If you're talking about "fairness" in the workplace then you'll have to start by looking at the "unfair" and "unequal" pay that women receive. My source is the department of labor. What's yours?

Common sense, and the post you just linked.

It said that the women’s median is less. Do you know what that means?

Do you know why that is?

Let’s say there were only 3 women in the world okay? And only 3 men.

Let’s say those 3 men are oil barons, and the 3 women are waitresses. I’ll let you do the math on this one.

You are so ignorant that you posted something that proves my point. Like I said, if women worked more STEM jobs they’d make the same amount. Go look up how many women graduate with degrees from STEM jobs, then come back...


It’s harder to graduate for them with families. Those women that do are what I’m talking about, they still get paid less. I linked you statistics yes but you reply with a retarded anecdotal story. Where is your source?

I need a source to explain to you that there are discrimination laws against paying women less for the same job as a man in a company? I actually need more than anecdote for this piece of common knowledge in 2018.

You are actually retarded.

Here’s an article written by someone who actually believes the bullshit that you believe.

They’re angry that employers can pay women less if the women (or men. You can pay men less too btw) don’t put in good work, good hours, or effort. If an employee doesn’t do well in their position you will either dock their pay, or not give them a raise.

If an employee does well they will get paid more.

If a female employee is being paid less than a male employee it’s because she doesn’t deserve to be payed the same amount. If a male employee is being paid less than a female employee it’s because he doesn’t deserve it.

A company will not reward good employees with less pay, that is almost as retarded as those who believe they do.

Have you ever had a job?

Also, your comment makes no sense.

In college/university no one has children to take care of unless they fucked up. No one is forcing women to have families. You’re saying it like they can’t help it. Completely retarded.

Women have no reason to not get a STEM. Nothing holding them back, yet only 24% of women have STEM jobs while 76% men, obviously. Thought I’d do the math for you too since you can’t do much thinking yourself.

And women hold 48% of jobs. Both men and women are working. It’s pretty close.

The wage gap is a myth. The reason women don’t make more money is because only 24% of them have decent jobs. Stop spreading misinformation. Please...

More ignorance this is the gold spoutings of a moron I’m here for.

Providing a source is ignorance now.

Nice job having no reason to dispute this. Your thinking is flawed anyways, sources or not, logic makes no sense. 10/10 reasoning skill.

No, those sources were for women in stem jobs which had nothing to do with what I was talking about which is that women get paid less doing the same job.

No, the second source was for women working STEM jobs... the first source was a link to discrimination laws in place proving that if an employer pays a woman less than a man, a black person less than a white, a capable at their field of choice handicapped person than a non-handicapped person, that the employer can face legal troubles.

It had everything to do with what you were talking about.

Listen bro... I don’t know why you feel like you need to defend women just because they’re women. Just defend what’s right against what’s wrong. Right now you’re making something out of nothing because you’re misinformed. You should pay less attention to what feminists are preaching because it’s usually extremism to push a skewed agenda, and actually look at the facts yourself.

Like the first source I linked, for example.

They receive equal pay for doing the exact same job, working the same hours. Anything else would be illegal. Besides, why would companies ever hire men? The pay gap is a MYTH, stop spreading stupid shit.

If you'd like to educate yourself please do so. If not then take your ignorance elsewhere.


Yeah, thought so.


Thought so.

But.... she got paid for that, right?

Are we sure about that?

I fail to see how she's the only person responsible.

What a stupidly cucked and white knight thing to say. She had the final say in this. She could have said "no" at any time. Unless her contract made this mandatory, in which case, that's another reason she's entirely at fault. The measly amount of money she received was worth demeaning herself in front of a large crowd of people with cameras

This is entirely, 100%, solely her own responsibility.

So you do everything what you are paid for?

All of you pretending this is normal behavior because it fits your narrative lmao

If Elliott Rodger represents incels then she represents western women

It is probably very normal for them because all they do is watch porn.

"The past is the past hubby, I'm with you now."


Cope, shes fucking chad left and right.


What about 15 years from now?

Cheating on him with chad.


If you get called hubby by your wife it's over for you

hubby implies deadbeat balding dadbod by default tbh.

Soybois going crazyyy!

She's just exploring her sexuality.

I too am alcohol-in-my-anus-sexual.

And then some people doubt that females have the same IQ as males😅

Not a negative. I like this. Fap fap fap. Everyone line up for bukkake!

"If you don't see any aesthetic value in this, that's probably why you're an incel"

Im so dead omgg😂😂😂😂

Sorry but how does this represent the typical western woman?

You can bet your ass if IT users saw this video 99% of their comments would be about how they would do it too if they had the body for it, or how she's freeing herself from the patriarchy and how sexually liberated she is or some shit; if you allow degeneracy you also become a degenerate.

That's why between the woman in the video and the IT ones there is less difference than you might think.

Sorry, genuine question, I don't know all the abbreviations - what does IT stand for? I am a female from a western country and I would never do anything like this, and none of my female friends would either. I would say that yes, there are obviously some girls who would do this, but the vast majority wouldn't. Most girls, who also stand for women's rights, do so in a different, less revealing way - that usually involves having clothes on! Also just to point out, there are guys who do stuff like this as well, would you say that is representative of all western males?

It is short for /Inceltears, the subreddit.

IT stands for IncelTears, which is a subreddit dedicated to bullying incels and awkward/ugly men.

No, I wouldn't say the same if it was a man because while this broad probably does this shit on routine every week, pretty much nobody would pay to watch a guy shoot champagne out of his ass. Which doesn't mean that I think the average western man is much better overall, most men nowadays are soyboys and whiteknights.

Ah okay, thanks for explaining. Another question, sorry, what are soyboys and whiteknights?

Also, my point is that don't throw all western women into the IncelTears category, the people on that sub only represent a certain demographic. As an example, I am subscribed to the tennis subreddit - that doesn't represent people who enjoy sports as a whole. Some people who like sports can't stand tennis, and some people who like tennis can't stand other sports as well.

The majority of women don't do stuff like that, and also don't say or think the things that are said on IncelTears.

Just use urban dictionary dude.

I already aknowledged that obviously I'm aware most women don't do stuff like that, what I said is that in today's world shit like this kind of degeneracy is becoming more and more socially accepted, especially by other women

I think these kind of things have always gone on (maybe not to the extent of that video), but social media is a major problem, in that more people are seeing it now. I do think, although as a woman I advocate women taking a stance for what they believe in, that a lot of the women who see things like this will stick up for it just to take a stance about anything. This is not, in my opinion, what females should be taking a stance about. There are some legitimate reasons for women to fight for things sometimes, but things like this are not that.

And in regards to the inceltears, that is not helping any cause. I will admit there are some so-called feminists who say they want equal rights, but they seem to only care about women. Obviously, in the past, women have been discriminated against and it does still happen sometimes in the present, but the only way to make things actually equal is if both sides want equal rights for both genders.

Yes you're right, I'm glad I got my point across.

Although I don't share your general point of view, as I think being too neutral of a person is not gonna do any good to the world.

Okay, just out of interest (continuing a rare Reddit conversation of differing opinions that doesn't descend into madness), what is your general point of view to do with this?

You aren't entilited to a explanation. Plus use your brain



Pick one

I never said I was entitled to an explanation, was just asking if I could have one. Since you are the person who posted this video, do you genuinely believe this is what most western women are like?

I'm not wanting to start any argument or anything here, I'm just curious as to how you feel about women in general, and, if it is bad, why do you feel that way?

You aren't entilited to curiosity or my opinions

Again, never said I was. Was just hoping to engage in a discussion. You posted this video in an attempt to say that this is what all women are like, yet when one comes along actually looking to have a sincere conversation you resort to just saying I'm not worth your time.

Obviously you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to, but if that was the case you just wouldn't have bothered to write out a reply. I'm genuinely sorry if women have been shitty to you in the past, I was just wanting to have a conversation to see just exactly what your views on women are and to try and prove not all women are like that.

Also I am entitled to curiosity, I'm not entitled to your opinion but I am entitled to my own curiosity, as is everybody.

You aren't entilited to having a discussion with me

You realise you are no better than the women you try to shame by acting this way? At least the woman in that video isn't actually going out of her way to act terribly towards other people, you are so bitter that you can't even have a mature conversation with other people anymore.

Continue on this path and you will never get out of the cycle - if you keep pretending it's everybody else's fault even when they try to reach out to you, then the fault lies entirely with you.

You aren't entilited to a mature conversation

Literally proving my point. Also, if you want to act like you're above everyone who disagrees with you, and want to use the word 'entitled' in every single one of your comments, then at least learn how to spell it first.

Yes I'm above you

How so?

you aren't entilited to a explanation

Maybe try using your penis in a vagina loser

Virgin shaming enjoy ban r/board_gaming

lurk moar foid. Don't post or comment fore lurking for at least 2 years.

Yeah, I agree, that's disgusting IMO and I would never.

stand for women's rights

What rights are you standing for? What rights dont you have in the west???

It was just in response to the comment before saying the woman (or people on IncelTears) maybe thought she was freeing herself from the patriarchy and becoming sexually liberated. Just saying you can be a woman and believe in equal rights but not be anything like that and not attack men in the process.

Obviously, in the west, women have a lot more rights than other places in the world, but there are still some places in the west where women can't decide certain things for themselves. The majority of the time now women have equal rights but, occasionally, that is not the case.

give examples, cunt

Look at it!

I've seen it unfortunately, my poor eyes. My point is that is not most women!

It doesn't

This actually does arouse me because it is the complete opposite of the many females I hate most: those who feign sophistication while at the same time wearing nanometer thin leggings, no bra, and some diminutive tube top

Who run the world?! GURLS! 🔥🔥

she'd do this, she'd get slapped spanked whipped, peed on, spit, tortured nut now pussy for incel. lol

I bet her father is so proud

What father?

Chad who pump'n'dumped her whorish mother.

GUARANTEE she posts motivational quotes and says how hard she's working on her goals.

She's so brave, empowering, an inspiration to feminist women rights across the world. It's beautiful.

doesn't that hurt?

Someone will marry her one day...

Fuck. I'm disgusted.

Slay girl slay

She's empowered!

Female "empowerment" always devolves to them sexualizing themselves.


Paid stripper for a bachelor party. I've seen them do crazier things than this lmao


The one good thing about being an incel is that we'll never have to worry about spending at least 1/4 of our lives and hundreds of thousands of dollars on a set of holes like this.

You go girl!

5 years later , now im ready nice guy

The West desperately needs Sharia law.

IT: she can do whatever she wants with her body

IT: I don't see the problem your point??

Shakespeare-IQ post.

Can't she?

One hooker objectifying themselves isn't equal to the average woman, that's like getting a male stripper and using it as an example.

this is what feminists call being empowered LMAO

I fail to see the point of this? Why do people even enjoy this?

IT cucks will defend it

She's oppressed and can only do that for a living. Stop slut shaming!! lol

Clearly, this women is showing her independence and creativity by using her intense sexuality, TeeHee

I'm strangely turned on by this. Are there more videos of women shooting liquid from their ass?

How so?

And those dudes are loving it, apparently!

Yeah, that parts understandable. I would never do it, and I find it sickening, but I can understand it.

Some people like putting others down, it’s not too unhealthy. As long as you’re not seriously hurting someone, emotionally lashing out can be a productive way to express your emotions, from time to time.

No one healthy would subject themselves to such humiliation. She has no self respect, and is honestly so disgusting. Not the visuals of the act, but the sheer fucking brutality/self harm mindset that she has.

If a guy was doing it I’d say the same thing.

I know a lot more girls who would do this than guys though. Not that it doesn’t happen on both sides.

hubby implies deadbeat balding dadbod by default tbh.

IT: I don't see the problem your point??


Can't she?