Women always chasing Chads

86  2018-05-24 by lifeisbullshit95


Just squint all the time bro

The funny thing is this Chad appears to actually be aware of that considering he's always doing it.

He isn't.

He simply has perfect, hooded eye shape.

This is Bateman without the squint.

I wish my name was bateman

lmao close up selfies even screw up the chaddiest of faces (yes i know hes squinting)

He still mogs my optimal angle when picture is taken by someone else to oblivion with that selfie

Upper eyelid exposure. It's over for Bateman.

Nick Squintman

Take the ClintEastwoodpill.

female humour


Women don't approach guys, you have to be confident and approach them, bro!



I'm so attracted to his personality right now.

If you don't have 10/10 Stacies chasing you within an attosecond,ITS OVER BUDDY BOYO.

Just hold frame bro.

And spin plates.

juggle em too

The key round his neck is to her cuck normie boyfriend's chastity belt.

His nose looks like an alien but I guess thats attractive, lol

GymCels convince themselves if they work out then he'll become like this guy, and get blonde pussy 24/7, but it doesn't pan out. Zyzz spent $20,000 having sex with prostitutes in Thailand. Calum had a Vietnamese girlfriend and anorexic white guys get Asian girlfriends all the time..

if you have an average face, nick bateman maxxing can help you , but if your ugly you look tryhard

"Girls don't make the first move bro"

I think he looks like a Chad but has beta male eyes for some reason. I usually feel mad when I see a guy like this lol

Who posted this first: LadyBoners or Braincels? Lol

nyah nyah nyah women like attractive men nyah nyah world is so unfair....

Holy fucking Jesus, the level of hypocrisy is so high in here. Yeah sure, it's you being ugly asf, nothing to do with your spiteful shitty personality and lack of social skills at all. Well, to be honest, it's probably both:D

Anyway, I had much fun reading posts and comments in this sub. Good thing, the problem will sort itself out with you awkward gobshites dying out, due to your inability to procreate:D


Euthanasia needs to be legalized so we can die out faster.