Take the neckpill

37  2018-05-24 by harambeazn


These photoshops will never not be Hard Hitting Blackpills.

So much difference because of the smallest of details.

Holy fuck from dom slayer to white trash



Neck can be enlarged boys.


Neck curls bro.

It is literally a pain in the neck, but it works.

By roping every day

I hear that's such an exhausting workout you can't do it twice.

Contrary to the popular belief once u rep to failure u can do it again and again, until the rep is perfectly executed

Lol good one, underrate joke


I should really start neck training

Do it. If ur face is at least average there is some hope

Guy on the left is suffering from some form of thyroid disease.

I mean if you work out to the level where the rest of your body looks like that I think your neck will turn out okay

This sub has gotten to a point of obsessing over minute details that I can't even tell anymore which side is supposed to be the "attractive" one...

Fakecel? Of course left one is more attractive

I really don't think so...


But femoids do think so.

Great blackpill