ATTN INCELS: "Therapy" is a weapon used to silence and humiliate. Tell anyone who tells you to get "therapy" to go f--k themselves!

34  2018-05-24 by Ugly_Racial_Subhuman

Liberals and other leftist types always say you need therapy and accuse you of suffering from mental illness or some other imaginary problem when you say something they disagree with. These cretins also use the same abusive language when you do something they dislike. This is a tactic always used by leftists to silence and then ostracize their opponents. The Soviets were notorious for having political dissidents diagnosed with schizophrenia and then locked away in prison-hospitals where they were force fed Thorazine and other quack pills. When leftists insult and humiliate you by saying you need therapy they are acting like typical leftists who must use the language of force to silence and control those who disagree with them. But don't fall for these low-IQ tactics. No one cares about you. Get this through your thick head. There's no such thing as "normal." No shrink has ever been able to successfully define it. Mental illness is a complete fraud; they have never been able to identify an underlying causal pathology for the vast majority of their so-called "illnesses." There have never been any breakthroughs or discoveries or cures produced by this quack discipline, except for their collection of poisons that cause severe brain damage and neurological dysfunction.

Why do leftists always victmize others by telling them to get therapy? Or insult them by saying they have a mental illness? It's because its chief function is to discredit anything your opponent says or does using ad hominem. After all, no one listens to a crazy person. The label ensures that no one will examine the evidentiary basis of the argument being presented or search for a logical motivation that drives a subject's behavior. Once the person has been compartmentalized, he can be easily managed. He is then marginalized and dismissed as a figure of ridicule. The close association between craziness and irrationality only makes this a foregone conclusion. The Soviets realized this and labelled anyone who disagreed with them "mentally ill."

Therapy is a weapon used to insult, humiliate, marginalize and stigmatize society's rejects. Those who say otherwise are liars. No one laughs at someone because he suffers from cancer, hemophilia, diabetes, paraplegia or some other condition. No one uses terms like "cancer patient" or "hemophiliac" to insult or humiliate someone else. This is because these are real diseases with real underlying pathophysiologies. The treatments work to alleviate the actual causes of the symptoms. Mental illnesses, on the other hand, are not diseases at all. Their so-called "treatments" are poisons. The shrink cannot even tell you what he is doing because he has no theory of mind, nor is he likely to ever devise one. He is allowed to physically, emotionally and sexually abuse his victims because they are nobodies, objects of hilarity and contempt that have been abandoned by society long ago.

If someone tells you to get therapy or suggests that you are mentally ill, fight back! Don't be stupid and listen to the insipid propaganda of these leftist bigots. The people using these labels are either ignorant or evil or both. Show them how irrational the concept of mental illness is by pointing out that it rests on circular reasoning: the only evidence for the disorder itself are the behaviors the disorder is meant to explain. Ask them to define "normal" and laugh at them when they begin to stumble over their words in embarrassment. The people who promote therapy should be shouted down at every opportunity. They are lower than dog feces and should be treated as such. Don't let anyone tell you you need therapy or say you have some kind of "mental problem." These people are a dangerous threat to your health and safety. Loudly tell them to go fuck themselves and in no uncertain terms.


I don't read things that long, but ye, therapy is bad

Therapy is a fuckinf scam. It won't make me better looking and being ugly is the root of all my problems


Ted Kaczynski IQ

Therapy is propaganda.

This is some crazy, right-wing horseshit.

anything I don't like is right wing

More like “crazy right-wing is crazy right-wing”

Got anymore buzzwords?

Yeah, your whole post looks like it was copied and pasted from infowars.

lol I didn't make that post you idiot, don't know how you confused "Ricky Balboah" for "Ugly Racial Subhuman". Still no proper argument btw.


Do you think "right-wing" is an insult?

Depends on the context. In this context the OP meant left-wing as an insult, and I meant right-wing as an insult but implied the more “alt-rightie” parts of the right-wing.

Tldr, but therapy is bad, yes. It only works for women.

Because they dont have real problems and are always crazy already. Perfect match

I've tried therapy and see a psychiatrist currently, it's absolutely fucking useless and the only reason I'm trying it is to get better meds.

“Doctor, the only thing that helps my depression is OxyContin. Please, won’t you help me?”

Opiates actually unironically help my mental state a fuckton

CBT works in 99% of people

It’s a proven system based in chemical science and observation of the brain and human systems

It’s the most effective therapy system ever created and when applied will help virtually anyone

Most mental illness is based around having a failure of Cognition leading to dissonance- this dissonance will lead to irrationality and negative life outcomes

Incels are an excellent example

It will take a correct fact- attractive people have many things easier in their lives

It will then apply a dissonance- because I am not AS attractive as the MOST attractive person then ANY life outcomes I have that are CURRENTLY negative will ALWAYS be negative BECAUSE of my CURRENT lack of attraction - right in there we see a bunch of assumptions about past, present, and future outcomes- those are not rational- they assume singular causes and permanence

CBT helped me overcome anxiety, but it didn't make me attractive enough to escape inceldom. Therapy is cope.

Had someone recommend it to me yesterday. When they have nothing to criticize that they can blame on me that's the go to. Shit's annoying. I don't know why I purposefully get myself into these situations.

It's at that point where I predict what will be said so well that feel like I can tell the future. They seem like clones.

The Soviet Union had political dissidents get "therapy" along with their prison sentences. Just something to think about.

sounds like you didnt read his post, moron

Name calling is uncalled for.

How much did that therapy from the "best" therapists in the world help Elliot and others who have tried it? Scientoligists are right. Psychiatry is a scam.

Therapists are parasitic, amoral scum. They largely make their living by convincing people that they have something wrong with them, i.e. "repressed trauma", even if their patients are perfectly fine. There is no-one, no matter how happy or healthy, that would not be taken apart by a therapist given half the chance. As you said, they are political tools also, and will use the veneer of epistemological rigour and scientific credibility to further marxist ideology, i.e. by convincing ordinary men that they are "pedophiles" (a made-up term) for being attracted to attractive young women (the most natural thing in the world) -- and I imagine it won't be long before ideological dissidents like us have our Weltenschauungen pathologised and are rendered "mentally ill" and in dire need of some good old-fashion (((therapy))) (for the low price of only $1000/hr, goy).

It seems clear to me that you need therapy

This is a long post, I didn't read it, but good title. Been incarcerated for 'Mentul Illnuss' 3 times.

That is 90 days or so, I won't get back. Therapy, sells by the pound by the way.

i can't afford therapy.

You… you sound like a Tumblrina.

“Therapy is a scam! It's those nasty cishets discriminating against us non-neurotypicals. I have self-diagnosed ADHD, PTSD, ABCD, and I'm proud!!!”

Got anymore buzzwords?
