Dramatic increase in sexless men

63  2018-05-23 by everythingshewants7


Mind blowing new information

It's fascinating how the end of western society had so little pushback.

As much as we suffer we have infinite distractions in the form of the Internet. We're amusing ourselves to death.

Beta uprising was always cope.

It wasn't a dramatic event, it was a series of seemingly minute decisions made over decades.

Isn't this more of a problem in the East? China and India have a huge gender gap because males were favored for so long.

Tinder. Amazing how a single app can change sexual dynamics so drastically.

There is no Tinder in Japan, and their results are far worse.

> There is no Tinder in Japan, and their results are far worse.

That's incorrect. Tinder is a popular dating app in Japan. Not as popular as in the US, but still used by millions of people.


One of the other reasons why incel is common in Japan because Japanese women tend to prefer non-Japanese men.

lol? There's like 1000 japanese men for every non-japanese man in Japan.

White people are less than 0.1% of Japan's population lmao.

I never claimed that Japanese women are sleeping with White men. Obviously, the vast majority don't. They're sleeping with those Japanese men who are more or less living up to Western standards of beauty. Even if there wasn't a single White person in Japan, women could still have a preference for them.

Free high speed pornography. Amazing how when mobile devices come on the market the graph changes so drastically

Yeah maybe but then men should be benefiting from it too. It looks like a lot of it started in 2009. What happened 9 years ago?

Wow! That‘s a High IQ graph.

To the top!

Why the fuck do the lines dip?

The should be going on an upward trajectory only...🤔

Even stocks sometimes go up

Not if you only buy into memestock.

$MU ooon lunar bound!

This can't be sustainable unless something changes like sex bots or something.

When it peaks to 20-25% - and it will - society is in big trouble. A man without sex for more than a week becomes grumpy and moody, a man without sex for more than a month starts to hate all women, a man without sex for more than a year becomes a psychopath. You'll get 25% psychopaths in society, amount of schoolshooting through the roof.

thats such a load of shit you could fertilize the the entire midwest.

It's happening. And it will continue to happen.

While OP definitely exaggerated, you're delusional if you don't more school shootings will happen if more young men stay single.

If lack of a relationship causes men to act out violently then they were weak anyway. Thousands of people go through dry spells. I went 21 years without sex and its been about year since my last relationship. At no point did ever consider killing others because of my situation.

because every person on earth is you.


Not the guy you replied to but I also had a similar experience. Not once did I consider doing anything violent to others. Two of us, I'd bet there are dozens!

Yo speak for yourself Mr. Hitchcock. Some of us think about other shit occasionally. People on here talk about sex like it’s fucking heroin or some shit, makes men seem like brainless sex fiends. Sex isn’t even that fun. Go outside.

2010 was the end

And of course there are no other factors. Economic problems keeping men living with their parents longer. Having to work multiple jobs leaving no time for dating. I could probably think of some more contributing factors, but why bother. We all know the "real" reason:

It's 100% Tinder and society will collapse in a few years because only Chad will ever have sex again. All marriages will collapse. 90% of men will never even be able to get a girlfriend. Roving hoardes of angry men will take to the streets and demand a return to the glory days of the 1800's when women knew their place.

That's going to happen, yes. Why do you think all the schoolshootings come from, you fucking ugly cuck. It's already happening.

School shootings do not happen as a result of teenage boys (as most school shooters as still in school) not getting laid. Those boys are mentally unstable. Anyone who takes a gun and murders people they go to school with is mentally unstable.

Nobody is mentally unstable. Mental instability does not exist, unless there's depression or anxiety caused by concrete factors. This guy defended himself against bullying and female mental abuse. You have the right to defend yourself.

That doesn't excuse killing people. It's only excusable to use deadly force against someone when you are afraid for your life. School shootings is a new trend, they didn't happen like this before. And people have been bullied and rejected for decades, so bullying and rejection is not the cause of this. No one in their right mind would bring a weapon to their school with intent to kill their classmates and anyone who thinks this is rational behavior is sick.

That depends on how a person sees it. Everything is subjective. It doesn't really matter anyway, it's society's problem and soiety has to deal with it. Every reaction has a cause.

“Less time for dating”

That is bullshit and you know it. Why do you guys keep pushing this lie? We millenials admit we are the most UNDER employed generation ever and we even have plenty of time for video games.

Face it, it’s just that women’s standards have gone up. Nothing to do with your imaginary blue pilled theories.

Huh, so how come female virginity percentage hasn't increased nearly as much?

Because, like it or not, women in their mid 20's can date men in their mid-30's. Those men are likely past these difficult times and established in ways that men in their mid-20's often aren't.

Men generally date younger, because they can. And women date older, until their mid-30's when that starts to dry up for them.

Do you go to atheism subreddits and tell them god exists? Or to TwoX and explain why feminism is a myth? Or to The_Donald and promote liberalism?

Then why come here?

Right when I entered my teenage years...


in the last year

It's literally over.

Notice how online dating is a major game changer

Source? comparison with women?

Main stream media always finds something to blame for this except women.

Inferential statistics are mucking up everyone’s understanding of science nowadays. I’d take this graph with a grain of salt until more context is provided, seems hyperbolic. A year without sex? 22-35? Is this really that common?? Serious question. I get antsy when I go a week without a shag and I’m 24.

Seriously? Many guys here haven't had sex ever, let alone over the last year...

I get antsy when I go a week without a shag and I’m 24.

So know u do understand who fucked up we are, we're litteraly brain damaged at this point.

Yeah I’d fucking die. What about being gay, is it an impossibility? I feel like the traits that sorority-type women find unattractive are traits that gay dudes find extremely attractive. I guess sexuality isn’t a choice after all.

I can't be gay.

School shootings do not happen as a result of teenage boys (as most school shooters as still in school) not getting laid. Those boys are mentally unstable. Anyone who takes a gun and murders people they go to school with is mentally unstable.