I feel lucky. You lads are right about a lot of things.

167  2018-05-23 by rueidnfp193

Hey, so I’m just a regular college bro who came across all of this incel stuff and thought I might share my thoughts with you lads. I was on twitter some weeks ago and came across retweets from my friends bashing “incels” - this was around the time that shooter killed people and the term became popular

I decided to look more into it and was kinda fascinated by it. Found this subreddit and started reading. It was amazing. I thought all of you were trolling or maybe this was just some elaborate act put on. I browsed more and realized a lot of the things said were not that crazy... I think your “black-pill” is very real. I never even thought about these things but now I do.

After realizing this, I just felt really lucky that I was born the son of two good-looking and tall people to turn out good-looking and tall. It’s bad that I feel like this but I just do. I can’t help but think how I’d feel if I was in your shoes man. This really is something you don’t pay much attention to unless you see people who don’t have it - just like any privilege I guess.

I was even talking to my bros in private about it and all of them agreed about women, incel stuff, importance of looks. (Not the rape, murder or sexual abuse. Not cool). We have a lot of female friends/FwBs/GFs in our close friend circle of 10-12 but really even breaching this topic with them is so taboo and dangerous; I don’t think we will.

Anyways, most of you are not bad people. Just dudes stuck with a shitty poker hand in life. You all are right about most of this and most college dudes I know (in my fraternity at least) agree with all of this. We just cannot voice it out in open because yeah... well.


any logical person will agree with the blackpill. However you are in a frat and a degenerate circle of people who fuck eachother so you are a part of the problem tbh

I admit you are right bro but once you are in the heat of the moment and some hot girl is into you all your human emotions and desires take over. I don’t know what one dude like me can even do.. Do you want me to refuse sex with any girls?

yes if they are less attractive than you don't let them fuck

BS. This normie does what he has to do. I don't think he's a top tier Chad, but good looking enough to get girls

Trust me bro, I don’t go for any of those girls. I had lower standards in high school but in college realized I could actually score pretty cute girls so raised my standards ever since.

Ignore him. He'd do the same if he were in your situation.

You're an honest normie, so you're good.

no. ur right.

I think what you should do is get into a LTR with a hot girl, stick with her, fuck her and let the average girls try to fuck us so they can't dream of fucking you. It would downgrade your god tier 10/10 life a little bit but it would lead to A LOT more guys having a chance with girls.

Life is all about conflict, bro.

I want a LTR too and i am talking to this one girl so let’s see where it goes man.

Good luck, I hope it works out bro.

The thing about this is that we cant agree to making every Chad do this. It would be easier to implement communism in murica.

yea, dont mind that faggot. hes just mad

You literally sound like someone describing what they think not having sex with a woman that wants to have sex with them would be like.

A chad is taking your side and you're gonna shit on him? wow.

Thanks man. Normies, I dare you to come out now.

hey bro check out my recent thread.

am i incel in looks or can i get girls?


Why is it that you can't bring up the topic of looks around women, in your estimation?

You guys sound like cool normies. Not the type that feed you platitudes and expect you to fall in line with the status quo.

Because those women are such BIG hypocrites and liars it pisses me (in fact all of us off)!! One example -

So, there is this sorority exchange program in which you meet all the girls. In DG (all hot girls) this one girl I know is very liberal/feminist/twitter woke - the type. I ended up getting her number and she was surprisingly in my chemistry class too. We hit it off and have make out one day after a party. Too drunk and fraternity rules are no sex if drunk, very strict. I stop and say enough. She gets mad that I refused to have sex. Long story I stop talking to her over this and ignore her.

Now my friends tells me she is the biggest thot and is KNOWN for sucking a different dick every 2-3 days. She practically goes naked to parties and has sex with a multiple dudes every week.

Irony? She posts incel stuff, “my body, my rules”, women are objectified and all on twitter. She thinks going naked to a party is “expressing her body”


They are all whores. Every single one of them. Remember that what you see is only the top of the iceberg. The ones that look like gf material are even worse. All of them try to hide their sexual life.

The ones that look like gf material are even worse.

rest in peace

That’s for the vip pass into your life.

Keep exposing them!

Lol, funny meme

I have one asian friend I made in a CS class who is like that. Good person but struggles with women and social interactions. We work out together now and he is making good gains too.!

You are a good guy. I like you.

thanks bro!

Why no sex if drunk? False rape accusations?


Gotcha. Didn't go to college but I'd be pretty worried about that after some of the stories that have come out it recent years

I know I'm an incel telling you this, but honestly, I'd advise against dating or hooking up with college girls or any girl whose way too far left and outspoken about it, you'll be potentially looking at a false rape charge. There are other places to look. But in western society the majority of women these days are severely messed up, due to generations of unchecked hypergamy and coddling. It's kinda made them spoiled and narcissistic, not all of them but a good many. If I could afford to, I'd probably be looking at dating women overseas in another culture that hasn't been poisoned with all this feminism or gynocentrism 4.0 bullshit. The more rural outskirt areas of the Philipines would probably be a good place to find a decent woman.

You’re not wrong bro

The goal is finding the small % who are not like that

yeah, if I were religious I would say a good place to look would be at church, but I personally don't believe in religion.... The library might would be better place to look, hell a bar would be a better place to look than college (that really says something too)... You wouldn't even have to go overseas but I'd still recommend looking at places other than school for women. Just my opinion.

Muslim women, even the ones raised in the west. Most are too scared of their parents and what their small communities will think to be hoes. Although there are still muslim hoes out there.

They don't even consider it 'false'. Modern feminist theory holds that any sex between a drunk man and woman is rape, even if the man is also drunk

You speak the TRUTH

Whats DG?

she probably wanted to accuse you of rape

inceltears on SUICIDE WATCH.


I think the problem is point out blackpill things or bringing up anything looks related is super taboo. It’s taboo because it puts all of these things people don’t want to hear out in the open and people have to face a reality that isn’t kind to everyone. So people would just prefer not to talk about it.

Yep. I think it's best to just sit back and observe.

And then laugh at all the crazy contradictions amd cognitive dissonance.

This. Especially in North America, people don't like the feeling that the circumstances in their life are outside of their control.

Women as a group can never maneuver in a way that would make them lose power. Admitting they are at least as shallow as men, and the personality/be an actual nice guy shit is just legendary coordinated gaslighting causes them to lose any sort of moral highground in a big way.

All of the sudden, they are no longer victims, but vigorous players in the game if not straight up oppressors.

You know what happens to groups that are framed as oppressors? They get dragged hard in the mainstream.

For this reason you can be sure women will never ever ever admit the blackpill en masse because virtually all western women strongly adhere to women's identity politics.

extremely high IQ post anon. Saved.

All of the sudden, they are no longer victims, but vigorous players in the game if not straight up oppressors.

High IQ post

imo women are subconsciously aware of how well they are living off our hard work and admitting that openly would mean that life could get harder for them. Fairer life = more work for them. A level playing field would be a death sentence for women's rights.

Good post

Chads are truly our greatest allies

Not all , stop sucking his dick

Besmerching his hallowed name

This. Chads are the best


i think incels have to compete with the Staceys over the Chads xDD

Hypergamy benefits no-one but der Ewige Roastie, we must unite behind a common cause #SmashRoastieism

The Chad-Incel alliance was literally the backbone of patriarchal society since antiquity lol.

Chads realised that having incels chip in and help build civilisation rather than being monkeys was a huge boon for them too. The problem was, how were they going to get them to give a shit? They surrendered their monopoly on women, and civilisation was born.

Literally, agriculture birthed the patriarchy lol. It's an intersting story to say the least.

This is literally true. I was just thinking about it. The gigaest giga chad of history, Julius Caesar, was loved by the soldier and poor incels, while he thought against the normie nobles. Caesar gave the poor food, money, improvements in infrastructure while Caesar got to be the kind of the world in return. I think this is legit how it worked.

fuck off normie didnt even read

Check out r/MGTOW bro. I hope you realizing this stuff encourages you to go your own way.

Thanks bro, but I really like this girl I’m having a thing with and hope we can enter a serious relationship soon.

Take what you know about female nature and use it to protect yourself in case she tries using you or manipulating you.

definitely will.

LMAO omg im fuckin dying

Life is hard i guess :/

Soo, you think women are evil for liking attractive men but men aren’t? Shocker.

if you roasties would come out and say that you only see attractive 8+/10 men as sexual beings, average dudes as SOMETIMES good companionship that you sometimes reward with sex and below average guys as invisible people that need to die, this sub wouldn't exist.

Ok. I don’t see only 8/10 men as sexual beings, never said that. I am fine with a decent-looking guy who is fit that is it. I put in a lot of effort to look good for men and hence don’t want a guy not concerned about his own appearance, body.

Do not think that is unreasonable.

how many guys that you see per day do you find actually attractive?

Idk that is a hard question.. I don’t keep track- sometimes I find a guy ok looking but his personality really makes him more attractive to me. I know you will say bullshit but it is true. I see a guy (just a regular and average guy) who can make me smile, laugh and is confident and that is +++

If I had to guess I’d say 4 out of 10 guys I see everyday I find cute

You find 40% of the men you see about on your day as attractive? Either you're lying, or you realize that you're not attractive enough to be as picky as you'd like to be.

Bad news is you're either a liar or not so pretty (or both). Good news is you're not delusional (I think).

It's irrelevant though. We are clearly not in the top 40% anyway, in fact pretty much everyone here is in the bottom 10%. There is not woman out there who is attracted to the bottom 10%.

This is the problem. Don't get me wrong, some of you folks on this board look fucking fine and its all in your head. On the otherhand some of you are just straight up fucked in the looks department. Im talking I don't often encounter people that look like that out in the wild. I don't think she really realizes how ugly someone can simply be born looking.

but his personality really makes him more attractive to me. I know you will say bullshit but it is true.

Nope, I believe you, but again, many of these dudes aren't "okay looking" they are many levels worse than "okay looking".

Example. If this guy had a "great personality" would you consider him for dating? https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yXl3ENKGAUQ/maxresdefault.jpg

Of course not. Because you can find a guy that is as good looking as you with a great personality also.

No, I wouldn’t date him.

To clarify - I never said unattractive human beings do not exist. They do by western beauty standards. However, I think this subreddit is filled with mostly average or even good-looking guys with mental health issues....

Elliott Rodgers was even cute and did what he did... the Toronto shooter was good-looking and did what he did. How were those guys sooo much below average looking that they are undatable?

This is not normal and well-adjusted human beings do not do this. This is bad. Most of this sub needs therapy and medication.

However, I think this subreddit is filled with mostly average or even good-looking guys with mental health issues....

That I completely agree with you. The seriously physically hindered dudes are few and far between.

>I am fine with a decent-looking guy who is fit

Isn't that what they're saying?

I am fine with a decent-looking guy who is fit that is it.

LOL. Are you dense? Some of these dudes are fucking horrifying to look at. By your own standards, you would not consider most of the incels on this board on looks alone. They just want you not to lie about the "if he had a good personality" comments as concerns the ability of fugly dudes to get a girlfriend.

The problem is the attractive men women are typically attracted to end up being abusive sociopaths.

You're evil for LYING about it.

women are evil for liking attractive men

He never said that.

I can guarantee you aren't good looking but you might be tall.

yea this guy has liar written all over him. I know plenty of guys from college. I know plenty of buddies that bang the shit outta broads and none of them act like this guy. it's some dude that watched some movies and thinks he knows what college frat life is about and comes in here to karma whore xD

He types like he's mentally slow.. that's the #1 giveaway. When you deal with chicks even in tiny amounts you have a bit more wit to yourself. Not saying he'd be smart.. but it feels like he watched Wolf on Wallstreet or something and the type of guy to look at his keyboard while typing.

yea. he's just coming on here trying to make himself feel better, or something.

the sad part is, a lot of the guys in here, are actually pretty smart (compared to the op) but yet, someone semi agrees with them in a really ridiculous and obviously fake way and they all just start calling him a Chad, with 0 proof.

op is hilariously bad at pretending to be a frat boy

Honestly I’m a short guy

To me the whole frat thing that smelled fishy to me. It's like OF COURSE hes in a frat too rounding off the stereotype.

it's basically a character right out of a rom-com. jerky frat guy who sleeps around and is just hanging with his bros, but deep down, just wants a girl to call his own.


So youre humble bragging then

I was thinking about posting the same thing as you to be honest. I think there are a lot more “chads” out there that have heard about this subreddit and know that what’s being said is pretty much true.


Isn't lookism.net, a self proclaimed incel site, full of chadlites and looksmaxxed normies, jfl

Don't worry we don't hate Chad's we hate women and feminism. If you wish to be an incel ally as a Chad you can promote anti-feminist politicians and social figures like Jordan Peterson, Pewdiepie, Ben Shapiro, President Trump, etc.

Haha, already do bro.

Peterson is fucking awesome and I'm from the south - No one votes for Hilary here lol.

Here's the thing, I really like Jordan Peterson's views on the movement of sjws and such, as well as many of the other people you've mentioned, but I also find trumps racial views and his conduction of politics intolerable. I wish there were more politicians who pushed back at sjws and the "sexual movement" whilst maintaining fairly liberal views on race.

Trump isn't racist, many members of his cabinet are Jews and his friend is Ben Carson. Alt-righters hate him and believe hes a Jewish shill who wants to have white genocide or some crazy weird shit like that. He just hates illegal immigrants, it has nothing to do with race

Thanks for the support bro.

We have a lot of female friends/FwBs/GFs in our close friend circle of 10-12


I can’t help but think how I’d feel if I was in your shoes man.








Don't even try to show fake sympathy.We don't need your pity

You can't even understand an iota of how we feel

what kind of heartless monster downvoted this?

Why downvote those who try to empathize with you? Do you want the world to not understand you forever? Yes, hit the hand that tries to help you.

Haha, literally guys! My guy friend and I agree with most of this stuff. Ask some girls and they say you're not getting laid because you have a shitty personality, and started laughing. This girl is a feminist who used to date pretty right wing xenophobic types. I would laugh if the hypocrisy wasn't so blatant. Why not just admit that sexual attraction plays a very big part? This ain't a fairytale.

I feel like we genocided uggos, while simultaneously making attractive people to have more children, we would save a lot of trouble for future people.

Attractiveness is relative and objective.

No. No it’s not.

Want to be a slayer? Invent a time machine. You have to be better than other men, and if good looking people only reproduce then the bar of average would be raised.

Nah. We've been doing this for millenias, and yet uggos are still here. Women are comparatively selective, they keep moving the goalpost further and further every single generation.

Comparatively selective is the key here. Makes me wonder how the giga chads of the future will look like. Will today's Chad look like an uggo muscular caveman, in a million years, or will human society not last long enough to reach that point.
If we do reach space colonization, I hope the people in power don't erase the internet archives of today.

as long as asian women weren't aware of other races, they dated asians just fine. when they saw whitey mogs the shit out of asians they lose all attraction to their fellow asians. it's 100% as you said.

Women only go after the top 20%, if everyone was attractive there would still be a top 20% of attractiveness. The standards just get higher and higher, that's what drives evolution.

females are the reason there are incels, they either dont have good genes but are still considered attractive enough to marry (round and soft features dont make females ugly unlike males), or if they do have good genes they gold dig and eventually get ugly kids from an ugly rich guy

the way evolution works, even if chad only has sex, in his balls are millions of sperm and some have potential for a chad kid and some have potential for an incel kid, mutations happen randomly in dna. then he pumps that into a roastie who has different eggs in her and she might be ovulating with an incel egg at that time.

Thanks Chad

consider yourself lucky dude. im told im good looking but am an introvert and hate most people but ive fucked hot sorority type chicks and if you can pull these girls on the reg..you're blessed.

Guys who are sexually successful understand blackpill realities. The "muh personality" types are more like reformed ForeverAlones who think they've got everything figured out because they managed to have sex with the dumpy girl from anime club.

When your selection is the star trek fan club at comicon, personality actually is an important factor. Because everyone of them looks like a dying slug.

that moment when you expected princess leia but instead it's jabba the hutt

Aren't sexually successful people more redpill than anything??? They have had women and know the truth about AWALT, hypergamy, branch-swinging etc. Those are all terms I heard on TRP.

tfw this guy is an incel too

Incels and chads are flip sides of the same coin; one could be the other in another life, and a good chunk of it is just the cards you were dealt.

Glad to hear you're among kindred spirits

Cannot voice it out in the open, The Internet, is the Devil.

I'm glad that for the first time ever, at least a few "normal" people or non-incels are finally starting to take us seriously, if you woulda asked me a year ago, if I thought this would ever happen in my lifetime, I would have called you insane. Yeah the majority of society are grabbing their torches and pitch forks to march against us like a town full of angry villagers. But a few people are actually having a conscience and legit empathy. You've got no idea how much this truely means to me, for real, from the bottom of my heart bro. If I had any tears left to cry I would.

Hey, Ji6S4W, just a quick heads-up:
truely is actually spelled truly. You can remember it by no e.
Have a nice day!

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WHO THE FUCK CARES? sTOP BEING A FUCKING GODDAMNED SPELLING NAZI BEFORE i REACH THROUGH THE DAMN SCREEEN AND PUNCH YOU IN THE FUCKING FACE!!!! And stop this "have a nice day" shit, I swear I see it one more fucking time I'm gonna go to your house and kick your ass.

I'm here. That says something. Truly, can be spelled correctly, by an Incel. I forgive you, my Son.

chads on our side

I promise its your personality guys. Just wow. How's your relationship with your mothers? I'm trying to decide if you are a) neglected and sad or b) smothered and spoiled.

Just a normal relationship like any mother and son?

Then what is wrong with you people!? You think your mother is a whore who sucks chads dick? How can you possibly have a healthy maternal relationship and say the things you do?

You’re so disingenuous it is disgusting lad. My entire post was talking about the “blackpill” which is just the importance of physical looks in life.

Is that the ad hoc you use to discredit all this subreddit? You know as well as I do that a young woman in 1980 is not the same thing as a young woman in 2018. Female hypergamy became a thing after Tinder, modern feminism and SJW culture

how would you know what a young woman in the 80s was like? you weren't even born yet.

maybe his mom told him about how she was. are you saying his mom lied? sexist.

"you know as well as I do how women were in the 80s"

that sounds like his opinion from experience and not from his mom telling him.

but you're right, me assuming that his mom didn't tell him, does make me a sexist, by some sjw standards xD

it's like should someone who was not a young adult in the 80s never talk about it ever, no, we have history teachings. it is newbish to take this argument point

I'm not saying to not talk about what you've heard, but acting as if he experienced it, and acting like it's total common knowledge between everyone, that's the issue.

that's like me saying, "you and me both know that Jim Carrey is a huge asshole in person", because someone once told me he was? that makes no sense in that context, or this context. I don't know what you know about Jim Carrey, how can I say you know anything about him? how can I base Jim s personality off something 1 person said in 1 situation? I can't. also, why am I saying it in a way that I experienced it?

the proper thing to say would be along the lines of, "come on man, I'm sure you've heard how women were in the 80s? I've heard about it. it sounded way different then"

it is common k knowledge now, awalt

take the black pill boyo

passing off someone else's knowledge and then assuming other people's knowledge, as your own, isn't semantics.

just calling the guy out on his bullshit. that's why he's answering all the easy stuff and ignoring anything asking him for further evidence or proof.

liars being liars and you eating it up like a gullible fish XD

definite semantics and you really just wanted to deny the black pill and thought you had him in a gotcha moment

seems more like you defending a liar because his lies fit your agenda.

I'm just one of those guys that prefers proof to fuel my opinions than blind faith in lies.

you must be a religious man? xD



The "blackpill" has many elements, and many different defintions accordinf to each person. Not everyone here thinks that every woman does that. And why bring up his mother?

Some of you Chads are alright, don't go to Stacy's party this weekend.

We have a lot of female friends/FwBs/GFs in our close friend circle of 10-12 but really even breaching this topic with them is so taboo and dangerous; I don’t think we will.

Good choice

Some questions: 1) what's your height, 2) how many sexual partners have you had, 3) when did you lose your virginity?

1) 6’4

2) around 30-35

3) 18 - I’m 20 now

What secret did you learn at 18 lol? Most people with 30-35 partners at 20 would have lost their virginity at like 12.

(Wow 6'4" is new 6'2" is new 6'0")

Nothing honestly. Just became independent and went away from parents. I’d made out and had opportunities for sex but I grew up in a really conservative and religious area so vaginal sex was a big risk and I was afraid since my hyper-religious mom would have literally disowned me or something

When i went to college there was no mom, no religious town and I was in a big liberal city. Was not that hard at all

Are you White Christian?


throw up a few selfies. shows us all what this "chad" looks like.

he never said he was a chad, I can see a normie having sex first at 18 then going to college and joining a frat and having more sex, he likely lied about the 30-35 number, guys should always inflate it a bit but I am not saying it is a tiny number

no, people here called him a Chad. so I'm wondering what this "chad" looks like.

I had sex first when I was 14. I'm around the 30 number. I'm not a Chad. I was a skinny white boy in highschool and slept with the majority of the girls I've been with before I was 20.

that guy is just full of shit xD and it's extremely obvious, too.

I suspect you're both lying, about the number count, I'd want proof of either but that's not possible I suppose. I don't think he needs to prove he is chad if he never said he was tho

you don't have to believe me. I don't even remember the exact number. it was awhile ago.

if he's coming on here and spouting all his "bro stats" his height, acting like he's getting it all and living it up, you don't want a shred of evidence? not like its hard to throw up a pic of himself.

I even have a pic of my highschool graduation when I was a dork. proof isn't really that hard to come by

well you can show proof first either way I can say you're both lying and demand proof or I can just not worry that much about it

well if you'd like, I can go over as many of the girls I can remember and tell you the not so glamorous details and show you my extremely dorky highschool grad pic :)

the pic would prove you're dorky but you'd be lyin about the girls

if you're normie you'd have like 5 girls

30 something, if a guy is 20, you'd be chad

I'm 29. I slept with around 20-25 between 14-20. then there were 5 from 21 til now

chadlite then

isn't being a Chad based on how you look and not how many people you've slept with?

Just dudes stuck with a shitty poker hand in life.

Just because you got dealt a bad hand doesn't mean you still can't win. That's the beauty of the game. But instead of realizing this they would rather poison themselves with toxic self-pity. Its easier and more convenient to just blame "Chads" and "Normies."

Ive said it's possible to be a slayer on this sub, if you put in the hard work, but many incels think of this as coping. Sadly, most incels rather be depressed and not try to win.

Ive said it's possible to be a slayer on this sub, if you put in the hard work

And we've put in work and that got no results.

most incels rather be depressed and not try to win.

Most of you people would rather not believe and start dismissing.

Most of you people would rather not believe and start dismissing.

I believe, however dont deny that there are fat cels on this sub, who dont dare to try. To the people who've tried, my sympathies, to those who havent, please try.

yeah I think we're born into this cucked world with a blue pill. and that may be all some guys need. then some need a red pill where they work off the fat. then IF that still doesn't work, it's time for black pill.

I agree. But what comes after the black pill?

wow good question

it's like the theory in the matrix movies that the real world is a matrix in another matrix. does a real world exist? if it does then it has some new color pill that is the real true one. but some scientists have legit actual theories nowadays that the entire universe is a computer simulation. so if so, who or what created the simulation? I don't know, no one does, yet.

Lol dude, I aint an incel but be friggin honest, you know there are dudes out there who aint gonna slay shit no matter how much "personality and confidence" they have simply because they are horrifying to look at.

True, the only path for some to slay is to become a millionaire and get plastic surgery, I cant argue with that.
But I want most of the incels on this sub to try. I have seen some pics from the people on this sub, and half of them have potential. I think its either humblebragging, or that they have a distorted view of themsleves, like an anorexic.

100% agree. Alot of these dudes are pretty normal looking and are just socially inept.

Hey, tsdobbi, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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Wow the downvotes came quick

it's like you're playing poker and you're guaranteed to never get an Ace and other guys you're playing again do hget them, it'd be highly unlike you can win.

Honestly I’m a short guy, but I was blessed with a face that is deemed attractive. What these guys say is pretty spot on, even how sometimes women will do some pretty cold things to guys if they’re interested in another (provided they’re a bit drunk first). A couple instances with my friend who is... well unattractive.

1.) We we’re hanging out in a bar that was in my college’s town. It’s getting late, everyone’s kind of drunk. He starts talking up a girl, trying to listen in to see how he’s doing (Get it!). Anyway she keeps looking at me. And I was hanging out with another friend off to the side. She then grabs my hand behind his back and pulls me close and says “when he goes, you’ll come back and talk to me right?” and I say “uh sure! But you know who you should talk to, my buddy!” trying to salvage it. I’m not gonna take home a girl my bro is interested in, not that kind of guy.

2.) At this point we lived together in a house in a major city with 3 other people. Threw a Halloween party, pretty big party. My house was the “Always Sunny” cast, I was Dennis, he was Mac. Anyway he chats up another girl, I try to be a wingman, but I could feel the sense of “walk away”, so of course I walk away. She kept saying I looked like Edward Cullen from twilight (not the first time I’ve gotten that). We have a top deck and some people were chilling, he and the girl were chilling with some of our housemates. .Go up, hang out for a bit with them, She kept saying “Do you wanna suck my blood?” to me in front of him, it was awkward for me. I then decide to just get away from the situation, she then yells “wait” and then leaves him to grab my arm to drag me downstairs. I was like “wait what about friend? And she was like “what about him” I get downstairs and just kind of excuse myself out of there. Safe to say the mood of the night was ruined, but he knew it wasn’t my fault and I wouldn’t do that.

There are others but here are a couple examples. You’re right, you don’t think about it until you see someone else have it. Eventually I just decided that when he was asking to a girl, was to walk away to the other side. Sadly being a wingman just led to them not being interested in him, and more interested in me.

brutal wingman pill

I'm curious to see how similar you look to the vampire guy.

pop up a selfie

I personally do not see the whole “Edward Cullen” thing, I just tend to have thick hair that I style upward. Here’s a pic of hair I usually rock now. I’ll try to actually find a pic where my hair is similar to the style he usually has.

with your post history, including pics, I gotta call bullshit on all this. xD

You can personally believe what you want. Point is though that you guys are kinda right.

I'm not an incel.

Imgur Post - Imgur https://m.imgur.com/DHaTr9I

that's probably where people get the Edward hair from. maybe?

Maybe. Honestly I don’t know and do not see it.

neither do I :) any of it.

Sounds good. I’m just saying my experience. Believe what you want to believe.

will do :)

wait, why'd you delete that pic?

too real for ya?


later "bro"

Deleted the other one too, i forgot about the other post and I don’t want my real life getting linked to my Reddit account.

At least I can actually post a selfie Mr. 20 sex partners 😂.

your "real" life xD.

lemme figure out how to do it from my phone and I'll grab ya one. since you're so curious :)

As in the rest of my social media accounts such as my instagram, Facebook, ya know other accounts my company monitor.

And sounds good!

Also did you check back on the imgur post after you had seen it? A bit obsessed aren’t we?

I just like catching liars out and watching them fumble to delete the evidence:)

Lol I’m not lying. C’mon let’s see your pic my man.

I'm trying. I don't know how to upload a picture from my phone to reddit.

Use imgur. I think you can do it from the mobile site, but if you download the app it’ll be easier.

ok I'll download the app


I think this works. I'm the young guy left of middle

A bit average looking yeah? Could be the pic, you’re not ugly by any means, but you’re just kinda “there”. I’m gonna call BS myself man.

aww, I hurt your feelings by calling you out. I'm sorry, dude. I'm just not down for liars :)

I've already posted in here saying I wasn't anything special. the opinion of someone who makes up stories and tries to pass them as his own life, really means nothing to me.

and tell ya what, I won't even delete the pic ;)

I’m also not down for liars. Obviously you’re guilty of making up stories yourself man 😂

this is the part I love about calling people out. talks about me deflecting while he deletes his cringey fake photo and even more cringe real one. I haven't deflected anything. you asked for a pic and downloaded and app to post one. I've got nothing to lie about. I didn't post some big bullshit story in an incel channel to try to make myself feel better, or whatever weird ass reason you did it.

watching you fumbling around is hilarious, dude.

by the way, know any good 1 liners to pick up a fwb girl? criiiiinge

being blue pill is similar to solipsism

They are all whores. Every single one of them. Remember that what you see is only the top of the iceberg. The ones that look like gf material are even worse. All of them try to hide their sexual life.

That’s for the vip pass into your life.

Keep exposing them!

Good luck, I hope it works out bro.

Why no sex if drunk? False rape accusations?

how many guys that you see per day do you find actually attractive?

Gotcha. Didn't go to college but I'd be pretty worried about that after some of the stories that have come out it recent years

Idk that is a hard question.. I don’t keep track- sometimes I find a guy ok looking but his personality really makes him more attractive to me. I know you will say bullshit but it is true. I see a guy (just a regular and average guy) who can make me smile, laugh and is confident and that is +++

If I had to guess I’d say 4 out of 10 guys I see everyday I find cute

Attractiveness is relative and objective.

You speak the TRUTH

Nah. We've been doing this for millenias, and yet uggos are still here. Women are comparatively selective, they keep moving the goalpost further and further every single generation.

Women only go after the top 20%, if everyone was attractive there would still be a top 20% of attractiveness. The standards just get higher and higher, that's what drives evolution.

>I am fine with a decent-looking guy who is fit

Isn't that what they're saying?

I know I'm an incel telling you this, but honestly, I'd advise against dating or hooking up with college girls or any girl whose way too far left and outspoken about it, you'll be potentially looking at a false rape charge. There are other places to look. But in western society the majority of women these days are severely messed up, due to generations of unchecked hypergamy and coddling. It's kinda made them spoiled and narcissistic, not all of them but a good many. If I could afford to, I'd probably be looking at dating women overseas in another culture that hasn't been poisoned with all this feminism or gynocentrism 4.0 bullshit. The more rural outskirt areas of the Philipines would probably be a good place to find a decent woman.

females are the reason there are incels, they either dont have good genes but are still considered attractive enough to marry (round and soft features dont make females ugly unlike males), or if they do have good genes they gold dig and eventually get ugly kids from an ugly rich guy

Whats DG?

she probably wanted to accuse you of rape

the way evolution works, even if chad only has sex, in his balls are millions of sperm and some have potential for a chad kid and some have potential for an incel kid, mutations happen randomly in dna. then he pumps that into a roastie who has different eggs in her and she might be ovulating with an incel egg at that time.

brutal wingman pill

it is common k knowledge now, awalt

take the black pill boyo

I am fine with a decent-looking guy who is fit that is it.

LOL. Are you dense? Some of these dudes are fucking horrifying to look at. By your own standards, you would not consider most of the incels on this board on looks alone. They just want you not to lie about the "if he had a good personality" comments as concerns the ability of fugly dudes to get a girlfriend.

I'm curious to see how similar you look to the vampire guy.

pop up a selfie

with your post history, including pics, I gotta call bullshit on all this. xD

inceltears on SUICIDE WATCH.