Femoids corrupt all pure and noble purposes.

60  2018-05-23 by geoffreylambert


women are subhuman animals

Can already see the explosion of sex offenders.

"Female Boy Scout Leader Fucks a 13 Year Old"


"Woman Has Sex with Man"

God no, g that

13 year old "man"

boys reach puberty (become men) at 12-13. This is how the word has always been used.

Wow, I guess they can vote and drink then, too. On average, girls start puberty between the ages of 8 and 13, but some will start to develop breasts, pubic hair, or body odor before age 8. The technical term for this is precocious puberty. Girls are more likely than boys to develop precocious puberty. I guess you're okay with grown men fucking girls of that age, right?

Wow, I guess they can vote and drink then, too

I don't think anyone should be able to vote.

I guess you're okay with grown men fucking girls of that age, right?


All right you're just weird as fuck and completely wrong. There's a difference between developing secondary sex characteristics and being a full fledged adult.

You're stating your position but not providing an argument. I maintain that puberty is the only reliable, objective (non-arbitrary) heuristic by which to distinguish boys from men and girls from women. You are free to suggest an alternative heuristic.

It's not arbitrary considering how long the brain considers to develop into adult stages.

It is arbitrary unless you can tell me precisely how long that is until the 'adult stage' is reached (which is still as of yet undefined; I hope you can appreciate the circularity of this argument), and why it ought to be taken as superior to the pubertal heuristic. In all seriousness, do you really believe that virtually every culture, for virtually all of human history, have been wrong on this, but you are right?

All right you're just weird as fuck and completely wrong.

This sub in a nutshell.


Females start puberty before males.. so you're basically saying you are okay with pedophiles. Go hang yourself, IT user guaranteed.

you're basically saying you are okay with pedophiles.

I am a pedophile, you normie retard.


One less incel!

Deprived of male spaces, deprived of healthy relationships, deprived of their money, deprived of any form of community.

Geeze, why are these men getting so angry? Sounds like we need more feminism.

Peak feminism will be achieved once we start neutering boys at birth.



Fucking degenerate whores.

Wait this is u -ironically a thing? I thought it was a meme?

It's happening

We literally live in Opposite World. All that is good and righteous is demonised/mocked and all that is perverse and degenerate is lauded and permitted. Welcome to 2018.

I’m an Eagle Scout and this is a disgrace. Thank god I finished it 6 years ago. I miss the good old days of running around with my buddies at scout camp doing what ever the fuck we wanted. Not having worry about girls but only talk about the hot ones from school.

I actually have to kinda agree with you here. This is going too far.

I'm a scout too and I'd never think of wanting to join "boy scouts" because um, hello, I'm not a boy. I had a great time with my girls and we had camps together with the guys so there's literally no need to want to join boy scouts if you're a sane female.

I hope this won't last long.

It's getting renamed to "Scouts of America" or something, so you don't need to worry about its name.

Still don't agree with it.

Do the girl scouts do the same shit as boy scouts?


Girl Scouts = Entrepreneurial Skills

Boy Scouts = Survival Skills

Nope, at least not where I was at. I can still make a fire without matches, build a shelter or set a trap. ;)

Oh my bad then

Canadian scouts did this years ago, started 1976. fully integrated by 1998.

Pretty much.

Aren’t they still separated though?

Reminds me of that chan post about women seeing carefree men enjoying themselves, feeling jealous that she'll never experience that and going over there and just fucking ruining everything -- just for the brief moment of attention.

The boys got to do fishing while the girls did lacings. Pretty sucky that they had it gendered in the first place.

Although I think it would be fine to keep them separated if the activities they did were the same.

Spaces for Men are seen as a bad thing in today's society

Scouting is gey

You’re right. Only ultra conservatives and women haters don’t like this. I’ve never been in the scouts, it’s for bizzare people. Or maybe I’m extremely jealous of a sense of community and rage vehemently at the thought of others finding one. I wish people would stick to their own kind.

Hey, damnsong, just a quick heads-up:
bizzare is actually spelled bizarre. You can remember it by one z, double -r.
Have a nice day!

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Delete yourself from real life.

Think of all the incels whose parents send their sons to this cuck institution to attempt to turn them into normies. And they’ll spend all night long listen to chad fuck Stacy in the Boy Scouts

mfw the only place american incels felt normal is now gone

World of Warcraft?

"Female Boy Scout Leader Fucks a 13 Year Old"