There's this stauch, in-your-face feminist roastie in the office and today I met her boyfriend. Holy shit!

71  2018-05-23 by ummyourdaddy

That motherfucker's more blackpilled than our saintlord (pbuh). He's like Patrice O'Neal in a white Chad's body. some things that happened in the 15-20 mins I was there:

  1. He never once called her by her name. He just used "Oi" to call her.

  2. He never smiled at her.

  3. He made her buy sandwich for both of us (and this is the first time I met him. I noticed most chads are bros to incels, we pose no threat to them).

  4. Invited me to a party. He said there will be lot of roastie's friends and winked at me. I chuckled and the roastie got visibly triggered but didn't say anything in front of her shepherd.

  5. He made eye contact, smirked at the waitress and made her blush right in front of roastie. I saw it bothered her but meh what you gonna do? he's chad he can go home with that waitress in the next five minutes.

  6. He was genuinely interested in my work and he said something like that is in demand in his work (Chad is a successful sales guy, of course) and asked whether I wanted to discuss further. Chad is a decent guy.

The roastie is a stacy past her prime. At 36, she's still hot, but things aren't as tight as they used to be. She could probably land another chad, but the clock's ticking and she's panicking- which I've overheard her talk to other roasties in the office during lunch where they all congregate in the big table meanwhile I eat with another cel in complete, humiliating silence.


Imagining two ugly guys eating lunch together silently and not talking. Lol

You going party? Interested in the job?

He might be kidding with the party thing but I want to talk about the work stuff. trying to careermaxx here. Also, he said there are only 2 roasties in his office so that's always a good thing.

but didn't say anything in front of her shepherd

top kek

It's because most women want the attractive bad-boy to treat them as little more than property. They can have all the beliefs they want for how the world should work, but their world is ruled by tingles.

now you are in love

He’s seen and done it all and doesn’t need to try and impress or even hold on to his bitch. There are plenty of others waiting to take her place.

My sisters boyfriend is this.

Then you suck his dick off to completion because you will love him better then she ever would?

Why do you idiots bother with this fake garbage?

there is an increase in chad loving thread its because redpillers have no personality

Based Chad

how big was he, OP?

Well done op, you triggered IT roasties and are now calling you gay because chad was being a bro. What’s with the homophobia IT? Hypocrites

Lmao the triggering of Inceltears was successful. Keep crying soyboys!