This one almost became the Leader of the Free World

76  2018-05-23 by geneticSubhumanTrash


Hillary lowiqton

Love this

high iq comment

Kinda unrelated but is Bill Clinton a gigachad?

no but he was the first black president look it up

99.9% of fatalities in combat or men. So stfu Hillary. I don’t think we’ll ever see a female president in our lifetime running the most powerful country in the world.


But how is she wrong? Most war casualties are men, and when you're dead, you're dead. Life continues on and the people left behind (namely your wife and children) pick up the pieces.

So, she's right.

Shut up cunt

Spotted the incel. Lol

I'm not a virgin you idiot

That's not what incel means, derp.

Are you retardedM

More men than women filed for divorces after World War 2, because when they got home from the front, many found their wife pregnant with another man's baby. Also you're way more likely to get shell shock or to lose a limb while you're on the front line rather than staying at home. So how is she right again?

You know the risk when you marry a military guy. At the end of the day you’re the one dead not your wife and children. You’re a victim and your family is just going to live on without you. I’d much rather be alive than dead.

She's actually very high IQ, especially for a foid. She knows how to manipulate cucks and femoids.

So true. I tried explaining that to conservative relatives. "No she's stupid" "She's evil" well yes of course but she's also a really good liar plus she is a woman. She's very covert in her pathology. Nasty woman

Given the IQ of her voter base, it doesn't take a very high IQ to manipulate them.

No because they are slaves to the dollar, the iphone, Facebook, and the media. I know plenty people who voted Hillary who have to be smart. Some make over 100k a year. It's a lot of virtue signaling and being so cynical of humans, maybe it's possible I'm wrong. I'd say the biggest factor had to be that she was a woman.

Because fuck the men for dying,how dare they.

If Hillary we're president, she'd probably make it legal to lock up ugly men for looking at you too long.

At least we wouldn’t have to work

Right lmao.

Forced labour for any convicts who get less than 1 match on Tinder per day.

looking at you too long.

'gazing briefly in your general direction'

just wooow

Men only lose their lives

The ugliest, nastiest twat on Earth, next to Merkel.

Spoiler Alert: She wins

That would actually be the very definition of a secondary victim. The primary is the guy that dies.


I'm not a virgin you idiot