Women are "nice guys" too. They just only exhibit that behavior when rejected by Chad

52  2018-05-23 by FireAlarm911


It's not a uniquely male trait, its just that men get rejected a LOT more than women, so statistically you're going to get more examples of men who take rejection badly.

This made me realize men and women are basically the same. Our actions are based on social institutions that separate us. If you want women, you have to think like one.

If you want women, you have to think like one.

Just watch bugman movies and put yourself in the shoes of a female character bro.

If you want women, you have to think like one.

You’re thinking way too hard. Just have a good facial bone structure and height. Literally that’s it.

Don't forget that people are much more lenient towards women behaving petty or evil even. It's how women can commit all sorts of crimes and get away without spending a day behind bars. And in this particular context, it means women are allowed to rant about men rejecting them or not committing to them while men are shamed, ridiculed and attacked when they complain about being rejected or lead on by women. "Where have all the good men gone" is an entire subgenre of articles written by entitled women and published in all sorts of mainstream media. Meabwhile a gender-flipped reverse of an average WHATGMG-article would be considered a manosphere hate manifesto.

The only woman who ever hassled me for ghosting her was a black chick lol (I didn’t know she was black when I first messaged her).

Try r/nicegirls

Wymyn can get away with this shit... For us, if we fuck up 1 thing, it can be over.

Yep, they're called Nice Girls. Nasty pieces of work they are. Idiots are not determined by gender.

I’m no chad but I’ve actually seen women react like this when you curve them. They always try to go straight for your dick size or something or how their “new boyfriend” treats them better. I could not care less

"niceguys" don't fucking exist. Stop enabling bullshit normie propaganda/conspiracy theories.

you can see the insanity right from her eyes