Asked a 19 year old girl what her count is...

181  2018-05-23 by Toolman890


Haha why so few

Genius response tbh

Absolutely haram


Allah Akhbar


Why are you even surprised? Most women start around 14-15 years old.

In your weird fantasy realm, and maybe in the 80s. Current stats show otherwise. Teenagers are more likely to engage in oral sex than penetration.

I don’t know what your problem is...

Don't mind us, we've just been living on Earth these past years

That's pretty untrue. At least when I was a teen.

I'm not sure when you were a teen, but current health data suggests teens are waiting longer to have sex, and if they do engage in sex they're more likely to just stick to oral. Young people, on average, are also having less sex than previous generations.

Hmm, well it might have changed, it wasn't that long ago and it seems they're more sexual. But it wouldn't surprise me with how ruined kids are on porn though.

The prevalence of porn has actually increased sexual frustration. Seems counter intuitive, but there it is. Too much porn desensitizes people from what actual intimacy feels like. There is a disconnect between what we see on a screen and what we do with a partner. It creates unrealistic expectations when consumed in excess.

Oh yeah, I'm agreeing with you on that. Porn is awful for you. But that's a whole other post in itself.

What you mean to say is that the Normies are having less sex than in the past since teenage girls now have access to Tinder and can all get straight to Chad. This means a few Chads are having all the sex while a 2018 Normie gets less sex by the age of 30 than a 1998 Normie had by the age of 20.

You've made quite a huge assumption. Young women are also having less sex than past generations, despite what you may think. It has more to do with the way we socialize (social media, dating sites as you suggested, education, etc) and engage in relationships. Young people are putting off relationships until later in life (including women) and engage in casual sex LESS than those in the 80s and 70s, INCLUDING WOMEN. I'm sorry empirical data does not support your slanted opinions.

Of course women are having less sex! Their partner counts are going down since they skip the Normies and go right to Chad. Did you even try to think this through before replying?

Can you show me where you saw this? Not even trying to debate to be honest because I suck at that, just genuinely curious.

Several journals and newspapers covered the findings as well. You can Google some of them for different takes on the findings. It's very interesting.

Thanks, it sounds like it will be pretty interesting. Appreciate it.

Its like that where I live. Christian people, lots of them, so oral sex in teens, penetrative sex in college. I know some girls that are still virgins actually.

I only sucked 50 dicks I'm still a fresh traditional virgin guys


Actually, that's part of their reasoning. lol Ridiculous, I know. The people surveyed for the data also viewed oral sex as less personal than traditional penetration. Concerns over unplanned pregnancies also played a role in the results, even when taking into account the availability of condoms.

ugh yeah I hate that, but many womem try to say shit like that. Whether they actually believe their own bullshit, I don’t know.

Is 50 supposed to be a lot?

Are you joking?

That’s like the average now

For a woman

Maybe? This woman is bragging about 50 in less than one year.

At least she fucked ricels and not whites.

ok i’m 18 and i’ve never


Wanna chat on snap?😉

i honestly hope u aren’t being sincere


you have a bad personality

I know, boyo

We all have one.

We all do

This i totally agree. This subreddit calls me a roastie just because ive been with more than one man.

My count is three (including my partner right now) and no they dont interlap coz im not a sex crazed animal...also being busy with high school and college does a good job distracting you from your need to do stuff like that.

Life isnt only about sex people please

You are a roastie.

3 partners is nowadays virgin, as they went extinct

Look at this roastie gettng toastie

I’m going to give you some grammar lessons so we don’t have to translate everything you say into English. I’ll excuse abbreviated phrases like “tf” though.

ok i’m 18 and i’ve never Finish your sentence.

tf?? There should only be one “?” here.

just capitalise “just” bc some girls like to have multiple partners doesn’t mean all of them do?? There should only be one “?” here. like Several Capitalize “like” and de-capitalize “Several” dudes beat up their gfs You need an apostrophe before the “s” when pluralizing abbreviations. there’s are There is are? Remove the “‘s” in “there’s” several hotlines and centres for it but i don’t think all men are abusing pigs so like no Finish your sentence with a period. Remove the “like” in your sentence while you’re at it; you’re a person typing on the internet, not a valley girl talking in real life.

Also i don’t think it’s possible to have 50 partners without dying of something lol Finish your sentence with a period.

All girls want multiple partners - they just aren't Chad enough to do it. 50 guys won't kill ya, the whore in you, will do that.

NO, but the difference is that these women asked to be hit.

It's called using a condom, maybe some have enough morals to actually get tested before fucking. idk.

In the ghetto, maybe. I knew maybe one or two girls in my entire highschool who started off that early. But then again I'm just a woman taking a stroll in this infamous sub, I know you guys would find whatever way not to believe me.

Women don’t count bjs right? Teehee.

Not sure about other people, but I would. Any penetrative intercourse, in my opinion, is intercourse. If it wasn't then gay people would technically be virgins, lol.

Why do you assume I am huge slut I am 19 and I only fucked 50 guys. Femoids are all disgusting.

I have a 750,000 mileage car I want to sell IT cucks

Yikes, bro, she is sips soy a strong AND independent, her body, HER plays on the nu-switch CHOICE. HOW DARE YOU imply she's a whore, - there's a reason you're virgin incel afterall. Maybe take a shower for once.

not on l has she fucled 50 guys but since she obly fucks one at a time she probably started at 12

Sounds like you think she's "disgusting" because you're jealous of her.

I also think cucks and fucking corpses are disgusting. Does that make me jealous of them?


Absolutely disgusting. Some cuck from IT will marry her too I bet lmao

at least he is going to marry aomeone and have sex unlike who will die alone and bitter

at least he is going to marry aomeone and have sex


and all of them have more sex than you ever had. Now go play your videogames

Out roast beef cunt

Triggered the roast beef flaps.


He's not going to have sex lol. He might not even raise his own kids. I know it's fantasy of yours to fuck around the world and find some beta loser to marry and use for his money, but don't push it as if it's a good thing lol

Christ. I never got that high in my 21 years of having sex...

And you guys call me a slut? LOL

Maybe if you stop posting on here and complaining how you don’t have that much cock maybe you would get more cock.

But what would I do with it? I certainly couldn't do anything sexual.

Maybe I could use it as a coat hook or something.

You could use it to crush your nuts

I can't eat nuts any more. My digestive system gets a little annoyed if I do.

Seriously tho are you married? Imagine having a wife who’s fucked over 20+ people 🤢

Been married twice, but now single.

And what about having a husband who's no virgin? Same amount of disgust?

No cause i know for sure your roast is so disgusting pale gingerwhale

You have absolutely no idea what it's like.

And you dodged the question there. Surely a guy who has been a slut is just as disgusting?

No because I'm not trying to sleep with a guy. If women cared about that there'd be less Chads, then then women would have to forgo sleeping with said Chads and we all know THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

Chads would still be Chads whether they were sleeping with a different girl every night or not.

Men and women are different.

Not these days they're not. Equality and all that.

Biologically yes.

Nope, no matter how many chicks he fucks there’s no disgust, you lot are the gatekeepers, it’s your choice to let people in to your house.

So you don't see it as disgusting for a guy to have fucked 50 women?

Nope, ever had custard/jam doughnuts from cooperative, they use the same nozzle for every doughnut to fill it up. A male has to spread his genes, it’s biology.

It's being a man-whore.

Nope it’s shagging a lot of girls is seen as an achievement, in the biological view you’re a successful male.

Depends on the quality of women he has been with. Can average guy have sex with 50 women. Guys have to put effort while girls have to choose.

I'm sure Chad manages.

Every woman can be a stacy but not every man can be a chad.

Wrong again.

Okay my bad not every healthy women.

Staceys are the pretty girls. They are the female version of the Chad.

How that landwhale got 4 lovers then? Most women can become pretty with exercise and make up.

Which landwhale?

Oh dear. A fat woman has people who love her. How awful....

No, the thing is she can get love but 20% of healthy males can not.

So what do you do to find relationships? How do you go about it?

Just be fat sis.

I meant you. As in what do you do?

Haha, I live in a hypocritical shit. I am not incel.

Just a virgin in non western country.

So you're not trying to date then?

Not at the moment. My anger is at my society.

Dating is a new concept in my country.

If a woman is slim she becomes above average.

NO BECAUSE WE ARE NOT TRYING TO SLEEP WITH MEN. Most of aren't anyway. Sorry dumb liberal, we don't have to concern ourselves with things that don't effect us.

So different standards? Or just disinterest?

Disinterest. And I've been friends with a womanizer and had to stop in large part because of his womanizing. I think it's wrong what he did but it's pretty obvious that all those women were trying to equally use him to both their social status because he had money and good looks.

Because you are. I hope you get hit by a bus.

You first. I want to make sure I know how to do it right.

How many guys have you been with? Btw the average is 5-7 partners in a lifetime I believe so the girl in the OP is definitely waaaaay above average in terms of partners.

Nobody knows that number but me, and that's how it will be staying.

I guess when you said “And you guys call me a slut.” I assumed that everybody knew your number and still called you a slut. Otherwise, how would they even know?

They call all women sluts. Plus they know I've been married twice and converted four virgins

Are virgins sluts too or are they like secret sluts or sluts in the making?

Virgins are virgins. It's what they do afterwards that counts.

what is your overall count?

Not relevant.

lol. why are you afriad to tell? am just curious. more than 5? more that 10?

I'm not afraid. I just don't tell. It's not like it's relevant any more anyway

why don't you tell? i won't judge you. i promise.

Because I don't feel like it. No one else knows but me, and that's the way it's staying.

yeah, ok. sorry for asking.

“The past is the past honey 🍩🍩🍩🍩

How is that even possible?


not just possible, its the norm

Wow she is such a prude :O

Lol it's been over. Jfl @ when she said she's boring

Why the fuck isn't there a standard on women to be interesting

Btw, everyone should know this, we only got honesty from her because OP is chadfishing. I'd imagine she'd lie about her count to the beta buxx

I know women who actually LDAR, that is lay down all day and play with their phone. This is seriously all they do, they don't have a single hobby.

And yet, they are all consistently in a relationship with 7+/10s.

The notion that we just have to improve our personality or find hobbies is ridiculous. It's a cope by society to cover up how fucked up it is.

Big fucking facts

Fact overload.



Normies, answer this.

Normies, answer this.

Okay. Contrary to popular belief, people are individuals and your anecdotal evidence isn't proof of anything. I mean I don't even believe the poster if all they do is lay down all day and play with their phone, how do you even know these women?


I know a few woman that smoke....therefore all women smoke. Does that sound logical to you?

all women did used to smoke tho all of society lying to them (giving them a blue pill) and saying it didn't cause cancer. I don't blame women (and men) who smnoked back then after being lied to. but nowadays we give you a black pill so you should stop believing blue pilled nonsense. just like you shouldn't smoke because people have known for years now it causes cancer.

Not an argument. "Everyone is unique" is simply false.

It's easier for women to find guys. Far easier. A guy has to go out and be funny, be confident, be masculine, be ripped be this and that. The well-dominated.disparity in matches and attractiveness

I never argued women don't have an easier time than men. I do challenge the assertion these women all have the personality of a cereal box and literally do absolutely nothing but lay around on their phone all day. If that is "all they do" how does op even know these women? Shit, I have no idea what most people I know do with 75% of their daily lives. Yet OP knows the hourly habits of multiple women?

have you met the average college girl lol

The most important behavioral/personality trait for women is agreeableness.

That's it.

Step back and think really hard, and you'll realize that many of the girls you think are cool are really just extremely agreeable and willing to talk to you. Not remarkable in any other sense. Granted, most men aren't remarkable in any sense either personality wise.

OkCûpid and Tinder are not representative of most women in most situations. Humans have evolved to seek certain traits in partners depending on whether they want a short-term relationship or an LTR. For LTRs, women actually don't seek just looks -- they prioritize things like resources, the potential to gain more resources, social capital and certain personality traits. Yeah, I know, but it's true. For men, it's the opposite: for LTRs, they report that looks are the most important, although other factors matter as well -- just not as much. In the context of hookups or flings, women's standards become much closer to men's standards: they both prioritize looks.

(I don't know where the accent over the "u" in OkCupid came from, but I'll just leave it there. Why not?)

A lot of incels say that they don't prioritize looks, so they probably qualify as a subgroup that greatly differs from the averages found in these studies.

Tinder, in particular, creates a "hookup mindset." So, a lot of people here are looking at the Tinder experiments and thinking it's over. They don't realize that evolutionary psychologists have discovered that humans prioritize certain traits differently depending on whether they're looking for a romantic LTR or just a hookup. A lot of people here are hyperfocusing on environments where there's a hookup culture -- Tinder, bars, clubs, etc. They're hyperfocusing on these to the exclusion of environments where they'd actually have a chance.

The Tinder experiments are also very questionable. How do we know the authors didn't swap out the text in the bio? Why are only women's initial "hellos" shown? I actually detailed in another comment how to set up a very good Tinder experiment. I don't even have a smartphone, so maybe someone else will do it. There need to be 4 conditions, not just 2 (that is, Chad with evil bio, Chad with nice bio, incel with Dark Chad's bio, and incel with Good Chad's bio). The Evil Bio could mention child molestation. However, the bio text needs to not be so over the top that it looks like a joke or irony ("I'll ruin your life!" would be seen by most women as a joke, and the previous child molester Tinder experiment didn't make sense because the guy shouldn't have been out of prison yet). When women message Dark Chad, Dark Chad should immediately explain that he molested a young child and doesn't regret it, and that he's being serious and needs to inform her in case she's around kids. Then screencap your explanation and their reactions. Screencap messages for the other 3 conditions, too.

Boom: A blackpill not so easily dismissed, if it even turns out to be a blackpill.

So, why do I say that an incel would ever actually have a chance? Because a lot of incels look average or only just slightly below average. (Some are extremely unattractive or have deformities or birth defects, and I'm not denying that, but I am denying that most of you are in such an extreme situation.) If they keep trying Tinder and clubs, it's just not going to work, because women will be thinking about who's the most physically attractive instead of thinking about other factors, and they've got a million men to choose from. Yet average men have sex all the time. If you don't ever see average couples, it's probably because A) You don't go out much; B) You aren't noticing the average couples because the Chads and Stacys stand out so much more when you're in that hopeless mindset, and the sight of normal couples is not fully processed by the brain; or C) You're in high school and most of the couples involve Chad or Stacy or both, and that's because attractive people also tend to be socially precocious, so they start dating earlier.

Deleted my comment. Hold on.

Firstly, for your Dark Chad bio and conversation, why didn't you give him lines like "I just got out of prison for assault," "I've cheated on all my past girlfriends," "I beat the fuck out if my last girlfriend for talking shit, she deserved it anyway, " "Women are only good for fucking and nohing else,"

Those could be done, too, just as long as Dark Chad makes it clear that he isn't messing around. Lines like that could easily be interpreted as just shock value joking, which other people have criticized previous Tinder experiments for. A woman might not know that he's NOT just messing with her until deep into the conversation, which makes them a bit inconvenient.

I used child molestation as an example because another incel did a Tinder experiment with a child molester, and because just about nobody will jokingly announce that, and insist that, they molested a kid. It's also convenient because some places require you to inform other people of the molestation conviction if there's any chance that they have kids around. So Dark Chad could make an official statement at or very near the beginning of the conversation.

Your attempt at psychoanalysis is waayyy off, my dude. Other incels made Dark Chad profiles with molestation. They didn't just suggest them as examples, they went and made them. Its shock value is exactly what made it stand out to so many incels, and that's why those incels chose it. That's why I used it as an example. Are you going to go psychoanalyze the incels who made the original child molester profiles, too? Because I'm willing to bet that when they do it, you don't see anything wrong with it because they're just using the intensity of it to show how degenerate women are. If I do it for same reason -- its intensity -- you don't approve. Why the double standard?

And why the hostility toward conducting a well-designed experiment, instead of one that most non-incels don't believe because it's so badly designed and they see so many holes in it?

I keep hearing Jeremy Meeks' name over here. Who the hell is he? Some buff actor or something? I don't keep up with shit like that. Imma Google him now. (I haven't seen many movies or shows and I'm very out of the loop when it comes to pop culture.)

"For LTRs,.women have different priorities..." lurk more. The betabux meme is based off this. You should know this

I'm using actual research. As in, published scholarly articles in scholarly journals, because I'm a PhD student in evolutionary psychology and I have some damn standards. I'm not going to believe Reddit randos who don't understand the first thing about genetics and evolutionary biology over actual, well-conducted, thorough scholarly research. Memes are not research. One of the things that disappoints me about this community is that some people pretend to understand genetics and evolutionary biology when it's very obvious that they don't. If someone made an intelligent proposal, I'd definitely want to follow up on it and investigate it, though.

With that said... women in the West tend to look for short term relationships while they're young adults, so if you look in places that encourage hookup culture, you're fighting the fact that most of them will prioritize appearance and social dominance. It's also true that women tend to stop doing this later in life. It's also true that, on average, married couples (LTRs) have less sex as more time passes. (That's not a surprise on the evo psych side, as humans are probably more like serial monogamists, although that of course doesn't preclude some cultures from being polygamist or strictly monogamous). Also, hookup culture has become even more of a thing in the West, particularly with Tinder and the like. We don't know how it will turn out. But that doesn't make your meme science. We need actual research.

Why is it that guys, on average have to all but crawl over broken glass just to get laid?

They do not. I've seen plenty of average and even bad-looking, awkward as hell guys get laid and get girlfriends. Like, during my four year college days, I could literally hear the metronomic squeaking of bedsprings as bad-looking and awkward guys pounded girls. Not sorority girls, but still girls.

It will feel impossible if you're putting yourself in an unrealistic situation (trying to hit on a woman in a club when she's surrounded by a thousand Chads because that's what clubs are for, basically). I know this is tired advice, but it really does work for a lot of people. Go to an interest club. (This is how the majority of the awkward/unattractive guys I know found girlfriends.) Join a charity. Join a sports group. Get an adorable dog and take it walking where the ladies are. This has a very good chance of working out for you if you're average or a bit below average and can hold an interesting conversation. I won't claim that it will work if you're extremely unattractive or have a prominent birth defect or something of the like. That's a very sad reality, but I don't know how to fight it.

How is it any more well-designed? It's far less realistic. And in any case, even joking about anything close to this shit (beating up women, etc.) is going to get you disqualified if you have average looks.

Jeremy Meeks is known as the living embodiment of the blackpill. You've looked him up, you know what he's about. Trust me, they knew well he wasn't joking or just being "over the top."

The betabux meme agrees with you, that women focus more on the guy as a provider. The meme is based of what you're claiming about women. The implication is that women settle for a guy because he can provide and has a stable income.

I brought up the central incel thesis, that women are much worse at discriminating on looks. You haven't really answered this. Consider why the male incel population dwarfs the female one. Consider why, when everyone is focused in look, women do so much better than men on Tinder at all. Or other sites, or in bars and clubs.

Most of my friends are girls, I've spent hundreds of hours talking to girls and making them laugh. I've asked girls out in college. I'm not ugly, but I'm quite feminine looking, and I've failed in every endeavour.

I'm not claiming "all women," or 100%. Nor am I claiming that women are degenerate sociopaths at heart. Men overlook certain bad qualities in hot girls too. BUT women have a tremendous towards dating across and UP whereas men are happy to, on average, date across and DOWN.

How is it less realistic?

And in any case, even joking about anything close to this shit (beating up women, etc.) is going to get you disqualified if you have average looks.

That's an assertion that needs to be tested. The atomic memes usually only show responses to Chad. Showing responses to the average or incel profile would make it a lot more powerful, because it would show the contrast. Most non-incels are smart enough to know that showing only Chad's results without comparing them to the average person or incel's results doesn't demonstrate anything except that women do in fact reply to those Chad bios. It doesn't say anything about the state of incels, which would be useful information. Thus the 4 conditions. How does a nice incel or normie do, compared to a Dark Chad?

But mostly, I'm hoping someone will set up an experiment where they make sure that the replying women know that Dark Chad is actually being serious and not employing shock value flirting, which is definitely a thing. Then capture their responses when it dawns on them that Dark Chad is not joking. None of the previous experiments I'm aware of did this. They mostly just capped "Hellos" and the like, which just leaves too many holes to poke into it.

BUT women have a tendency towards dating across and UP whereas men are happy to, on average, date across and DOWN.

The research agrees with this claim.

brought up the central incel thesis, that women are much worse at discriminating on looks. You haven't really answered this. Consider why the male incel population dwarfs the female one. Consider why, when everyone is focused in look, women do so much better than men on Tinder at all. Or other sites, or in bars and clubs.

Again, Tinder, bars, and clubs are environments that bring out womens' preferences and standards in relation to hookups. So, per the research, it's not surprising that women would focus more on looks in such settings. That's at least a good part of why they discriminate based on looks so hard. It's the setting you're in.

Why are there so many incels now? Well, the modern environment is quite different from the one we evolved in. Men and women are 50/50, there aren't lots of men dying in wars or hunts. And men who would have otherwise died in childhood (for a variety of reasons, usually some sort of weakness, such as easy susceptibility to diseases) go on to become adults. And the majority of incels are young men in high school or their twenties. Therefore, they're still trapped in the hookup culture. Because, well, now we have an extended young adulthood to go along with an extended childhood, and hooking up is now considered okay by a lot of people.

Research suggests that women seeking LTRs place great emphasis on a mate's resources or potential to gain those resources, and because of the halo effect and a few other things, unattractive men are also more likely to work undesirable jobs and be poor, and people expect them to be poor losers, so they avoid them. There aren't arranged marriages. Fewer people are marrying anyway, and they're marrying at later ages (so the carefree hookup years extend throughout the twenties). So incels aren't considered viable for marrying, either. That is, if they're actually deformed or mentally disabled. Most incels think they're ugly as shit when they're pretty normal, maybe a bit below average. Many incels have a very strong negative bias towards themselves.

As for hooking up, the advent of apps like Tinder allows women to congregate around men who seem socially dominant (which is, on average, important to women in hookup settings). As I said, the literature supports this.

The problem is that many incels here are young adults, and because women marry later, there are more years for clubbing and hooking up. So you're stuck in a short-term relationship, hookup-oriented environment where women will usually seek the most dominant and attractive man they can find. You're stuck in it for years and years.

So, it can be hard to imagine that when women get into a more LTR mindset, they don't still have the same standards at heart. LTR standards are more about resources and personality, which can translate to the "beta buxx" meme. However, the meme carries the connotation that the woman secretly thinks you're pathetic and doesn't love you, just your money, and she only entered an LTR with you because she was afraid of "hitting the wall," and she will do anything she can to secretly fuck Chad behind your back. That's some weird projection shit that doesn't have anything to do with the actual research findings.

Yeah deleted my comment again. Just give me a sec.

Maybe there could be a child molester version (to match the previous experiment) and another with something like spousal abuse. It would be interesting to compare the two versions, actually. What if the spousal abuser and the pedophile get the same number of responses?

I definitely don't think that people are incel because of what they post on the net. But yeah, that explains why it's pushed so hard over here. It's a pushback against IT.

I hope you realise how much suicide fuel this is.

You asked. I answered. You already knew what the answer would be, I'm guessing. I don't want to dump suifuel on you, but you literally asked me to explain it.

In other words, we should be dead, but instead here we are, to live a miserable existence. An even stronger incentive to rope. I can't believe this. This can't be happening.

I'm not saying you should be dead. This is an is vs. ought thing. Sickly and frail babies and children died back then. They just did. We didn't have the medical technology to save them. That doesn't mean that you morally should be dead, or that they morally should have died. It just happened because we didn't have the means to save them.

I don't know anything about you, but you may not have been sickly and frail as a child at all. If that's the case, this wouldn't even apply to you. Sickly and frail kids died, not average-looking and average-strength kids.

"Settling" doesn't mean that a woman secretly doesn't love you. I see this mistake all the time. Let's assume that women have evolved to "settle" if exposed to certain environmental or internal physiological cues. This doesn't mean the emotion is fake. Crying is an evolved signal, but sadness is not fake. Anger is an evolved response and signal, but anger is not fake. And etc. Honestly, it's rather silly to think that if a behavior has evolved, there can't be genuine emotion attached to it. I mean, damn... fear is probably the strongest example. We've evolved to engage in fight or flight behavior when threatened. So we engage in the behavior. Does it mean we aren't feeling scared? Of course not.

You asked, I answered. I'm sorry. I'll PM you later.

The reason I reacted so strongly is because, ostensibly, I saw you as someone trying to disprove the blackpill, and was answering you from that standpoint. So when you confirm like two-thirds of the blackpill


Hookup culture is a thing now, and it lasts throughout people's twenties. Hookup culture and hookup settings bring out women's preferences in regard to short-term relationships (social dominance and attractiveness are prioritized). Most incels are very young, in high school or in their twenties. So they're stuck for years in this culture where women congregate around the most attractive, dominant men they can find. That's why there are so many incels.

Also: No arranged marriages at fairly early ages (so hooking up is still going on throughout people's twenties). Fewer marriages in general. No men dying in wars or hunts. No men dying of disease or frailty in childhood -- they live on.

In other words, a slightly toned down blackpill, but still weapons-grade suicide fuel. Good to know.

Googled Jeremy Meeks. Meh. I'm sticking with my original childhood crush on Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park style.

C h a o s

We can't all run Jewish intellectual stutter game.

That's the game that works best on me :(

Cope, none of us can master his sense of timing.

OkCupid and Tinder is proof of this.

Online dating is proof of nothing. Women can select as they want in online dating - another person is literally a movement of your thumb away. It's not that easy irl, and meeting new, like minded people is harder than that, so women will chase people they like rather than only the ones they're blown away by.

It's not AS easy, but it still applies because the fundamental ground rules don't change.

Extremely mildly applies. I'm mildly successful on tinder and extremely successful in real life.

And I'm unsuccessful on both. Women will still go after dominant, attractive men.

I hope you did see it. I used to be like you, years ago. All I’m saying is that your personality may be part of the factor making them not want you, and that’s something you can easily improve. It seems widely accepted here that if you don’t have an attractive face, it’s hopeless. It’s just not true.

You have this belief that people can sense our venting and memes online.

Most of my friends are girls. I've no issue making them laugh. Many people with overtly sexist or misogynistic views don't have an issue getting laid.

If they aren't attracted to you in the first place, it's an uphill battle.

Zucchini levels of low IQ

Also: I can't take anyone seriously if you refer to people as "individuals" in the 21st century

There are no such thing as individuals or individuality, only subjects and subjectivity

one of the reasons the rich push rugged individualism with their capitalism is the ydon't want workers of the world to unite. we're much more easier to control if we don't organize.

"Anecdotal evidence for me but not for thee"

Do you know what data is? It's a collection of micro-anecdotes. What's the difference between saying "I know ten women who have notch counts above 100" and "I conducted a study asking 500 women what their notch counts were and ten of them responded above 100"? Data IS anecdotes.

That's not entirely true, as a girl, my hobbies also include Netflix, travel, and eating pizza. And by travel I mean looking at pictures of Paris on Insta, I've never actually traveled anywhere by myself.

This is 80% of foids

Lol the thing is rewatching Friends or The Office for the 12th time, dicking around on snapchat or IG all day, and going out every night is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged for young women. Meanwhile I gotta juggle three hobbies, exercise daily, and focus on my career for the chance to betabux lmao. Fuck that

This is what I'm talking about.

They'll rewatch sitcoms on netflix for the umpteenth time, and lay down on the couch using those two exact apps - and their lives are simple and filled with happiness.

You are delusional if you think their lives are filled with happiness. No one who seeks the amount of attention you are suggesting these women have is actually confident and needs validation. She’s not happy.

cope she's very happy, ignorance is bliss after all

KEK what a cope

Uber cope - I'm unhappy, having to juggle the amount of shit I do to make myself interesting without having a nervous breakdown from piling that shit on top of 18 hours in Uni. A foid having life served to her on a silver platter by all her orbiters and doing nothing but whoring out on social media is possibly the happiest organism on earth, since her needs are covered and she spends the time on idle leisure instead of physically or mentally exhaustive activities.

What’s wrong with this when me and my girl aren’t together I’d rather her be doing that than cheating.

brutal blackpill, I'd never thought of it like that... high IQ comment


The notion that we just have to improve our personality or find hobbies is ridiculous. It's a cope by society to cover up how fucked up it is.

It's because normies have already unconsciously accepted that it's easier for women. When they tell you to go to the personality gym they aren't saying that it will make it as easy for you as a woman (literally nothing will) they think that it will make it as easy for you as a chad - they've swallowed the blue pill so hard they legitimately believe personality is everything and that is all that separates one from getting a gf.

Wanna point me to your source for this broad "they" you're talking about?

5'9 150 lbs not very traditionally masculine guy who has struggled with lots of anxiety and OCD traits I've worked on through adolescence and adulthood here. Been sexually intimate with 50+ women (not that that's a good metric of any sort of success with intimacy anyway for anyone who doesn't call themselves a pick up artist) when 10 years ago I thought I was, like you guys, entirely undesirable by the vast majority of women in the world.

You ever have a floating thought that your self defeating narratives only serve to help you cope with your fears around intimacy or is that just another thing a normie who doesn't understand isolation and anxiety and delving into the internet for 8+ hours a day throughout adolescence to cope with the pain?

150.0 lbs = 68.04 kilograms

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thank you for agreeing with me, you guys are all using these self defeating, bitter narratives to justify your fear of being intimate with and loving others. Wishing you well in taking the next step.

It's not even fear, I wish I could have a gf but every time I try to take the next step I'm viciously shot down and publicly humiliated for trying with even the least attractive women in my immediate surroundings. You don't get to a 37 IRL rejection count by being afraid of being intimate, you dimwit.

You don't get to a 37 IRL rejection count by being afraid of being intimate, you dimwit.

You kind of are proving my point my guy. My rejection count is somewhere far, far north of 300. 1000 doesn't sound quite right but depending on your metrics, that might not be far off. Keep going out there and getting rejected and being in integrity of yourself and leave women who aren't into you the fuck alone, and eventually you're gonna find someone who you connect with.

I'm not even an incel, I'm just not a blue pill faggot like you.

lol what is a "blue pill faggot?"

You didn't answer my original question.


kek. I might use this in the future.

Just fuck my society up fam

I am boring and not a slutty, only sleep with one at the time thehe... Around 50

This is just the majority of millennial voids. I have asked 2 19 yo voids their notch count and it was 20.

You asked 2 people out of millions and assume that is an accurate stat to claim "majority". Sounds legit.

This is the thing I find ironic about them, they keep throwing out the words "fact" and "truth" then treat anecdotal evidence like its a 40 year long peer reviewed study.

These types of actions are common place in anyone who isn't interested in the truth of reality. They find whatever trivial evidence perpetuates the narrative they want to exist in and ignore everything else. It's a sad state of affairs.

Have you finished sucking each other

Not yet, it takes awhile because we've both been laid way too many times.

great personality

Funny, I say the same thing about you people. Except there's much more snark coming from you IncelTears users.

agreed. it's on average way more than 20

not like you'll ever find out

already known for sure

Cuz they lie

u guys are annoying. i am 19. my count isn’t even in double digits.

If it's more than zero, you're a whore.

it’s 5. because i’ve had 5 serious relationships. how am i a whore?

Because if you have sex outside of marriage, you are a whore.

serious relationships as in lasting more than a year. you plan to wait until marriage to have sex?

you plan to wait until marriage to have sex?

I would if women preferred men that didn't have sexual experience.

but we don’t care.

Nah, even virgin girls like guys with low partner counts over virgin men. If we lived in a better world I'd wait til marriage, but I don't have that luxury.

sooo once you have sex outside of marriage that’s not gonna make you a whore?

It would if women wanted virgin men, but they don't.

You can't hold different sexes to the same sexual standards. It's like thinking guys like rich 6'3" muscular girls because girls like rich 6'3" muscular guys.

but it’s only you guys and radical religious people that care. being a virgin is not shameful. your perspective of men and women’s sexuality is, for lack of a better term, rooted in bullshit. sorry to be crass

being a virgin is not shameful

Ask the mods how many people they've banned for making fun of virgins here.

your perspective of men and women’s sexuality is, for lack of a better term, rooted in bullshit

My perspective is rooted in data.

was just trying to make u guys feel a little better but fuck me

but fuck me

nty you're fucking disgusting

ur mean

You've done nothing but justify it.

wtf? i was literally just trying to tell u guys that i’m 19 and i have not slept with a ton of people. i was trying to be genuine and tell u that i don’t think it’s shameful to be a virgin. you’re so up yourself and u victimize urself so much that u can’t even see that i’m not even trying to offend.

Honestly it's just fun watching the wheels reverse before the wagon tips over. You can act like you believe a word you say but you know it isn't true.

every single one of you is ridiculous. we all know you just wanna be fucked and treated like an actual person and if you were you wouldn’t be so cynical. talk alllll the shit you want but at the end of the day at least i get physical contact with other human beings. something you guys will never feel because of how DELUSIONAL you are. ur all mentalcels at this point.

And thus are true colours are revealed! Capote red and bullshit brown!

you're trolling, used as a cum dumpster by 5 different dudes at 19 like what the fuck

and when i was a virgin i literally didn’t care, i just wanted to lose my virginity to someone i loved and he was also a virgin.

You're not exactly my target demographic, in case you forgot.

when did that happen exactly if I'm not too intrusive?

If my math is correct. She says she is 19. She says she has had 5 partners who were all a year long relationship. So based on that...14.

14 at most, all of those relationships were at least one year long...

just lol at asking an incel if he will wait till marriage for sex

like we have a choice

waiting till marriage is a leftover idea from religion. Religion wants to control as much of the population as possible, so saying premarital sex is a sin is how they tried to control their followers.

Fun fact, marriage used to be considered a damnable pagan sin in Catholicism, but when religious leaders realized people need to have sex to make babies and indoctrine them into the religion they decided to make marriage a holy sacrament. This didnt happen till 1184.

Now that the world is more intertwined we continue to step away from the idea that sex is sinful. Of course many individuals still believe this to be true and thats their right.

Having a preference for a persons sexual count or virginity is, in my book, very shallow and shows a lack of reasoning. I believe a person life before me was their own, i dont care to know exact details of their sexual conduct, as long as they're not a cheater (past cheating shows a lack of morals imo and i wont date a cheater) and as long as their std/sti/baby free im happy.

I actually preffer knowing my partner has had previous expirences, it gives me peace of mind that they wont be "curioud about other people" 5 years down the road, and its far far better imo to know that they really love you fully, not just becuase they dont know anything else.

to me, requiring a young virgin shows a lot of self doubt.

you had sex at 14, confirmed degenerate whore

yes, with a 14 year old virgin. is he a degenerate whore?

the fact that two 14 year olds have fornicated makes me want to drill a hollow through my brain stem with a glock.

i fucking hate this world

5 serious relationships at 19. Women truly live in another realm.

all i was trying to say was you say ALL women are whores no matter what. i’ve been in 5 committed relationships so i had sex with them. i’ve never had sex with someone i wasn’t committed to. i’ve never had friends with benefits. i’ve never slept around. i’m definitely not a whore no matter what you wanna call me

I’m don’t want to call you anything darling, I’m just always amazed that for women getting a boyfriend is like ordering pizza. Hell, even easier, they have to pay for pizza after all.

lol zing

Jesus fuck you're so dense. If we all don't make sure to say a percentile below 100 you all ree like a bunch of fucking mongoloids.

Call me a mean ugly incel, but 5 commited relationships under 19...doesn't sound like there was a lot of commitment there heh

so committed she cheated on 4 different chads

Lmfaoo yooo I'm dying. This thread kills me

Really makes you think.

If you've had 5 relationships by the time you're 19 then there was nothing serious about that. You dumbass whore femoids are so fucking low IQ it's baffling.

like i said, “serious” as in lasting longer than a year.

like why are y'all these incels so mean?? you're not a whore its totes normal for people to have 5 serious relationship by age 19 and 500 by age 40. geez these guys are totes in the stone age LOL you go queen!!

Oh I forgot to include the big /S since femaloids are too dense.

Putrid WHORE.

Y'all 🤠

(I am a bot beep boop. Yall count: 90)

PM me Suggestions!

Christ, it's such a relief that you will never breed.

You're getting pretty seriously bashed here, to be fair, 5 relationships of over a year at 19 means you've pretty much been in a relationship constantly since the age of 14. I absolutely disagree with the idea that you're a whore, but you should understand that most people here are men who haven't gotten so much as a kiss and they're in their mid twenties or older, can you imagine the loneliness and the torture of knowing you're completely undesirable? And girls your age with five times your n-count are not a rarity, if you have any amount of female friends you know this to be true.

i wasn’t trying to invalidate their feelings i was just trying to say not everyone is a hoe. but to them, we are and i’m okay with that lol.

5 at 19 is insanely high.

its definitely not “insanely high”. everyone around me has had many more partners. especially when i was in high school. besides i’m turning 20 in a couple months and don’t see my count getting higher anytime soon.

it's over

five at 19.

holy shit. you live in an alternative universe.

mind if i ask how long you have been just single at a time? pure honesty only if you answer.

isn't even


isn’t even in double digits.

isn't even

fucking hell, just end it

The absolute state of modern women

In awe at the sluttiness of this lass.

I been telling you guys on here that are hopeful for a young White virgin wife, by the time these girls turn 18 many have been with 15-25 guys, by 19 its 25-50 because they have hit their college years, they are probably out on their own and can have as much casual sex as they want.

Even this fat ugly girl I slept with pissed has had 5 by 20. And she's repulsive

Yeah dude 400 pound whale I was with had a count of 5 at 22. You don’t know repulsive until you see the fat rolls hit each other after she took her shirt off.

Just a visitor to this sub - why are you guys obsessed with getting a white woman? Sure I get that you guys hate women in general and think all women are worthless, but why the additional racism?

Because beastiality is a crime and morally wrong

Wow. You're not only a misogynist but a Nazi also. And you wonder why no one wants you.

I hate to break it to you, but the majority of the world hates blacks. Even other blacks.

Sure, there's a lot of racism towards black people. But for the most part it's still quite extreme to say that another race of people are animals. And you know which famous person openly thought black people were animals? Adolf Hitler.

Noones saying that they are animals moron. Were saying they have higher crime and std rates which is factually true, thus we dont want modern day white sluts that are coalburners and toxic feminists. Get it?

No, people hate blacks who act like thug drug dealers, but the same can be said for any race. There's nothing with black people who act civilized.

No, people hate blacks who act like thug drug dealers, but the same can be said for any race. There's nothing with black people who act civilized.

I'd date a black/indian/arab/asian/latina/white woman, but i can't attract anyone.

Im not. Im actually encouraging guys on here to forget White women and date non White women. Ive explained that most White women are toxic feminists or used goods now adays, as most White women think its trendy and cool to have casual hookups with black drug dealers

Over for Australian Incels.

How is that even possible at 19, even if you start at 14. Is she doing multiple dudes at once? And 50 was an estimate, so it's likely higher.

10 guys per year or 1 guy for 5 weeks bro approx.

9 guys in 5 orgies, 4 tinder Chads and 1 betabux

"I usually only sleep with one person at a time" = "I've only been double-teamed a few times"

28 and count is 0 unless you ask as many females as there are to you incels, your research is null and void.

Why do you think we're calling all women whores? Don't you know we're kinda hoping there are modest women out there for us, at least of us are

Thats all i have seen, i havent seen a post where anybody as yet to say a nice thing about any woman, in retrospect ive only been here 3 or 4 days but that's hours of reading material and alot of hatred toward us. I get it, i guess the majority of females have slept with a few men, i dont tend to ask or even socialise with them to be able to ask and i get it females are horrible and shallow and fucking cunts and youre sick of it but dayum its a whole other world over here, i know i dont belong here and im just a lurker getting an insight into this world...i aint even gonna apologise on behalf of women cos i aint apart of that world i dont wanna be.

Hey, BadgerTimeo, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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I've got a lot of nice things to say about nice women. This just isn't the place. We talk about shitty women here. The people who come here to attack us are shitty women who are mad at us for being mad at shitty women

Btw alot is spelled a lot

Hey, itsbeenover, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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Oh you fucker

Ah i guess you know that makes sense, this is a place where you can all come to talk about how shitty women treat you shitty. Im not here to attack anyone, it actually worried me, i see that a lot of you are nerds and geeks (not a bad thing im a massive nerd and geek) and have a bunch of the same interests has me and i hated to think that if i ever went to a magic the gathering or dungeons and dragons game you'd all hate me when I'm a paranoid anxiety ridden anti social wreck as it is, then again to even see me out of the house would be a miracle. Thank you for the epiphany, literally.

Lol hun, that's nerdy as fuck

Deleted account huh...not surprised. This is duplicitous behavior that I expect regularly from women lol

kek you got caught in a lie


Women are subhuman

Around 50

So 100+

I had around 1 for about 6 months

Partner count: ~ 50


if you guys could sleep with 50 people you were interested in, you would. why wouldn't you, if you had the opportunity to. what's out of the ordinary here?

if you guys could sleep with 50 people

We can't.

The Point.

the point looks more like dragging a girl through the mud for sleeping with people, not that you can't sleep with people.

if your point is, "we can't sleep with people", why are you attacking someone who can? that makes little sense.

not that you can't sleep with people.

Trust me, we aren't being modest.

why are you attacking someone who can?

This is an anonymous forum she will never see. Hardly attacking.

so meaningless complaining, for the sake of complaining. I guess I understand. xD

Sort of like what youre doing now. Complaining about others "complaining"

Must have triggered your whore brain.

pointing out that your constant repeat of the same post, isn't really complaining.

I'm sorry your points make no sense.

I guess it kind of sucks when your biggest "logic", kind of makes no sense and gets defeated so easily. XD

by a whore brain, to boot!

You were complaining.

Your rebuttal was weak.

Your a whore on a incels subreddit.



don't worry, anger always makes people's arguments weak xD.

good try, though.

A spellbot whore on a incel forum


when your argument turns to insults, you've lost the argument. :)

It started off as insults you idiot.


true, you never had an argument that made any sense. thanks for pointing that out.

You're dumb as a female can be.

that feeling when you're so disconnected from reality and the opposite sex, that you assume anyone disagreeing with you is female.

good try though. xD

I assume that every dumb and retarded poster is a female.

you must live a very lonely life :( if you ever wanna chat or game or something, get at me

I have friends, a GF and a family who loves me, I'm doing very good. Hating women is just something that I do here, IRL i'm a normie as a normie can be.

right. xD

venting is good for mental health

being bullied is not

venting is good for mental health.

building a toxic community to fuel each other's depression and hatred for society, isn't really that good for you, tbh.

IT is the toxic community, should be banned

so, another community is toxic and that somehow negates the toxicity here?

yes cuz this one isn't toxic unless you think reality is toxic which I might agree with

publicly shaming someone because of their personal sexual history, seems pretty toxic to me.

not public plus that is ok compared to shaming them for being a virgin

I didn't realize that Reddit isn't a public forum?

you're right though, other people being toxic = toxic. you being toxic =/= toxic. good point

it's not this is all anonymous

we're not toxic tho just stating facts which is always ok

so by your logic, stating facts is always ok?

so a woman calling you an ugly incel, is ok. because it's true?

that's not ok cuz it is lookism and is as bad as racism

you should be forced to looksmatch

you just said stating facts is always right.

the point looks more like dragging a girl through the mud for sleeping with people, not that you can't sleep with people.

Or pointing out how fucked up our society has become

Seriously 9 year old girls are losing their virginity now the the class Chad

I'm sure you have witnessed this and experience it, right?

Knew of girls losing their virginity and doing drugs when they were 12 in my class

oh now it's 12?

lumping everyone into 1 warped view that you have, doesn't really make any sense. all you're doing is generating a toxic view of a giant group of people because you disagree with a small few. you're missing out on a great experience, because of your attitude. I have pity for you, buddy.

oh now it's 12?

Yeah back when I was 12, pay attention

Now it's probably 9 knowing how whores minds work

lumping everyone into 1 warped view that you have, doesn't really make any sense.

Women are not unique, they have like 5 different personalities in total. Seriously the most boring things to talk to

you're missing out on a great experience


I have pity for you, buddy.

Normie rhetoric 101

I'm sure you're an expert on females personality. I imagine you've dealt with a ton of them at an extremely personal level.

I'm sure you're an expert on females personality.

Looking for my Jim Halpert (Office is the best show btw)

My hobbies include eating, sleeping, stressing out, and netflix bingeing LOL

weird, you'd think since I've been with more than 5 women, id at least have come across 1/5 personalities that match that one, but I havent. maybe there are more than 5. xD

lol, you never met one girl that liked the Office?

I've met girls who like the office. I've never met a girl waiting for her jim or saying extremely cringey things like what you typed. you obviously got that from watching tv. you realize women are a lot different in tv shows, right?

I've met girls who like the office.

So you're arguing with me and have no point? Cool

No, Im saying just because a girl like the tv show, doesn't automatically mean she fits your "I love Jim" mold that you said earlier.

All it comes down to, dude, is that you're super angry. You are angry and unhappy with your life and you are using women as a scapegoat for all your problems. I get it, dude. I dealt with a very close family member who was going down this same rabbit hole.

Your toxicity and rage are warping your point of view and it really sucks. Instead of being somewhat happy with what you do have, your becoming more and more angry and toxic. I wish all the best for you and hope 1 day, something snaps you outta this.


also, first you said girls losing their virginity when they were 9. then you said when THEY were 12. not when you were 12. that's why I said "oh now it's 12?" so try following along to your own comments :)

I said girls now are losing it at 9 not when I was 9 you mongoloid lol

you said girls are losing it at 9. I said and you've experienced this of course? and you said they were losing it at 12! and I said oh now it's 12?

you must lie a lot. you can't even keep your own comments in order. xD

you said girls are losing it at 9.


I said and you've experienced this of course? and you said they were losing it at 12!

When I was 12 yeah

"Knew of girls losing their virginity and doing drugs when they were 12 in my class"

and I said oh now it's 12?

No it's probably like 9 now

you must lie a lot. you can't even keep your own comments in order. xD

Is English your first language?

I think you should go back and re-read the original comments because obviously English isn't your first:)

The original comments make it pretty clear I was talking about girls my age were losing their virginity when they were 12 and girls now probably younger

But seeing as we are just going in circles and you're adding nothing to any meaningful conversation I'll just report you and be on my way

i dont blame her at all, if i had the opportunity i certainly would

it's just that i dont have the opportunity and she does, which illustrates a wider point

and that point is that some people have advantages over other people? yea, that's life. everyone has advantaged and disadvantages over other people. that's life. it's not fair, why should it be? just means people like you need to work harder to get what you want.

tell that to a person born into poverty.

that's what I'm saying.

people in here complaining that other people are getting laid and they cant. because they are at a disadvantage. how "chads" have it so easy, etc.

you have advantages over people in poverty. you have advantages over people starving to death. you have advantages over millions and millions, if not billions of other people.

instead of looking up and being envious, look down and be be grateful

certainly, i agree with what your saying, this is a pretty unhealthy obsession and i think stems from my envious and maybe slightly narcissistic nature.

slightly off-topic, but we shouldn't accept economic inequality because 'life's unfair bucko' when our economic system is entirely created by us. i think we all have a duty to do our best to undermine capitalism and see to its end, if we want to pretend that everyone should be given a fair chance.

the same can not be said about our 'incel' situation, due it it being a primarily natural problem (aside from beauty standards portrayed by media and popular culture). i think for us, we just have to be grateful for the things we do have.

I think that's a really fair way of looking at it.

economy wise, I very much agree that something seriously needs to be fixed and CAN be fixed, for everyone, in North america, anyway, to live comfortably.

I'm sorry nature wasn't fair to you with genetics. the only reason I bring up being toxic and supporting toxicity is I've seen it destroy someone close to me and having all that hatred and anger, isn't worth it

im sorry that that someone close to you was overburdened with toxicity. its horrible to feel yourself slowly losing touch with reality.

i hope ill have the willpower to quit this sub and more importantly these thoughts. thanks for responding

if you ever need someone to chat with or vent to, always feel free to hit me up.

life isn't fair but society can make it fairer

do you tell black people to stop whining about racism, no govt can help make it fairer for them.

do you condone racism? is it really that different attacking someone for their race than you attacking women for their personal sexual history?

no but you do condone lookism which is the same as racism

I never said I condone it. I said it's life. you can't force people to be attracted to how someone looks.

I agree that hurtful posts about how incels look or how anyone looks, is not a nice way to act, but, acting this way about a 19 year old girls personal decisions, is just as evil and toxic


holy fuck this shit triggers me


That’s a lot of people, geez. Although if you compare the number of times she has had sex, it probably equals about the same number that would happen if she was in one long-term relationship for the same duration.

No. And why would that matter?

No what? And I don’t know, at first glance it just seems like a very large number and certainly well above the average, but then if you think about how being in a long-term relationship could lead to you having sex almost every day for years, it’s not actually more sex. It’s just different people. It could even be less sex.

It's different partners that is the problem. No shit the amount of sex in a ltr is greater than random hook ups

I mean I was totally about to judge the hell out of her for that ridiculously high number, but then I thought about it and realized why the hell does it matter that it’s coming from many different people?

Then go ahead be a pornstar, u'll make plenty of $$$$$

Just because I decided not to judge her for it doesn’t mean that’s what I want to do too. Everybody has different sex drives and emotional states. I am currently in a long-term relationship so I’m good.

Fake and gay

Fuk this gay earth

Being a slut means over 100 lays by the time you’re out of high school now. She’s been fucking from 13-14 up most likely.

It's going to be impossible to find a virgin when you are older unless you are very religious.

Even though i know a lot of religious girls who are sluts

You realise that you’re mocking a girl for the amount of people she had sex with whilst complaining you’re being judged for the amount of people you’ve had sex with?


Being a virgin is not a bad thing but being a whore is

What is a respectable number?


I think its 5

5 is okay for todays world, >10 is a slut. 50 is disgusting slut, 100-200 or above is just a cum rag

Yep. I agree

5 is too high broski

For me it is. But i can't choose

Si, you can. Be number 6, but don't give her her first ring

I'm never gonna give her ring

You shouldn't give her shit, ever

Two types of people are named Dakota, actresses and strippers.

Meanwhile society says, “You gotta pump those numbers way up, Those are rookie numbers!”

I am 47 years old, not terrible looking, and I have had 2. I did the girl I lost my virginity to once. I had a 5 year relationship where we did it a lot, that's it. 50 partners is a whore, pure and simple, I'm sorry but it is true.

agreed but get outta here chad

Seriously? I'll send a pic bro, if that's what it takes. I am 20 years out without a hug, a kiss, a handhold, or a fuck. NOT A CHAD, women find me repulsive, and yes, I am 6 feet tall to the millimeter.


chad confirmed

Dude, I'm new to this forum because someone told me about Incels at work because he thought I sounded like an Incel. I never heard of you guys before 5/21/18. I will make a positive contribution to this forum, if anything, Because I was one of the lucky Incels to get fucked.

It took a lot of work, for both of the women I fucked, it's not easy, But once I got past 30, chicks started treating me like 'CHUNK' from the Goonies movie..

Don't call me a Chad again.

ok chad

You'll see. I hate 'em, with the best of 'em. I guess that makes me 'Chad, King of THE INCELS' With 2 notches on his belt. I do feel sorry for you though, if that is what you want to hear. I lost my virginity at 19 to my friends girlfriend, who was obviously a caring soul. I gave her a backrub that turned into the hottest sex of my life. How? Do you think I did that? As an Incel?

It took work, and that girl was a total whore [cute though].

BTW, I'm sportin' 5 inches on a good day, and yes, size matters to the ladies. It's over for me, and I know it. I've been depressed most of my life, because I know, deep down That I can't fuck a chick 'deep down'. And I wish more than anything that, that didn't matter, because I am a good and decent man.

Chads, are not good or decent, they are fuckpoles that women want.

I'm looking for one Incel on this forum, to reply - 'Well Said!',

I took 'The Black Pill' in 2000.

Don't tell me, you can't face me. I am, 'King of the Incels' already. My God, if you virgins can't respect the advice of elders, where are you going to be in 20 years, like me? Women, are driven by their vaginas to love and fuck the wrong men. Is that our fault? It is your duty, to be the right man who gets denied anyways. It's what we do.

It's over

It is indeed OVER, but why are hot chicks denied you? Because, women, are more than you, that's the Truth boyo. They're better. They are prettier, They, are sexy. It's more about numbers THAN YOU THINK. tHAT'S HOW i GOT LAID.

Lmao well said my dude.

Guys don't call him a Chad again.

My first ex was a more than a 6 inch while my current partner is an exact 6 (meaning first ex has more length)

But the thing is first ex never made me orgasm. In a two year and a half relationship not once did he ever make me go to cloud nine.

Then my current partner came to my life, shorter yes but his length was the perfect fit for mine. My first ex i guess was too long(which made it hurt) and he only fuck to make himself cum. My current partner on the other hand as much as possible wants ME to orgasm first, if not he tries to make me cum multiple times after he had his (its easy to orgasm multiple times for a woman after having so once then have continuous stimulation)

No its not the length that makes you unable to find another woman. Maybe your personality changed maybe youre not as charming, approachable and friendly to women nowadays. Youre like a really tall guy right? Sometimes being so huge is intimidating for women, to make them accept you easier you have to show that youre not so big and scary.

From what i read in this comment thread you probably became more introverted towards women which leads to no more interaction with any female...meaning no girlfriend.

I can't even get a whore to fuck me, that is the defenition of incel

What? they won't take your money?

WTF, you ought to complain to the Whore Board about this, unacceptable behavior against someone who doesn't beat women.

Nah, there is no prostitues in my country or better worded it is illegal and don't know anyone who fucks for money. I'm gonna have to wait for 2-3 years and go in netherlands where is legal.

What i meant is i know a lot of sluts, who fuck normies too, for free, i'm just too ugly for her to fuck me.

learn to take criticism and ignore it if you know for sure it is not right. You don't have to take everything to heart or explain everything to anonymous people on the net. People will mock you for having sex twice because no incels here have ever even felt the touch of a woman (without paying for it as in some cases).

hahaha not incel enough? Pathetic


woman here Seeing you guys eating each others guts is particarly amazing . Welcome to incel world, "chad". That's how things work here

kisses from IT

Woman here Watching you guys eating each other's guts over who is chad and who is incel is particularly entertaining welcome to incel world that how tjings work here, dumbass. This is a hate group. Incels come here to spill hate. What did you expect? No one is going to say "well said" to you

roastie got toasty

hahahaha this guys arguing who is incel enough are toasty. I'm chilling

the beef is sizzling

Man, you're making me salivate.

I haven't eaten a steak in years.

particularly entertaining welcome

We're talking about people who are are chronically depressed, sometimes to the point of wanting to commit suicide. Please have some human empathy and don't talk about suicidal people as if they're animals in a zoo.

A lot of them have been extensively bullied or mocked, and so they are distrustful. So they post pretty harsh things. The world hasn't been kind to these souls. That doesn't mean they're a hate group -- they're not even organized. Sure, some individual incels are hateful. But many aren't. You shouldn't try to paint everyone with the same brush when there are quite a few individual differences between people here. The public posts and comments are often memes and hyperbolic cynical statements. That doesn't necessarily mean that the people posting that hyperbolic stuff are hateful or even necessarily believe it. Really, it doesn't. Also, there are a lot of trolls and fake accounts that post shocking things so that they can be screencapped and posted on IT. I've talked to enough people here to know that this isn't really a hate group.

If you were hot, you could probably fuck one girl a week. That’s around 50 a year. Just because you’re bitter about not being super attractive doesn’t mean you should put down others because they are.

Yes, 50 partners is excessive. But I don't get you guys trying to play it off as average. I'm 19 and most women I know have had one, two, or none at all. It's not average to have fifty partners at this age, if ever. You guys are specifically and purposefully chasing the kind of women who you feel like you can easily pick apart and condescend. If only you guys actually tried to get to know someone without first assuming that she's already not good enough, then you wouldn't be involuntarily celibate.

Fuck my fucking life. Fuck. Even if I did find a wholesome girl, I'd never even believe the number she gave me. I'm so fucked. Fuck.

fuck. fucking fuck my shit up fam. FUCK MY SHIT UP. JUST...


FUCK. it's so over. Muhammad Ali RadiAllahu anh said "you think your wife is yours? die, go to heaven, visit your bedroom as a ghost a year later. you still think she's yours? I'm trying to get good with God so this afterlife will be peaceful for me"

biggest blackpill EVER.

Exactly. This is one of the many reasons you guys need to drop the whole virgin girl bulllshit. No such thing once a girl reaches around 15. An incel asking for a white virgin is literally a beggar asking for the holy grail.

So what's left? Making greens, fucking escorts and watch the world burn?

And the occasional hook up if and when they happen. Or making peace with the fact that the girl you finally do get will have a past. Finding things you care about almost as much as ass and being in a relationship. If you build things or are some kind of artist you can still leave something behind that is part of your creation. I sound like a fucking hippy it's true. And psychedelic drugs, don't leave the earth without having had a few trips passed the vail.

We all trip on DMT just before we die, except when ur brains explode.

Just accept it

Ignorance is bliss, just hope there's no photo evidence of her past sins.

more pics, mofo

Ya'll are so socially fucked lol

Oh thanks for pointing it, Einstein.


Name checks out

Thats fucked up. 50 guys at age 19.

I can't believe this is most girls. She has to be an exception. No women I know have ever had that many boyfriends.

She's not an exception. I know a girl at work, she is 20, has had many, many fucks. She's nice, but Jesus, How many guys do you have to fuck, before you realize, men have feelings?

she's board_gaming, a femoid mod on braincels. No one likes her here. As a general rule, always downvote regardless of what she has to say. She also weighs 220 pounds. Just helping out a newfag.

newfag. That is awesome. information - that's the last thing I need.

why does only diarrhea come out your mouth? Or is it that do you only speak out of your fat ass?

I only speak truth.

kek the more you comment, the more I get to downvote. It's silly but it's fun.

And I'm not going to care no matter how many times you do it.

LOL BOYFRIENDS? They were probably just ONS...

that's why age of consent should be lowered to 14. It's impossible to find a legal virgin adult girl nowadays

That would only inflate n-counts more. U r virgin coz u r ugly, don't u get it?

I haven't even had a 5 minute conversation with 50 females, let alone having had sexual intercourse with that many.


This is hurtful to read jesus christ....

Normal people do not give a single fuck about any of this.

What is your count?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Normal people do not give a single fuck about any of this.

They should, there is evidence that shows the higher a woman's body count is the higher the chance of divorce

There are plenty 'normal' people in this thread who think it's too much

Not common

Well fuck. I can’t seem to imagine anyone around my age fucking, but yet here is some proof (I’m trusting this isn’t faked).

I'm 47, I cannot believe most of the chicks I am seeing are sexually active, but they have fucked everyone. Everyone, that is not me of course. I do indulge in Porn, however, I know, a 14 inch, black cock fits inside a demure and beautiful white girl. She, does not dream of anything less. BLACK PILL

Normie here. What's more Roastie guys, a girl that's fucked 40 individual guys once or a girl that has fucked 2 guys 500 times over a few years? Get the numbers out of your heads. Because 1: you will never find a virgin white girl of legal age. 2: if you did you're the last person she was saving herself for. If she's waited that long she's pickier than your average Stacie. There are no modest attractive women. 3: you're in no position to be picky. Just get some ass asap. 4: you can't hold it against them. They're only doing what you would do if only you could. 5: I believe most of you really want a virgin because you're afraid if you do get laid you'll just be rejected again because of your lack of experience. You don't need to worry about this. There's not that much to it. You've seen porn, just do that. Hell, if you even bother to care enough to try and do a good job you're already ahead of most of the guys they've fucked.

A whore who fucks lots of guys are much more prone to cheat. Each new dick she has meaningless sex with is basically she fucking the intimacy out of her pussy. After so many partners sex become something meaningless and then when she decide to marry someone sex will still be meaningless.

I really really wish I could find a comment made by an user here who explained it so good that I will always remember it. If someone can help me please. The comment is only a few days old.

I understand. So to you the obvious answer is the girl who only fucked 40 times but with 40 guys is more of a Roastie than the girl who fucked 500 times with 2 guys. I just want to get a better idea of what makes a Roastie. I actually agree, I just would never use the name Roastie.

I don't use it IRL for obvious reasons.

Maybe she meant 50 times? I'm pretty black-pilled, but 50 different guys while still a teenager seems difficult to achieve without her lowering her standards well below Chad tier. Did you have regular exposure to 50+ Chads at that age? This chick is barely out of high school, and most male high school student's are very unattractive.

LOL a woman can fuck one guy day yes day no and in 100 days (3 months and 10 days) she'll have fucked 50 guys. It's easy for this roasties.

How attractive is she?

Does it matter? She's got a wet warm hole between her legs, that's what matters.

I thought 3 at 20 was high.. damn lol

Teen girls are sluts for chad. Islam will prevent further degeneracy

Idk she sounds like she’s lying to seem sexy and outgoing? Im 20 years old and i only had like 3 sexual partners including my current relationship..

First one is my first ex, second is some rebound guy who took advantage of my emotional vulnerability due to recent break up with first ex..third is my partner right now for more than a year and a half.

Sleeping around with that many people is like asking to die of a cocktail of stds

This isn't even that surprising to me.

how tr did u even get her number lol


She probably fucked 500 guys. The other 450 were not counted because they were “mistakes” or “that happened” or “what goes on in A foreign country stays in another country” tee hee hee

Femoid - someone who cares - who touches her clit. Femoid - Someone who can touch her clit. Femoid - Someone makes 100Gs, or someone better looking can touch my clit. It is, all about looks with Fembots.

I’m 19 and I’ve had sex with one man, my boyfriend. I have had one other man’s penis in my mouth but that was completely unconsenual, even if that counts all of 2 ppl. Idk where y’all are finding these girls.

I can't eat nuts any more. My digestive system gets a little annoyed if I do.

No cause i know for sure your roast is so disgusting pale gingerwhale

Nope, no matter how many chicks he fucks there’s no disgust, you lot are the gatekeepers, it’s your choice to let people in to your house.

The prevalence of porn has actually increased sexual frustration. Seems counter intuitive, but there it is. Too much porn desensitizes people from what actual intimacy feels like. There is a disconnect between what we see on a screen and what we do with a partner. It creates unrealistic expectations when consumed in excess.

have you met the average college girl lol

so, another community is toxic and that somehow negates the toxicity here?

im sorry that that someone close to you was overburdened with toxicity. its horrible to feel yourself slowly losing touch with reality.

i hope ill have the willpower to quit this sub and more importantly these thoughts. thanks for responding

The most important behavioral/personality trait for women is agreeableness.

That's it.

Step back and think really hard, and you'll realize that many of the girls you think are cool are really just extremely agreeable and willing to talk to you. Not remarkable in any other sense. Granted, most men aren't remarkable in any sense either personality wise.

I also think cucks and fucking corpses are disgusting. Does that make me jealous of them?

Sure, there's a lot of racism towards black people. But for the most part it's still quite extreme to say that another race of people are animals. And you know which famous person openly thought black people were animals? Adolf Hitler.

No, people hate blacks who act like thug drug dealers, but the same can be said for any race. There's nothing with black people who act civilized.