This is how females view men and relationships, this is why a woman's advice and opinion is WORTHLESS

31  2018-05-23 by GreatAmericaTrump


This is such a crock of shit.

replace men with chad

The last paragraph is very true. Not sure about the rest.

How so?

Women wonder what they did wrong for the relationship to end. Men blame women when relationships end.

Isn't she also basically blaming men with this whole passage here?

Nope. She's saying women look to themselves to see what went wrong.

Yeah no, this isnt true at all.

In my experience it's generally true. There may be some guys who are different, but in the main, it holds.

Where I'm from boys often blame themselves too.

Fair enough

good grief

“Why am I not good enough for Chad give me attention :(“

what a dumb article. she uses a small minority of men (those who abuse, rape, kill) and paints all men with a broader brush.

  1. the entire internet s basically men trying to figure shit out and improve themselves. they just go about it differently than women.

  2. she is denying the reality of biology and thinks gender is a social construct. typical feminist

Men who abuse and rape unfortunately aren’t a small minority though. The vast majority of women have been abused and/or raped by a man. It’s estimated that 70% of women will be abused by a man at some point in her life. It’s almost impossible to find a woman who hasn’t experienced this

Statistics. And not from RAINN , or fucking Huffington post-like sites.

It is estimated that 35 per cent of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or sexual violence by a non-partner at some point in their lives. However, some national studies show that up to 70 per cent of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime

Please read this again and don't just look at the numbers and start quoting to confirm your biases.

no offense but that's such a vague and generic statement. you need concrete studies and need to look at the methodology. 'abused'? what does that even mean? do u know there are studies that show women commit sexual assault as much as men? based on certain definitions of 'sexual assault'. feminists used hyperbole and faulty methodology to promote their agenda all of the time. it's not helpful. I don't think most do it on purpose, but they just regurgitate what they've been told. yes it is a minority of men who abuse and rape women. when studies use some qualifier of abuse as 'saying a mean word', we have a problem.

Well that’s based off police records, and that’s only the instances that have been reported, which as I’m sure you know, most of the time abuse/sexual assault etc goes unreported. There’s a very specific definition of abuse that government officials go by, so it’s not just feminists claiming that men “saying a mean word” is abuse.

“The cross-government definition of domestic violence and abuse is:

any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to: psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional.”

Source -

look at these stats. it shows men and women are both victims. women more often than men, but still often, 1 in 4 women, and 1 in 10 men, are victims of domestic abuse. neither indicate however the majority of men are like this. or that men in general are like this.

also males are more likely to under-report than females for fear of not being believed, or being mocked, so you can imagine male stats are higher as well.

Women also rarely report as we are never believed and even harassed and sent death threats and put in more danger etc.

it's unfortunate for everyone. but I think painting men with a broad brush like the article did helps nothing. and not understanding that biology dictates behaviors and men and women both have strengths and weaknesses bc of their biology and to stop demonizing men. female cops are more likely to use deadly force bc they're not strong enough to tackle or wrestle their opponents so they shoot them. and people die. women attempt suicide more than men bc they are more sensitive to their environments, it's also why they have more stress-related health issues, and are less optimal at combat and high stress positions (in general). none of this should be a competition. we should work together not against one another.

The article isn’t “painting men with a broad brush” it’s laying out literal facts. Abuse is such a prevalent and serious problem and it needs to be addressed, how can you just excuse this behaviour by saying men are just biologically likely to be violent? Surely that’s insulting to your gender, the idea that you’re mindless violent creatures with no ability to control yourselves or take responsibility for your actions?

are you 12? I'm a female. and nowhere did I excuse this. this is remedial biology. males, bc of their biology are just going to commit more violent crime then females. women are also going to cry more bc of their higher estrogen. why is this even remotely controversial? if males didnt have testosterone, none of us would even be here. they defended us against predators and hunted for us, so we could evolve and reproduce. this is what testosterone does. obviously violence in men or women is a bad thing. im simply explaining why it happens more with men. im also explaining that their T has a very big upside. and you might want to be grateful for it once in awhile instead of bashing men.

You’re an idiot lol


Yes men are victims too, but as you said it affects women more than men. On average, two women a week are killed by their partner/ ex partner in the uk, and 100 women a year compared to only 30 men. The violence against women is almost exclusively committed by men also

“• The volume of domestic abuse prosecutions completed rose in the year 2015/2016 to 100,930 from 92,779 in 2014/2015 – this is the highest level ever recorded. Where gender was recorded, 92.1% (92,851) of defendants were male and 7.9% (7,992) were female” source -

not sure what you're getting at here. yes, men have more testosterone, so they're going to be more violent. that's biology. men also get killed in dangerous jobs more, in wars defending our countries and by suicide more. they also do almost exclusively the hard labor jobs that run our nations. also bc of their biology. you pump women full of that much testosterone and you will see comparative levels of violence. but again, this doesn't mean by any means that ALL men are like this or a majority of men are like this.

Oh you can’t be serious. Men having more testosterone does not make it okay for them to assault and kill women. These statistics take into account other forms of abuse that aren’t physical violence also such as emotional abuse, controlling behaviour and financial abuse, so that doesn’t even count as a valid excuse. The sheer number of women who have experienced abuse from men shows how common it is, so maybe it’s not the majority of men who are like this, but the majority of women have experienced abusive men and surely that says a lot?

it's not an excuse, I'm just explaining it. nowhere did I say it was ok. I'm saying it happens more with men because of their testosterone. if u were pumped you full of it, I guarantee you, you'd be feel drastically different. going on my 1 and 4 or 1 and 5 (depending on other studies) that's 20% of women who experience some sort of abuse, which means 80% of women don't. and I'm sure some of those cases are crossovers committed by the same man. so less than 80% of men DO NOT do this. is any number of abuse ok? no, is it the majority of men, or men in general, no at all.

Lol all of your everything here is so wrong dude

I’m literally proving what I’m saying with statistics lol

I'm saying your stats are wrong.

I mean yeah if anything the numbers are higher when you take into account the fact that most abuse cases go unreported

No dude, just no

Maybe if women avoided abusive Chads this kinda shit wouldn't happen. Chad's can afford to be abusive because they have a multitude of girls to abuse. He has no shortage, so why would he respect them.

Speaking from experience, I’ve found that guys who are most likely to be abusive are dorky “nice guys”

Shes also basically blaming men.

various new age seminars!

It’s literally the exact opposite. Men are so much more self-aware and place so much more blame on themselves for their failures than women. This bitch is simply lying.

Yeah, men never do any of that.

Female solipsism.

Are men not supposed to wonder what they did wrong in a relationship when it ends? The only common denominator in your failed relationships is you.

Because, that's why. Where can I collect my million?

The comments literally prove the point of the article lol you people lack self awareness so much it’s astonishing

So true, men never read self-help books, attend therapy, try to diet and exercise all they do is blame women.

What a bunch of sexist drivel.

Load of fucking bullshit. When my gf and I broke up, she listed all her problems with me like a fucking queen. Women and self-reflection can’t be mentioned in the same sentence.

men don’t self improve As I said before, the gym meme is a lie nowadays

What is r/TRP, NoFap, etc. Male self-improvement is a huge industry because there’s actually consequences if you’re a low SMV male. Women just have to exist and they’ll get attention no matter what.

She's bragging about buying into new age BS. This is women, folks.

Men blame women

"You see, zippy1avion? You see what happens when you get your hopes up? Your higher hopes fall harder, and now you feel worse than if you just hadn't tried in the first place. This is your fault." - Me to me this afternoon

Women are incapable of logic because they're too busy thinking about Chad, LMAO

They All Want Chad


Isn't she also basically blaming men with this whole passage here?

Yeah no, this isnt true at all.

Where I'm from boys often blame themselves too.