"But if you think incels are going to be deterred by calling them ugly sad virgins on Twitter, please stop and think about how you've just admitted they're right."

57  2018-05-23 by Chad_Worthmore


Article is more interesting than usual from Cracked, some might enjoy it.


You're reinforcing the idea that

A) virginity/celibacy is shameful,

B) that whether or not women have sex with them is up to the incels themselves ("Fix your behavior, and you'll get laid!"), and

C) that women are therefore society's reward for good behavior.

If they're not owed sex regardless of what they do, then why should they be ashamed for not getting it? If no amount of sex or type of sexual performance is shameful, then why are we still mocking them as bitter, lonely neckbeards, or suggesting they're impotent? It reinforces their belief that internet feminism is just a bunch of former homecoming queens kicking the nerds for being gross and fat and weird.


one of the best things I have read from normies on this topic

internet feminism is just a bunch of former homecoming queens kicking the nerds for being gross and fat and weird

The best/worst part of this is that almost every Becky thinks they are some kind of queen.

Despite the seeing the overused comparisons that are pit against us, the article was pretty interesting. Hell, I haven't been on Cracked in a while.

Homecoming queens?

I don't think anybody thinks feminists are former homecoming queens. Yeesh.

Aside from the fact that they all look like MRAGGGEN at best, Stacy doesn't have time to post on tumblr. She has an Instagram and is busy collecting Chad penises.

Top lel he named the Jew. I wonder how long it'll stay up.

Cracked is actually better than most mainstream or semi-mainstream news/opinion outlets.

Obviously a journalist in a SJW site would quote Sartre on anti-semitism, seems like people forgot how little he did to stop the Nazis and how other writers in the French Resistance got censored and killed by Nazis while Jean Paul was busy sucking kraut cock to be allowed to present his play in a theather

As the hysteria from the attack settles, I'm noticing more and more people defending us.

Why isn’t this article getting more upvotes? This normie is fucking W O K E.

David Wong, the author of the article, writes a bunch of comedy horror novels about a horny teen nerd who can't get laid. I think he knows the incel life. He's not asian btw, it's a joke name

Cracked is black pilled again? It's been a long time.

Its fucking wong again. Look up his 10 harsh truths.

Excellent suggestion, I did, and also found this: https://screengrab.me/2013/03/04/rebutting-david-wongs-6-harsh-truths/

You might have read it, but if not then enjoy.