Women are nothing more than simple minded thots hunting for superior genes

44  2018-05-23 by klcel

Women are shallower than even the most basic of primates. You won't get their attention, time, or even a simple acknowledgement of your presence if you happen to be a sub 4. And then they parade themselves as the "emphatic" sex, when in reality they wouldn't care if you blew your brains in their face (unless that causes to ruin their makeup).

Women are egoistic as fuck. I wish males didn't create this demand which seems to heighten the sense of importance of women in their minds and puts them on a pedestal. I wish women were even quarter as "emphatic" as they claim themselves to be. They're a bunch of shallow, fake, deceiving population. I only wish their egos and primitive thinking evolved from 2000BC to contemporary realities.


The word you're looking for is "empathetic".

There are still women out there who do care about people and don't care about looks, but they're mostly in the older generations.

I should gilf hunt, is that what you're saying?

Or try cougars.

I don't live in the "west".

"I'm a special kind of dying breed of unicorn, tee hee don't mind me."

And you're still living up to your name I see.

It's funny seeing old women play the unicorn card.

See if you get to my age and then figure out if you're old.

Off you trot, wee boy.

Yikes, I wasn't aware that you're so sensitive about being old.

I'm not, but you must be touchy about being so young.

Why would I be touchy about being so young? My life is still ahead of me.

Yours is over.

Except to you, life is dreary and horrible. Plus, look on the bright side- you could get run over by a bus tomorrow.

Truth. Incel feelings don't matter.

Is the comic suggesting that it's women's fault that the he killed himself?

Not necessarily. You can take away other things from that comic.

Kinda agree

They are the Lowest form of life.


A parasite you wanna fuck tho.

Nothing sexier than self pity and hate... I'm at a loss as to why you can't get your dick wet.

You're assuming I'm like this in the real life. And you couldn't be more wrong.

The joy of anonymity, Iā€™m nothing like my online presence either ;)

I post bluepill shit on fb to throw the doxxers off my scent



The current generation is really bad. Problem was that their parents treated them like princesses.

Women are naturally more empathetic and that's not opinion that's just nature. I understand you are frustrated with the opposite gender but just because you have no control over their actions doesn't mean they aren't empathetic.

lol poor soyboy go back to the plantation

Maybe educate yourself rather then live in your world of delusions. This is human nature it isn't opinion and I know it's easier to just make shit up and hate the opposite sex for it but let's be logical here.

Men are naturally physically stronger and gravitate to high risk jobs. Due to their chemical make up men have a higher chance of physical aggression but also tend to be more protective

Women are naturally given motherly instincts, they tend to have better social skills and flourish in caregiver roles. Due to their chemical make up they are more emotional and prone to making decisions based off emotion rather then logic. This though tends to result in a higher empathy level.

sure dude i dont see women in war btfo

Well obviously there are many women in war and just because these traits tend to take women to more caregiver roles doesn't mean all women do the same. Women come in all shapes and sizes same as men so to expect everyone to follow this cookie cutter outline is obviously rediculous. Tbh though empathy isn't so black and white and some choose to join the army due to a need to protect and serve their country, hence having empathy towards their citizens.

Further more don't get all standoffish when someone calls logic on your bullshit. Not trying to be a dick just simply educating you on a topic you clearly don't fully understand.

Well obviously there are many women in war and just because these traits tend to take women to more caregiver roles doesn't mean all women do the same.

There are hardly any women in war, because even with modern weapons, they're still net liabilities not assets. Only countries like Israel, that are surrounded by enemies and hopelessly outnumbered, seriously use women soldiers.

There is quite a few women in the army don't get me wrong compared to men it's lower but once again men tend to gravitate towards high risk jobs because you like to feed into their need to protect.

There is quite a few women in the army

There are quite a few women in the army, none of whom belong, all there because of political agenda to give to effectively have no standards for them, few if any dangerous roles, while at the same time bribing them with easy money and "careers."

You are American correct?

Only empathetic whenever it suits them

False, women can't fight nature just as men can't. Women are programmed to be more empathetic towards children, animals, the injured and the elderly, so if you don't fall into any of these categories then I'm afraid you won't see a ton of empathy. So keep that in mind.

Furthermore if you were hit by a car and rushed to a hospital there is a good chance the nurses and staff would be majority female.

When it comes to mating though women have an even stronger force of nature directing them. We see it throughout the animal kingdom and to hate women based off that is rediculous. Empathy will take a back seat by nature when it comes to natural solutions.

So I guess my point is don't hate the player hate the game because nature is a bitch and it doesn't give a fuck if our feelings get hurt.

ie. Empathetic whenever it suits them

Well no it's basically an even stronger force of nature trumping everything. This isn't women planning trying to be malicious or mean it is natural selection which we see in all nature.

This isn't a matter of picking and choosing it's just how they are wired just as you are. Naturally your instincts are to find a mate, why do you think men have such a sex drive? It's nature. You work out and become successful all to potentially find a mate.

Can you choose to turn off your need for intamicy or sex? I would imagine no or else you wouldn't be on an incel forum. So why would you think women can control their natural instincts.

It's harsh to hold women to such a high standard when you yourself can't even fight nature.

ie. Empathetic whenever it suits them

I guess by nature you could argue yes but once again it isn't a mindful choice. That is the real point I'm trying to make.

Biologically programmed to show empathy when doing so is beneficial to you? Cool.

Got a problem with it? Well then take it up with nature, tbh though nature doesn't care about natural selection and who gets left behind. It's sad but true.

yeah right women can't fight nature šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

stop the bullshit. if men couldn't fight nature then no man on earth would be in a commited relashionship. doesn't nature tell us that men should spread their genes as much as possible? why do we balme men who cheat on their wives if its "just nature"?

Because society plays a huge role. Society has created these rules and as humans we adapt. I believe these social standards were created to help seperate us from animals. Some humans even practice polyamory though.

When men are younger it is in their nature to spread their seed but when society looks down on it, over time they learn to follow the "rules". This doesn't stop all men, in fact most men do sleep around in their prime. Some choose not to though because to them menogamy or religious beliefs sound more comfortable or maybe they have found their mate they wish to be with.

Not everyone fits in this perfect mold. Free will and social standards can fight parts of nature but those bare bone mechanics will always exist.

Hey, x_Sterry_x, just a quick heads-up:
seperate is actually spelled separate. You can remember it by -par- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

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Empathy has nothing to do with acting in a caring manner. Empathy is the ability to simulate what someone else is feeling.

This can be used to manipulate and outmaneuver, it can be used to negotiate and intimidate. It's entirely up to the individual exercising empathy how they want to use the information the skill gives them.

Fully agree empathy can be used negativity but at that point it really isn't empathy anymore. As humans we have the ability to express free will and hide behind things such as fake empathy to help further our agendas. This being said though doesn't mean everyone follows this outlook.

This manipulative choice doesn't change the nature of humans but more so shows as a species a few individuals realized "hey I can get my way if I do ...."

This is a form of mental illness if you really think about it. Allowing greed to overtake our moral compass, but this isn't something only one gender does.

I've seen men fake empathy or love to manipulate women into sex just as I've seen women fake attraction to get what they want.

This doesn't ignore the fact of nature just more so is an example of our capabilities as a species. We are able to learn that through lieing we can get our way.

Anyway this just opens a whole other side to humans and how free will plays a large part in how some of us choose to live our life.

Your original point is that women are more empathetic. This is true. They are notably better at identifying emoting faces than men.

You subsequently implied that women are more caring because they are empathetic. This is absolutely not grounded in science (save for maternal impulse and so on), so from my personal experience guys are the most caring and empathetic to guys who've been ostracized while women are huge drivers of the ostracization.

There are a lot of factors that play a huge role within our society. This doesn't necessarily change the bare-bones of nature and things that we tend to see in other species.

Humans are meant to adapt so sometimes you'll see people who have been shaped by their world or their experiences.

Also it's not about women being more caring buy rather they find themselves in more caregiving roles. Caring and empathy are ywo different things that can sometimes overlap.

LOL delusions.

It's not opinion it's science. I understand that believing women are all inherently evil is easier then trying to understand. Tbh one could argue that you yourself are being delusional by taking the stance you are.

The science exists you just need to listenen.

okay. show me evidence and I will believe you.

Try Google man, I'm not going to waste my time and hold your hand through life. Also I'm well aware that any time I waste finding material for you to read will just fall on deaf ears.

It's not my job to force you into doing the research, I just simply share my points and let you do with them as you wish.

I know research might take some time but I really think reading it for yourself is better then some random person telling you online. I also am aware that Even if I provided links I would recommend you would probably just claim I'm biased.

Soo good luck.

didnt read that. looks long and boring.

Lol my point exactly. Have a good day

you didn't prove anything. I just am tired, horny and hungry sooo.

You didn't read it so you actually did. Cheers

cheers. what a beta thing to say. u a numale?

Does it matter what I am?

To be fair, imagine a 10/10 Stacey would actually take her time out to talk to you and laugh with you. What would your immediate feeling/emotional reaction be?

While you answer this, remember Stacey does NOT want to fuck you.

A parasite you wanna fuck tho.