Thanks to Tinder and numale soyboys every Stacy knows her Sexual Market Value nowadays. Don‘t even try to think that the shy and good looking girl next to you isn‘t aware of it.

67  2018-05-23 by IsThisRealReddit



God damn females having a sense of humor! what the fuck is wrong with them. Honestly women who have looked in the mirror and know they're attractive are just the worst

Gtfo troll.

females having a sense of humor

Literally doens't exist. Literally.

females having a sense of humor

Literally doens't exist. Literally.

There’s one posted. Like, right at the top of this thread.


muh sarcastic reply

Try saying something of actual worth or merit. Replying with some irrelevant sarcastic "quip" that is completely devoid of content makes you a moron.

I've seen holes more intelligent than you, and considering they're useless sacks of retarded shit, that's saying a lot.

If you want to see a real hole, look at this screenshot I took of your post history, misogyny is too soft a term...

Misogyny literally doesn't exist, retard.

Also, what kind of utter buttmad retard checks comment histories? You're the quintessential Reddit soyboy

Lol you're ON reddit arguing about trivial things... Pot and kettle much?


Typical cuck. Thanks for showing everyone that you really are mad. Reading peoples comment histories is one sign of being butthurt, but a bigger sign is trying to deflect by using "lol" or "lmao" etc.

"I-Im not r-really mad, h-honest l-lol. See! I used lol, that m-means I'm not mad"

You've just been exposed. Gonna block you now by the way. I only want intelligent people flashing up in my inbox, and sorry to have to reveal this to you, but you're not very educated or intelligent. Maybe think about that in the future before embarrassing yourself

Wait, people who think like you actually exist? Hahaha, wow, I thought it was just hyperbole or parody in your posts. Anyhow, not mad, never been "cucked", sorry if I offended you with my laughter! :)

Oh look, you don't have a sense of humor either. Maybe educate yourself and that might change.

Sounds good.


Peanut level IQ detected

It's not funny and it's just arrogant. Like who the fuck puts something like that in a yearbook

Yeah, it's pretty classless. She'll regret ever putting it there.

She'll regret ever putting it there.

/>Actually believing this kek


I thought it was Impossible for women to have regrets because their lives are easy

That's pretty funny, and she wants to show her future kids

no big deal here tbh

idk, unless she has genuine outgoing humor, it just seems kinda arrogant. It all depends on the type of person she was to her classmates.

Who cares, it's not like we're EVER going to meet her, or know her, why even judge?

....why is this a bad thing?


Who cares?


I mean it is arrogant, but also funny.

"But it's a womanz so it's bad Reeeeeeeee"

It crushes any hope that you might be able to pull a fast one and get a girl who’s out of your league but doesn’t know it.


Everybody has always known their league.


Her kids will probably live in a future where CRISPR Editing has made literally everyone conventionally attractive and be wondering why their mom thought she was so hot with a fake tan, bottle blonde hair, tacky makeup and simply being thin.

A little bit funny tbh

Here’s a girl who actually has a good sense of humor, but of course you have to find something negative about it. This is why you guys are virgins.

It's only "funny" cause she is attractive. If she was ugly it would really be funny.

You’re literally a cuck

Well I guess I’m not surprised that sounds angry 15-year-old anime dork has no idea what the fuck they’re talking about.

“Good sense of humour” she’s being hella shallow calling herself hot. Well I guess I’m not surprised that a soy level faggot would defend all women. Nice bait, faggot

I’ve smash more tail than you jerked off to, bitch. She’s just making a joke, this is why tools like you can’t get laid. And “hella?” I bet you’re not even from the bay

Hey relax there buddy, I’m sure all those unconscious women you raped probably weren’t into it. Also, nice Harley faggot, you probably thought you were a chad when you bought it but only manlets buy those, Kawasaki’s are for real chads. You’re literally a manlet loser who brings up his “body count” (which i could probably count on one hand). Oh, and you’re a fagot, go back to inceltears, cunt.

I don’t know it’s possible for you to be more clueless. Do you always lash out about shit you know nothing about? I should be nice though, you might be my son since there were definitely a few pigs in my “body count”

Well, the problem I have with this comment is that is not why anybody here is a virgin, so please stop spreading bad information :/

Look at that douche bags attitude? Are you surprised he can’t get laid?

Because I'm sure that's how he shows himself in person. Not.

The old “not” joke. Good one!!

Thanks bro, you can learn a thing or two in comedy from me. :) I only charge 2 handjobs per hour. Are you bisexual, too?

Fuck, you aim low, I’d of given you 3

Very low IQ post lol. These kinds of threads are for meming purposes only, don’t take them too seriously and come off as a twat.

When roastie hags in their 30's start posting their high school pictures on FB you know it's game over for them.

I don't think a girl knowing her genetic value is an issue, I think a girl overestimating her genetic value is an issue, her male counterpart will most likely be fucked.

But let's be honest here, most men overestimate their genetic value as well

A 6?! I've read various comments here but this one is the most baffling. That girl is easily an 8 if not higher than that.

Thats an 8.

This girls not even close to an 8

those are the words of cuck husband of 200 pound wife

That’s a really good point.

Once a girl asked me to sign her yearbook. I wrote a compliment, she laughed at it. Lesson learned, don't be nice unless you want to be humiliated.

  • if you‘re a subhuman

Looking at yearbook photos make me realize how little my face has aged. Just looking at her I probably wouldn’t have guessed she was my age. I don’t get why I look so young and ugly

This is a really funny idea, actually. Made me chuckle.