Brutal RacePill. There's a top post on askreddit about interracial relationships. And 90% of them are My boyfriend is a white guy, I'm <insert non-white ethnicity> gril.

64  2018-05-23 by ummyourdaddy

A few AM/WF. There are, like, 3 curryman/anyfemoid. 3.

it's over for ethnicels.


White man takes all

Also check out r/exmuslim pretty much all the femoids are with whites

The worst subreddit I've ever seen. Just the absolute state of infidels, they take this degenerate white society and see it as a good thing like how retarded can u get

I hope all their families find out and they get disowned





This. Ultimate sui fuel.

Women will give up religion just to be with Chad.

Everyone should give up religion

u/igotgroped can confirm this black pill

is that /u/igotgroped a kebab whore? looks like a lunatic from its profile.

no, she's Pakistani. She used to orbit me

I used to troll u fucking wierdo. And I'm done with that this sub isnt even worth trolling

Fuck off I only used to troll u and this sub. And I don't feel like even trolling here anymore. I don't even wanna comment with my main



lol she posts at r/exmuslims on of the most degerate subreddit full of rebellious preteens

Damn really?

Got links? I’m not trying to swim in that cesspool.

Ethnic roasties WORSHIP the white man.

At my HS, some gymcel white dude (his face wasnt that good looking, dude had a bird nose, he was just 6 foot and had a gymcelled body) gave his number to this overweight indian girl, and she got so excited LOL. thats proof that they worship white dudes


These women are the absolute fucking worst. Brings my blood to a boil.

Just be white.

Proof whitecels are volcels

Femoids (who are white) from my country automatically spread their legs and bend over the second they spot an arab or a black dude, even really ugly ones. They literally have fights over them. It's as if their brains were shutting off and vaginal instincts were completely taking over their bodies at the sight of a male with darker skin.

They don't react like that to asians, though.

Asukafags don’t deserve love anyways.

implying Asuka isn't the best girl

The girl who wanted to fuck Chang Kaji? I’d prefer a woman with loyalty and a spirit of sacrifice please.

Prepare to die alone.

What country? It sounds like a load of baloney.


Poland? Aren't Polish people the most racist ones in Europe?

There are retards in every country, my friend.

Obviously. But some places are more racist than others.

So I looked it up and apparently Slovakia and Czech Republic are the most racist countries according to the European Commission survey done in 2015.

Link? I saw some other surveys, Poland ranked pretty high on those.


I don't know about other surveys.

If I google it there's lots of other studies showing up. Can't you just link the survey itself?

Can't find it. Either way, whether they're at the top or not, they do rank fairly high I assume.

Ye they are known for that so I think op is lying.

Don't polish women just love foreign men in general. Had some military friends stationed in Germany. They visited Poland and women would throw themselves at them as soon as they found out they were Americans. They said it was the best place they visited in Europe for getting hot women.

/u/randombetaplayer where ru from

And what country is this that loves Arabs? I find this difficult to comprehend.

Interracial dating works for everyone except Asian men.

I see people question why this is, why so many femoid ethnics are with whites. We know the truth, it's so obvious. I almost want to shield them from it because they'd most likely feel depressed about it.

I've been reading the post for 5 mins. Most of the top posts have ethnic men in them.

Ethnic men should just give up on society and either be an economic burden to the country or start roping in massive numbers.

Ever thought about the wild fact that Reddit is disproportionately comprised of white males?

What? What does that have to do with the ethnic women on reddit only dating white boys? Did you even read the title?

Because the white men are mostly posting these pictures, and if white men are posting in an interracial relationship subreddit then it’s obviously with an ethnic girl? My dude. It’s not that hard. Please think.

Because the white men are mostly posting these pictures

What the fuck are you talking about? This post is explicitly talking about the ethic female reddit posters commenting on the ask reddit post about how she (ethnic female redditor) is dating a white man.

and if white men are posting in an interracial relationship subreddit then it’s obviously with an ethnic girl?


My dude. It’s not that hard. Please think.

Apparently is hard for you to think.

oh wow I’m retarded lel. Apologies then

Maybe because theres more White guys in the countries these relationships are from? Like U.S.? Why dont you go live in Asia or India then if you are so concerned with a handful of women dating White guys. Stop immigrating to White countries then bitching about it, noone cares.

Does that change anything? Yeah, there are more white boys, and women worship them.

I think if anything you are the "boy". It changes a lot actually, because if you were in India or China and get rejected by Indian women you can't use the excuse of "Whiteys taking muh girls"

And yet women in those countries also flock to white men despite their low population 🤔🤔🤔



There is infinitely fewer white guys in Asian countries than Asians in white countries. Asians flock to the US and then complain when white guys date their girls, and then a tiny tiny few white guys go to Asia and it's the end of the world.

noone cares.


White men are worshipped worldwide

Trump needs to hurry up and genocide all the ethnics already.I'm ethnic and I'd happily die too as long as those white worshiping ethnic whores get what's coming to them.

"White men just have better personalities than ethnic men." -IT

I'm sure the rest were all white girls fucking BBCs

Poland? Aren't Polish people the most racist ones in Europe?

Don't polish women just love foreign men in general. Had some military friends stationed in Germany. They visited Poland and women would throw themselves at them as soon as they found out they were Americans. They said it was the best place they visited in Europe for getting hot women.

I think if anything you are the "boy". It changes a lot actually, because if you were in India or China and get rejected by Indian women you can't use the excuse of "Whiteys taking muh girls"