I’m sick of all these cucks thinking women have ESP

144  2018-05-23 by Kar98kSnipe

“Oh wahmen can sniff out of your kOnFiDeNt”

“Oh wahmen know if you’re just pReTEnDIng to be nice”

“Oh wahmen can tell if you post on bRAInCEls”

Yet they can’t ever seem to tell they’re getting into a relationship with an ACTUAL abuser 🤔

Numales just stop. Women are retarded and always have been. It’s not that hard to see.


I can't take anyone seriously when they knowingly get cheated on and don't do anything.

What about the ones that are actually psychic?

They should see James Randi

I fucking hate that new york medium bitch whose popularity is increasing because she can tell increasingly detailed facts about "random" members of her audience. The people who believe it don't seem to realize that almost everything she says like knowing the name of a person's dog, or knowing the name of a person's dead mother and when she died are things her staff can learn just from spending a few minutes on FB and Instagram.

The people naive enough to believe in that "psychic" bitch will get to have sex and validation their whole lives as well as pass on their genes for many of them, because they have a good face.

Meanwhile, we rot.

Answer my fucking pm BG..I command you!

Sylvia Browne married four times. Her first marriage, from 1959 to 1972, was to Gary Dufresne.[11] The couple had two sons, Paul and Christopher. She took the surname Brown upon her third marriage, and later changed it to Browne. Her fourth marriage took place on February 14, 2009, to Michael Ulery, the owner of a jewelry store.[46]

During the late 1980s, local authorities and the Federal Bureau of Investigation began investigating Browne and her businesses over several bank loans that caused "sustained losses" to banks.[42] In 1992, Browne and her then-husband Kenzil Dalzell Brown were indicted on several charges of investment fraud and grand theft. The Superior Court of Santa Clara County, California, found Browne and her husband had sold securities in a gold-mining venture under false pretenses.[43] In at least one instance, they told a couple that their $20,000 investment was to be used for immediate operating costs.[44] Instead, the money was transferred to an account for their Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research.[43] Browne pleaded no contest to securities fraud and was indicted on grand larceny in Santa Clara County, California on May 26, 1992.[45] The couple each received one year probation. In addition, Browne was sentenced to 200 hours of community service.[43]

There's always been a stereotype about "women's intuition" which is somewhat true. Women can feel their way through social situations and sense emotions more easily than men.

But now women get handed everything so this stereotype has gone turbo mode and they think they are ACTUALLY competent and intelligent. Which also extends to how they think about their dating lives, even though most women's dating lives are a fucking wreck (if you view a stable two-parent household as the eventual goal).

There's always been a stereotype about "women's intuition" which is somewhat true. Women can feel their way through social situations and sense emotions more easily than men

Is that why every guy who's walking at night is a creepy rapist? Because women can tell?

No. Women are just better in social situations. It's probably because they evolved to take care of a baby.

Because a baby requires complex social interaction...

The only ESP women have is white women's ESP for detecting BBC

Username checks out.

Your right. They arent psychic, your just a really bad actor

Women are gods at reading body-language and voice-tone. If you are insecure your body-language will show it. Unless she is socially retarded.

“Oh wahmen can sniff out of your kOnFiDeNt” “Oh wahmen know if you’re just pReTEnDIng to be nice” “Oh wahmen can tell if you post on bRAInCEls”

Only if she's borderline. It's the womens version of being autistic. Instead of being logical you become overly emotional and super-sensitive to social things

being logical Women and logic lmao

Autistic makes you logical. Borderline is like the opposite of autistic

Women read body language and non-verbal cues. You guys don't believe those exist, so you stick with doing what you're doing, slouching, staring at your feet, hands in pockets, etc. So you don't look remotely confident.

If your face gives you away when you're just pretending to be nice, women can pick up on that too.

Men who are abusers are a different kettle of fish.

Known abusers- either the women thinks they can change him (he becomes a "project" to work on making him not abusive), or he lies and says he was misrepresented, and his ex did a whole lot to him over time, and he retaliated once, for which he's really (not) sorry, or he says he has changed and learned his lesson from the past.

Unknown abusers: These guys project confidence and niceness. They are the ultimate in attentive and loving partners and they gain their victim's trust and love, before subtly starting to cut them off from people, either by moving to a new area, or telling lies about what these people have said or done, manipulating it so their victim is isolated. They then erode self-esteem to the point where they can tell the victim "There's no point leaving. You'd never manage without me. Anyway, you're so awful no one else would want you". They use punishments for transgressions, real or imagined, and the victim knows not to tell, because there will be punishments then too. He tells the victim that no one would believe her if she told anyone, because he's such a nice person. He tells her that people will see her as a liar, because she is so pathetic.

Do you understand that now?

Women read body language and non-verbal cues. You guys don't believe those exist, so you stick with doing what you're doing, slouching, staring at your feet, hands in pockets, etc. So you don't look remotely confident.

If your face gives you away when you're just pretending to be nice, women can pick up on that too.



There is still merit in body language though. Those two articles basically say that there can be other interpretations for certain poses, but when you add them to other signs and cues, you can get a basic understanding of what a person is communicating with their subconscious mind. Context is the key.

Those two articles basically say that there can be other interpretations for certain poses, but when you add them to other signs and cues, you can get a basic understanding of what a person is communicating with their subconscious mind. Context is the key.

Yeah people are incapable of lying. No one has ever succeeded!

And people are also able to use body language to their advantage by learning the subtle signs and ways of showing confidence and a sense of self-worth, which are going to be more attractive qualities than someone who looks like they hate themselves, and are only asking a girl out because of loneliness or because she happens to be there at the time.

Well Im glad we've come to agreement that body language does not mean truth.

If you know how to hide your body language, then yes, but so few people these days understand that it makes up the bulk of communication in person, that they can't and don't disguise it.

If you can use the body language to project an air of confidence, then the chances are that you will feel more confident anyway.

Where's your evidence to make this claim?

If you try it, you'll find out.

What? That doesnt make sense.

Not to you it doesn't, because you don't know how to use body language and probably don't believe it exists.

Are you in school or do you work?

They'll call you low iq for making logical and rational point, and when that doesn't work they'll cry you're a bully. Bunch of whiney little bitches. Boohoo I can't get it date it's not my fault I'm a hateful prick.

Their problem is mostly women not giving them a second look and going for the ones the media tells them they have to date. Or they do until reality hits, usually around the mid twenties.

They call everyone low IQ if they disagree, so it's not gong to bother me if they do. One or two will read about the body language thing, and might learn a bit about it. Or maybe I will start writing threads about it, showing them how to use their own body language to subconsciously communicate better.

I've read the threads on this sub and there is a lot twisted thinking when it comes thinking. I really believe the majority is fake.

No. They just have minds you could use as a corkscrew for some stuff. There's logic, but you really have to follow carefully otherwise you'll get lost.

Logic is not derived from feelings.

Logic is not derived from feelings.


You said it!

Why don't you? It would be a lot better than wasting you time with pointless arguments.

Even if you don't think they're listening, they are.

I may well do that. It still won't take much time, so I'll still be able to have pointless arguments ;)

Women read body language and non-verbal cues.

Which aspects of body language convey misogyny?

Looks of distaste, gestures of dismissal, a stance that shows your disinterest as well as your feelings of superiority... There's lots of it that shows.

The fact that you can be fooled by these "potential abusers" is much more embarrassing as bad body language. I can easily tell a nice guy from a bad one, 100% of the time. Only women fail at this. Changing your own body language is very hard and requires multidimensional work on yourself, and you will never be the same after going through that.

All it requires is a bit of concentration and knowing what you're doing.

As for the potential abusers? Most of them fool everybody. I suspect you've known a few and don't know it.

Most "abusers" aren't actually abusive; it's insane, abusive women claiming he is.

What men can tell is which guys will put up with shit and which guys won't. It's very easy to tell.

And we have a winner in the "I know fuck all about domestic abuse" category!

And no, it isn't easy to tell.

I know a guy whose girlfriend goes around telling people he was "abusive" to her, mentioning how he hit her.

What she doesn't mention is what led to him hitting her, which was her sticking her finger in his asshole while he was sleeping.

Technically, she "sexually assaulted" him. But did he go to police and then cry #MeToo and say how it scarred him for life? No. Because he's a fucking guy and doesn't give a shit.

So call her out on her bullshit then.

Funny, because it's pretty easy to hide those things.

Can you explain how theredpill users manage to date women seeing as they are misogynists?

If you want to fuck a woman, the last thing you'll do is project misogyny with "looks of distaste" or a "disinterested stance." It's pretty easy to hide, like all opinions people have. When women meet me for the first time, they can't tell what my opinions are.

Women aren't mind readers you retard.

I didn't say they were, you wanker.

(if you're going to throw in insults, then so will I, although mine is accurate)

So basically... if you’re not interested in fucking a woman you’re a misogynist in her eyes lmao


A look of distaste means mysoginy? Maybe I just don’t like you specifically

Tere's also modes of speech to add to it, and things like tonality

Body language aka Chad's chiseled bones. Non verbal cues aka Chad's visual cue of his frame and height.

Go learn stuff, will you?

If you judge people based on body language, how do you even know if your judgement was correct?

Known abusers- either the women thinks they can change him (he becomes a "project" to work on making him not abusive), or he lies and says he was misrepresented, and his ex did a whole lot to him over time, and he retaliated once, for which he's really (not) sorry, or he says he has changed and learned his lesson from the past.

Women must be really dumb to fall for this.

And yet, people do (my sister for example).

I use body language as part of communication, not the sole decider in what someone means.

Was the guy handsome/high status? What lies did he tell her?

He's an ugly git. He told her he would change. I told her he wouldn't. He said a load of stuff to her, she accused me of things and now doesn't speak to me.

Classic abuse- cutting off anyone who will tell her the truth.

Status? Money?

I feel bad for your sis :(

No status, and he spends her money.

I think she's stupid, but I do feel bad for her too. I told her when she wants a sister again, I'll be here.

No money, status, he’s ugly and abusive.

I wonder what she sees in him? Any clue?

Her friends and I think she did it so she wouldn't be a spinster any more...

Now that’s depressing

Yup. He doesn't even have a personality to fall back on.

She should ditch him and get a cute gigolo

She'll work it out eventually.

Or she’ll end up dead

I don't think he's physically abusive. Just an emotional and mental abuser

You are right on target about unknown abusers. There are two, possibly three, in my own family. So I got to see how pleasant and reasonable and charming they are around witnesses, and how they become more and more cruel over time to their kids/significant others/whoever would be a good punching bag. Because they are so great at manipulating people and getting people to like them, most people won't even believe you if you try to tell them what's going on behind the scenes. They'll think you're the one with psychological problems.

It's genuinely freaky. It's like how people seem to like being around psychopaths even if the psychopath is currently telling stories about all the animals he tortured (I witnessed this happening -- most of my friends were entranced by the psychopath's spell, and only me and one other person were unaffected by it, and so we were horrified while everyone else was laughing). To this day I'm amazed that really close friends of mine, who were very intelligent people, were so easily entranced and had their critical thinking abilities flipped off like a switch.

That one always gets me as well. I also don't get the ones who believe they can change the abuser, or believe when he says he's changed.

>hands in pockets

Where else do you put your hands?

More female stupidity.

Not in your pockets when you're talking to someone.

Then where?

Keep them by your sides. Use them to gesticulate as you talk (just not too wildly). Tuck one hand into a back pocket and gesture with the other. Just don't put them in your pockets.

Body Language is a meme, it means relatively little other than the position that the body finds most comfortable.

I cross my arms because it's comfortable, not because I disapprove of what I'm seeing on a subconscious level. I look at the ground as I walk because I have spatial awareness issues that leave me prone to falling over if I'm not concentrating intently on where I next lay my step. If you were to look at me through your little body language lens, you'd think "oh, he seems really nervous," when I'm not in the slightest.

Body language, all in all, is an extremely ineffective means of communication which is why we developed the capacity to speak in the first place. Your trust in it is merely confirmation bias and a warm egocentric comfort blanket to assure you that, no, you'd never be deceived, you're far too perceptive for that. And you'd be wrong. There are many people you've met who really dislike you, who find you unbelievably irritating and you're absolutely none the wiser, because they don't let it show.

someone who can't even decide where to eat for dinner, can read minds and know your past in an instant

I have a ton of female friends, many of whom are dyed in the wool feminists, who would run for the hills if they could actually sense my occasional misogyny and overwhelming desperation.

Female intuition is a myth.

Same here, good quite a few female acquaintances. To them I’m just he nice guy over there.

If they knew how much I despise roasties they‘d suddenly vanish haha

Lol, I even express it. To this day they think I am joking, though I don't recall ever having said that I was joking.

Female intuition is a myth.

Nah, its pretty true. See, most guys are creepy wannabe rapists. Even if they're acting just like chad.

Female intuition is a myth.

Nah, its pretty true. See, most guys are creepy wannabe rapists. Even if they're acting just like chad.

If women could 'sense what men are thinking', they'd never get raped.

Women are just as retarded as men are, even more so. What they call "women's intuition" is really just an acute form of discrimination.

If you don't look the way you should, women will be uneasy around you. Even if you're an otherwise law-abiding citizen with no criminal history or anything.

I find it funny how this ability seems to diminish around Chads.

the idea that women are inherently good at socialising is normie received wisdom b.s. it's pure halo. women have terrible social skills, they are self-obsessed, neurotic and only interested in themselves/chad.

guaranteed any man that behaved like the average woman would be an outcast to both genders. if women were really so good at being socialising, take an average woman you know, change NOTHING about their personality except make them a male. would anyone like them or tolerate being around them?

guaranteed any man that behaved like the average woman would be an outcast to both genders.

I thought the premise of this sub was that chads do pretty much this. Can't have it both ways buddy

the fuck

Let it sink in

Let what sync in? You clearly need to lurk more if that's you think the premise is. In fact, you don't even make any damn sense.

Calm down grasshopper. So many rude people here Jesus. Anyone says anything that doesn't follow your narrative and you just blow up. Hard to have constructive discussions

Your post was an attempt to deliver a metaphorical checkmate but in reality you didn't say shit...how else can someone react to that kind of arrogance?

I thought my first comment was something most would agree to honestly. Chads are entitled dicks who don't have to do anything to get woken. This is Stacy's. I was saying that? Sorry for any misunderstanding

You don't understand the basic thesis this sub puts forth...keep reading

Well, okay. I've been lurking and occasionally commenting for several months now, and I haven't seen even one person say that a "Chad" behaves like an average woman (in their conception of an average woman's behavior -- unless you're talking about a sense of entitlement and sleeping around a lot). If you're talking about entitlement and sleeping around, they're saying that "Chads" do this because they can, because they're attractive and socially dominant. So they're considered a special exception because there aren't many of them, and they indeed aren't outcasts despite these behaviors. (However, in this line of thinking, these behaviors would not be excused or overlooked if a man was unattractive.)

This. What I meant but properly explained. Thanks dude

That was blowing up? How sheltered are you?

In terms of a conversation online meant to be 'logical' the standards are a bit different than in other situations I'd say. Nice and hominem

Yeah it's true who is even sheltered anymore

Not only women, but almost everyone can tell if there's something off about a person. Humans instinctively recognize the sublte signs of mental instability


People are also capable of misinterpreting things as well.


If this os true femoids are even worse for ignoring this signals when the guy is attractive.

Some people walk into a chainsaw smiling. Men and women often ignore red flags if that other person is good looking.

ESP LMAOOO that's a new one to me.

so fuckinn true though. as if they have personality detectors

Its ESD. Extra Sensory Deception. Not to be confused with Electrostatic discharge.

I'm pretty sure women are more likely to believe they're psychic too. Can't remember where I saw it.

There are jerks that have sexual/romantic relationships for all sorts of reasons.

We're not saying that your being a jerk excludes you from having these relationships, we're saying that it's certainly not helping.

Reminds me of all the blue pill normies who claim "Wahmen have higher emotional intelligence" or some other false platitude they assign to wahmen to compensate for their inadequacies in any scientific/logical/technical capacity

Does anyone have that meme comparing a Chad's jaw to a stealth plane, and explaning how flat surfaces can hide them from radars?

I've read the threads on this sub and there is a lot twisted thinking when it comes thinking. I really believe the majority is fake.

Why don't you? It would be a lot better than wasting you time with pointless arguments.

Even if you don't think they're listening, they are.

A look of distaste means mysoginy? Maybe I just don’t like you specifically