It's so Cringy Hearing Ugly People Talk About Girls they Like

48  2018-05-23 by Cold_Establishment

It's so cringy hearing my ugly friends talk about girls they like. It's like "uhh you're a 2/10, it's so fucking disgusting hearing you talk about her 'nice tits'". Whenever my Chad friends talk about girls they like it sounds more like "boys will be boys".

same logic could be applied to a lot of things. Bullying. When ugly people bully it's like "what a bunch of nasty bottom dwellers". When Chads bully it's "boys will be boys".


Halo effect.

It's like hearing neckbeards rate women they find attractive

It's exactly that!

exactly what im talking about

this. i think nothing is cringer.

The only thing that's cringy is this thread. Stop sucking off Chad, you fucking sellout.

Selling out would be simping for Stacy.

It doesn't matter if i suck off Chad or not. He's a fucking superhuman, incels boycotting Chads dick won't do anything.

i know what you mean. i’m subhuman but even i’m not immune to the halo/failo effect. ugly people disgust me