This girl (who is my looksmatch) rejected me and is now dating this tall white dude. Fuck.

30  2018-05-23 by incelkingdommm


classic hypergamy.

Fucking depressing. Hes like a 7 and she’s a 3

What? Why?

She would be incel if she was a guy

Her looksmatch is currently googling how to tie a hangman's knot

She's ugly af

Thry are pretty looksmatched too imo

but hes taller. femoids will never date someone shorter than them

Dude she’s ugly. He isn’t

They're not remotely looksmatched

Is this a curry foid or a arab foid?


Holy shit that is a ugly curry. Brahmins are absolutely delusional in how highly they think of themselves. Fuck this Brahmin whore.

You’re making me feel slightly better about being rejected haha you’re right, bro

brahmans are high caste indians are the biggest copers

if you're "high caste" and look like your typical pajeet, you're not really genetically high caste, a dalit that looks like hrithik roshan is more "higher caste" than you

Caste should be ranked by how good looking you are and not based on your last name.

Ahaha its over for you my guy

Yeah no shit :/

Are you a curry too?

I’m half curry half white

Ur mom is curry ain't she

st.blackops2cel bless this man

A 4 with a 7, or as I like to call it, "modern dating"

Damn I got no standards but that is ugly

We gotta make her a meme. It's the only way she can answer for her heinous crimes.

"hey" - generic pajeet

"I'm not into Indian guys" - chad chasing ramandeep

"but you're Indian" - sad generic pajeet

Make it happen

It’s cause you aren’t a man

RIP curry

God his chin mogs me so hard and he has to settle for that. Pass the rope plz

Cucked by a normie. In HS my oneitis cucked me for a very similar phenotype

This fucking hypergamous curry needs to learn her place

Damn shes ugly as fuck

Why do you think Europeans committed genocide in the Americas and Australia yet left Indians and Chinese untouched?

The Emperor of China and the Emperor of India both made a deal with the European Kings - they would be spared from genocide but would supply endless ethnic pussy for White cock. This is why Indians and Chinese worship White chad - they are fulfilling a 500 year old deal.

In both of these countries whiteness is considered a sign of beauty. Currycels and ricecels never stood a chance.

its over boyoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

She's not ugly what are u guys talkikg about

she's not remotely ugly. if she's your looksmatch youre not incel

Damn you’re right, since she’s ugly like you she needs to pop that pussy for you

Everyone is free to date, or not date, anyone they want. Why is this so hard to understand?