They key to understanding the Holocaust and how civil society allowed for it to happen, is to study the behavior of women around sub-8 men and around chad.
Notice also the perceived personality women have of sub-8 men and that of chads. That's how you turn a "fight for ideas" into an ethnic cleansing.
One or two incidents and mainstream media is already talking about a final solution to the incel problem. Resembles how Hutus would make radio broadcasts against Tutsis before the Rwandan Genocide.
We may be the first actual casualties of the feminine society
1.aryans are better looking than jews. especially males. this is why so many of them get nose jobs to look more aryan.
all propaganda from all areas use portrayal of the enemy (men or women) as less desirable. check out anti-irish propaganda by the anglos. which they often used male standards of beauty to vilify irish females.
Take an important note: women's beauty standards HAVE changed, although not as much as some people claim, across history. Men's beauty standards have remained the same.
Why do all of you take historical inequality and its social impact as true facts?
Aryans colonised their world and imposed their ideal of beauty on everyone else -> "they are the most attractive race! Why else does the world glorify their features??!!"
You're so easily brainwashed and severely lack critical thinking, no wonder you're incels.
Yes indeed. Because misogynist sexist abusive men have a really hard time finding a partner. Thank god women have such efficient misogyny radars, would you believe the number of domestic abuse cases if women didn't have this 6th sense?
misogynist sexist abusive men have a really hard time finding a partner.
Yep, because all of you are single.
Thank god women have such efficient misogyny radars, would you believe the number of domestic abuse cases if women didn't have this 6th sense?
Thank you for admitting women are disproportionate victims of domestic abuse. It's almost like society has been conditioned to my misogynistic for centuries and that still manifests itself against them in this day and age.
And the numbers would be higher if women dated incels, who can't manipulate and hide their hatred if they tried. Nothing you're saying goes against my point.
There is literally nothing wrong with eugenics. If National Socialists were in power, we would have monogamy and significant research into gene therapy to better the stock.
The curse of the liberal normies on us incels is that their biological need to procreate is fueled by the subconscious "genetic immortality" where they feel like by having children a part of them lives on after they themselves pass away.
Naturally, normies need their offspring to look like THEMSELVES instead of the ideal. Normies think it's weird to want your children to look better than you. Years ago when I was still in high school, we had to discuss ethics in biology. I schooled the thots I was unwillingly paired with on how I would want there to be some way to ensure that my hypothetical children wouldn't inherit traits like my subhuman brown hair and eyes, hooked nose and weak chin. They thought I was a monster for wanting future generations to be healthier and more attractive. Filthy normies killing eugenics is why humans will never be a spacefaring civilization.
Hitler cared about incels. Watch any of his speeches where he mentions depressed men and suicide. He wanted to help us, unlike normies who unironically want to sacrifice us to norse deities.
Although I agree with you about the importance of eugenics, and how it must become a necessity as we learn more about genes and inheritance. The Nazis did it in all the wrong ways. Their eugenics program was part science part mythology, and they traits they wanted to reproduce and eliminate made no sense at all.
If only you knew something about the sexual situation of the Weimar Republic (very similar to what we have today) and how Jews were instrumental in creating it.
1 bcat124 2018-05-23
They key to understanding the Holocaust and how civil society allowed for it to happen, is to study the behavior of women around sub-8 men and around chad.
Notice also the perceived personality women have of sub-8 men and that of chads. That's how you turn a "fight for ideas" into an ethnic cleansing.
1 Jsm96 2018-05-23
Women get blamed for nothing in history.
1 IsThisRealReddit 2018-05-23
I made a high IQ post about it back in the days
1 wont_tell_i_refuse_ 2018-05-23
One or two incidents and mainstream media is already talking about a final solution to the incel problem. Resembles how Hutus would make radio broadcasts against Tutsis before the Rwandan Genocide.
We may be the first actual casualties of the feminine society
1 INFJCarnivoreKate 2018-05-23
1.aryans are better looking than jews. especially males. this is why so many of them get nose jobs to look more aryan.
1 DavidJewenstein 2018-05-23
Bingo desu.
1 EvilBananaManRD 2018-05-23
The virgin yellow press reader vs the Chad Morning Leader reader.
The standard of what's masculine and attractive and what's not hasn't changed through history
Take an important note: women's beauty standards HAVE changed, although not as much as some people claim, across history. Men's beauty standards have remained the same.
1 Legoman24 2018-05-23
The ethnic cleansing never stopped.
1 BLACCEL 2018-05-23
It's Jahr* and not Jahre lol
These nazi niggas failed their own language
1 DavidJewenstein 2018-05-23
There was spelling reform since then.
1 nachocheesie 2018-05-23
Why do all of you take historical inequality and its social impact as true facts?
Aryans colonised their world and imposed their ideal of beauty on everyone else -> "they are the most attractive race! Why else does the world glorify their features??!!"
You're so easily brainwashed and severely lack critical thinking, no wonder you're incels.
1 bcat124 2018-05-23
lmao we're incel because we lack critical thinking. That's a new one. Women just melt at the sight of some sick critical thinking skills bro.
1 nachocheesie 2018-05-23
Your lack of critical thinking about the world is why you identify with the term and have such fucked up beliefs about women and love.
You're single virgins because you're violent, hateful, sexist and racist.
1 bcat124 2018-05-23
Yes indeed. Because misogynist sexist abusive men have a really hard time finding a partner. Thank god women have such efficient misogyny radars, would you believe the number of domestic abuse cases if women didn't have this 6th sense?
1 nachocheesie 2018-05-23
Yep, because all of you are single.
Thank you for admitting women are disproportionate victims of domestic abuse. It's almost like society has been conditioned to my misogynistic for centuries and that still manifests itself against them in this day and age.
And the numbers would be higher if women dated incels, who can't manipulate and hide their hatred if they tried. Nothing you're saying goes against my point.
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-23
No you fuckface. I'm a single virgin because I use 2-in-1-shampoo. Get your fact's straight.
1 wont_tell_i_refuse_ 2018-05-23
Roastie at the club: OMG look at that guy's critical thinking, I want him inside me
1 kingcel 2018-05-23
There is literally nothing wrong with eugenics. If National Socialists were in power, we would have monogamy and significant research into gene therapy to better the stock.
The curse of the liberal normies on us incels is that their biological need to procreate is fueled by the subconscious "genetic immortality" where they feel like by having children a part of them lives on after they themselves pass away.
Naturally, normies need their offspring to look like THEMSELVES instead of the ideal. Normies think it's weird to want your children to look better than you. Years ago when I was still in high school, we had to discuss ethics in biology. I schooled the thots I was unwillingly paired with on how I would want there to be some way to ensure that my hypothetical children wouldn't inherit traits like my subhuman brown hair and eyes, hooked nose and weak chin. They thought I was a monster for wanting future generations to be healthier and more attractive. Filthy normies killing eugenics is why humans will never be a spacefaring civilization.
Hitler cared about incels. Watch any of his speeches where he mentions depressed men and suicide. He wanted to help us, unlike normies who unironically want to sacrifice us to norse deities.
1 bcat124 2018-05-23
Although I agree with you about the importance of eugenics, and how it must become a necessity as we learn more about genes and inheritance. The Nazis did it in all the wrong ways. Their eugenics program was part science part mythology, and they traits they wanted to reproduce and eliminate made no sense at all.
1 l3v1athaN_ 2018-05-23
I disagree. It was basically entirely based on attractiveness and cleanliness.
1 boutros_gadfly 2018-05-23
Devito. Schwarzeneggar. Twins.
1 AyeThatsAGoodNagger 2018-05-23
If only you knew something about the sexual situation of the Weimar Republic (very similar to what we have today) and how Jews were instrumental in creating it.
1 Waqui98 2018-05-23
Worst part is that hitler and some of his top henchmen were at best, normie looking and not even "aryanz".