For guys who think they can get girls with their sense of humor

95  2018-05-22 by Mest666


Don't forget Kevin Hart.

Kevin Hart

Don't know who he is except googlegraphic says he is tyrone

He’s manlet Tyrone and he’s pretty blackpilled

His comedy is based on mocking his height which is pretty low in my opinion.

this makes him a cuck in my eyes.

He is referred as a garmin in the short subreddit.

yeah ive heard that. A garmin is the worst.

Kevin Hart is a sellout clown that makes short men not be taken seriously.

He cheated on both of his wives. Degenerate as fuck.

Yeah he's kind of a shithead

I thought you meant Kevin James to begin with.

I would consider him a pretty decent looking guy despite his height and even he will never be considered a sex symbol in any capacity

Mr Bean mogs me.

His test mogs me

Hes a convicted felon and his dad is a murder/rapist yet hes marrying some super rich White girl now. Most White women now adays are pond scum.

His father was found? I thought his father was unknown. What's his name?

It was in a recent fox news article, google and you should find it

Yes girls do like funny guys, but they also like bad boys. Depends on how emotionally developed you are.

Just beat teenagers to death bro.

Is it possible to just post the picture straight to reddit? Im on mobile and opening imgur links all the time gets tedious.

I was bullied at school for looking like Mr Bean.

Ooh, nice upgrade.

Well played, Sir Atkinson.

Funny, everybody thinks so but no. He's not a knight.

Also, the proper address would be Sir Rowan.

He has status, he has fame. He also mogs all of us!

He isn't that bad looking, it's just that he's very good with the absent minded facial expressions on Mr Bean.

In Blackadder he looks like an upper tier normie most of the time

I don't disagree.

Rowan Atkinson is severely underrated because of Mr. Bean. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good character, but definitely not his best role.

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You're saying there is hope for his curry counterpart?

he is so fucking perfect. fuck this

Those tats would be trashy/cringey if that dude were uglier, but they're quirky and fashionable since he's attractive.

mr bean is god

mr bean had an awesome wife and now has a girlfriend. how is this accurate lmao

it's not about Mr Bean, bro

You just need to look on r/Braincels for evidence that a sense of humor is useless.

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I'm a funny guy with quite a bit of dating experience and I've never heard a girl say anything like this. And I'm also not attractive either.

yeah but mr bean's wife was a hottie when she was young and he is now 60 dating a 32 year old. as a female, im telling you sense of humor is a huge deal.

LMS - and S doesn't stand for Sense of humor

what does LMS mean? looks, money, sex? im not denying women want to be attracted to men, and want to feel like he can help provide for her and the family,but did you know that 40 percent of households with kids under 18 now have female breadwinners? i think u guys speak hyperbolics in here and make things seem worse than it is. women really don't care as much about money and those things as you think.

I know femoids think about sex every 7 milliseconds but it is STATUS. Face is first thing, you see those breadwinners want to have chad even if they have to work for him.

women literally don't think about sex that often, in the way men do. that's why women don't get addicted to porn and why men complain of sexless marriages. i think younger girls like to portray that they do bc they think it's what guys want to hear.

what does LMS mean? looks, money, sex? im not denying women want to be attracted to men, and want to feel like he can help provide for her and the family,but did you know that 40 percent of households with kids under 18 now have female breadwinners? i think u guys speak hyperbolics in here and make things seem worse than it is. women really don't care as much about money and those things as you think.