Today I saw a femoid being beaten by some bloke and screaming for help

49  2018-05-22 by blackpillnormie

He was your typical "bad boy", jacked and full of tattoos. I could call the cops or try something to help, but then I remembered what IT users told me "nobody is entitled to anything" so I just kept walking.


You did the right thing. No one is entitled for help.

good on ya mate đź‘Ť

well done. Maybe she should work on herself and stop dating bad boys.

He did her a favor.

He gave her an opportunity to learn. Hopefully she appreciates the true value of that.

Nothing of this would happened if she took some showers.

We don’t know that she did in the first place

That’s right, you sure taught her!! You play that victim mentality!!

she's probably going to fuck him later tonight but still, good job.

Not possible. You can’t have a bad personality and be in a relationship

We haven't seen his face so we don't know if his personality is good or not.


Convenient, because then you don't have to tackle a massive tattooed bloke. Good for you.

Yeah pretty sensible on his part.

Yep, you don’t owe her anything

Good job dude, making the world a better place

Women enjoy being beaten by dominant Chads. It gets their pussys soaking. They are masochistic beings. No point in calling the cops, the slut wouldn’t have pressed charges regardless.

+1 for not being a white knight


no shit retard

Wow low IQ

Some one got triggered

You must post on incel tears

Nothing usually does

I realize this story is a joke post that appears every week on here, but SERIOUSLY..

"What would an IncelTears user do?" is a TERRIBLE standard of behaviour for anyone to set as their personal bar for themselves.

I spend a bit of time on there hoping to connect with fellow ex- adult virgins who might have something positive to contribute on braincels.

But no. It is just wall to wall righteously outraged women who seem to sincerely believe they're activists protecting the world from misogyny, rape and incel murder/suicide attacks by screeching OH MY GOD LOOK AT THAT AWFUL POST THE INCELS JUST MADE!

And a peculiar group of men who want to be part of that for whatever reason.

All IncelTears is, is low level, brainless cyberbullying. I wouldn't pay it any mind...

She must have a very bad personality for someone to treat her like that

That's a natural behavior and it's just biology. We are just cavemen and animals, after all. No need to do anything. Nothing was wrong.

There's probably a completely natural reason for her to be beaten in the street and if you weren't so jealous and insecure you'd see that.

Nobody is entitled to someone else’s body. But by law you are entitled to safety...

You're not entitled to safety by law according to the United States Supreme Court. Police exist to charge people with crimes, not to protect you.

A murder being charged with murder is not the same as being protected from a murderer. This is important. Words have meanings and those meanings carry weight. We know this is difficult for you women to grasp since your words only exist to manipulate.

No one is entitled to anything. ANYTHING. N-E-THING

Scary, isn't it? The police don't serve the people, they serve an abstract entity called the state.

Not anymore terrifying than the fuck that these smarmy stupid sluts have rights.

...I mean, the universe guarantees you nothing. But your government certainly guarantees you things. You are entitled (in the USA) to the things listed in the constitution. You are entitled to bodily autonomy. Which is what people are referring to when they say you aren’t entitled to sex. Because sex involved another person, and it is their choice what to do with their own body.

You are entitled to bodily autonomy.

Quote the line.

The Supreme Court interprets the constitution however they see fit, and they saw fit to interpret it in support of bodily autonomy. You can look it up if you want.

Also excuse me for not partying 24/7 or something haha.

where was this?

Don't help them. It's not unlikely for women to make up with Chad and turn against you.

LOOOOL love this

you're an honorable gentleman for respecting her privacy, man. remember that. she loves him and nobody should intervene in theor perfect relationship :):):):):):)))

He gave her an opportunity to learn. Hopefully she appreciates the true value of that.