Braincels is becoming low IQ

71  2018-05-22 by hhya98

As more people join, the sub is becoming a lot more diluted with low iq posts and opinions... any thoughts?


The lack of responses in this high IQ post just proves it.

I agree... high IQ posts get ignored or downvoted to obliviol

The misogyny level not being high enough is the reason

aren't you a girl or something?

This is what they do. Most of the guys here are very low willpower and will just blow with the wind, and the women on this website have a chip on their shoulder from being complete fucking losers, so they try to "troll" and control this stuff.

Women. Ruin. Everything.

yeah this one wasn't even a good attempt at fitting in

Top kek.

Yes. She is

just ban this one

Ban me for agreeing with what you have to say... what kinda logic is that...?

just do it GC

So she was full of shit during the modmail conversation, I assume?

Good to know. /u/hhya98, really reconsidering my decision now.

Wtf, I’ve literally just made a thread which loads of incels agree with and you’re gonna ban me cause this one guy thinks I’m a woman (which is allowed)?

Nope. However, your behavior on the sub so far hasn't been helping your case. No rule violations yet, but more of the same shit from before nonetheless.

I vote ban.

oh shit i didnt know

Yep, she a thot thot

The memes are kind of getting dumber and more stupid.

I miss police raid memes.

Normie ((((incel memes)))) all the good posters left and it's filled with fakecels and failed NORMIES who have no idea how incel culture works.

This is what happens when you have a female as a mod.

Lol wtf do you want her to do, ban 10,000 people or something... get real man.

Females have no place in the incel world

so are normies and mentalcels but i see them here all the timz

Hi! :D

hello yes?

Yes. Hello!

There are female incels too


I think there can be, but you need to be around a 1/10 to be one, lower attractiveness requirement to have a relationship or sex as a woman than a man. It’s like how women tune out on unattractive men, but in reverse.

So as an incel ... you're saying you don't want to be around women?

Fakecel confirmed. Ban plox.

I wouldn't mind a female mod, but one that posts on cucktears should not be a mod.

I want her to stop being a mod

Truecels left

Are you confirming yourself to be a volcel then?

Lol! You made almost the exact same post like I did at the same time... this sub is really going downhill..

Great minds and all that ;)

or maybe you two are both idiots

Phahaha, go rim stacy you normie.

Just like /r/incels. Used to be almost entirely serious then devolved to comics, memes, and non-educational photoshops.

i remember when we had actual discussions and never used the world cucks or bluepills, posting memes was so stranger to that sub too

Yep. I wonder if we can bring that back some day. Maybe a different sub.

no people didnt know what incels meant back then now there is too much women hating normies that feel they are "blackpilled" i remember how i learned very much about my incel life i understood why things where that way i remember threads of love thanking everyone for being here and making us understand our life it was beautiful

I wish this was what this sub was. I would be able to whole heartedly support that sub. I know a lot of people want to have empathy for incels but all they see are crazy ones. It makes me sad to see that so many men have become so depressed and toxic. Love and support are always better than hate and toxicity.

nobody cares what you think norman

Tupac cares, if don't nobody else care.

Thanks Tupac!

That's how groups have always worked. Bigger groups equals lowest common denominator Iq. Happens in every group.

Literally this.

Translated into the saying, "a person is smart, people are dumb."

Too many incels are trying to trigger the normie brigaders.

Too many incels are trying to trigger the normie brigaders.

The problem is the normies who come here to debate about shit and refuse to admit when they're proven wrong.

Yes, so come to /r/WhitePill.

Lel, I’d rather die.

any thoughts?


Low IQ comment. Further proof of the deterioration.

there are too many fakecels

People on this sub care too much about IT.

this is why Alia left in the first place , its becoming low iq because of fakecels and "blackpilled" normies

It's the normies that ruined this shit

People keep revamping the same memes over and over. Beating a dead horse with shitty photo shops and click baits.

i keep on telling them to stop reposting it's annoying AF

This post is literally an opinion and a low IQ one at that. And it's getting upvoted.

Normie giving adice and knowledge on incel cultue


Braincels was always low IQ. In fact, anyone that labels themselves as ‘involuntarily celibate’ has an alarmingly low IQ. Maybe watching Jeremy Kyle might be slightly reassuring.

I have no idea what you’re on about, Jeremy Kyle is the epitome of class.