The most brutal mog of all time. Chad v gymcel

235  2018-05-22 by Zyzz123


This is the definition of mog

Why does the smaller guy have boobs?

Awful chest insertions

He needs to hit the gym harder and shred more. He’s just using chad as a cope. VOLcel

He’s lucky he doesn’t have gap pec inserts aswell or it would literally be worse than gyno

High level of prolactin which inhibits testosterone. But that's just my guess.

He looks likes his mini me

People like to cope by saying things like "there's always someone bigger/better looking/etc", yet if you're this Chad you are already above 99.9% of the male population, so randomly running into an even bigger Giga-Chad isn't something you have to worry about.

If you're this gymcel though you're being mogged by basically any guy who is tall regardless of whether he lifts. if that girl in the gif was dating the gymcel, she won't be for long after getting an eyeful of Chad.

Tfw 6’3 Mediterranean masterrace


Lmao you guys seriously need to stop worrying about other people and focus on yourself

Low IQ comment

Very low IQ.


Low IQ

Zero IQ

Giva-chad made me laugh

yet if you're this Chad you are already above 99.9% of the male population, so randomly running into an even bigger Giga-Chad isn't something you have to worry about.

If youre chad in a uni, your probabably gonna run into other chads around yoru looks level

In so many ways being a Chad is like being a monster from the movie Rampage

you a dumb ass nigga if u go to uni

not foh chad nibbuh

nah fam where u from? in london i be servin shots to them uni neeks and niggas know im taxing them stupid fools talm bout £100 for a full gram only its a crushed up paracetamol

United States

Stacy collects Chad dick like she Starbucks rewards. She's cool with fucking guys who within similar looks ranges because she wants the "pride" of being able to say she fucked them all.

im not even mad at stacies wanting chad dick. Its the average, below average, and slightly above average girls that still want chad that infuriate me

Just like you non-Chads want Stacies... but it doesn't count when men do it.

That's kind of a strawman though. Most men here are depressed they won't get Stacy but they'd be fine with average Mary or below average Susie. Furthermore I'd be willing to bet about 25% of the men on this sub are 3-5/10 and they cannot get their looksmatch as a general rule. I'm actually still hoping that it's my personality, bad decisions, bad luck, and trauma that's fucking my life up. Most will tell me I'm coping at age 25. This sub is different than r/incels, r9k, and in my opinion.

How is pointing out a double standard a strawman?

Most incels are mad they won't get the hottest women. Why do you think most rants are about why Stacies go for Chads rather than why a woman on their level isn't dating them?

about 25% of the men on this sub are 3-5/10 and they cannot get their looksmatch as a general rule.

They frequently say they won't settle.

This sub is different than r/incels, r9k, and in my opinion.

It's just heavily moderated. Same people as original sub. All provide insight into incel culture and incels.

And you wouldn't want the pride of fucking the hottest Stacies if you could?

Notice how I put pride in quotes. There's nothing prideful about fucking a bunch of people for the sake of validation.

You know, promiscuous, reckless behavior can be seen as a warning sign for mental illness and suicide, right?

Foids are out here hopping from dick to dick to dick, yet all of sudden it's seen as empowerment, rather than attempting to fill a void inside of you by trying to make yourself believe you are loved through sex.

But to answer your question: no. Sex has become less important to me than love. I want to be in a loving, loyal, committed relationship. And I want to be in that relationship with me looksmatch.

show the pic of spider man meeting another spider man

This guy literally only gets mogged by The Rock or some other type of WWE monster.

Except that the vast majority of women do not just leave their boyfriend just because a hotter guy hits on her.

It's called branch swinging and femoids do it.

So a tiny percentage of shallow women do it. At least they would be quickly exposed for what they are.

Branch swinging and trading up is pretty common with foids.

75% of women cheat.

!00% want to.

No wonder you people are alone. Jesus.

You said it, man.

it's hilarious when normal attractive people come in here and try to act like their looks haven't given them a privileged life compared to incels.

it's exactly like when rich people say money doesn't matter, or white people say race doesn't matter. of course the typical Redditor get's those issues.

.#beautyprivilege #beautyableism

It hurts my brain to see these peoples reasoning skills. And general knowledge about how the world works. Like fuck.

whats more important than looks? how can you say it's personality when most women don't even give me the chance to open my mouth and start talking.

Your personality is so shitty that it reflects on your outside. Why should any girl give you a chance when they can already see how shitty your personality is just by looking at you.

But how can you possibly see someone personality just based on pictures, I need to know. Are women just psychic now?

if you genuinely think this is possible you have brain damage. to detect someone's personality on a snap shot image? you can't be serious. does your brain just say "loading.... loading.... can't compute" as it spits out idiotic rebuttals like this. please explain to me. how can you detect someone's personality based on a snapshot image of them? so fucking stupid to say.

Your personality is so shitty that it reflects on your outside.

Extremely low iq comment.

I'm alone because I'm short and hideous. women tell me that to my face.

not because I believe women have no code of honor. no woman has given me the chance to say that many words.

due to stating painful facts

Do you think it’s the same for men?

why would a man cheat when it results in losing his house, kids, car, and 60% of every future paycheck.

a woman can cheat, and if you divorce her, keeping fucking Chad in your house that you slaved every day to earn for her.

"why would a man cheat when it results in losing his house, kids, car, and 60% of every future paycheck."

I've cheated in past relationships. None of those things were at risk.

In some western countries like England, women can even take that shit without marriage. How fucked is that. If your girlfriend breaks up with you she can take you to court and claim you’ve been paying for so many meals and you need to keep doing it. And the court will actually swing the hammer on that.

That sucks. I don't live in England though.

What if the woman would lose house and car and 60% of paycheck to the man if she cheats? Then If she cheats she pays the guy $1000s per month

They don’t though. Women can cheat and still take everything. Women get 97% of all alimony, while doing at least half of the cheating.

This sounds like the slogan of a TV ad for cheating

yeah kinda like "a girlfriend's guide to divorce". funny how our media promotes infidelity to women every day, and shits on men that even dream of it.

I meant the comment with the obviously made up statistic lol

I've been fascinated with this communities obsession with getting cheated on and complete lack of trust that its possible for a woman to be faithful to a man. That type of mentality would more than likely drive someone to be an abusive control freak once they get into a relationship.

Always trying to hash together a way to blame the man for literally everything. It’s like you normies also believe that women are mindless animals that barely know what they’re doing.

At what point did I blame a man for anything? I merely stated someone having a paranoia about their partner cheating on them is likely to lead to that person being abusive or controlling, it really goes for a woman or a man.

The Consequences of "Trading Up" - YouTube

Burning through a starter husband is almost becoming a rite of passage: While newly-marrieds everywhere fear the one-in-two-marriages-fail statistic, the more relevant stat is that while the median age at which a woman first marries is 25, the median age at which she first divorces is 29.

The problem is women love singularly, while men love plurally.

If a guy is hanging with his girlfriend, and another hot girl with big boobs comes up and flirts with him.. He wants both of them.

If a girl is hanging with her boyfriend, and another hot guy that's 6'4 comes up and flirts with her... She DOES NOT WANT BOTH OF THEM.. Biologically she can only have 1 kid from 1 sperm.

He on the other hand can impregnate both of them.

This causes a massive imbalance and shows why this cuts so deep. When women meet a hot guy, they are thinking of 'REPLACING' their man.

When men meet a hot girl they're thinking of having both.

Very interesting perspective. Never thought of it like that before.

Biologically she can only have 1 kid from 1 sperm.

not sure this is true . . . lol women have tons of kids

High IQcel


low IQ comment.

It's been proven that when the circumstances are right (man is at work 8 hours a day while woman is part time or free).. I think the number was 70%+ of women admitted to cheating on a survey. And that's the ones who admitted it.

how about you provide this survey instead of us having to take your word for it.

how do you know

Because I actually interact with real, mature people

Hey so I'm a sort of Chad (but I like incels). One thing I noticed when my looks improved is that most of my friends' girlfriends started to hit on me. Some would do it behind their back, some upfront. One of them was clearly attracted and kinda invited me to her place but then she almost immediately changed her mind and decidedly walked away not to be tempted. I got a lot of respect for this one (and she and my friend are now married with a kid).

The thing is, if the right guy comes, emotions get the best of women, and it's almost irresistible.

Of course, I never flirted with/kissed/fucked any of them. But in my personal experience, even the most loving girlfriend is tempted to cheat, even if not all do.

But why can’t the girl just understand that someone is more attractive than there boyfriend. My best friend is extremely attractive and my girlfriend and him and I are always chilling out but my gf doesn’t just look at him for being buff and hot. Not all girls are evil.

Guaranteed shes finger banged herself to him tho

You realize all these guys are now convinced you are a cuck and shes getting railed by him on the regular right?

Imagine being a giga-chad incel because you're 24/7 surrounded by even gigaer megachads... scary.


To be fair.. rumor has it this guy 'Connor Murphy' can't even have sex. Depending on how healthy you are while cycling, genetics, beginning testosterone.. you can lose the ability to produce T naturally while cycling. This is why people like The Rock, Arnold, etc.. will ALWAYS be cycling steroids. And don't kid yourself, those ex-bodybuilders are on testosterone therapy for life. They have to look in the mirror and know that they can't shoot a load without medical intervention.

thank you for pointing this out

I actually lol'd @ Giga-Chad

it's not possiible to look better than chad. BUT chad can get cucked by rich chad/ aggressive chad/ famous chad

White worshiping cunt

That girl is just in aw of big guy,she looks at small dude like fuck outta here

No matter what you do, if you are tall, you win at life.


dude don't say such things

You said it yourself. You are 6'3", the moment a roastie notices you if I were to be close to one and talking to her, you will snatch her away from me. It's the truth.

Lol dude I'm an incel too and I'm bald

you facemog me hard

She'd go with some normie

I wish I was your height.

You'd be clueless and bluepilled and you'd never end here, would you want that?

A life of ignorance and happiness or a life of knowledge and depression, tough choice.

It's over though for you, maybe not over for me, I'll try gymceling, fit 6'3 guy may succed, what do you think

Do it anyways. You have the height to help you.

Maybe I'll fail, maybe I won't, but I'll never be a normie again and I'll never forget about incel friends

Life is not as it used to be, I see no love, only blackpill

Same. I have no other choice. No matter what I do to self-improve it will always be seen as having a napoleon complex.

Dunno. I have another short friend, he was your height and he ultra gymceled and had gymgirl his height

I’m 6’2” Girls don’t even see me

6‘4“ checking in. I agree.

6 8 and wish I was dead, or shorter.

Why dont you play bball?

Terrible. Also ugly.

At least you have a monsterous cock

I know tall people with small dicks, I know small people with thick long dicks. It's really not related, especially, girth is more important and short people can have sick girth.

I have a huge girthy dick, no chances to use it

Then go out and talk to women. Majority of them will welcome you with disgust. But you don't let that stop you, you're not in charge of rejecting you, others are, it's your right to try and have what you need.

Good thing I have a tiny pecker so I'm not really missing out anything

How do you everybody's dick size??

I suck them in the bathroom for money. /s

People eventually talk about this at some point...

This is false

You‘re already abnormally freakishly tall. Sorry bro

Its ogre

6'1" checking in; it's true


Can confirm.

6'4'' ogre here.

I'm 6'1, i dont know if that is considered tall enough to be apart of the "6 ft god club", but yeah i don't get noticed at all lel.

He doesn't even exist! She doesn't look at him once!

The problem with frame is that even if the guy on the left stopped hitting the gym, and did nothing he'd probably still mog the guy on the right.

Honestly manlets need to be genetically aborted like downy kids. It's about the same thing. Life of unavoidable genetic induced suffering with no cure.

If you think about it though tall height these days is actually bad other than roasties outdated programming. It uses up far more resources than would otherwise be necessary for not much advantage other than to make women horny because they are a few thousand years in need of a patch.

Most secondary sex characteristics are bad in that they reduce chances of survival.

Do you really think coloured male peacocks can survive better against predators than a peacock without feathers? No. The peacock without coloured feathers is less likely to attract predators.

The idea is that these secondary sex characteristics are chosen, because a male that has them and is still alive has to be somehow more fit than the male that survives without living with that weakness.

Meh true. I just think it's hilarious that people think bone structure is actually important for civilization when it's really your ability to produce and advance technology.

It hasn't been long enough for us to have lost our evolutionary links to "the wild". We are still just a couple billion monkeys running around doing stuff. We're just making better stuff more efficiently. We'd probably need a couple million more years for us to have totally lost our touch with "the wild".

I wonder if big titted girls would be less good at surviving

Maybe that's why the majority of women have smaller boobs. Actually nvm, its hard to say whats the true average boob size because of obesity, but if we look at the many asians in the world, I conclude that smaller boobs are better for survival.

Imagine if all the men were Chads and all women had DD+ cups. 0 genetic waste

If only. My only worry is if the standard of attractiveness is raised so high that in that universe, only giga chads are getting any. And then we're back to square 1.

Realistically I think in this scenario, that mostly finances would matter to the Futureroasties. If all guys are 9-10 it hardly matters, a guy with an 8 pack isn't that much more attractive than a guy with a 6 pack. +$50k salary/higher status/political power makes way more difference.

True, that makes more sense.

A dozen successive High IQ comments..Damnnnnn

A dozen successive High IQ comments..Damnnnnn

All peacocks are males.

hence pea cock

Eh.. that's gonna be a cope from me. Yes, very tall people die faster. You never see a 6'4 old man walking around because he's either dead or confined to a chair. However, tall people earn more money and have vastly more opportunities than short people. People will simply walk up to and introduce themselves to tall motherfuckers just out of awe. Nobody walks up to a short guy with starry eyes and says 'hi I'm Monica'.

Eh.. that's gonna be a cope from me. Yes, very tall people die faster. You never see a 6'4 old man walking around because he's either dead or confined to a chair.

That's true, you tend to die sooner if you're tall because of the extra strain on bodily systems, just like obese people die sooner.

It’s still helpful for sports and physical labor... plus using up too many resources isn’t really a problems these days considering we pretty much have an endless supply of food.

another reason we don't see a lot of tall old guys is that people shrink as they age due tpo gravity on the spine and a guy who was 6'4 in his prime might be as short as 5'10 as an old man

Bro also short women. Many men are short because of short moms.

Eugenics should be mandatory.

What version of it? I'm all for breeding licenses and genetic health screening, but NOT for castration and forced sterilization via chemicals, surgical procedures or any other means.

A genetically fitter society is a better society in every conceivable way. Smarter and more efficient producers, low stress populace due to all Maslow needs being met, and a higher probability of outputting creative innovators, geniuses and elite athletes.

I don't condone forced sterilisation, except where it can reasonably be ascertained that a (potential) child would suffer unduly for his genetic unfitness, and yet the parents have made it clear that they nevertheless wish to proceed with conception, for whatever reason. I would see it sufficient for the genetically superior to be incentivised and rewarded for procreation, and for the genetically unfit to also be incentivised and rewarded, but instead for their refraining from procreation. By and large, I think forced sterilisation/abortion will mostly be unnecessary; give people an incentive and they'll be happy to comply. Certainly everyone desires to reproduce, as is only natural, but a widespread understanding of the ethicomoral necessity of a Eugenicist program would facilitate its acceptance.

I completely agree with your remarks.

Hate to be cliche but you’re literally being Hitler right now

just move to argentina bro

What are you talking about? Guy on the left looks cute as hell. Not as attractive at the other one but not too shabby either

Dude, you don't get it. Aborting manlets won't fix the problem. All that would mean is that the average height would increase. If we abort manlets, then the only thing that will happen is that 2-3 generations from now, women will expect men at least 6'3 tall or something. Height is distributed normally, and there will always be men who are below the average.

There would be a limit though, a point where men simply cannot get any taller. Extremely tall men often have disproportionate bodies as well as health problems.

Dude, you don't get it. Aborting manlets won't fix the problem. All that would mean is that the average height would increase. If we abort manlets, then the only thing that will happen is that 2-3 generations from now, women will expect men at least 6'3 tall or something. Height is distributed normally, and there will always be men who are below the average.

its called the moving target fallacy, wherein people suggest that you remove the bottom half of a distribution, so what happens is that the middle goes directly to the bottom and the top half that was the 'prime choice' becomes split into two parts, with the lower end taking up the new middle of the distribution and the upper end making the new top end of the distribution.

Lots of people make this fallacious argument by suggesting that "if only people would work harder/get wealthier en masse". Well, then you're moving the target.

The only people who would be better off aborted are shit-for-brains in this sub who think alI that matters in life is being tall so you can attract physically attractive women who have equally trash personalities.

It's not worth it. This sub is purely for us to look at and cringe about, but there's no reason in their views, so don't try to talk to them. In fact it's a bit like a freak show, which is fun.

Have you ever watched the movie Freaks? Maybe the true freak is you.

Sex is good 😉

Nah, fam. It only seems that way.

I’m 1560weeks overdue can I still be aborted?

Hoe are you going to know if it’s a manlet or not before it’s even born retard

Short parents. No testosterone supplements.

instead of breast milk they should feed the baby testosterone from birth

Is 5’9 turbo manlet status to you? That’s my height and I think it’s just not enough

The real problem is the food hormones making women grow too big amirite?

The realest problem is that tinder and Okcupid makes the girl on the right dump the guy in the middle because the guy on the left COULD be a swipe away.

The realest problem is that tinder and Okcupid makes the girl on the right dump the guy in the middle because the guy on the left COULD be a swipe away.

Which is actually hilarious if you think about it. You know how gambling addictions start? All those women will be crushed by the weight of their tinder addiction and ending up old and alone. it'll be karma.

once around their mid to late 30s they will look for a beta manlet to provide

then the 6ft tall guys will be the new manlets. 100 years ago women used to be fine with 5 foot 7. its impossible to curb women's hypergamy, it always climbs up.

Right!!! So much hotter omg 😍


Nah, i mean the girl. Then the middle man and id run from the left man.

Holy fuck, a gigachad.

I’d love to see Connor Murphy get mogged by Gigachad

Just LDAR when gigachad comes around

whats ldar mean?

lay down and rot

thanks, good advice.

When chad meets Gigachad

Little guy's body sucks.

The most ironic thing is that he's prolly not an incel and dates a woman of his dreams. He's got a decent face. Remember, face trumps everything.

I'm sure he's not an incel. He gets a chance, and gets laid more than an average normie, probably. But it's unlikely that he's uniquely interesting/smart/funny/rich, so he needs to remain constantly vigilant about getting dumped or cucked.

yes basically the most ironic thing is that yes while he is getting mogged by that greek god in this instance, overall it doesn't matter. he's probably been knee deep in pussy since teens (I'm talking about the small dude) and we are here being faggy virgins on a reddit forum. Who wins really... well not us.

dates a woman of his dreams.

The girl on the right is his gf

What’s his name. How tall is shorty?

You guys realize this is fake right? This is famous youtuber Connor Murphy that is known to pay people for their shots. The girl was paid to look at him that way (even though I wouldn't doubt that she'd still look at him without being paid). But still, you get the idea

This is true. You’re only downvoted because this evidence doesn’t agree with everyone’s preconceived ideas. Confirmation bias at its finest.

Downvoted because "(even though I wouldn't doubt that she'd still look at him without being paid)" made it moot.

Am I wrong?

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

Thank you

"teehee it's so hard being an actress they pay me to smile at a chad it's so unnatural"

Even if his videos are fake it doesn't matter, the point of the post is to just lol at this manlet getting brutally mogged

Or we’re just having fun and joking around, and logical explanations are boring.

You guys realize this is fake right?

Yeah that's clearly a CGI manlet

Her reaction might be fake but a "mog" doesn't mean that he gets the girl, he "mogs" the guy on the right. And even if he was paid to flex his girly tits, he still got mogged by Connor.

Is that gyno or just unfortunate chest genetics?

One of the most classic mogs to ever be recorded.

Not even going to watch it because I know it's suifuel

The Femoid blob doesn't even look at her BF, who has put in months of work to look like that... for her.

Gymcel looks like he has tits when he flexes his chest

What normans don't realize is that when we gymcel, we're about as far from the manlet as he is from the Chad.

The guy on the right is above average tho.

Makes me cringe beyond belief every time I see it. RIP this guy's dignity

Is that David laid?

I love how bluepilled the manlet seems when he takes of his shirt. “Yeah were just two muscular men showing off to this girl here. Who on earth would she pick?”

I don’t feel bad. That gymcel put himself in that position. He deserved it.

Gigachad clearly feels bad for the Manlet, knowing he's about to get mogged. Chads ain't that bad

She looks at the other guy for 0.6 seconds just to virtue signal that she's a fair woman.

Will u be my boyfriend

The smaller guy still gets laid. You guys need psychiatric help.

How tall?

This is so painfull to watch. I wonder if he is still alive after that mog.



Can't wait until I'm that ripped. Won't help though, I'm subhuman from the face up.

I can feel the tingle waves emanating off this girl right at the moment of shirt taking off

man the gymcel is on steroids/TRT ..I cannot get over his man boobs...he has serious gynecomastia... Chad on the otherhand has suffered less serious side effects of steroids/TRT eventhough he is on it

Pretty sure it's just his chest insertions/genetics.

Dunno. I have another short friend, he was your height and he ultra gymceled and had gymgirl his height

Low IQ comment

Very low IQ.


Low IQ

What version of it? I'm all for breeding licenses and genetic health screening, but NOT for castration and forced sterilization via chemicals, surgical procedures or any other means.

A genetically fitter society is a better society in every conceivable way. Smarter and more efficient producers, low stress populace due to all Maslow needs being met, and a higher probability of outputting creative innovators, geniuses and elite athletes.

I know tall people with small dicks, I know small people with thick long dicks. It's really not related, especially, girth is more important and short people can have sick girth.

This is false

Its ogre

But how can you possibly see someone personality just based on pictures, I need to know. Are women just psychic now?

if you genuinely think this is possible you have brain damage. to detect someone's personality on a snap shot image? you can't be serious. does your brain just say "loading.... loading.... can't compute" as it spits out idiotic rebuttals like this. please explain to me. how can you detect someone's personality based on a snapshot image of them? so fucking stupid to say.

Your personality is so shitty that it reflects on your outside.

Extremely low iq comment.