They defend drug lords and abusers but incels are the bad guys?

402  2018-05-22 by throwawayMEMEBIGBOY


That's not that untrue. Women like horrible people.

Women sexuality is amoral, they like dominant men, doesn't matter if he uses his dominant traits for good (leadership) or bad (being a bully or thug).

Fair point

Not really, you're just insecure.

Women liking men you'd call evil is so common they gave it a name. Look up hybristophilia.

Why do you label somebody pointing out a fact as insecure? That kinda makes me think that you're the one who's insecure. That came out of nowhere.

It's not s fact, nothing that comes out of any of you peoples faces, computers or phone's, is a fact.

You just assume shit.

Holy projection, Batman!

It's not a projection, you're just scared of the truth.

Holy projection, Batman!

You literally don't have an argument other than "Nuh-uh! You're wrong!" You're so scared of being wrong they you jump right to name calling, rather than confront the issue at hand. If that isn't insecurity, I don't know what is.

Now, please, go away and let the grown-ups talk.

I'm not reading anymore of you peoples bullshit of an argument.

Lmao, keep trying tho.


no one wanted you here anyways lol

I can be on this subreddit if I want to, so fuck what you don't want.

Toodles! 😊

Hahahahaha I love triggered little bitches like you.

The halo effect is an actual psychological phenomenon. Fact.

I like how you guys try to justify why you're incapable of getting a female companion

I'm not justifying. Women liking psychopaths has nothing to do with me being a virgin. I am 100% willing to accept that and at no point did I intend conveying otherwise.

Claiming that my point of view is wrong because I call myself an incel is dumb. I hope you're trolling.

Honestly dude this entire sub has to be a troll, woman don't fucking gravitate towards evil people. They gravitate towards confidence and personality, qualities which most evil people have but so do the majority of non-evil people who get with woman. FFS

Oh really? Tell me, how many women have you had soyboy.

I'm a 55 year old virgin.

Lol and is there any other justifying other than horrible looks? You're low iq.

That right there, you mention IQ. That tells me so much about you, I'm just assuming you're ugly as fuck too. Makes sense, right?

No, my GF and the multiple women I had sex with before disagree with you.

Why do you label somebody pointing out a fact as insecure? That kinda makes me think that you're the one who's insecure. That came out of nowhere.

Seriously they always do this, and not to mention it undermines insecurity.

if women don't like horrible people why do so many of them get into abusive relationships? 🤔

You think so many women do, you think that every women is the same and that every women stays in an abusive relationship.

That doesn't justify anything, and that simply makes no sense since you don't know every single women in the whole wide world.

"More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[vi]"

"Nearly half of all women in the United States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime (48.4%).[vii]"

"Nearly 1 in 10 women in the United States (9.4%) have been raped by an intimate partner in her lifetime.[ii]"

"Two-thirds (66.2%) of female victims of stalking were stalked by a current or former intimate partner.[ii]"

"An estimated 10.7% of women have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime.[v]"

But apparently its "rare" for women to be into scumbags? sure. keep telling that to yourself cuckboy.

There's even more evidence in there but I'm bored and don't feel like going through it anymore.

4% of all women are victims of any violent crime by strangers.

I dont have the stats for men but ill guess its pushing 20% of men are victims if violent crime by strangers

You’re out of your mind if you think a woman is going to take in that many facts.

Wtf, this only points out how horrible some men can be, I don't see how it means that women are "into" bad people? You don't really get how logic works in here do you?

Cant you read previous intimate partners? What happened to detecting misogyny from a mile away.

it means that women overwhelmingly date men who abuse them because they are attractive and charismatic, see OP. men would date johnny depp that beats them every week than some average normal guy because the only thing they are interested in is POWERFUL GENES. they are entirely amoral. morality is male.

Wow dude you'll fry it's brain with so many facts.

Holy shit the grammar is so bad here, it’s so obviously a hole.

It goes back to evolutionary instinct. Women like masculine, dominant figures to breed with, and then settle with beta providers.

Even hitler had Eva

Daily reminder that a mass murderer gets more pussy than all you.

“Hey bro make sure you’re charming when you beat someone to death with a hammer girls love that shit bro”

They're not wrong. Being a horrible person doesn't preclude having a charming personality, at least at first. Incels on the other hand, wouldn't be here if you're cool.

In what way are the defending anyone? They are just saying they have charismatic personalities lol

Lost me at "y'all"


Ps good name.

Unrelated but the new TES game is going to be in Elsweyr


If anything it'll be set in Redguard to cash in on the SJWs. It'll be the Black Panther of videogames.

They're not saying "bad guys" as such...

I think the point is a personality that has criticising women's looks and sexuality as a fairly core value (which is something incels do a lot on here) is not going to attract women's romantic interest, is it?

Like a gay man isn't going to be attracted to a really vocal homophobe.

Uh, a gay man will be attracted to a homophobe if the homophobe is good looking enough.

How about that fakecel “dontcomplain” or whatever he’s called - he hates women and they’re still attracted to him.

Uh, a gay man will be attracted to a homophobe if the homophobe is good looking enough.

Can confirm.


But I'm not a roastie cunt, I'm a beta cuck married to a roastie cunt.

Why don't you try acting more like a grown man? And less like a sarky teenager living his life one shitpost on the internet at a time. Women like that.

Women will date Nazis, but will draw the line at misogynist Nazis.

Because some women are Nazis too! So there's some compatibility there.

I don't know anything about being a woman, but I'm guessing It's not very compatible with being with men who openly talk about how awful all women are...?

I know super vocal progressive women suck the dick of the most misogynist bros in college. Sexual mate choice is almost entirely about how you look.

makes me sad to hear

ugly nazis*

I fucked up. My bad.

Yet the guys on /r/foreveralone who don't hate women openly are still undesirable.

There are few guarantees in life.

I know incels place a lot of importance on being smart.

If you're already not doing well with the ladies, actively sabotaging yourself further with behaviour that anyone can tell you is seriously unattractive, isn't very smart, is it?

I'm doing well with the ladies, so I'm doing something right in order to attract them.


You fuckers just awkwardly avoid the discussion of /r/ForeverAlone because it smashes into pieces all your just world fallacies so you immediately switch back to us. Pathetic.

Ok, ok, you win, nobody wants to fuck you now and nobody will ever want to fuck you ever. Nothing will ever change, and all women are exactly the same with identical wants, needs, tastes and preferences.

Yes totally but I'm still waiting on your take about /r/ForeverAlone but at that point I'm afraid the next time you'll answer you'll be so furious you'll just throw a fit.

Some people never meet the right person, and remain alone.

Like I say there are no guarantees in life. But if you write yourself off you're definitely maximising the probability that others will write you off too.

Nobody's looking for a disgruntled self-loathing negative person to make their life complete.

If they're not attractive.

Some people never meet the right person, and remain alone.

Yeah fuck off all these attractive people who never meet the right person amirite? Fucking lol.

Ahahah perfect answer 👌

Good, now go away and let people complain about their unfixable situation in peace.

I thought I was in an "unfixable" situation until I was 24 too.. then I met someone who liked me as I was.

The black pill stuff, the elaborate theories about how women supposedly think... It's all just excuses incels give themselves, to protect what remains of their egos.

Lol some people have it unfixable.

And some people only believe they have it unfixable.

I've said that stuff to plenty of the people here. You can be an evil bastards and stop be popular with both men and women.

Thanks for admitting that personality is a meme.

Women enjoy abuse, especially when it comes with a serving of good facial characteristics.

Accompanied by tall height.

big frame

Just abandon this ship, let it sink, and don't look back. We've all dodged a bullet.

I fucking hate femoids. Pure scum. All women are like this.


All incels want all women to be virgin 12 year old slaves given to men to stay with forever when the men turn 18.

Factually incorrect

Sorry Owly,

You are the weakest link


Factually incorrect

Sorry Owly,

You are the weakest link



Gotta love how this sub is either white supremacist or salafist depending on your degenerate moods.


moods of denegerates.


Everyone who down voted this just proved my point. Its annoying when someone generalises, isnt it ;)

Also against the sub rules. Lay off.

Also against the sub rules.

Being sarcastic is against the rules?

Lay off or you get a ban at the next rule violation.

Please I hate this place

Being sarcastic is against the rules?

Generalizing the subreddit, in jest or not.

Please I hate this place

You can also just leave, genius.

Generalizing the subreddit, in jest or not.

But you do it to others.

You can also just leave, genius. No one asked you to come here or to stick around, that's on you.

I hate its existence being here entertains me

But you do it to others.

On a venting board for social rejects, who would've though.

Once again, not everyone here does it either.

I hate its existence being here entertains me

Then you can piss off to IncelTears :)

Nah inceltears is dumber than ur mom

High effort response.

Piss off.

Thanks babes 😙😙 fuck off

If you haven't tried selling heroin to children you're volcel.

Selling heroin gets you 4's to 6's. To get the 7-8's, you need to convince kids to smuggle cocaine in their asshole, and have at least a couple of them die of overdose.

Just be a psychopathic drug lord that beats females.

Don't forget to be charismatic tho

And have a tall good faced personality.

To be an abuser, to be a drug lord and to be a psychopath you must be charming. Otherwise, you’d get caught or betrayed or avoided. Thats especially not what a drug lord wants as he will need to make deals and under the table shit. Obviously a girl who falls for these type of people fall for their persona, their facade. You guys don’t use a charismatic facade and whether you can or not is one a case by case basis. From a practical point of view that guy is right. Though he was probably just making a joke.

Nope, having known abusers first hand there is nothing charming. All they have to do is lie to authorities which isn’t fucking hard.

Drug lords aren’t charming... I even know the main one in my city... there was even a documentary on him. He barely even speaks cohesive English - he just controls the whole operation and carries a knife around just in case a bitch steps out of line.

Psychopaths I’ll agree with though.

He isnt a druglord then you STUPID FUCK he is street level and you think he the drug lord because you dont know fucking shit about a life you never been in so stop talkin abt it “Controls the whole operation” stop watching movies and realise tht what you talkin about is in a whole different world from u fuckhead

He’s called Kemar Lewis, just look him up. I know he controls the shit because he goes street level and intimidates and also controls the trade lines with London and other nearby cities.

Idiot was probably a foreigner than, there is no way he rose solely to power without any outside resources

Was probably just born into it - he just had a thick african accent.

How?! Like how does someone not be a good negotiater and rise to power

By being a scary ass mofo with good links

So he did have resources before hand

they'd rather be charmed by a thug than loved by an incel

"Beating up teenagers for their money is charismatic and charming, bruh."

We're bad people because we're ugly.

See my personality = looks post.

That person is just an asshole. There isn’t usually any defense for a person like that, especially when the other person is judged only by his looks

I'll be fine if western civilization falls honestly.

Not if but when, tbh i feel like ww3 would bring some excitement into an incels otherwise mundane and dull life. It'd either be exciting adrenaline packed death or quick nuclear death, either way its a win win lol

few centuries away at the very least.

U got that right, west will not survive more than 150 years tbh.

I just hope it happens when I'm like 30 so I won't get drafted, I'll definitely watch the news more often

Same, im 24 now and if shit hits the fan in 20 years when im 44 that'd be perfect. Living as a lonely man after 45-50 seems like a nightmare tbh

Fuck I'd love watching it burn to the fucking ground.

Wouldn't you feel better, though, If western society admitted to itself the amoral mating strategy of women. Its already admitted the amoral mating strategy of men (go for the looks).

Well yes of course, but what's the chances of that happening

Yes, Pablo Escobar, who ordered the killings of countless innocent people (many of them law enforcement) is a "cool" dude.

(Many of them law enforcement) haha fuckin nerd wtf who cares if a few south american corrupt cops n dea feds die the war on drugs is fucking useless Made it sound like police dying is absoloutely awful but in drug controlled states they just another gang Do this sub a favour n jump on the suicidetrain if you think narcs are better people than dealers

Will you relax you fucking mouthbreather? Escobar ordered the killing of several DEA agents who were just doing their job, not partaking in criminal activity like you see police doing in Central and South America.

R u having a stroke. Am I having a stroke



Also, reported.

Youve been watching too much narcos boyo

Reported. Quit telling people to go kill themselves. Don't you have something better to do?

Like killing himself?

You might want to review how reflexive pronouns work.

Yeah. I sensed that last sentence was not up to par.

Most American women would choose a drug dealer or convicted felon to father their children over a stemcel. Think about that for a minute. Jeremy meeks is a perfect example, convicted felon and women are lining up for a chance to marry him. Fucking joke of a society.

women have always been like this tho

I’d like to take a vote. How many people believe women are intellectually deficient?

Because I am finding that to be the case.


We have literally millennia of history that this is the case. Yet thousands of years of stories warning of the dangers of women are casually disregarded because of "muh progressive enlightening"


Please elaborate.

There are plenty of ugly, obese men of mediocre intelligence who somehow manage to find sexual partners. Incels just want to blame society rather than do the internal work required.

"internal work" yea right, making a lot of cash to finance some used up roastie slut

Normies are deluded

To them, attractig women means you have a good personality, regardless of any other characteristics/personality traits you have. You could be a violent baby raping murderer, but as long you can get women while doing it, you're A-OK in the eyes of normies

And then they tell us we put pussy and women on a pedestal while they will excuse abhorrent behavior as long as it attracts women LMFAO

It's circular reasoning.

"Well, he got laid, so that must mean he's charismatic!"

"Charisma" is a circular argument. "How do you draw people to you? By being charismatic! What does 'charismatic' mean? It means you attract people to you!"

attract people to you

hmm really makes you think

'Charming" and "charismatic" are usually just less obvious ways of saying "good looking"

Abusers normally don't start off as abusive, it happens over time, and most of the time means the women/man won't leave due to fear of said abuser. Psychopaths & sociopaths will either be extremely antisocial (Which means no partner), or act very charming only later revealing the true nature Drug lords, like abusers, hold the man/woman in fear of abuse.

Incels are bad guys.

Even if we are, so what? Plenty of bad guys get laid.

That doesn't make it justifiable, also, there are so many other things that are more important than sex.

What it makes it is irrelevant to our situation. We are not incel because of our personalities. We are incel because we're ugly.

There are plenty of genuinely nice guys who can't get laid because they're ugly.

There are zero good-looking guys who can't get laid because they're jerks. There is no such thing as "too big a jerk to get laid."


We're talking past each other.

Lmfao, fucking screeching monkey

Shut the fuck up faggot.


I am an incel who was raped by a women and victimized by many others. They are hellspawn.

You only a victim of the woman who have raped you and hurt you but you not a victim of every single women.

I would've felt sympathy for you if you hadn't thrown every single women under the bus because of what a couple of women have done to you, do you know how many molested me when I was a child ? Judged me and shamed me? Plenty. And yet, I'm still attracted to men, I don't hold every single man accountable for what a couple of men have done to me.

Im lost women molested you and now youre attracted to men?

This didnt happen to me as a child. This all happened to me as an adult. I was spoonfed a line of shit about being a good person and giving people the benefit of the doubt. And all I got was fucked over and raped.

Because this world is filled with evil bastard coated cunts with shit filling. Hawaii volcano? Hilarious. School shooting? Dont care. Chemical bombs in aleppo? Move if you dont like it.

This species is fucking trash and I hope this world ends. I hope Yellowstone blows. It would end civilization. What a great day that will be.

I'm saying men molested me and I'm still attracted to men and don't hold all of them accountable for what a couple have done to me. Also, it doesn't matter how old a victim is, a victim is a victim.

Also, I have a right to say what I want to say, if I want to talk about a whole bunch of fucktards who want to put every single women in the same category as bad people all because of what a couple of women have done, then I can do that.

That's like saying that since I don't like rape, I might as well not dress the way I want to dress even though I'm not responsible for what a rapist thinks of me or what a rapist does to me. That's why, in this case (where a woman dresses the way she wants to) rape is rape and not sex, because all I wanted to do was look nice, I didn't want sex.

And you are just oh, so edgy.


dont catergorize all women.

categorizes all women.

Okay then. I still got raped.and manipulated for a.decade.


why are you replying in PMs and not on the comments, little monkey?

excuses. nobody is forcing you to reply asap. wait 10 minutes and then type. but we both know you won't do that kek. you just wanted to fling shit in public and then have an excuse to continue to do so privately. not playing your little stupid games, monkey

Wow. I'm not an incel, but just so you know, most incels are against violence.

Don't disrespect an entire community all because of what a few trolls, extremists, or mentally ill people think.

We can't hear you, buddy!

This right here is a textbook case of a toasty roastie. :)

How so?

just run drug lord game bro.

They defend, bullying, stalking, harassment and threats.

She literally defends Dark Chad and sees this as a vindication of the Blue Pill viewpoint. No words

Jesus fucking christ


opinion discarded

Chapo is so cool hes on permanent lockdown in rikers and is responsible for untold amounts of murders.

Major personality.

IT posters are so fucking delusional.

Somehow the millions of women who get abused worldwide everyday (not to mention the thousands murdered yearly) is not as bad as the like 2 "incels" who snapped in the last 5 years and actually harmed someone (other than themselves). Like how much mental gymnastics do you have to go through to come up with this shit?

To answer my own question: It's because they have to convince themselves that their bullying is righteous. They are mostly narcissists who think they're the hero in their own TV show. Always capable of twisting events so that they can view themselves as the good guy. The reason they fight so hard against taking the black pill is because taking it will destroy their entire persona. Their entire self-worth has been built upon being a nice guy™ if they finally swallow it that means admitting that they aren't who they think they are. So they must maintain their worldview that incels are the real bad guys because admitting to themselves that they are nothing more a schoolyard bully would utterly destroy their over-inflated egos.

perfect;y stated

High IQ

The biggest sin you can do is to have an ugly face.

You are providing them 0 sexual pleasure and you are effectively trash for them.

Good looking murderers are t lost souls who strayed from the path for a while.They just need some love to express their internal beaty once again

"Just be like Ted Bundy, Bro!!"

The post is right tho. R/braincels mixes up personality with being a good person. A terrible person can have a good personality. Good personality means you're charismatic, not that you're good. An autist can be really good but will still have a bad personality.

A terrible person can have a good personality

You heard it here first, fox.

What are you talking about? No one ever denied that. Hitler was charismatic and had a good personality, doesnt' mean he wasn't evil

We also never rape people, by definition. But somehow we perpetuate violence against women?

Violence against women seems like a normie problem, not an incel problem.

haha that's pretty funny

idk. i'm currently in a really healthy and happy relationship with someone who was an incel when i met him

fakecel out ree

shhh.. shhh... its okay buddy

You’re still looking at women as objects.

You think because you’re not a drug lord or abuser, you DESERVE women.

None of us deserve anyone. We just meet people we get along with and have sex with then. The sooner you see women as humans and less like sex objects you think you should own, the better.

Nice bait, now piss off.

That's a stupid argument because humans are social animals, that is biological. We all depend on one another to some extent within collectives, be it a family, a community, etc. If anything, at least women maintain a power tool over men, by being "objectified" it also means she is a gatekeeper, it is and always has been the women that are the choosers. In this sense women have power over men. But when men are objectified as walking ATM's or as human cannon fodder to shield women (in the name of "chivalry"), we do not benefit from that. In fact, we loose out more for it.

Honestly, I am a patriarchist, a soft patriarchist, I don't believe in rape or that people should be forced into marriage, I believe monogamy can be socially reinforced through a dying practice called slut shaming, which used to be practiced (even if not by that name) against both genders when we were in a patriarchal society. Simply put, men and women are biologically different, and because of this we generally have different strengths and weaknesses. The further we rebel against biological gender norms, the further society crumbles. Monogamy inhibits hypergamy, ensuring (via meritocratic methods) that women do not get unlimited options, they have to be more reasonable and fair, not what we have today with 300 lb. obese women hooking up with strong, athletic men who should be way out of her league. It ensures a fair playing field for everyone. Women pick the man, but some restraints have been placed on her options so that woman has to keep in her own league. But she gets the privilege of being safe, having someone financially support her, and being able to live a life of relative comfort and leisure. Her burden is she doesn't have formal authority, and does not work outside the home. However if a woman chooses not to get married, none of this would even apply. The man's privilege and burden would be opposite of what the woman's is. he gets the privilege of holding authority and helping direct the community, but this comes with a heavy responsibility which could burden him to devote his life to taking care of his family, including his wife, and to be willing to risk or even give up his life to protect her.

I don't believe in rape, or violence, or none of that shit. Harems are what you get with hard patriarchy (which is bad for everyone except the most "alpha" of the "alphas"), it's bad for women and for lower status, average or below average men. Shit like you've got in Islamic nations or warlord nations living in 3rd world conditions, only a psychopath would want..... We've went from a monogamous society, to where now we are in a hypergamous society, which will eventually lead to a polygamist society. Polygamy/polyamory is the most selfish, self entitled, narcissistic, bratty thing out there, it's basically "let me have 30 partners to satisfy every minute facet of my being, while 30 more men will live in crippling loneliness and frustration." Another way of saying that, is entitlement. But again, a lot of this is just history repeating the same cycles.

I know this, in a hypergamous society like we have now, where 80% of women are chasing 20% of men, that 20% must be the OBJECT of women's desire. Women are just as guilty of "objectifying" men, men and women both objectify one another in different ways. This is unavoidable. It is an immutable law of nature. Doesn't mean we don't treat one another like civilized human beings or that we don't care about one another. Objectification only becomes a problem when one gender is exclusively objectified while the other has been "liberated." I don't see many women clamoring to sign up for selective service, nor to exempt men from it.

high iq

Women care about genetics. They want their kids to be cute, so when they choose a partner, looks definitely come in to consideration. Why would they marry a short and unattractive man? They don't want their kids to "lose the genetic lottery" and become an Incel.

PS. Drug dealers and criminals were not born evil, they were not raised properly.


IT plays a part in perpetuating the black pill. I’m not sure they realize that. Or maybe they don’t care as long as they can get that instant self gratification from whatever perceived superiority they feel they have. Those people are sick.

Isnt a guy calling a woman a roastie still abusive?


Haha what a joke

The only reason why women like guys is aesthetics or power thats why incels are alone

Ok just stopping by to see what this place even is. That being said reports had it Charles Manson was a very charismatic man

If the use of ‘roastie’ is really the issue at hand here (and every once in a while, it really could stand to be considered) the crucial problem is that you’re demonizing the very thing you want women to do. Let’s say you really do have a shot at losing your incel status. The women out there who may make the choice to be with you would never tolerate someone who shames them for making the decision to sleep with someone whom they were into just because that person wasn’t the guy currently in front of them.

And really, this is not scratching the surface, but maybe you really honestly don’t know that. There’s no end to the problems that stem from your community’s concept of roastiedom. Like, girls are born with either long or short labia and there’s no such thing as drawing out the inner labia through extensive penetration. All that happens when you stigmatize a perfectly natural formation of labia is that women are driven to get labiaplasty or just live hating themselves. Vaginas are arguably the most popular thing in the history of mankind, and it’s beyond absurd to call any vagina ugly, let alone make up anatomically incorrect stories about how it got that way.

Wow the roastie meme triggering power is strong.

I advise you not to look into female on child abuse, you'll find its much more common than you would normally believe, and, even worse, very often the woman is just following his companion path, who is the real child molester, in a sort of perverted and perverse relationship

Peter Scully is an example. Picked up two random prostitutes in the Philippine and just had them blindly following his orders in abusing and killing the children without battling an eye

What does this say about girls

Explaining why people go for abusers =/= defending them lmfao

p sure it’s a joke lol. meant to show how even compared to the scum of the earth, incels are “lower” (and that in itself is a joke too)

God i hate these yallers. Personality means nothing. Its just a pointless excuse for women to insult you when you try to disprove them. I know drug dealers who are completely shitty people and have horrible personalities yet they still get women. Its all about status. If you have something to give, then they want it.

You might want to review how reflexive pronouns work.

fakecel out ree

shhh.. shhh... its okay buddy