Are they saying that homosexuals, that are fearing for their lives (i.e in saudia arabia), can just turn straight and are getting voluntarily punished?
Your right. The default is straight, deviation from that is because of some sort of damage or defective process.
But so is schizophrenia, depression, body or gender dysphoria. The treatment for these is not to make it OK, it's to actually treat the problem.
Many (not all not all not all but most) gay men suffered sexual abuse as a child or when they were younger, which shapes the way they view sex later on.
there is no default
we’ve just been taught that straight was the norm forever
I didn’t even know you could like the same gender until I hit high school!
And are you sure about that? Most gay men? I’ve never heard that before
Yeah dude, its a thing. Talk to them you'll be hard pressed not to find one that didn't have that happen to them. Or go look it up. Many of them see it as a right of passage or just "something that happened" and don't find it related. That's a psychological cope of abuse victims.
Also the percentage of child sexual abusers is like 1 in 20 are homosexual as opposed to like 1 in 450 or something like that for heterosexual. Of course many (((defenders))) of it say that the abuser could determine that the child was gay, or into their advances. That's just sick, and wrong.
Yes, we teach straight being the norm because it is. Just like we teach you have ten fingers and toes by default. Some truths don't need to be taught, they just are.
Most people make assumptions about your sexuality because it is very likely that on the sexuality spectrum you are gay
Most Incels have an adoration and sexual obsession with the male body, they post pictures of other men and look at other men sexually
They describe the vagina as gross and not something they want to have sex with and that most women except actresses or porn can cause then arousal
- these are very common in closeted gay men who often also are attracted to women in porn and movies but not in real life situations
It is very likely that the vast majority of Incels are closeted men who are simply to afraid of even exploring the possibility of their gay life for fear of persecution- there is a lot of female role play acceptable in the incel community, as cat-fishing and even going as far as to fake cam girl accounts
-all of this is under the excuse of some kind of black pill joke but it’s much more clearly about sexuality and the desire to BE women and to have sex with the men that incel communities are obsessed with
My advice to all Incels to go to some gay lifestyle experiences- not try and have gay sex just gay meet ups or gay hang outs and actually talk to some gay men- learn about the life style and have the entire thing removed of taboo and see that gay people are not a secret society of aliens, just people on sexual spectrum
The reason that gay organizations talk about there needing to be more labels then just gay or straight is for this exact issue
Op, you are almost certainly not binary, go learn more about yourself and just live your true self, you will be happier
When girls with anorexia post pictures of super thin women on their pro-ana tumblrs, does that mean they're lesbians? No, of course not. They're posting them as an example of the ideal bodies they want because they feel unhappy with their own bodies, and incels post pictures of male models for similar reasons.
Actually eating disorders are deeply tied to homosexuality in both men and women
- so yes, actually they are posting images of models as an outlet of their homosexuality and desire
Eating disorders are also connected to Incels where their is high cases of body dysfunction- again all connected to homosexuality
Incels simply are connected to homosexuality- you can see this in the large number who in engage in female cam girl play and female masturbation play for money on a lot of forums- these are deeply closeted acts and its hard to ignore
I have just worked with a lot of CBT behaviorists and the issues Incels have with their homosexuality and with their deep cognitive dissonance is not exactly complicated
Additionally it has been very obvious to me in every interaction I have ever had with people identifying as incel that the issue is either denial about about poverty or homosexuality
Again, the running themes of Incels engaging in female cam play and masturbation play are not secret, men on these boards very often pretend to be women, catfish men, engage in cam play with them as women- this is not heterosexual behavior
Why do low-IQ’s always act like they know more about a person’s mind than the person who has had that mind for decades? Is it part of their inflated ego?
The same reason a cop can identify a terrorist or a therapist can identify an ill person
Sometimes an outside perspective makes the obvious obvious
Incels regularly admit to gendered masturbation play as women with men, they cam girl as women with men, they catfish as women with men
- these are common facts in the incel community that are not hidden
Eating disorders are common in Incels and are at 90% correlation with homosexuality in men
These factors on their own lend a lot of evidence to the issue, but add to that the use of closeted language and rhetoric on women, the body worship of men, it really is obvious
You have made a large number of claims and have not provided evidence for any of them. As such, they can be dismissed with as little evidence as they were introduced.
1 xxgtxy 2018-05-22
Are they saying that homosexuals, that are fearing for their lives (i.e in saudia arabia), can just turn straight and are getting voluntarily punished?
1 snakeeyez2 2018-05-22
You can't spell Low IQ without CuckTears
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-22
But it is though.
1 TurboTrashman 2018-05-22
For some it's easier to "go gay", or at least genuinely consider it, for others it's almost impossible. Sexuality is a spectrum.
1 grizzzzzzle 2018-05-22
it’s a spectrum, but you can’t just say “okay I am here for today and here for tomorrow” ya feel
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-22
So you buy into that pedophile kinsey's experiment? That dude was degenerate too.
1 grizzzzzzle 2018-05-22
it’s not dude
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-22
Your right. The default is straight, deviation from that is because of some sort of damage or defective process.
But so is schizophrenia, depression, body or gender dysphoria. The treatment for these is not to make it OK, it's to actually treat the problem.
Many (not all not all not all but most) gay men suffered sexual abuse as a child or when they were younger, which shapes the way they view sex later on.
1 grizzzzzzle 2018-05-22
there is no default we’ve just been taught that straight was the norm forever I didn’t even know you could like the same gender until I hit high school! And are you sure about that? Most gay men? I’ve never heard that before
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-22
Yeah dude, its a thing. Talk to them you'll be hard pressed not to find one that didn't have that happen to them. Or go look it up. Many of them see it as a right of passage or just "something that happened" and don't find it related. That's a psychological cope of abuse victims.
Also the percentage of child sexual abusers is like 1 in 20 are homosexual as opposed to like 1 in 450 or something like that for heterosexual. Of course many (((defenders))) of it say that the abuser could determine that the child was gay, or into their advances. That's just sick, and wrong.
Yes, we teach straight being the norm because it is. Just like we teach you have ten fingers and toes by default. Some truths don't need to be taught, they just are.
1 goomylord 2018-05-22
1 grizzzzzzle 2018-05-22
I don’t really think so but I can’t argue
but straight isn’t the norm anything but straight isn’t an illness, per say
1 EverythingIsSoSincur 2018-05-22
There is no treatment.
1 realmonkeycel 2018-05-22
What a genius insight by this guy. Singlehandedly solving the incel problem
1 ddeet2 2018-05-22
"Just be gay, bro! You can get all the sex you don't want!"
1 grizzzzzzle 2018-05-22
ew homosexuality isn’t a choice why would I choose to be something that people hate me for
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-22
13 comments suggest a pretty high upvote count as well
1 ivana_g 2018-05-22
IT is so enlightened
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-22
Ooh, I think IT are homophobic.
1 harambeazn 2018-05-22
They are
1 ivana_g 2018-05-22
No, IT is enlightened and superior to us incels.
1 ghiknfrtf 2018-05-22
Most people make assumptions about your sexuality because it is very likely that on the sexuality spectrum you are gay
Most Incels have an adoration and sexual obsession with the male body, they post pictures of other men and look at other men sexually
They describe the vagina as gross and not something they want to have sex with and that most women except actresses or porn can cause then arousal - these are very common in closeted gay men who often also are attracted to women in porn and movies but not in real life situations
It is very likely that the vast majority of Incels are closeted men who are simply to afraid of even exploring the possibility of their gay life for fear of persecution- there is a lot of female role play acceptable in the incel community, as cat-fishing and even going as far as to fake cam girl accounts -all of this is under the excuse of some kind of black pill joke but it’s much more clearly about sexuality and the desire to BE women and to have sex with the men that incel communities are obsessed with
My advice to all Incels to go to some gay lifestyle experiences- not try and have gay sex just gay meet ups or gay hang outs and actually talk to some gay men- learn about the life style and have the entire thing removed of taboo and see that gay people are not a secret society of aliens, just people on sexual spectrum
The reason that gay organizations talk about there needing to be more labels then just gay or straight is for this exact issue
Op, you are almost certainly not binary, go learn more about yourself and just live your true self, you will be happier
1 ButeoIncelicus 2018-05-22
When girls with anorexia post pictures of super thin women on their pro-ana tumblrs, does that mean they're lesbians? No, of course not. They're posting them as an example of the ideal bodies they want because they feel unhappy with their own bodies, and incels post pictures of male models for similar reasons.
1 ghiknfrtf 2018-05-22
Actually eating disorders are deeply tied to homosexuality in both men and women - so yes, actually they are posting images of models as an outlet of their homosexuality and desire
Eating disorders are also connected to Incels where their is high cases of body dysfunction- again all connected to homosexuality
Incels simply are connected to homosexuality- you can see this in the large number who in engage in female cam girl play and female masturbation play for money on a lot of forums- these are deeply closeted acts and its hard to ignore
1 retarded_dumbshit 2018-05-22
How are you enjoying that psych 101 course?
1 ghiknfrtf 2018-05-22
I am a finance lawyer not a therapist
I have just worked with a lot of CBT behaviorists and the issues Incels have with their homosexuality and with their deep cognitive dissonance is not exactly complicated
Additionally it has been very obvious to me in every interaction I have ever had with people identifying as incel that the issue is either denial about about poverty or homosexuality
Again, the running themes of Incels engaging in female cam play and masturbation play are not secret, men on these boards very often pretend to be women, catfish men, engage in cam play with them as women- this is not heterosexual behavior
1 191132 2018-05-22
10/10 homophobic post. Fucks fags brah
1 Rhodri_Kraakman 2018-05-22
Why do low-IQ’s always act like they know more about a person’s mind than the person who has had that mind for decades? Is it part of their inflated ego?
1 ghiknfrtf 2018-05-22
The same reason a cop can identify a terrorist or a therapist can identify an ill person
Sometimes an outside perspective makes the obvious obvious
Incels regularly admit to gendered masturbation play as women with men, they cam girl as women with men, they catfish as women with men - these are common facts in the incel community that are not hidden
Eating disorders are common in Incels and are at 90% correlation with homosexuality in men
These factors on their own lend a lot of evidence to the issue, but add to that the use of closeted language and rhetoric on women, the body worship of men, it really is obvious
1 Rhodri_Kraakman 2018-05-22
You’re not a psychologist.
lol no
lol no
A select few have seen hiw many responses they get as an extremely ugly women or attractive man, so once again lol no
I, too, can pull numbers out of my ass. Ur mum has a 150% chance of having the big gay.
The only person’s I worship is our lord and savior BlackopsIIcel
1 ghiknfrtf 2018-05-22
That you are ignoring the number of Incels who admit on here to gendered masturbation play shows you are willfully ignorant
1 Rhodri_Kraakman 2018-05-22
You have made a large number of claims and have not provided evidence for any of them. As such, they can be dismissed with as little evidence as they were introduced.
1 ghiknfrtf 2018-05-22
All my claims are visible in hundreds of threads, many of them I have participated in
That you are ignoring them is based solely on your own choice to ignore them
Incels have admitted in many hundreds of threads of participating in gendered masturbation as women and in cam sites
There is even a how to guide posted about how to be a convincing women on a cam site to get men to give you money and to enjoy the attention
None of it is hidden, you are one of very few people on here who has ever denied that this is occurring
1 Rhodri_Kraakman 2018-05-22
Once again, you are making claims without providing evidence. If such things are so common, providing evidence shouldn't be a bother to you.
1 ivana_g 2018-05-22
Also note the blackpill he inadvertently drops in his homophobic post: Men are less desirable than women.
1 Hoeasss 2018-05-22
Proof that straight incels are volcels/s
1 c_hagenswold 2018-05-22
What’s the score of this post?
1 bhavv 2018-05-22
People really have no clue what its like being a gay currycel.
And sure, I 'chose' to be gay since the age of 4 years old.