Normies IRL

43  2018-05-22 by Ryzasu


low iq normies. can't detect sarcasm without their/ss /ss's

"i have to put /s in my posts because otherwise people might misinterpret me and downvote me and i will lose precious internet karma points :(((((((("

Low iq numales on numaletears are unable to detect sarcasm and Jones they always use the /s

The american/anglo society is so fake that people seems to have discovered they can't detect sarcasm anymore

This is the worst thing the normies have to worry about, unfair!

Don't forget stepping on le lego

WhAt tHE iNtErnEt NeEds mOrE tHaN EveR iS a SaRcAsm FOnT

idk a lot of incels seem to have a hard time picking up on my sarcasm. i'm an incel male btw.

I have autism and I have a better time, it seems, picking up on sarcasm than normies do.