Incel Tears

226  2018-05-22 by AcceptablePark


Wife’s boyfriend

Nightmare fuel

Im dead loooool.

Top kek

Top shelf kek


I don't get the joke. I've seen that specific scene in the movie where the kid gets dragged down the drain... Does this imply that if you browse IT you get dragged down the drain by the wife husband to play switch?

You're thinking too hard.

he needs more soy

I've got soy there. And balloons. And dildos. And Nintendo Switches...

You like Switch, don't you?

I don't see any soy

No the young boy gets dragged down for u/a_hanging_chad pleasure

Yeah, except numales aren't scary to anyone.

Should be Soylent instead of a balloon



Much scarier than Pennywise

This shit is funny as hell

Top drawer