Fuck Inceltears

42  2018-05-22 by joemo555

Braincels member: "you know, i think that it's often easier for an anxious girl to find a guy who is willing to date her than vice versa." -80 downvote net

Inceltears member: "What about Hitler!? Was he OK too? You disgust me, you sexist Nazi!" -200 upvotes


Their cognitive dissonance baffles me.

They're a real Band of Brainlets.

It's scary that people like that exist. They don't even have the ability to think. Everything goes in one ear and out the other with them.

I don't get how anxiety has to do with Hitler according to IT.

It's funny, I could literally apply your comment to how I feel about r/braincels.

Cool. Go ahead and explain. I'm willing to talk and theorize. Unlike IT.

I'm not really interested in theorizing. But I guess I'll share a few thoughts, as invited. Please note that any use of "you" is a "you all" referring to r/braincels.

First, I think it's important to recognize that r/inceltears states in its description that it's a "part-mocking" subreddit. Things posted there should perhaps be taken with a grain of salt. On the other hand, r/braincels "celebrates" incel culture. "Normies" aren't necessarily able to determine whether things posted here are serious or not.

I came to this subreddit to see what self-proclaimed incels think and say, instead of relying on r/IncelTears and the media. I'm honestly horrified and kind of nauseated by this sub. There's are multiple posts about hating women, posts that degrade women to just existing for reproduction. Perhaps it's this negative attitude towards women that makes it difficult for "incels" to have relations with women. I guess it's a "chicken or egg" kind of thing.

Many comments view any kind of disagreement by anyone who's not a "truecel" to have low IQ, not able to formulate an argument, too stupid, etc. There's also the attitude that anyone who hasn't had this "black pill," whatever that is, is simply too stupid. There's a mental posture of superiority. When you say that anyone who disagrees is stupid, it's just shutting the door on a conversation. Incels want to be understood, they don't want to be misrepresented, but the things I read in this subreddit just support the negative characteristics I'd previously heard.

Reading many, MANY of these posts today, I think there's a lot of very low self-esteem that is turned into a hatred of women AND a hatred of other men, "Chads." Stuff about "If you're not over 6'1", you're fucked." There are these posts, often titled "Daily Reminder," that exist purely to put fellow incels down. Like this one. Why not support each other, uplift each other? Daily reminder that you are loved, that there's more to life than sex, etc. Be bros to each other, dammit!!!!

There are always going to be extremes in both feminist and incel cultures. I saw screenshots of women saying really awful stuff! OP's post falls in this category too, I don't even know how Hitler got involved. The internet really exacerbates these extremes. I just hope incels don't forget that decent people exist too. I know, or rather hope, that not everyone in this sub literally hates women.

I don't know a lot about incel culture. I wish I felt like reading r/braincels as a "femoid" and "normie" wouldn't cause heartburn, both literal and figurative. I can't say I feel like I learned anything productive from reading this sub. For lack of a better term, it just read like a negative circlejerk (and I apologize for the use of the expression, I really can't think of a better descriptor). I don't think this sub is good for anyone's mental well-being, especially incels.

I think depressed people tend to socialize by being depressed together. Many of us were mocked and laughed at from a young age due to anxiety and being ugly or overweight. Women can always find men. All they have to do is put themselves out there and men are desperate enough. Anxious men, on the other hand, have a much harder time, especially because many anxious men are also ugly. Women can always find someone better. You can go on dating sites and see this. Women have way more options. That is the general idea. Yeah, we know it's not over it you're under 6'1" but the point is, dating life is much much harder for short men. When someone completely denies that looks and status matter in attraction, of course incels are going to be pissed off. That's undeniable. Looks and status matter immensely. I do believe personality plays a factor, but often women tend to like domineering men, not anxious ones. This is a sub that feels hopeless and copes by venting together. If at least the clearly evident truths were respected by the public, it would be a lot easier to play the cards we were dealt. What's the point if everyone denies that we were dealt a shit hand? I grew up overweight, anxious and with multiple facial north defects. Women laughed at me and ignored me... And went for my more attractive friends every time. Now I have the media telling me it's not because I was overweight or unattractive or anxious that I was rejected, it was because I am a horrible person, and I know that's not true. Yes, I am bitter towards women now but o ly because of how I have been treated. I have since lost the weight, and gotten facial surgery... And now women are treating me like a human being. Which sucks in its own way. That's the real black pill. I became more attractive and the respect came. I still can't trust women though because I know had I still been ugly, I would still be ignored and ridiculed.

I appreciate you sharing your experience and thoughts with me. I'm still thinking it over. I guess one question would be, what do you think would be the answer to your perceived problem with society? What kind of actions can incels take to make a positive difference? In your opinion.

I think polygamy has reached a point where sex is more of a pride token. For guys in quality and for women in quality. I think society as a while should be less serialized and everyone will be happier. It would return back to something you do with someone you really like and care about. I think exposing the shallowness discovered in OK Cupid and Tinder is a good thing. It really lies in the hands of sympathy tho. For everyone to not be scared to voice this as a growing problem in society. Rising single parenthood, male celibacy, and a drop in actual romantic connections and people even knowing what that means. On an individual level, I think incels need to accept that the game isn't fair and get over the PTSD of past bullying and rejection. And hey, thanks for listening

I'm also willing to talk if you want to elaborate further

I replied to OP's comment, if you're interested.

Looked at your comment history and it is actually true. Doesn't surprise me though

Like arguing with a brick wall

They go too far off in the opposite direction. Life is not rainbows and unicorns. Not everything here is true, but it's closer to reality than what they push.

Exactly. We are kind of delusional in ways. The black pill being looks isn't all. Status and looks do play a big role. They won't even concede that. We are a lot closer to reality than they are, and I think most of us know looks and status and gender aren't 100%. A lot closer to that than 0% tho.

One of the truer things here is that looks trump personality, almost every time. IT will admit this, but in a round about sugar coated way, and it takes a page long essay to come to their conclusion. Here we'll just that looks are most important, point blank, no bullshit.

They have some serious mental retardations.