We’re even getting judged on our choice of shampoo.

84  2018-05-22 by unicornsteven


I use head and shoulders 2 in 1

Great for getting a bigger frame and a better personality!!!

I use American Crew... Extra shampoo for extra ladies

don't use that garbage anon. That shampoo is too strong. Will fuck with your hair once you're older. Try milder ones, and once in 3 days.

LOL. Once in three days...by the end of the day, my scalp is oily enough to warrant washing again (but I wait for the next morning).

That’s because you wash it every day.

Gonna back this guy up, when you use super strong shampoo it strips the natural oil from your hair. As a result your hair gets oily more often. Try using separate shampoo and conditioner without sulfates (chemical that mainly strips all the oil out). My hair has never felt better, and I don't need to wash for a week at a time because my hair produces oils much slower now.

Nonsense. Skin doesn't "adapt" to oil production. This is known as the "feedback hypothesis" and was debunked by Shelley and Kligman decades ago. The poster Bryan Shelton from the acne.org and hairloss forums also did the same experiment himself and confirmed the results.

The sebaceous glands keep producing oil at a constant rate, regardless of what you do to your skin.

It's not nearly as black and white as you make it seem, Shelley & Klingman work also has severe methodological issues.

Makrantonaki, Evgenia, Ruta Ganceviciene, and Christos C. Zouboulis. “An update on the role of the sebaceous gland in the pathogenesis of acne.” Dermato-endocrinology 3.1 (2011): 41-49.

Eberhardt, H., and G. Trieb. “Is the excretion of sebum regulated?.” Archives of dermatological research2 (1979): 127-133.

Eberhardt, Hans. “Does a feedback mechanism work in acne?.” International journal of dermatology3 (1981): 174-174.

Piérard, G. E., C. Piérard-Franchimont, and A. M. Kligman. “Kinetics of sebum excretion evaluated by the Sebutape®–Chromameter® technique.” Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 6.1 (1993): 38-44.

oily scalp, you're one lucky fucker. That's a positive anon. Don't wash it everyday. After a few weeks, you head skin will adapt to it. You should browse some subreddits related to haircare and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Nonsense. Skin doesn't "adapt" to oil production. This is known as the "feedback hypothesis" and was debunked by Shelley and Kligman decades ago. The poster Bryan Shelton from the acne.org and hairloss forums also did the same experiment himself and confirmed the results.

The sebaceous glands keep producing oil at a constant rate, regardless of what you do to your skin.

It's a common things its called "no-poo" (shampoo)

This is all they could do, betting. "I bet incels this" "I bet incels that" "I bet incels neckbeards" "I bet incels fat".

How the fuck does that make any sense whatsoever as an insult anyway?

It kinda does, not sure why incels were mentioned though. Shampoo is usually applied at the start of shower and rinsed off. Then you apply conditioner before applying soap to the rest of the body. At the end, you rinse off your body, starting with your hair.

2 in 1 is usually used for ease. I can't use it often because I still end up with tangly hair that ties itself in knots for shits and giggles.

I usually shampoo, then condition my hair, leave the conditioner in with my hair clipped on top of my head while I do the rest of my wash/shave routine, rinse my body, then lean forwards in the shower to rinse my hair so I don't get conditioner all over my skin, because it makes me feel sticky.

I have long hair, and lots of it...

People with shorter hair could probably get away with it, especially if they have little time. I used to use a 2 in 1 after swimming to get rid of the chlorine but didn't want to spend ages in the showers at the pool.

Found the incel.

I'm not allowed to be incel.

No issue for balds

hair elastics

Sounds too much like mental gymnastics

Either that or axe. I've had a few compliments actually...

I only shampoo my hair once a week, as shampooing daily is really bad for your hair.


Even worse, I use 1 in 1 shampoo. It's just shampoo.

This is why I'm incel.

I use 3-in-1.

I must be irredeemable.



.... do most men NOT use 2 in 1?

Like, yeah women need conditioner for their long hair but do dudes really need it? your hair is short, what difference does it make? I have never met a man that used separate shampoo and conditioner. guaranteed this was written by a woman.

Like, yeah women need conditioner for their long hair

Conditioner isn't for long hair, its to help heal the rough follicles. It helps to keep your hair looking smooth and shining. 2 in 1 is fine and will get you by, but if you actually want to take care of yourself it's best to use two products. Especially for people with curly hair, it helps to keep it from getting tangled and 'meh' looking.

this but unironically

shampoo is for faggots

can i suck ya dick

Too bad there is no point in using conditioner when you are bald.

normies = retards

I’m not an incel and I still use that wtf

bathr0om products are among the most successful jew tricks of the 20th century.

You need NOTHING other than a basic bar of soap and cold water to be perfectly hygienic.

I don't even shower.

Lmao I don't even use conditioner because it dries the shit out of my scalp and (when I have long hair) makes my Jewfro all knatty.

JFL if you're not conditionermaxxing!

I use 1 in 1 body wash for my hair and body

I stopped using shampoo and soap out of laziness and I don't smell any worse and my heair looks the same. Big redpill

Apprently hair stylists on youtube recommend not shampooing often

Nah nopoo, hair looks nice and wavy as hell from it

Oh fuck, they got me there. That's exactly why I'm incel!

It kinda does, not sure why incels were mentioned though. Shampoo is usually applied at the start of shower and rinsed off. Then you apply conditioner before applying soap to the rest of the body. At the end, you rinse off your body, starting with your hair.

It's not nearly as black and white as you make it seem, Shelley & Klingman work also has severe methodological issues.

Makrantonaki, Evgenia, Ruta Ganceviciene, and Christos C. Zouboulis. “An update on the role of the sebaceous gland in the pathogenesis of acne.” Dermato-endocrinology 3.1 (2011): 41-49.

Eberhardt, H., and G. Trieb. “Is the excretion of sebum regulated?.” Archives of dermatological research2 (1979): 127-133.

Eberhardt, Hans. “Does a feedback mechanism work in acne?.” International journal of dermatology3 (1981): 174-174.

Piérard, G. E., C. Piérard-Franchimont, and A. M. Kligman. “Kinetics of sebum excretion evaluated by the Sebutape®–Chromameter® technique.” Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 6.1 (1993): 38-44.